var MAXIMUM_MEMORY_OF_PREVIOUS_STATES = 4096; var MAXIMUM_MEMORY_OF_PREVIOUS_STATES_PER_TERM = 16; var SentenceEntry = /** @class */ (function () { function SentenceEntry(s, p, a, time) { this.firstMatch_counter = -1; // used to prevent linear search, by marking which sentences have already been retrieved in this cycle this.allPotentialMatchesWithSentenceForResolution_counter = -1; // used to prevent linear search, by marking which sentences have already been retrieved in this cycle this.sentence = s; this.provenance = p; this.activation = a; this.time = time; } SentenceEntry.prototype.toString = function () { return "[" + this.sentence + ", " + this.provenance + ", " + this.activation + "]"; }; return SentenceEntry; }()); var SentenceContainer = /** @class */ (function () { function SentenceContainer() { this.plainSentenceList = []; this.plainPreviousSentenceList = []; this.previousSentencesWithNoCurrentSentence = []; this.sentenceHash = {}; this.match_cache_l = null; this.match_cache_idx = -1; this.firstMatch_counter = 0; this.allPotentialMatchesWithSentenceForResolution_counter = 0; // used to prevent linear search, by marking which sentences have already been retrieved in this cycle } SentenceContainer.prototype.addSentence = function (s, provenance, activation, time) { var se = new SentenceEntry(s, provenance, activation, time); this.plainSentenceList.push(se); for (var _i = 0, _a = s.terms; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var t = _a[_i]; var l = this.sentenceHash[]; if (l == null) { l = []; this.sentenceHash[] = l; } l.push(se); } return se; }; SentenceContainer.prototype.addPreviousSentence = function (s, provenance, activation, time, timeEnd, current) { var se = new SentenceEntry(s, provenance, activation, time); se.timeEnd = timeEnd; if (current == null) { this.previousSentencesWithNoCurrentSentence.push(se); } else { current.previousInTime = se; this.plainPreviousSentenceList.push(se); } return se; }; SentenceContainer.prototype.previousStateSentencesToReplace = function (t, sign) { var results = []; var l = this.sentenceHash[]; if (l != null) { for (var _i = 0, l_1 = l; _i < l_1.length; _i++) { var se2 = l_1[_i]; if (se2.sentence.terms.length == 1 && ((se2.sentence.sign[0] && TermContainer.termReplacesPreviousStateTerm(t, se2.sentence.terms[0])) || (se2.sentence.sign[0] != sign && t.equalsNoBindings(se2.sentence.terms[0]) == 1))) { results.push(se2.sentence); } } } return results; }; SentenceContainer.prototype.addStateSentenceIfNew = function (s, provenance, activation, time) { if (s.terms.length != 1) { // console.error("addStateSentenceIfNew: sentence is not a single term sentence! " + s); this.addSentence(s, provenance, activation, time); return true; } // check if we need to replace some sentence: var t = s.terms[0]; var l = this.sentenceHash[]; var previous_s = null; if (l != null) { for (var _i = 0, l_2 = l; _i < l_2.length; _i++) { var se2 = l_2[_i]; if (se2.sentence.terms.length == 1 && ((se2.sentence.sign[0] && TermContainer.termReplacesPreviousStateTerm(t, se2.sentence.terms[0])) || (se2.sentence.sign[0] != s.sign[0] && t.equalsNoBindings(se2.sentence.terms[0]) == 1))) { previous_s = se2; break; } } } if (previous_s == null) { this.addSentence(s, provenance, activation, time); return true; } else { // check if it's different from the previous: if (!s.equalsNoBindings(previous_s.sentence)) { // replace old with new, and store old: // "new_s" is the old, and "previous_s" is the new (this seems confusing, but it's for not having to redo the hash calculation, // since "previous_s" is already in the correct position where we would like the new sentence to be) var new_s = new SentenceEntry(previous_s.sentence, previous_s.provenance, previous_s.activation, previous_s.time); new_s.timeEnd = time; new_s.previousInTime = previous_s.previousInTime; this.plainPreviousSentenceList.push(new_s); if (this.plainPreviousSentenceList.length > MAXIMUM_MEMORY_OF_PREVIOUS_STATES) this.plainPreviousSentenceList.splice(0, 1); // console.log("plainPreviousSentenceList.length = " + this.plainPreviousSentenceList.length + ", adding: " + s + " to replace " + previous_s.sentence); // we just overwrite, since it's easier (no need to modify plain list nor hash table): previous_s.sentence = s; previous_s.provenance = provenance; previous_s.activation = activation; previous_s.time = time; previous_s.previousInTime = new_s; // Cut chains that are too long: var chainLength = 1; var se = previous_s; while (se != null) { if (se.previousInTime != null) { chainLength++; if (chainLength >= MAXIMUM_MEMORY_OF_PREVIOUS_STATES_PER_TERM) { var idx = this.plainPreviousSentenceList.indexOf(se.previousInTime); if (idx >= 0) { this.plainPreviousSentenceList.splice(idx, 1); //console.log("SPLICED!!! " + idx); } se.previousInTime = null; //console.log("CUT!!!"); //console.log("plainPreviousSentenceList:" + this.plainPreviousSentenceList.length); } } se = se.previousInTime; } //console.log("chainLength: " + chainLength) return true; } } return false; }; // Removes all the sentences with a certain provenance (e.g., to clear all coming from perception, of from locations knowledge): SentenceContainer.prototype.removeAllWithProvenance = function (provenance) { var toDelete = []; for (var _i = 0, _a = this.plainSentenceList; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var se = _a[_i]; if (se.provenance == provenance) { toDelete.push(se); } } for (var _b = 0, toDelete_1 = toDelete; _b < toDelete_1.length; _b++) { var se = toDelete_1[_b]; this.removeInternal(se); } // Note: we are ignoring the "plainPreviousSentenceList", or "previousSentencesWithNoCurrentSentence"... // - This is because that would involve some expensive search with the current structure... // TODO: add a pointer in SentenceEntry from previous sentence to current, so that I can do this efficiently // ... }; SentenceContainer.prototype.removeSentence = function (s) { // console.log("removeSentence " + s.toString()); var found = null; for (var _i = 0, _a = s.terms; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var t = _a[_i]; var l = this.sentenceHash[]; if (l != null) { if (found == null) { for (var idx = 0; idx < l.length; idx++) { var se2 = l[idx]; if (s.equalsNoBindings(se2.sentence)) { l.splice(idx, 1); found = se2; // console.log("found at idx = " + se2Idx + ", now: " + this.plainTermList.length + "," + this.plainActivationList.length); break; } } } else { var se2Idx = l.indexOf(found); l.splice(se2Idx, 1); } } } if (found != null) { var se2Idx = this.plainSentenceList.indexOf(found); this.plainSentenceList.splice(se2Idx, 1); } }; SentenceContainer.prototype.removeInternal = function (found) { for (var _i = 0, _a = found.sentence.terms; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var t = _a[_i]; var l = this.sentenceHash[]; if (l != null) { var se2Idx_1 = l.indexOf(found); l.splice(se2Idx_1, 1); } } var se2Idx = this.plainSentenceList.indexOf(found); this.plainSentenceList.splice(se2Idx, 1); }; /* containsTerm(t:Term) : SentenceEntry { let l:SentenceEntry[] = this.sentenceHash[]; if (l != null) { for(let se of l) { if (se.sentence.terms.length == 1 && se.sentence.sign[0] && se.sentence.terms[0].equalsNoBindings(t)) return se; } } return null; } */ SentenceContainer.prototype.containsUnifyingTerm = function (t) { var l = this.sentenceHash[]; if (l != null) { for (var _i = 0, l_3 = l; _i < l_3.length; _i++) { var se = l_3[_i]; if (se.sentence.terms.length == 1 && se.sentence.sign[0]) { var bindings = new Bindings(); if (t.unify(se.sentence.terms[0], OCCURS_CHECK, bindings)) return se; } } } return null; }; SentenceContainer.prototype.findSentenceEntry = function (s) { if (s.terms.length == 0) return null; var t = s.terms[0]; var l = this.sentenceHash[]; if (l != null) { for (var _i = 0, l_4 = l; _i < l_4.length; _i++) { var se2 = l_4[_i]; if (s.equalsNoBindings(se2.sentence)) return se2; } } return null; }; SentenceContainer.prototype.contains = function (s) { if (this.findSentenceEntry(s) == null) return false; return true; }; SentenceContainer.prototype.addSentenceIfNew = function (s, provenance, activation, time) { if (this.contains(s)) return false; this.addSentence(s, provenance, activation, time); return true; }; SentenceContainer.prototype.firstSingleTermMatch = function (s, arity, o) { this.match_cache_l = []; for (var sortName in this.sentenceHash) { var s2 = o.getSort(sortName); if (s2.is_a(s) || s.is_a(s2)) { var l = this.sentenceHash[sortName]; for (var _i = 0, l_5 = l; _i < l_5.length; _i++) { var se = l_5[_i]; if (se.sentence.terms.length != 1 || !se.sentence.sign[0]) continue; var matchesArity = false; for (var _a = 0, _b = se.sentence.terms; _a < _b.length; _a++) { var t = _b[_a]; if (t.functor == s2 && t.attributes.length == arity) { matchesArity = true; break; } } //if (matchesArity && this.match_cache_l.indexOf(se)==-1) { if (matchesArity && se.firstMatch_counter < this.firstMatch_counter) { se.firstMatch_counter = this.firstMatch_counter; this.match_cache_l.push(se); } } } } this.firstMatch_counter++; this.match_cache_idx = 0; return this.nextSingleTermMatch(); }; SentenceContainer.prototype.nextSingleTermMatch = function () { if (this.match_cache_l == null) return null; while (this.match_cache_idx < this.match_cache_l.length) { var se2 = this.match_cache_l[this.match_cache_idx]; this.match_cache_idx++; return se2.sentence; } this.match_cache_l = null; this.match_cache_idx = -1; return null; }; SentenceContainer.prototype.allSingleTermMatches = function (s, arity, o) { var l = []; var match = this.firstSingleTermMatch(s, arity, o); if (match == null) return l; while (match != null) { l.push(match); match = this.nextSingleTermMatch(); } return l; }; SentenceContainer.prototype.allPotentialMatchesWithSentenceForResolution = function (s, o) { var potentialMatches = []; for (var i = 0; i < s.terms.length; i++) { var query = s.terms[i]; var sign = !s.sign[i]; // special case for this special functor: if ( == "=") continue; for (var sortName in this.sentenceHash) { var s2 = o.getSort(sortName); if (s2.is_a(query.functor) || query.functor.is_a(s2)) { var l = this.sentenceHash[sortName]; for (var _i = 0, l_6 = l; _i < l_6.length; _i++) { var se = l_6[_i]; if (se.allPotentialMatchesWithSentenceForResolution_counter == this.allPotentialMatchesWithSentenceForResolution_counter) continue; var matches = false; for (var j = 0; j < se.sentence.terms.length; j++) { var t = se.sentence.terms[j]; if (se.sentence.sign[j] == sign && t.attributes.length == query.attributes.length && t.functor.is_a(query.functor) || query.functor.is_a(t.functor)) { matches = true; for (var k_1 = 0; k_1 < t.attributes.length; k_1++) { if (query.attributes[k_1] instanceof ConstantTermAttribute) { if (t.attributes[k_1] instanceof TermTermAttribute) { matches = false; } else if ((t.attributes[k_1] instanceof ConstantTermAttribute) && (t.attributes[k_1]).value != (query.attributes[k_1]).value) { matches = false; } } else if (query.attributes[k_1] instanceof TermTermAttribute) { if (t.attributes[k_1] instanceof ConstantTermAttribute) { matches = false; } else if (t.attributes[k_1] instanceof TermTermAttribute) { var qatt = (query.attributes[k_1]); var tatt = (t.attributes[k_1]); if (qatt.term.attributes.length != tatt.term.attributes.length || !qatt.term.functor.is_a(tatt.term.functor) && !tatt.term.functor.is_a(qatt.term.functor)) { matches = false; } } } } if (matches) break; } } if (matches) { if (potentialMatches.indexOf(se.sentence) == -1) potentialMatches.push(se.sentence); } se.allPotentialMatchesWithSentenceForResolution_counter = this.allPotentialMatchesWithSentenceForResolution_counter; } } } this.allPotentialMatchesWithSentenceForResolution_counter++; } return potentialMatches; }; SentenceContainer.prototype.activationUpdate = function () { var toDelete = []; for (var idx = 0; idx < this.plainSentenceList.length; idx++) { this.plainSentenceList[idx].activation--; if (this.plainSentenceList[idx].activation <= 0) { toDelete.push(this.plainSentenceList[idx]); } } for (var _i = 0, toDelete_2 = toDelete; _i < toDelete_2.length; _i++) { var se = toDelete_2[_i]; this.removeInternal(se); } }; return SentenceContainer; }());