var A4Object = /** @class */ (function () { function A4Object(name, sort) { // modifiers to the shape: this.sprite_offs_x = 0; this.sprite_offs_y = 0; this.pixel_width = 0; // if these are != 0 they are used, otherwise, widht/height are calculated from the current Animation this.pixel_height = 0; this.pixel_tallness = 0; //layer:number; = null; this.animations = null; this.currentAnimation = A4_ANIMATION_IDLE; this.previousSeeThrough = null; this.cycle = 0; this.deadRequest = false; // this is set to true, when the script "die" is executed // pixel width/height cache: this.pixel_width_cache_cycle = -1; this.pixel_width_cache = 0; this.pixel_height_cache = 0; // attributes: = 0; this.takeable = false; this.usable = false; this.interacteable = false; this.burrowed = false; this.canSwim = false; this.canWalk = true; this.drawDarkIfNoLight = true; // If this is set to false, turning the light off will not affect this object // this is used, for example, for objects that emit their own light this.direction = A4_DIRECTION_NONE; // scripts: this.eventScripts = new Array(A4_NEVENTS); // script excution queues (these contain scripts that are pending execution, will be executed in the next "cycle"): this.scriptQueues = []; // story state: this.storyState = {}; this.lastTimeStoryStateChanged = 0; // agendas: this.agendas = []; // list of properties that the AI will perceive this object having: this.perceptionProperties = []; this.ID = "" + A4Object.s_nextID++; = name; this.sort = sort; this.animations = new Array(A4_N_ANIMATIONS); for (var i = 0; i < A4_N_ANIMATIONS; i++) this.animations[i] = null; } A4Object.prototype.loadObjectAdditionalContent = function (xml, game, of, objectsToRevisit_xml, objsctsToRevisit_object) { // add animations: var animations_xml = getElementChildrenByTag(xml, "animation"); for (var i = 0; i < animations_xml.length; i++) { var animation_xml = animations_xml[i]; var a = A4Animation.fromXML(animation_xml, game); for (var idx = 0; idx < A4_N_ANIMATIONS; idx++) { if (animationNames[idx] == animation_xml.getAttribute("name")) { this.setAnimation(idx, a); a = null; break; } } if (a != null) console.error("A4ObjectFactory: not supported animation " + animation_xml.getAttribute("name")); } // set attributes (we allow them to be either "attribute" tags, or the "property" tags set by TILED): var canWalkSet = false; var canSwimSet = false; var attributes_xml = getElementChildrenByTag(xml, "attribute"); for (var i = 0; i < attributes_xml.length; i++) { var attribute_xml = attributes_xml[i]; var a_name = attribute_xml.getAttribute("name"); if (a_name == "canSwim") { canSwimSet = true; this.canSwim = false; if (attribute_xml.getAttribute("value") == "true") this.canSwim = true; } else if (a_name == "canWalk") { canWalkSet = true; this.canWalk = false; if (attribute_xml.getAttribute("value") == "true") this.canWalk = true; } else if (!this.loadObjectAttribute(attribute_xml)) { console.error("Unknown attribute: " + a_name + " for object " + xml.getAttribute("class")); } } var properties_l_xml = getFirstElementChildByTag(xml, "properties"); if (properties_l_xml != null) { var properties_xml = getElementChildrenByTag(properties_l_xml, "property"); for (var i = 0; i < properties_xml.length; i++) { var attribute_xml = properties_xml[i]; var a_name = attribute_xml.getAttribute("name"); if (a_name == "canSwim") { canSwimSet = true; this.canSwim = false; if (attribute_xml.getAttribute("value") == "true") this.canSwim = true; } else if (a_name == "canWalk") { canWalkSet = true; this.canWalk = false; if (attribute_xml.getAttribute("value") == "true") this.canWalk = true; } else if (!this.loadObjectAttribute(attribute_xml)) { console.error("Unknown attribute: " + a_name + " for object " + xml.getAttribute("class")); } } } if (canWalkSet) { if (!canSwimSet) this.canSwim = !this.canWalk; } else { if (canSwimSet) this.canWalk = !this.canSwim; } // loading scripts: { // on start: var onstarts_xml = getElementChildrenByTag(xml, "onStart"); for (var i = 0; i < onstarts_xml.length; i++) { var onstart_xml = onstarts_xml[i]; var tmpq = null; // let onstart_xml_l:NodeListOf = onstart_xml.children; var onstart_xml_l = onstart_xml.children; for (var j = 0; j < onstart_xml_l.length; j++) { var script_xml = onstart_xml_l[j]; var s = A4Script.fromXML(script_xml); if (tmpq == null) tmpq = new A4ScriptExecutionQueue(this, null, null, null); tmpq.scripts.push(s); } if (tmpq != null) this.scriptQueues.push(tmpq); } // on end: var onends_xml = getElementChildrenByTag(xml, "onEnd"); for (var i = 0; i < onends_xml.length; i++) { var onend_xml = onends_xml[i]; // let script_xml_l:NodeListOf = onend_xml.children; var script_xml_l = onend_xml.children; for (var j = 0; j < script_xml_l.length; j++) { var script_xml = script_xml_l[j]; var s = A4Script.fromXML(script_xml); if (this.eventScripts[A4_EVENT_END] == null) this.eventScripts[A4_EVENT_END] = []; this.eventScripts[A4_EVENT_END].push(new A4EventRule(A4_EVENT_END, s, false, 0, 0)); } } // event rules: var eventrules_xml = getElementChildrenByTag(xml, "eventRule"); for (var i = 0; i < eventrules_xml.length; i++) { var rule_xml = eventrules_xml[i]; var r = A4EventRule.fromXML(rule_xml); if (this.eventScripts[r.event] == null) this.eventScripts[r.event] = []; this.eventScripts[r.event].push(r); } } // perception properties: this.perceptionProperties = []; for (var _i = 0, _a = getElementChildrenByTag(xml, "perceptionProperty"); _i < _a.length; _i++) { var prop_xml = _a[_i]; this.perceptionProperties.push(prop_xml.getAttribute("value")); } // the coordinates in the xml files are of the top-left of the object (as it's easier to // edit it this way in Tiled), so, we need to correct by adding tallness: if (xml.getAttribute("x") != null) { this.x = Number(xml.getAttribute("x")); this.y = Number(xml.getAttribute("y")) + this.pixel_tallness; } this.pixel_height -= this.pixel_tallness; }; A4Object.prototype.loadObjectAttribute = function (attribute_xml) { var name = attribute_xml.getAttribute("name"); /* if (name == "ID") { this.ID = attribute_xml.getAttribute("value"); if (A4Object.s_nextID <= Number(this.ID)) A4Object.s_nextID = Number(this.ID)+1; return true; } else */ if (name == "name") { = attribute_xml.getAttribute("value"); return true; } else if (name == "gold" || name == "value") { = Number(attribute_xml.getAttribute("value")); return true; } else if (name == "takeable") { this.takeable = false; if (attribute_xml.getAttribute("value") == "true") this.takeable = true; return true; } else if (name == "usable" || name == "useable") { this.usable = false; if (attribute_xml.getAttribute("value") == "true") this.usable = true; return true; } else if (name == "interacteable") { this.interacteable = false; if (attribute_xml.getAttribute("value") == "true") this.interacteable = true; return true; } else if (name == "burrowed") { this.burrowed = false; if (attribute_xml.getAttribute("value") == "true") this.burrowed = true; return true; } else if (name == "direction") { this.direction = Number(attribute_xml.getAttribute("value")); this.currentAnimation = A4_ANIMATION_IDLE_LEFT + this.direction; // console.log( + ".direction = " + this.direction); return true; } else if (name == "tallness") { this.pixel_tallness = Number(attribute_xml.getAttribute("value")); return true; } else if (name == "sprite_offs_x") { this.sprite_offs_x = Number(attribute_xml.getAttribute("value")); return true; } else if (name == "sprite_offs_y") { this.sprite_offs_y = Number(attribute_xml.getAttribute("value")); return true; } else if (name == "pixel_width") { this.pixel_width = Number(attribute_xml.getAttribute("value")); return true; } else if (name == "pixel_height") { this.pixel_height = Number(attribute_xml.getAttribute("value")); return true; } else if (name == "drawDarkIfNoLight") { this.drawDarkIfNoLight = false; if (attribute_xml.getAttribute("value") == "true") this.drawDarkIfNoLight = true; return