Example showing the effect of noisy or. From
J. Vennekens, Marc Denecker, and Maurice Bruynooghe. CP-logic: A language of 
causal probabilistic events and its relation to logic programming. 
Theory Pract. Log. Program., 9(3):245-308, 2009.
:- use_module(library(pita)).

:- if(current_predicate(use_rendering/1)).
:- use_rendering(c3).
:- endif.

:- pita.

:- begin_lpad.

% Russian roulette with two guns, left_gun and right_gun

death : 1/6 :- pull_trigger(left_gun).
% if you pull the trigger of the left gun, you are dead with probability 1/6

death : 1/6 :- pull_trigger(right_gun).
% if you pull the trigger of the right gun, you are dead with probability 1/6

% you surely pull the trigger of the left gun
% you surely pull the trigger of the right gun

:- end_lpad.

/** <examples>

?- prob(death,Prob). % what is the probability that you are dead?
% expected result 0.3055555555555556
?- prob(death,Prob),bar(Prob,C). % what is the probability that you are dead?
% expected result 0.3055555555555556