var TermEntry = /** @class */ (function () { function TermEntry(t, p, a, time) { this.term = t; this.provenance = p; this.activation = a; this.time = time; } return TermEntry; }()); var TermContainer = /** @class */ (function () { function TermContainer() { this.plainTermList = []; this.plainPreviousTermList = []; this.termHash = {}; this.match_cache_term = null; this.match_cache_l = null; this.match_cache_idx = -1; } TermContainer.prototype.addTerm = function (t, provenance, activation, time) { var te = new TermEntry(t, provenance, activation, time); this.plainTermList.push(te); var l = this.termHash[]; if (l == null) { l = []; this.termHash[] = l; } l.push(te); return te; }; TermContainer.termReplacesPreviousStateTerm = function (t1, t2) { return t1.functor == t2.functor && (t1.attributes[0] instanceof ConstantTermAttribute) && (t2.attributes[0] instanceof ConstantTermAttribute) && (t1.attributes[0]).value == (t2.attributes[0]).value; }; TermContainer.prototype.addStateTermIfNew = function (t, provenance, activation, time) { // check if we need to replace some term: var l = this.termHash[]; var previous_t_l = []; if (l != null) { for (var _i = 0, l_1 = l; _i < l_1.length; _i++) { var te2 = l_1[_i]; if (TermContainer.termReplacesPreviousStateTerm(t, te2.term)) previous_t_l.push(te2); } } if (previous_t_l.length == 0) { this.addTerm(t, provenance, activation, time); return true; } else { // check if it's different from the previous: if (previous_t_l.length == 1 && t.equalsNoBindings(previous_t_l[0].term) == 1) { if (previous_t_l[0].activation < activation) { previous_t_l[0].activation = activation; previous_t_l[0].provenance = provenance; // time is not updated } } else { // replace old with new, and store old: var previous_t_single = null; for (var _a = 0, previous_t_l_1 = previous_t_l; _a < previous_t_l_1.length; _a++) { var previous_t = previous_t_l_1[_a]; // even if it's a state term, if we have multiple of them in the same cycle, we assume they can coexist: if (previous_t.time != time) { previous_t_single = new TermEntry(previous_t.term, previous_t.provenance, previous_t.activation, previous_t.time); previous_t_single.timeEnd = time; previous_t_single.previousInTime = previous_t.previousInTime; this.plainPreviousTermList.push(previous_t_single); if (this.plainPreviousTermList.length > MAXIMUM_MEMORY_OF_PREVIOUS_STATES) this.plainPreviousTermList.splice(0, 1); this.removeInternal(previous_t); } } var new_t = this.addTerm(t, provenance, activation, time); new_t.previousInTime = previous_t_single; return true; } } return false; }; TermContainer.prototype.removeTerm = function (t) { // console.log("removeTerm " + t.toString()); var l = this.termHash[]; if (l != null) { for (var idx = 0; idx < l.length; idx++) { var te2 = l[idx]; if (t.equalsNoBindings(te2.term) == 1) { l.splice(idx, 1); var t2Idx = this.plainTermList.indexOf(te2); this.plainTermList.splice(t2Idx, 1); // console.log("found at idx = " + t2Idx + ", now: " + this.plainTermList.length + "," + this.plainActivationList.length); return; } } } }; TermContainer.prototype.removeInternal = function (found) { var l = this.termHash[]; if (l != null) { var te2Idx_1 = l.indexOf(found); l.splice(te2Idx_1, 1); } var te2Idx = this.plainTermList.indexOf(found); this.plainTermList.splice(te2Idx, 1); }; TermContainer.prototype.contains = function (t) { var l = this.termHash[]; if (l != null) { for (var _i = 0, l_2 = l; _i < l_2.length; _i++) { var te2 = l_2[_i]; if (t.equalsNoBindings(te2.term) == 1) return te2; } } return null; }; TermContainer.prototype.addTermIfNew = function (t, provenance, activation, time) { var te = this.contains(t); if (te != null) { if (te.activation < activation) { te.activation = activation; te.provenance = provenance; // time is not updated } return false; } this.addTerm(t, provenance, activation, time); return true; }; TermContainer.prototype.firstMatch = function (t) { this.match_cache_term = t; this.match_cache_l = []; for (var sname in this.termHash) { var tel = this.termHash[sname]; if (tel.length > 0 && (tel[0].term.functor.is_a(t.functor) || t.functor.is_a(tel[0].term.functor))) { this.match_cache_l = this.match_cache_l.concat(tel); } } this.match_cache_idx = 0; return this.nextMatch(); }; TermContainer.prototype.nextMatch = function () { if (this.match_cache_l == null) return null; while (this.match_cache_idx < this.match_cache_l.length) { var te2 = this.match_cache_l[this.match_cache_idx]; this.match_cache_idx++; var bindings = new Bindings(); // console.log("nextMatch, unifying " + this.match_cache_term + " with " + te2.term); if (this.match_cache_term.unify(te2.term, OCCURS_CHECK, bindings)) { return [te2.term, bindings]; } // console.log("failed!"); } this.match_cache_term = null; this.match_cache_l = null; this.match_cache_idx = -1; return null; }; TermContainer.prototype.allMatches = function (t) { var l = []; var match = this.firstMatch(t); if (match == null) return l; while (match != null) { l.push(match); match = this.nextMatch(); } return l; }; /* // Returns a list of the terms in this container that can potentially be relevant // for unifying with any of the terms in the sentence "s" termsRelevantForResolutionWithSentence(s:Sentence) : Term[] { let l:Term[] = []; for(let sName in this.termHash) { let l2:Term[] = this.termHash[sName]; if (l2 == null || l2.length == 0) continue; let sort:Sort = l2[0].functor; let include:boolean = false; for(let t of s.terms) { if (sort.subsumes(t.functor) || t.functor.subsumes(sort)) { include = true; break; } } if (include) { l = l.concat(l2); } } return l; } */ TermContainer.prototype.activationUpdate = function () { var toDelete = []; for (var _i = 0, _a = this.plainTermList; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var te = _a[_i]; te.activation--; if (te.activation <= 0) { toDelete.push(te); } } for (var _b = 0, toDelete_1 = toDelete; _b < toDelete_1.length; _b++) { var te = toDelete_1[_b]; this.removeInternal(te); } }; return TermContainer; }());