true; } return false; }; A4Object.prototype.revisitObject = function (xml, game) { }; A4Object.prototype.pushScripttoExecute = function (script, map, game, otherCharacter) { var sq = new A4ScriptExecutionQueue(this, map, game, otherCharacter); sq.scripts.push(script); this.addScriptQueue(sq); }; A4Object.prototype.saveToXML = function (game, type, saveLocation) { var xmlString = "\n"; } xmlString += ""; return xmlString; }; A4Object.prototype.saveToXMLForMainFile = function (game, tag, mapNumber) { var xmlString = ""; xmlString += "<" + tag + " id=\"" + this.ID + "\"" + " type=\"" + + "\"" + " completeRedefinition=\"true\"" + " x=\"" + this.x + "\"" + " y=\"" + this.y + "\"" + " map=\"" + mapNumber + "\">\n"; xmlString += this.savePropertiesToXML(game); xmlString += ""; return xmlString; }; A4Object.prototype.savePropertiesToXML = function (game) { var xmlString = ""; for (var i = 0; i < A4_N_ANIMATIONS; i++) { if (this.animations[i] != null) { xmlString += this.animations[i].saveToXML(animationNames[i]) + "\n"; } } if ( != null) xmlString += this.saveObjectAttributeToXML("name", + "\n"; if ( > 0) xmlString += this.saveObjectAttributeToXML("gold", + "\n"; if (this.isCharacter() || this.isVehicle()) { xmlString += this.saveObjectAttributeToXML("canWalk", this.canWalk) + "\n"; xmlString += this.saveObjectAttributeToXML("canSwim", this.canSwim) + "\n"; } xmlString += this.saveObjectAttributeToXML("takeable", this.takeable) + "\n"; xmlString += this.saveObjectAttributeToXML("usable", this.usable) + "\n"; xmlString += this.saveObjectAttributeToXML("interacteable", this.interacteable) + "\n"; xmlString += this.saveObjectAttributeToXML("burrowed", this.burrowed) + "\n"; xmlString += this.saveObjectAttributeToXML("direction", this.direction) + "\n"; if (this.pixel_tallness != 0) xmlString += this.saveObjectAttributeToXML("tallness", this.pixel_tallness) + "\n"; if (this.sprite_offs_x != 0) xmlString += this.saveObjectAttributeToXML("sprite_offs_x", this.sprite_offs_x) + "\n"; if (this.sprite_offs_y != 0) xmlString += this.saveObjectAttributeToXML("sprite_offs_y", this.sprite_offs_y) + "\n"; if (this.pixel_width != 0) xmlString += this.saveObjectAttributeToXML("pixel_width", this.pixel_width) + "\n"; if (this.pixel_height != 0) xmlString += this.saveObjectAttributeToXML("pixel_height", this.pixel_height + this.pixel_tallness) + "\n"; if (!this.drawDarkIfNoLight) xmlString += this.saveObjectAttributeToXML("drawDarkIfNoLight", this.drawDarkIfNoLight) + "\n"; var onStarttagOpen = false; for (var v in this.storyState) { if (!onStarttagOpen) { xmlString += "\n"; onStarttagOpen = true; } xmlString += "\n"; } if (onStarttagOpen) xmlString += "\n"; // each execution queue goes to its own "onStart" block: for (var _i = 0, _a = this.scriptQueues; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var seq = _a[_i]; xmlString += "\n"; for (var _b = 0, _c = seq.scripts; _b < _c.length; _b++) { var s = _c[_b]; xmlString += s.saveToXML() + "\n"; } xmlString += "\n"; } if (this.deadRequest) { xmlString += "\n"; xmlString += "\n"; xmlString += "\n"; } if (this.agendas.length > 0) { xmlString += "\n"; // create a script for the agenda for (var _d = 0, _e = this.agendas; _d < _e.length; _d++) { var a = _e[_d]; xmlString += "\n"; for (var _f = 0, _g = a.entries; _f < _g.length; _f++) { var ae = _g[_f]; xmlString += "\n"; for (var _h = 0, _j = ae.scripts; _h < _j.length; _h++) { var s = _j[_h]; xmlString += s.saveToXML() + "\n"; } xmlString += "\n"; } xmlString += "\n"; } xmlString += "\n"; } // rules: for (var i = 0; i < A4_NEVENTS; i++) { if (this.eventScripts[i] != null) { for (var _k = 0, _l = this.eventScripts[i]; _k < _l.length; _k++) { var er = _l[_k]; xmlString += er.saveToXML() + "\n"; } } } return xmlString; }; A4Object.prototype.saveObjectAttributeToXML = function (property, value) { return ""; }; A4Object.prototype.update = function (game) { this.executeScriptQueues(game); // this has to be done first, since "onStart" is