/* Flexible probabilities: variable probabilistic annotations. The example models drawing a person at random from a population and computing the probability that it is a male or a female. From J. Vennekens, S. Verbaeten, and M. Bruynooghe. Logic programs with annotated disjunctions. In International Conference on Logic Programming, volume 3131 of LNCS, pages 195-209. Springer, 2004. */ :- use_module(library(pita)). :- if(current_predicate(use_rendering/1)). :- use_rendering(c3). :- endif. :- pita. :- begin_lpad. male:M/P; female:F/P:- findall(Male,male(Male),LM), findall(Female,female(Female),LF), length(LM,M), length(LF,F), P is F+M. :- end_lpad. male(john). male(david). female(anna). female(elen). female(cathy). /** <examples> ?- prob(male,Prob). % what is the probability of sampling a male from the % population? % expected result 0.4 ?- prob(female,Prob). % what is the probability of sampling a female from the % population? % expected result 0.6 ?- prob(male,Prob),bar(Prob,C). % what is the probability of sampling a male from the % population? % expected result 0.4 ?- prob(female,Prob),bar(Prob,C). % what is the probability of sampling a female from the % population? % expected result 0.6 */