Playing with WordNet

As described in its Wikipedia article, WordNet is a lexical database for the English language. It groups English words into sets of synonyms called synsets, provides short definitions and usage examples, and records a number of relations among these synonym sets or their members. WordNet can thus be seen as a combination of dictionary and thesaurus. While it is accessible to human users via a web browser, its primary use is in automatic text analysis and artificial intelligence applications.

Serious stuff, that is, but here we shall only play around with it a bit and write a program that generates random haiku poetry.

Haiku poetry

Haiku is a Japanese form of poetry which in its classical form consists of seventeen syllables. In English haiku poems, these are distributed over three lines:

Syntactically, they may for example look as follows:

The loaded version of WordNet used contains 212558 wordforms, so the possibilities are endless. Most of the generated haikus are bad, but who knows, perhaps some really beautiful ones will emerge in the process. (They are in there...)

Generating haikus

The implementation needs to non-deterministically generate random words of particular parts of speech and calculate their number of syllables. It must also make sure that each line contains the correct number, and backtrack if not.

/* Generating haiku poetry */ % Load wordnet interface. % See :- use_module(library(wn)). :- use_module(library(mcintyre)). :- mc. :- begin_lpad. print_haiku :- haiku_lines(Lines), format("~w~n~w~n~w~n", Lines). haiku_lines([Line1, Line2, Line3]) :- line1(Line1), line2(Line2), line3(Line3). % preposition determiner adjective noun % N11 + N12 =< 3, % N11 + N12 + N13 =< 4, % N11 + N12 + N13 + N14 =:= 5, line1(Line) :- first_couple1(W1,W2,N0), third_word1(W3,N0,N1), fourth_word1(W4,N1), atomic_list_concat([W1, W2, W3, W4], ' ',Line). first_couple1(W1,W2,2):- random_word_syll(preposition, 1,W1, 1), random_word_syll(determiner, 1,W2, 1). first_couple1(W1,W2,3):- random_word_syll(preposition, 1,W1, 2), random_word_syll(determiner, 1,W2, 1). first_couple1(W1,W2,3):- random_word_syll(preposition, 1,W1, 1), random_word_syll(determiner, 1,W2, 2). third_word1(W3,2,3):- random_word_syll(adjective, 1,W3, 1). third_word1(W3,2,4):- random_word_syll(adjective, 1,W3, 2). fourth_word1(W4,3):- random_word_syll(noun, 1,W4, 2). fourth_word1(W4,4):- random_word_syll(noun, 1,W4, 1). % determiner adjective noun particle verb % N21 + N22 =< 4, % N21 + N22 + N23 =< 5, % N21 + N22 + N23 + N24 =< 6, % N21 + N22 + N23 + N24 + N25 =:= 7, line2(Line) :- first_couple2(W1,W2,N0), third_word2(W3,N0,N1), fourth_word2(W4,N1,N2), fifth_word2(W5,N2), atomic_list_concat([W1, W2, W3, W4, W5], ' ', Line). first_couple2(W1,W2,2):- random_word_syll(determiner,2, W1, 1), random_word_syll(adjective,2, W2, 1). first_couple2(W1,W2,3):- random_word_syll(determiner,2, W1, 1), random_word_syll(adjective,2, W2, 2). first_couple2(W1,W2,3):- random_word_syll(determiner,2, W1, 2), random_word_syll(adjective,2, W2, 1). first_couple2(W1,W2,4):- random_word_syll(determiner,2, W1, 1), random_word_syll(adjective,2, W2, 3). first_couple2(W1,W2,4):- random_word_syll(determiner,2, W1, 2), random_word_syll(adjective,2, W2, 2). first_couple2(W1,W2,4):- random_word_syll(determiner,2, W1, 3), random_word_syll(adjective,2, W2, 1). third_word2(W3,2,3):- random_word_syll(noun,2, W3, 1). third_word2(W3,2,4):- random_word_syll(noun,2, W3, 2). third_word2(W3,2,5):- random_word_syll(noun,2, W3, 3). third_word2(W3,3,4):- random_word_syll(noun,2, W3, 1). third_word2(W3,3,4):- random_word_syll(noun,2, W3, 1). third_word2(W3,4,5):- random_word_syll(noun,2, W3, 2). third_word2(W3,5,5):- random_word_syll(noun,2, W3, 1). fourth_word2(W4,3,4):- random_word_syll(particle,2, W4, 1). fourth_word2(W4,3,5):- random_word_syll(particle,2, W4, 2). fourth_word2(W4,3,6):- random_word_syll(particle,2, W4, 3). fourth_word2(W4,4,5):- random_word_syll(particle,2, W4, 1). fourth_word2(W4,4,6):- random_word_syll(particle,2, W4, 2). fourth_word2(W4,5,6):- random_word_syll(particle,2, W4, 1). fifth_word2(W5,4):- random_word_syll(verb, 2,W5, 3). fifth_word2(W5,5):- random_word_syll(verb, 2,W5, 2). fifth_word2(W5,6):- random_word_syll(verb, 2,W5, 1). % modifier