put here if (this.cycle == 0) this.event(A4_EVENT_START, null,, game); if (this.eventScripts[A4_EVENT_TIMER] != null) { for (var _i = 0, _a = this.eventScripts[A4_EVENT_TIMER]; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var r = _a[_i]; r.execute(this,, game, null); } } if (this.eventScripts[A4_EVENT_STORYSTATE] != null) { for (var _b = 0, _c = this.eventScripts[A4_EVENT_STORYSTATE]; _b < _c.length; _b++) { var r = _c[_b]; r.execute(this,, game, null); } } var toDelete = []; for (var _d = 0, _e = this.agendas; _d < _e.length; _d++) { var a = _e[_d]; if (a.execute(this,, game, null)) toDelete.push(a); } for (var _f = 0, toDelete_1 = toDelete; _f < toDelete_1.length; _f++) { var a = toDelete_1[_f]; var idx = this.agendas.indexOf(a); this.agendas.splice(idx, 1); } if ( != null) { // only for those items actually on a map (and not inside of others) // change to the proper animation given the current direction: if (this.currentAnimation == A4_ANIMATION_IDLE && this.direction != A4_DIRECTION_NONE) { this.currentAnimation = this.direction + 1; } if (this.animations[this.currentAnimation] != null) { if (!this.animations[this.currentAnimation].update()) { if (this.previousSeeThrough != this.animations[this.currentAnimation].seeThrough) { //console.log("object " + + " changed seeThrough from " + this.previousSeeThrough + " to " + !this.previousSeeThrough);; this.previousSeeThrough = !this.previousSeeThrough; } } } } if (this.deadRequest) return false; this.cycle++; return true; }; A4Object.prototype.draw = function (offsetx, offsety, game) { if (this.currentAnimation >= 0 && this.animations[this.currentAnimation] != null) { // debugging: draw the base of the object in red color to check collisions // ctx.fillStyle = "red"; // ctx.fillRect((this.x + offsetx) - this.sprite_offs_x, // (this.y + offsety) - this.sprite_offs_y, // this.getPixelWidth(), this.getPixelHeight()); this.animations[this.currentAnimation].draw((this.x + offsetx) - this.sprite_offs_x, (this.y + offsety) - this.sprite_offs_y - this.pixel_tallness); } }; A4Object.prototype.drawDark = function (offsetx, offsety, game) { if (this.drawDarkIfNoLight) { if (this.currentAnimation >= 0 && this.animations[this.currentAnimation] != null) { this.animations[this.currentAnimation].drawDark((this.x + offsetx) - this.sprite_offs_x, (this.y + offsety) - this.sprite_offs_y - this.pixel_tallness); } } else { this.draw(offsetx, offsety - this.pixel_tallness, game); } }; // this executes all the A4EventRules with the given event: A4Object.prototype.event = function (event, otherCharacter, map, game) { if (this.eventScripts[event] == null) return false; for (var _i = 0, _a = this.eventScripts[event]; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var rule = _a[_i]; rule.executeEffects(this, map, game, otherCharacter); } return true; }; A4Object.prototype.eventWithID = function (event, ID, otherCharacter, map, game) { }; A4Object.prototype.eventWithObject = function (event, otherCharacter, object, map, game) { if (this.eventScripts[event] == null) return; for (var _i = 0, _a = this.eventScripts[event]; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var rule = _a[_i]; if (event == A4_EVENT_RECEIVE || event == A4_EVENT_ACTION_TAKE || event == A4_EVENT_ACTION_DROP || event == A4_EVENT_ACTION_USE || event == A4_EVENT_ACTION_INTERACT || event == A4_EVENT_ACTION_CHOP || event == A4_EVENT_ACTION_GIVE || event == A4_EVENT_ACTION_SELL || event == A4_EVENT_ACTION_BUY) { if (rule.item == null || == rule.item || object.is_a_string(rule.item)) { rule.executeEffects(this, map, game, otherCharacter); } } else { console.error("eventWithObject for event " + event + ", is undefined\n"); } } }; A4Object.prototype.eventWithInteger = function (event, value, otherCharacter, map, game) { if (this.eventScripts[event] == null) return; for (var _i = 0, _a = this.eventScripts[event]; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var rule = _a[_i]; console.error("eventWithInteger