class AnswerWhatIs_IntentionAction extends IntentionAction { canHandle(intention:Term, ai:RuleBasedAI) : boolean { if (intention.functor.is_a(ai.o.getSort("")) || intention.functor.is_a(ai.o.getSort("action.answer.whatis.noname"))) return true; return false; } execute(ir:IntentionRecord, ai:RuleBasedAI) : boolean { = ir; let intention:Term = ir.action; if (intention.functor == ai.o.getSort("")) { console.log(ai.selfID + " answer " + intention.attributes[2]); if (intention.attributes[1] instanceof ConstantTermAttribute && intention.attributes[2] instanceof ConstantTermAttribute) { let listenerID:string = (intention.attributes[1]).value; // Don't do any inference for now (we'll see if I need it later on), // directly call the same function that will be called after the inference in whatis.noname: AnswerWhatIs_InferenceEffect.executeInferenceEffect_AnswerWhatis(null, (intention.attributes[2]).value, listenerID, ai); // TODO: this should have some temporary value (in all actions that require inference or continuous execution) // that is then replaced with true/false after inference/continuous is done ir.succeeded = true; } else { console.error("executeIntention answer attribute[1] or attribute[2] was not a ConstantTermAttribute: " + intention); ir.succeeded = false; } return true; } else if (intention.functor == ai.o.getSort("action.answer.whatis.noname")) { console.log(ai.selfID + " answer whatis.noname: " + intention.attributes[2]); if (intention.attributes[1] instanceof ConstantTermAttribute && intention.attributes[2] instanceof ConstantTermAttribute) { // target 1: name of the entity: let target1:Sentence[] = [new Sentence([new Term(ai.o.getSort("name"), [intention.attributes[2], new VariableTermAttribute(ai.o.getSort("symbol"), "NAME")])],[false])]; ai.queuedInferenceProcesses.push(new InferenceRecord(ai, [], [target1], 1, 0, false, null, new AnswerWhatIs_InferenceEffect(intention))); // TODO: this should have some temporary value (in all actions that require inference or continuous execution) // that is then replaced with true/false after inference/continuous is done ir.succeeded = true; } else { console.error("executeIntention answer whatis.noname: attribute[1] or attribute[2] was not a ConstantTermAttribute: " + intention); ir.succeeded = false; } return true; } return false; } saveToXML(ai:RuleBasedAI) : string { return ""; } static loadFromXML(xml:Element, ai:RuleBasedAI) : IntentionAction { return new AnswerWhatIs_IntentionAction(); } }