adverb % N31 + N32 =:= 5. line3(Line) :- random_word_syll(modifier,3, W1, 1), random_word_syll(adverb,3, W2, 4), atomic_list_concat([W1, W2], ' ', Line). line3(Line) :- random_word_syll(modifier,3, W1, 2), random_word_syll(adverb,3, W2, 3), atomic_list_concat([W1, W2], ' ', Line). line3(Line) :- random_word_syll(modifier,3, W1, 3), random_word_syll(adverb,3, W2, 2), atomic_list_concat([W1, W2], ' ', Line). line3(Line) :- random_word_syll(modifier,3, W1, 4), random_word_syll(adverb,3, W2, 1), atomic_list_concat([W1, W2], ' ', Line). %! random_word_syll(+PoS, +Line,-Word, -N) is nondet. % % Given a part of speech, generate a random word and % its number of syllables. random_word_syll(PoS,L, Word, N) :- random_word(PoS,L,N, Word). %! random_word(+PoS, Word) is nondet. % % Given a part of speech, generate a random word. random_word(PoS,_, N,Word):uniform(Word,List) :- findall(W, (call(PoS, W),count_syllables(W, N)), List),List\=[]. % Predicates for the parts of speech. The open word % classes are fetched from WordNet, the closed ones % (or some of them) are just enumerated. Note that % the verbs are converted to their third person % singular forms. noun(Word) :- wn_s(_, _, Word, n, _, _). adjective(Word) :- wn_s(_, _, Word, a, _, _). verb(Word) :- wn_s(_, _, Word0, v, _, _), make_sg3_form(Word0, Word). adverb(Word) :- wn_s(_, _, Word, r, _, _). preposition(in). preposition(on). preposition(to). preposition(from). preposition(around). preposition(besides). preposition(along). preposition(aboard). preposition(above). preposition(among). preposition(behind). preposition(inside). preposition(outside). preposition(under). preposition(without). preposition(within). determiner(a). determiner(the). determiner(any). determiner(your). determiner(each). determiner(her). determiner(his). determiner(my). determiner(one). determiner(our). determiner(their). determiner(some). determiner(this). particle(still). modifier(extremely). modifier(heavily). modifier(awfully). modifier(seemingly). modifier(dreadfully). modifier(alarmingly). modifier(exceedingly). modifier(intensely). modifier(distinctly). modifier(profoundly). modifier(tediously). modifier(very). modifier(outstandingly). modifier(unusually). modifier(decidedly). modifier(supremely). modifier(highly). modifier(remarkably). modifier(truly). modifier(seriously). modifier(frightfully). modifier(apparently). modifier(evidently). modifier(superficially). modifier(supposedly). %! make_sg3_form(+Word, -NewWord) is det. % % Create a third person singular word form. % If the verb ends in y, remove it and add ies. make_sg3_form(Word, SG3) :- atom_concat(Prefix, y, Word), atom_concat(_, C, Prefix), consonant(C), !, atom_concat(Prefix, ies, SG3). % If the verb ends in o, ch, s, sh, x or z, add es. make_sg3_form(Word, SG3) :- member(Suffix, [o, ch, s, sh, x, z]), atom_concat(_Prefix, Suffix, Word), !, atom_concat(Word, es, SG3). % By default just add s. make_sg3_form(Word, SG3) :- atom_concat(Word, s, SG3). %! count_syllables(+Word, -N) is det. % % Count the number of syllables in a word % form. This is in fact a hard problem so % here there is room for impreovements. count_syllables(Word, N) :- atom_chars(Word, Chars), count_syllables_chars(Chars, N). count_syllables_chars([], 0) :- !. count_syllables_chars([C,l,e], 1) :- consonant(C), !. count_syllables_chars([C,e], 0) :- consonant(C), !. count_syllables_chars([C|Cs], N) :- consonant(C), !, count_syllables_chars(Cs, N). count_syllables_chars([_, C|Cs], N) :- vowel(C), !, count_syllables_chars(Cs, NN), N is NN + 1. count_syllables_chars([_|Cs], N) :- count_syllables_chars(Cs, NN), N is NN + 1. vowel(a). vowel(e). vowel(i). vowel(o). vowel(u). vowel(y). consonant(b). consonant(c). consonant(d). consonant(f). consonant(g). consonant(h). consonant(j). consonant(k). consonant(l). consonant(m). consonant(n). consonant(p). consonant(q). consonant(r). consonant(s). consonant(t). consonant(v). consonant(x). consonant(z). :- end_lpad. haiku(Li1,Li2,Li3):-mc_sample_arg_first(haiku_lines([L1,L2,L3]),1,(L1,L2,L3),L),L=[(Li1,Li2,Li3)-_].

To test it, run the following query:


Meet the crazy haiku poet!

Tickle him with your mouse pointer and he will produce a haiku poem. Make sure your sound isn't muted, and he will even speak!