for event " + event + " is undefined, cannot execute rule: " + rule); } }; A4Object.prototype.executeScriptQueues = function (game) { var toDelete = []; for (var _i = 0, _a = this.scriptQueues; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var seb = _a[_i]; while (true) { var s = seb.scripts[0]; var retval = s.execute((seb.object == null ? this : seb.object), ( == null ? :, ( == null ? game :, seb.otherCharacter); if (retval == SCRIPT_FINISHED) { seb.scripts.splice(0, 1); if (seb.scripts.length == 0) { toDelete.push(seb); break; } } else if (retval == SCRIPT_NOT_FINISHED) { break; } else if (retval == SCRIPT_FAILED) { toDelete.push(seb); break; } } } for (var _b = 0, toDelete_2 = toDelete; _b < toDelete_2.length; _b++) { var seb = toDelete_2[_b]; var idx = this.scriptQueues.indexOf(seb); this.scriptQueues.splice(idx, 1); } }; A4Object.prototype.addScriptQueue = function (seq) { this.scriptQueues.push(seq); }; A4Object.prototype.addEventRule = function (event, r) { if (this.eventScripts[event] == null) this.eventScripts[event] = []; this.eventScripts[event].push(r); }; A4Object.prototype.setStoryStateVariable = function (variable, value, game) { // console.log("A4Object.setStoryStateVariable ("+this.ID+"): " + variable + " = " + value + " (at time " + game.cycle + ")"); this.storyState[variable] = value; this.lastTimeStoryStateChanged = game.cycle; }; A4Object.prototype.getStoryStateVariable = function (variable) { return this.storyState[variable]; }; A4Object.prototype.warp = function (x, y, map) { var reAdd = true; if ( != null) reAdd =; this.x = x; this.y = y; = map; if (reAdd && != null); }; A4Object.prototype.getPixelWidth = function () { if (this.pixel_width > 0) return this.pixel_width; if (this.pixel_width_cache_cycle == this.cycle) return this.pixel_width_cache; if (this.currentAnimation < 0) return 0; var a = this.animations[this.currentAnimation]; if (a == null) return 0; this.pixel_width_cache = a.getPixelWidth(); this.pixel_height_cache = a.getPixelHeight() - this.pixel_tallness; this.pixel_width_cache_cycle = this.cycle; return this.pixel_width_cache; }; A4Object.prototype.getPixelHeight = function () { if (this.pixel_height > 0) return this.pixel_height; if (this.pixel_width_cache_cycle == this.cycle) return this.pixel_height_cache; if (this.currentAnimation < 0) return 0; var a = this.animations[this.currentAnimation]; if (a == null) return 0; this.pixel_width_cache = a.getPixelWidth(); this.pixel_height_cache = a.getPixelHeight() - this.pixel_tallness; this.pixel_width_cache_cycle = this.cycle; return this.pixel_height_cache; }; A4Object.prototype.setAnimation = function (idx, a) { this.animations[idx] = a; }; A4Object.prototype.getAnimation = function (idx) { return this.animations[idx]; }; A4Object.prototype.getCurrentAnimation = function () { return this.animations[this.currentAnimation]; }; A4Object.prototype.die = function () { this.deadRequest = true; }; A4Object.prototype.isWalkable = function () { return true; }; A4Object.prototype.isHeavy = function () { return false; }; // this is used by pressure plates A4Object.prototype.isPlayer = function () { return false; }; // isInteracteable():boolean {return false;} A4Object.prototype.isKey = function () { return false; }; A4Object.prototype.isCharacter = function () { return false; }; A4Object.prototype.isDoor = function () { return false; }; A4Object.prototype.isVehicle = function () { return false; }; A4Object.prototype.isAICharacter = function () { return false; }; A4Object.prototype.isTrigger = function () { return false; }; A4Object.prototype.isPushable = function () { return false; }; A4Object.prototype.respawns = function () { return false; }; A4Object.prototype.seeThrough = function () { var a = this.animations[this.currentAnimation]; if (a == null) return true; return a.seeThrough; }; A4Object.prototype.collision = function (x2, y2, dx2, dy2) { var dx = this.getPixelWidth(); var dy = this.getPixelHeight(); if (this.x + dx > x2 && x2 + dx2 > this.x && this.y + dy > y2 && y2 + dy2 > this.y) return true; return false; }; A4Object.prototype.collisionObject = function (o2) { var dx = this.getPixelWidth(); var dy = this.getPixelHeight(); var dx2 = o2.getPixelWidth(); var dy2 = o2.getPixelHeight(); if (this.x + dx > o2.x && o2.x + dx2 > this.x && this.y + dy > o2.y && o2.y + dy2 > this.y) return true; return false; }; A4Object.prototype.collisionObjectOffset = function (xoffs, yoffs, o2) { var dx = this.getPixelWidth(); var dy = this.getPixelHeight(); var dx2 = o2.getPixelWidth(); var dy2 = o2.getPixelHeight(); if (this.x + xoffs + dx > o2.x && o2.x + dx2 > this.x + xoffs && this.y + yoffs + dy > o2.y && o2.y + dy2 > this.y + yoffs) return true; return false; }; A4Object.prototype.canMove = function (direction, treatBridgesAsWalls) { if (treatBridgesAsWalls) { if (this.canMoveWithoutGoingThroughABridge(direction)) return true; return false; } if ( + direction_x_inc[direction] *, this.y + direction_y_inc[direction] *, this.getPixelWidth(), this.getPixelHeight(), this)) return true; return false; }; A4Object.prototype.canMoveIgnoringObject = function (direction, treatBridgesAsWalls, toIgnore) { if (treatBridgesAsWalls) { if (this.canMoveWithoutGoingThroughABridgeIgnoringObject(direction, toIgnore)) return true; return false; } if ( + direction_x_inc[direction] *, this.y + direction_y_inc[direction] *, this.getPixelWidth(), this.getPixelHeight(), this, toIgnore)) return true; return false; }; A4Object.prototype.canMoveWithoutGoingThroughABridge = function (direction) { if ( + direction_x_inc[direction] * + this.getPixelWidth() / 2), Math.floor(this.y + direction_y_inc[direction] * + this.getPixelHeight() / 2)) != null) return false; if ( + direction_x_inc[direction] *, this.y + direction_y_inc[direction] *, this.getPixelWidth(), this.getPixelHeight(), this)) return true; return false; }; A4Object.prototype.canMoveWithoutGoingThroughABridgeIgnoringObject = function (direction, toIgnore) { if ( + direction_x_inc[direction] * + this.getPixelWidth() / 2), Math.floor(this.y + direction_y_inc[direction] * + this.getPixelHeight() / 2)) != null) return false; if ( + direction_x_inc[direction] *, this.y + direction_y_inc[direction] *, this.getPixelWidth(), this.getPixelHeight(), this, toIgnore)) return true; return false; }; A4Object.prototype.pixelDistance = function (o2) { var dx = 0; if (this.x > o2.x + o2.getPixelWidth()) { dx = this.x - (o2.x + o2.getPixelWidth()); } else if (o2.x > this.x + this.getPixelWidth()) { dx = o2.x - (this.x + this.getPixelWidth()); } var dy = 0; if (this.y > o2.y + o2.getPixelHeight()) { dy = this.y - (o2.y + o2.getPixelHeight()); } else if (o2.y > this.y + this.getPixelHeight()) { dy = o2.y - (this.y + this.getPixelHeight()); } return dx + dy; }; A4Object.prototype.pixelDistanceBetweenCentersOffset = function (o2, o2xoff, o2yoff) { var dx = (this.x + this.getPixelWidth() / 2) - (o2xoff + o2.x + o2.getPixelWidth() / 2); var dy = (this.y + this.getPixelHeight() / 2) - (o2yoff + o2.y + o2.getPixelHeight() / 2); return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); }; A4Object.prototype.addAgenda = function (a) { this.removeAgenda(; this.agendas.push(a); }; A4Object.prototype.removeAgenda = function (agenda) { for (var _i = 0, _a = this.agendas; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var a2 = _a[_i]; if ( == agenda) { var idx = this.agendas.indexOf(a2); this.agendas.splice(idx, 1); return; } } }; A4Object.prototype.objectRemoved = function (o) { }; A4Object.prototype.findObjectByName = function (name) { return null; }; A4Object.prototype.findObjectByID = function (ID) { return null; }; // sorts: A4Object.prototype.is_a = function (s) { return this.sort.is_a(s); }; A4Object.prototype.is_a_string = function (s) { return this.sort.is_a_string(s); }; A4Object.s_nextID = 10000; // start with a high-enough number so that there is no collisions with the maps return A4Object; }());