var A4MapLayer = /** @class */ (function () { function A4MapLayer(width, height, gfs) { this.elevation = 0; // this indicates the elevation offset of the tiles in this layer this.graphicFiles = []; this.gfs_startTile = []; this.canDig = []; this.tiles = []; this.width = width; this.height = height; this.graphicFiles = gfs; var startTile = 0; for (var i = 0; i < gfs.length; i++) { this.gfs_startTile.push(startTile); startTile += gfs[i].n_tiles; } for (var i = 0; i < width * height; i++) { this.tiles.push(null); this.canDig.push(0); } this.tileWidth = gfs[0].tileWidth; this.tileHeight = gfs[0].tileHeight; } A4MapLayer.prototype.cacheDrawTiles = function () { for (var i = 0; i < this.width * this.height; i++) { if (this.tiles[i] != null) { this.tiles[i].cacheDrawTiles(this.graphicFiles, this.gfs_startTile); } } }; A4MapLayer.prototype.draw = function (offsetx, offsety, zoom, SCREEN_X, SCREEN_Y, game) {; ctx.scale(zoom, zoom); var y = -offsety; var ZSY = Math.floor(SCREEN_Y / zoom); var ZSX = Math.floor(SCREEN_X / zoom); for (var i = 0; i < this.height && y < ZSY; i++, y += this.tileHeight) { if (y + this.tileHeight < 0) continue; var offset = i * this.width; var x = -offsetx; for (var j = 0; j < this.width && x < ZSX; j++, x += this.tileWidth, offset++) { if (x + this.tileWidth < 0) continue; if (this.tiles[offset] != null) { this.tiles[offset].draw(x, y, this.tileHeight); } } } ctx.restore(); }; A4MapLayer.prototype.drawRegion = function (offsetx, offsety, zoom, SCREEN_X, SCREEN_Y, visibility, visibilityRegion, game, map) {; ctx.scale(zoom, zoom); var y = -offsety; var ZSY = Math.floor(SCREEN_Y / zoom); var ZSX = Math.floor(SCREEN_X / zoom); for (var i = 0; i < this.height && y < ZSY; i++, y += this.tileHeight) { if (y + this.tileHeight < 0) continue; var offset = i * this.width; var x = -offsetx; for (var j = 0; j < this.width && x < ZSX; j++, x += this.tileWidth, offset++) { if (x + this.tileWidth < 0) continue; if (this.tiles[offset] != null) { if (visibility[offset] == visibilityRegion) { if (map.lightOnStatus[offset]) { this.tiles[offset].draw(x, y, this.tileHeight); } else { this.tiles[offset].drawDark(x, y, this.tileHeight); } } else if (visibility[offset] == 0 && ((j > 0 && visibility[offset - 1] == visibilityRegion) || (j < this.width - 1 && visibility[offset + 1] == visibilityRegion) || (i > 0 && visibility[offset - this.width] == visibilityRegion) || (i < this.height - 1 && visibility[offset + this.width] == visibilityRegion) || (j > 0 && i > 0 && visibility[offset - (1 + this.width)] == visibilityRegion) || (j > 0 && i < this.height - 1 && visibility[offset + this.width - 1] == visibilityRegion) || (j < this.width - 1 && i > 0 && visibility[offset + 1 - this.width] == visibilityRegion) || (j < this.width - 1 && i < this.height - 1 && visibility[offset + 1 + this.width] == visibilityRegion))) { if (map.lightOnStatus[offset]) { this.tiles[offset].draw(x, y, this.tileHeight); } else { this.tiles[offset].drawDark(x, y, this.tileHeight); } } } } } ctx.restore(); }; A4MapLayer.prototype.drawRegionRow = function (offsetx, offsety, i, zoom, SCREEN_X, SCREEN_Y, visibility, visibilityRegion, game, map) { i -= this.elevation; if (i < 0) return; if (i >= this.height) return; var y = i * this.tileHeight - offsety; var offset = i * this.width; var offsetWithoutElevation = (i + this.elevation) * this.width; var visibilityOffset = (i + this.elevation) * this.width; var ZSX = Math.floor(SCREEN_X / zoom); var x = -offsetx; for (var j = 0; j < this.width && x < ZSX; j++, x += this.tileWidth, offset++, offsetWithoutElevation++, visibilityOffset++) { if (x + this.tileWidth < 0) continue; if (this.tiles[offset] != null) { if (visibility[visibilityOffset] == visibilityRegion) { if (map.lightOnStatus[offsetWithoutElevation]) { this.tiles[offset].draw(x, y, this.tileHeight); } else { this.tiles[offset].drawDark(x, y, this.tileHeight); } } else if (visibility[visibilityOffset] == 0 && ((j > 0 && visibility[visibilityOffset - 1] == visibilityRegion) || (j < this.width - 1 && visibility[visibilityOffset + 1] == visibilityRegion) || (i > 0 && visibility[visibilityOffset - this.width] == visibilityRegion) || (i < this.height - 1 && visibility[visibilityOffset + this.width] == visibilityRegion) || (j > 0 && i > 0 && visibility[visibilityOffset - (1 + this.width)] == visibilityRegion) || (j > 0 && i < this.height - 1 && visibility[visibilityOffset + this.width - 1] == visibilityRegion) || (j < this.width - 1 && i > 0 && visibility[visibilityOffset + 1 - this.width] == visibilityRegion) || (j < this.width - 1 && i < this.height - 1 && visibility[visibilityOffset + 1 + this.width] == visibilityRegion))) { if (map.lightOnStatus[offsetWithoutElevation]) { this.tiles[offset].draw(x, y, this.tileHeight); } else { this.tiles[offset].drawDark(x, y, this.tileHeight); } } } } }; A4MapLayer.prototype.walkableOnlyBackground = function (x, y, dx, dy, subject) { if (x < -this.tileWidth || y < -this.tileHeight) return false; if (x + dx >= (this.width + 1) * this.tileWidth || y + dy >= (this.height + 1) * this.tileHeight) return false; var tile_x = Math.floor(x / this.tileWidth); var tile_y = Math.floor(y / this.tileHeight); var tile_x2 = Math.floor((x + dx - 1) / this.tileWidth); var tile_y2 = Math.floor((y + dy - 1) / this.tileHeight); var tile = null; for (var i = tile_y; i <= tile_y2; i++) { if (i < 0) continue; if (i >= this.height) continue; for (var j = tile_x; j <= tile_x2; j++) { //if (j>=this.width) return false; if (j >= this.width) continue; tile = this.tiles[j + i * this.width]; if (tile != null && !tile.walkable) { return false; } } } return true; }; A4MapLayer.prototype.seeThrough = function (tilex, tiley) { var tile = this.tiles[tilex + tiley * this.width]; if (tile != null && !tile.seeThrough) { return false; } return true; }; return A4MapLayer; }()); ;