:- module(swish_config_dim_large, []). :- use_module(library(settings)). :- multifile swish_config:config/2. /** Configure SWISH community dimensions SWISH is both used for small installations were a small community of trusted users work on an application and for large installations where many users work anonymously. The default configuration aims at small communities as this is most likely the first usage and the most common installation. This file configures swish for large communities. */ % - show_beware % If `true`, show the *Beware* modal dialog on startup % - tabled_results % If `true`, check the _table results_ checkbox by default. % - community_examples % Allow marking saved programs as example. If marked, the % programs are added to the Examples menu. % - ping % Ping pengine status every N seconds. % - chat % Activate the chat interface % - default_query % Initial query for the source search in an empty tab swish_config:config(show_beware, true). swish_config:config(tabled_results, false). swish_config:config(community_examples, false). swish_config:config(ping, 10). swish_config:config(chat, true). swish_config:config(default_query, 'user:"me"'). % swish:slave_limit controls the max number of pengines per client % swish:thread_pool_size controls the max number of concurrent pengines % swish:thread_pool_stacks controls the pengine thread creation options :- set_setting_default(swish:slave_limit, 3). :- set_setting_default(swish:thread_pool_size, 200). :- set_setting_default(swish:thread_pool_stacks, [stack(250 000 000)]).