var NAVIGATION_BUFFER_WALKABLE = 0; var NAVIGATION_BUFFER_NOT_WALKABLE = 1; var NAVIGATION_BUFFER_BRIDGE = 2; var PERCEIVED_ACTION_ACTIVATION = 100; var PERCEIVED_WARP_ACTIVATION = 200; var PFTarget = /** @class */ (function () { function PFTarget() { } return PFTarget; }()); var A4PathFinding = /** @class */ (function () { function A4PathFinding(c) { // navigation perception buffer (this is public, since it will be used by all the behaviors): this.navigationBuffer_lastUpdated = -1; this.navigationBuffer = null; this.navigationBuffer_bridges = null; this.navigationBuffer_size = 0; this.navigationBuffer_mapWidth = 0; this.navigationBuffer_x = 0; this.navigationBuffer_y = 0; this.navigationBuffer_map = null; // pathfinding: all in tile coordinates this.pathfinding_result_x = -1; this.pathfinding_result_y = -1; this.pathfinding_result_priority = -1; this.pathfinding_result_offset_x = 0; this.pathfinding_result_offset_y = 0; this.pathfinding_targets = []; this.pathfinding_closed = null; this.pathfinding_open = null; // internal buffers for pathfinding this.pathFinding_lastUpdated = -1; this.pathFinding_iterations = 0; // for debugging purposes this.doorsNotToOpenWhileWalking = []; this.period = 2; // the AI will only run once each period cycles this.cycle = 0; // current cycle this.sightRadius = 5; this.character = null; this.lastPerceptionCycle = -1; // some values cached for efficiency: this.tileWidth = 0; this.tileHeight = 0; this.object_perception_buffer = []; this.long_term_object_perception_buffer = []; // this stores objects of the "familiar" maps this.maps_familiar_with = []; this.map2mapNames = null; this.map2mapPaths = null; this.canDriveVehicles = false; this.character = c; } A4PathFinding.prototype.update = function (game) { if (this.character.isIdle()) { // pathfinding: var c = this.navigationCycle(game); if (c != null) this.character.issueCommand(c, game); } this.pathfinding_targets = []; this.cycle++; }; A4PathFinding.prototype.perception = function (game) { if (this.lastPerceptionCycle != -1 && this.lastPerceptionCycle + this.period > this.cycle) return; this.lastPerceptionCycle = this.cycle; var map =; this.tileWidth = map.getTileWidth(); this.tileHeight = map.getTileHeight(); var tx = Math.floor(this.character.x / this.tileWidth); var ty = Math.floor(this.character.y / this.tileHeight); var perception_x0 = this.character.x - this.tileWidth * this.sightRadius; var perception_y0 = this.character.y - this.tileHeight * this.sightRadius; var perception_x1 = this.character.x + this.character.getPixelWidth() + this.tileWidth * this.sightRadius; var perception_y1 = this.character.y + this.character.getPixelHeight() + this.tileHeight * this.sightRadius; var region = map.visibilityRegion(tx, ty); this.object_perception_buffer = map.getAllObjectsInRegionPlusDoorsAndObstacles(perception_x0, perception_y0, perception_x1 - perception_x0, perception_y1 - perception_y0, region); }; A4PathFinding.prototype.navigationCycle = function (game) { var subject = this.character; if (this.character.isInVehicle()) { if (this.canDriveVehicles) { subject = this.character.vehicle; } else { return; } } if (subject == null) return; if ( != this.navigationBuffer_map || game.requestedWarp(this.character)) { this.pathfinding_result_x = -1; this.pathfinding_result_y = -1; this.pathfinding_result_priority = 0; return; } var highest_priority_target = -1; var highest_priority = 0; if (this.pathfinding_targets.length == 0) return null; for (var i = 0; i < this.pathfinding_targets.length; i++) { if (highest_priority_target == -1 || this.pathfinding_targets[i].priority > highest_priority) { highest_priority_target = i; highest_priority = this.pathfinding_targets[i].priority; } } var pathfind = false; if (this.pathfinding_result_x == -1 || (this.cycle - this.pathFinding_lastUpdated) > subject.getWalkSpeed()) { pathfind = true; } if (pathfind) { this.pathfinding_result_x = -1; this.pathfinding_result_y = -1; this.pathfinding_result_priority = 0; if (this.navigationBuffer_lastUpdated < this.cycle) this.updateNavigationPerceptionBuffer(game, true); this.pathFinding(subject); } if (this.pathfinding_result_x != -1) { var pixelx = subject.x; var pixely = subject.y; //let pixelx1:number = subject.x + subject.getPixelWidth(); //let pixely1:number = subject.y + subject.getPixelHeight(); var pixel_target_x = this.pathfinding_result_x * this.tileWidth; var pixel_target_y = this.pathfinding_result_y * this.tileHeight; this.pathfinding_result_offset_x = pixel_target_x - pixelx; this.pathfinding_result_offset_y = pixel_target_y - pixely; var abs_diff_x = (this.pathfinding_result_offset_x < 0 ? -this.pathfinding_result_offset_x : this.pathfinding_result_offset_x); var abs_diff_y = (this.pathfinding_result_offset_y < 0 ? -this.pathfinding_result_offset_y : this.pathfinding_result_offset_y); // console.log("pixelx: " + pixelx + ", pixely: " + pixely); // console.log("abs_diff_x: " + abs_diff_x + ", abs_diff_y: " + abs_diff_y); // console.log("this.pathfinding_result_offset_x: " + this.pathfinding_result_offset_x + ", this.pathfinding_result_offset_y: " + this.pathfinding_result_offset_y); if (abs_diff_x > 0 && (abs_diff_x <= abs_diff_y || abs_diff_y == 0)) { if (this.pathfinding_result_offset_x > 0) { return new A4CharacterCommand(A4CHARACTER_COMMAND_WALK, abs_diff_x, A4_DIRECTION_RIGHT, null, null, this.pathfinding_result_priority); } else { return new A4CharacterCommand(A4CHARACTER_COMMAND_WALK, abs_diff_x, A4_DIRECTION_LEFT, null, null, this.pathfinding_result_priority); } } else if (abs_diff_y > 0) { if (this.pathfinding_result_offset_y > 0) { return new A4CharacterCommand(A4CHARACTER_COMMAND_WALK, abs_diff_y, A4_DIRECTION_DOWN, null, null, this.pathfinding_result_priority); } else { return new A4CharacterCommand(A4CHARACTER_COMMAND_WALK, abs_diff_y, A4_DIRECTION_UP, null, null, this.pathfinding_result_priority); } } else { // check if the goal is underneath us and action is TAKE if ((this.pathfinding_targets[highest_priority_target].action == A4CHARACTER_COMMAND_TAKE || this.pathfinding_targets[highest_priority_target].action == A4CHARACTER_COMMAND_INTERACT) && this.pathfinding_targets[highest_priority_target].x0 == pixelx && this.pathfinding_targets[highest_priority_target].y0 == pixely) { return new A4CharacterCommand(this.pathfinding_targets[highest_priority_target].action, 0, 0, null, null, this.pathfinding_result_priority); } // we are at the goal, stay! return new A4CharacterCommand(A4CHARACTER_COMMAND_IDLE, 0, 0, null, null, this.pathfinding_result_priority); } } return null; }; A4PathFinding.prototype.addBridgeToLongTermMemory = function (o) { this.long_term_object_perception_buffer.push(o); }; A4PathFinding.prototype.canSeeObject = function (object, game) { this.perception(game); if (this.object_perception_buffer.indexOf(object) != -1) return true; if (this.long_term_object_perception_buffer.indexOf(object) != -1) return true; return false; }; A4PathFinding.prototype.updateNavigationPerceptionBuffer = function (game, force) { var subject = this.character; if (this.character.isInVehicle()) { if (this.canDriveVehicles) { subject = this.character.vehicle; } else { return; } } if (subject == null) return; if (!force && this.navigationBuffer != null && this.navigationBuffer_lastUpdated > this.cycle - this.period) return; // update the perceived objects: this.perception(game); if (this.navigationBuffer == null) { this.navigationBuffer_size = Math.floor(this.sightRadius * 2 + subject.getPixelWidth() /; this.navigationBuffer = new Array(this.navigationBuffer_size * this.navigationBuffer_size); this.navigationBuffer_bridges = new Array(this.navigationBuffer_size * this.navigationBuffer_size); } var map =; this.navigationBuffer_map = map; this.navigationBuffer_mapWidth = map.width; var cx = Math.floor((subject.x + subject.getPixelWidth() / 2) / this.tileWidth); var cy = Math.floor((subject.y + subject.getPixelHeight() / 2) / this.tileHeight); this.navigationBuffer_x = cx - Math.floor(this.sightRadius + (subject.getPixelWidth() / 2) / this.tileWidth); this.navigationBuffer_y = cy - Math.floor(this.sightRadius + (subject.getPixelHeight() / 2) / this.tileHeight); for (var i = 0; i < this.navigationBuffer_size; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < this.navigationBuffer_size; j++) { this.navigationBuffer_bridges[j + i * this.navigationBuffer_size] = null; // if (map.walkableOnlyBackground((this.navigationBuffer_x+j)*this.tileWidth,(this.navigationBuffer_y+i)*this.tileHeight, character_tileWidth*this.tileWidth, character_tileHeight*this.tileHeight, subject)) { if (map.walkableOnlyBackground((this.navigationBuffer_x + j) * this.tileWidth, (this.navigationBuffer_y + i) * this.tileHeight, this.tileWidth, this.tileHeight, subject)) { this.navigationBuffer[j + i * this.navigationBuffer_size] = NAVIGATION_BUFFER_WALKABLE; } else { this.navigationBuffer[j + i * this.navigationBuffer_size] = NAVIGATION_BUFFER_NOT_WALKABLE; } } } // add objects: for (var _i = 0, _a = this.object_perception_buffer; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var o = _a[_i]; if (o != this.character && !o.isWalkable() && o != this.character.vehicle) { // if it's a door, and we have the key, then ignore the door: var add = true; if ((o instanceof A4Door) && this.doorsNotToOpenWhileWalking.indexOf(o.doorID) == -1 && (o.canOpen(this.character, game) || o.automatic)) add = false; if (add) { var x0 = Math.floor(o.x / this.tileWidth) - this.navigationBuffer_x; var y0 = Math.floor(o.y / this.tileHeight) - this.navigationBuffer_y; var x1 = Math.floor((o.x + o.getPixelWidth() - 1) / this.tileWidth) - this.navigationBuffer_x; var y1 = Math.floor((o.y + o.getPixelHeight() - 1) / this.tileHeight) - this.navigationBuffer_y; // x0 -= (character_tileWidth - 1); // y0 -= (character_tileHeight - 1); for (var y = y0; y <= y1; y++) { if (y >= 0 && y < this.navigationBuffer_size) { for (var x = x0; x <= x1; x++) { if (x >= 0 && x < this.navigationBuffer_size) { this.navigationBuffer[x + y * this.navigationBuffer_size] = NAVIGATION_BUFFER_NOT_WALKABLE; } } } } } } } // add bridges: for (var _b = 0, _c = map.bridges; _b < _c.length; _b++) { var b = _c[_b]; var x0 = Math.floor(b.x / this.tileWidth) - this.navigationBuffer_x; var y0 = Math.floor(b.y / this.tileHeight) - this.navigationBuffer_y; var x1 = Math.floor((b.x + b.width - 1) / this.tileWidth) - this.navigationBuffer_x; var y1 = Math.floor((b.y + b.height - 1) / this.tileHeight) - this.navigationBuffer_y; // x0 -= (character_tileWidth - 1); // y0 -= (character_tileHeight - 1); for (var y = y0; y <= y1; y++) { if (y >= 0 && y < this.navigationBuffer_size) { for (var x = x0; x <= x1; x++) { if (x >= 0 && x < this.navigationBuffer_size) { if (this.navigationBuffer[x + y * this.navigationBuffer_size] == NAVIGATION_BUFFER_WALKABLE) { this.navigationBuffer[x + y * this.navigationBuffer_size] = NAVIGATION_BUFFER_BRIDGE; this.navigationBuffer_bridges[x + y * this.navigationBuffer_size] = b; } } } } } } this.navigationBuffer_lastUpdated = this.cycle; /* console.log("Navigation buffer:"); for(let i:number = 0;i " + i); } */ }; // pathfinding: A4PathFinding.prototype.addPFTargetObject = function (action, priority, flee, target, game) { if (this.navigationBuffer_lastUpdated == -1 || this.navigationBuffer_lastUpdated <= this.cycle - this.period) { this.updateNavigationPerceptionBuffer(game, false); } if ( != this.navigationBuffer_map) { this.addPFTargetMap(action, priority, flee,, game); return; } var x0 = target.x; var y0 = target.y; var x1 = (target.x + target.getPixelWidth()); var y1 = (target.y + target.getPixelHeight()); for (var _i = 0, _a = this.pathfinding_targets; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var pft = _a[_i]; if (pft.flee) continue; if (pft.x0 == x0 && pft.y0 == y0 && pft.x1 == x1 && pft.y1 == y1) { if (pft.priority <= priority) { pft.action = action; pft.priority = priority; = target; } return; } } var pft2 = new PFTarget(); pft2.x0 = x0; pft2.y0 = y0; pft2.x1 = x1; pft2.y1 = y1; pft2.action = action; pft2.priority = priority; pft2.flee = flee; = target; this.pathfinding_targets.push(pft2); }; // pathfinding: A4PathFinding.prototype.addPFTarget = function (x0, y0, x1, y1, map, game, action, priority, flee, target) { if (this.navigationBuffer_lastUpdated == -1 || this.navigationBuffer_lastUpdated <= this.cycle - this.period) { this.updateNavigationPerceptionBuffer(game, false); } if (map != this.navigationBuffer_map) { this.addPFTargetMap(action, priority, flee, map, game); return; } for (var _i = 0, _a = this.pathfinding_targets; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var pft = _a[_i]; if (pft.flee) continue; if (pft.x0 == x0 && pft.y0 == y0 && pft.x1 == x1 && pft.y1 == y1) { if (pft.priority <= priority) { pft.action = action; pft.priority = priority; = target; } return; } } var pft2 = new PFTarget(); pft2.x0 = x0; pft2.y0 = y0; pft2.x1 = x1; pft2.y1 = y1; pft2.action = action; pft2.priority = priority; pft2.flee = flee; = target; this.pathfinding_targets.push(pft2); }; A4PathFinding.prototype.addPFTargetMap = function (action, priority, flee, map, game) { // different map, just target the map: var targetMapName =; if (this.navigationBuffer_map == null) return; if (this.map2mapPaths != null) { var idx1 = game.getMapIndex(; var idx2 = game.getMapIndex(targetMapName); if (idx1 >= 0 && idx2 >= 0 && this.map2mapPaths[idx1][idx2] != null) { targetMapName = this.map2mapPaths[idx1][idx2]; } } for (var _i = 0, _a = this.long_term_object_perception_buffer; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var o = _a[_i]; if (o instanceof A4MapBridge) { var b = o; if ( == this.navigationBuffer_map && == targetMapName) { this.addPFTarget(b.x, b.y, b.x + b.width, b.y + b.height, this.navigationBuffer_map, game, A4CHARACTER_COMMAND_IDLE, priority, flee, null); } } else if (o instanceof ShrdluAirlockDoor) { var b = o; if ( == this.navigationBuffer_map && b.targetMap == targetMapName) { this.addPFTarget(b.x, b.y, b.x + b.getPixelWidth(), b.y + b.getPixelHeight(), this.navigationBuffer_map, game, A4CHARACTER_COMMAND_IDLE, priority, flee, null); } } } }; A4PathFinding.prototype.pathFinding = function (subject) { var _a; if (this.pathfinding_targets.length == 0) return false; if (isNaN(this.navigationBuffer_x)) return false; var otx; var oty; // compute the origin tile cordinates (from the center of the top-left tile of the sprite): var pw = subject.getPixelWidth(); var ph = subject.getPixelHeight(); var tw = Math.floor(pw / this.tileWidth); var th = Math.floor(ph / this.tileHeight); if (pw > this.tileWidth) { otx = Math.floor((subject.x + this.tileWidth / 2) / this.tileWidth); } else { otx = Math.floor((subject.x + pw / 2) / this.tileWidth); } if (ph > this.tileHeight) { oty = Math.floor((subject.y + this.tileHeight / 2) / this.tileHeight); } else { oty = Math.floor((subject.y + ph / 2) / this.tileHeight); } if (otx < this.navigationBuffer_x || otx > this.navigationBuffer_x + this.navigationBuffer_size || oty < this.navigationBuffer_y || oty > this.navigationBuffer_y + this.navigationBuffer_size) { console.error("A4PathFinding: character is out of the navigation buffer!!!\n"); return false; } var start = (otx - this.navigationBuffer_x) + (oty - this.navigationBuffer_y) * this.navigationBuffer_size; var openInsertPosition = 0; var openRemovePosition = 0; var current, currentx, currenty; var next; var i; var bestScore = undefined; var bestPriority = undefined; var bestTarget = start; var score = 0, priority = 0; var size_sq = this.navigationBuffer_size * this.navigationBuffer_size; // initialize open/closed lists: if (this.pathfinding_open == null) { this.pathfinding_open = new Array(size_sq); this.pathfinding_closed = new Array(size_sq); } for (i = 0; i < size_sq; i++) this.pathfinding_closed[i] = -1; this.pathfinding_open[openInsertPosition++] = start; this.pathfinding_closed[start] = start; openInsertPosition = openInsertPosition % size_sq; // pathfinding: this.pathFinding_iterations = 0; while (openRemovePosition != openInsertPosition) { current = this.pathfinding_open[openRemovePosition]; currentx = (current % this.navigationBuffer_size) + this.navigationBuffer_x; currenty = Math.floor(current / this.navigationBuffer_size) + this.navigationBuffer_y; openRemovePosition++; openRemovePosition = openRemovePosition % size_sq; _a = this.pathFindingScore(currentx, currenty, subject), score = _a[0], priority = _a[1]; // console.log("pfs: " + currentx +", " + currenty + " -> " + score); if ((bestPriority == undefined || priority > bestPriority) || (priority == bestPriority && score > bestScore)) { bestScore = score; bestTarget = current; bestPriority = priority; } // neighbors: if (this.navigationBuffer[current] != NAVIGATION_BUFFER_BRIDGE || current == start) { // LEFT: if (currentx > this.navigationBuffer_x) { next = current - 1; var canWalk = true; for (i = 0; i < th; i++) { if (this.navigationBuffer[next + i * this.navigationBuffer_size] == NAVIGATION_BUFFER_NOT_WALKABLE) { canWalk = false; break; } } if (canWalk && this.pathfinding_closed[next] == -1) { this.pathfinding_open[openInsertPosition++] = next; openInsertPosition = openInsertPosition % size_sq; this.pathfinding_closed[next] = current; // store the parent } } // RIGHT: if (currentx < this.navigationBuffer_x + this.navigationBuffer_size - tw) { next = current + 1; var canWalk = true; for (i = 0; i < th; i++) { if (this.navigationBuffer[next + (tw - 1) + i * this.navigationBuffer_size] == NAVIGATION_BUFFER_NOT_WALKABLE) { canWalk = false; break; } } if (canWalk && this.pathfinding_closed[next] == -1) { this.pathfinding_open[openInsertPosition++] = next; openInsertPosition = openInsertPosition % size_sq; this.pathfinding_closed[next] = current; // store the parent } } // UP: if (currenty > this.navigationBuffer_y) { next = current - this.navigationBuffer_size; var canWalk = true; for (i = 0; i < tw; i++) { if (this.navigationBuffer[next + i] == NAVIGATION_BUFFER_NOT_WALKABLE) { canWalk = false; break; } } if (canWalk && this.pathfinding_closed[next] == -1) { this.pathfinding_open[openInsertPosition++] = next; openInsertPosition = openInsertPosition % size_sq; this.pathfinding_closed[next] = current; // store the parent } } // DOWN: if (currenty < this.navigationBuffer_y + this.navigationBuffer_size - th) { next = current + this.navigationBuffer_size; var canWalk = true; for (i = 0; i < tw; i++) { if (this.navigationBuffer[next + (th - 1) * this.navigationBuffer_size + i] == NAVIGATION_BUFFER_NOT_WALKABLE) { canWalk = false; break; } } if (canWalk && this.pathfinding_closed[next] == -1) { this.pathfinding_open[openInsertPosition++] = next; openInsertPosition = openInsertPosition % size_sq; this.pathfinding_closed[next] = current; // store the parent } } } this.pathFinding_iterations++; } current = bestTarget; while (this.pathfinding_closed[current] != -1 && this.pathfinding_closed[current] != start) { current = this.pathfinding_closed[current]; } this.pathfinding_result_x = (current % this.navigationBuffer_size) + this.navigationBuffer_x; this.pathfinding_result_y = Math.floor(current / this.navigationBuffer_size) + this.navigationBuffer_y; this.pathfinding_result_priority = bestPriority; this.pathFinding_lastUpdated = this.cycle; return true; }; A4PathFinding.prototype.pathFindingScore = function (character_x0, character_y0, subject) { var out_score; var priority; var bestGotoScorePriority = -1; var bestGotoScore = Number.MAX_VALUE; var bestFleeScorePriority = -1; var bestFleeScore = 0; var score = 0; var dx; var dy; var x0, y0; //,x1:number,y1:number; for (var i = 0; i < this.pathfinding_targets.length; i++) { if (this.pathfinding_targets[i].flee) { if (this.pathfinding_targets[i].priority >= bestFleeScorePriority) { // dx = dy = 0; x0 = Math.floor(this.pathfinding_targets[i].x0 / this.tileWidth); y0 = Math.floor(this.pathfinding_targets[i].y0 / this.tileHeight); // x1 = Math.floor((this.pathfinding_targets[i].x1-1)/this.tileWidth); // y1 = Math.floor((this.pathfinding_targets[i].y1-1)/this.tileHeight); // if (character_x1x1) dx = character_x0 - x1; // if (character_y1y1) dy = character_y0 - y1; dx = Math.abs(x0 - character_x0); dy = Math.abs(y0 - character_y0); score = dx + dy; if (this.pathfinding_targets[i].priority == bestFleeScorePriority) { bestFleeScore += score; // for "flee", if it's the same priority, just add the scores (to "flee" from all of them, and not just one) } else { if (score > bestFleeScore) { bestFleeScore = score; bestFleeScorePriority = this.pathfinding_targets[i].priority; } } } } else { if (this.pathfinding_targets[i].priority >= bestGotoScorePriority) { // dx = dy = 0; x0 = Math.floor(this.pathfinding_targets[i].x0 / this.tileWidth); y0 = Math.floor(this.pathfinding_targets[i].y0 / this.tileHeight); // x1 = Math.floor((this.pathfinding_targets[i].x1-1)/this.tileWidth); // y1 = Math.floor((this.pathfinding_targets[i].y1-1)/this.tileHeight); // if (character_x1x1) dx = character_x0 - x1; // if (character_y1y1) dy = character_y0 - y1; dx = Math.abs(x0 - character_x0); dy = Math.abs(y0 - character_y0); score = dx + dy; if (score < bestGotoScore) { bestGotoScore = score; bestGotoScorePriority = this.pathfinding_targets[i].priority; } } } } if (bestGotoScorePriority > bestFleeScorePriority) { out_score = -bestGotoScore; priority = bestGotoScorePriority; } else if (bestGotoScorePriority < bestFleeScorePriority) { out_score = bestFleeScore; priority = bestFleeScorePriority; } else { out_score = bestFleeScore - bestGotoScore; priority = bestGotoScorePriority; } return [out_score, priority]; }; A4PathFinding.prototype.objectRemoved = function (o) { var idx = this.object_perception_buffer.indexOf(o); if (idx != -1) this.object_perception_buffer.splice(idx, 1); idx = this.long_term_object_perception_buffer.indexOf(o); if (idx != -1) this.long_term_object_perception_buffer.splice(idx, 1); }; A4PathFinding.prototype.precomputeMap2mapPaths = function (game) { var map = []; var n = game.maps.length; this.map2mapNames = []; this.map2mapPaths = []; for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { var row = []; var rowPaths = []; for (var j = 0; j < n; j++) { var linked = false; // see if there is a bridge or an airlock linking the two maps: for (var _i = 0, _a = game.maps[i].bridges; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var b = _a[_i]; if (b.linkedTo != null && == game.maps[j]) { linked = true; } } for (var _b = 0, _c = game.maps[i].objects; _b < _c.length; _b++) { var o = _c[_b]; if (o instanceof ShrdluAirlockDoor) { if (o.targetMap == game.maps[j].name) { linked = true; } } } rowPaths.push(null); row.push(linked); } map.push(row); this.map2mapPaths.push(rowPaths); this.map2mapNames.push(game.maps[i].name); } for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < n; j++) { if (i == j) continue; // find a path from one map to the other: var path = this.map2mapPath(i, j, map); // cache the first step of the path in this.map2mapPaths: if (path != null && path.length > 1) { this.map2mapPaths[i][j] = game.maps[path[1]].name; } } } console.log(map); console.log(this.map2mapPaths); }; // BFS (since the map is very small, it's fast enough): A4PathFinding.prototype.map2mapPath = function (start, end, map) { var open = [[start]]; var closed = []; while (open.length > 0) { var currentPath = open[0]; var current = currentPath[currentPath.length - 1]; if (current == end) { return currentPath; } open.splice(0, 1); closed.push(current); for (var i = 0; i < map.length; i++) { if (map[current][i] && closed.indexOf(i) == -1) { open.push(currentPath.concat([i])); } } } return null; }; return A4PathFinding; }());