/* Part of SWISH Author: Jan Wielemaker E-mail: J.Wielemaker@vu.nl WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org Copyright (c) 2016, VU University Amsterdam All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ :- module(r_swish, [ r_download/0, % Download all r_download/1 % +File ]). :- use_module(library(pengines)). :- use_module(library(debug)). :- use_module(library(error)). :- use_module(library(apply)). :- use_module(library(http/html_write)). :- use_module(library(http/js_write)). % We publish to the R interface to `swish` :- use_module(swish:library(r/r_call)). :- use_module(swish:library(r/r_data)). :- use_module(library(r/r_call)). :- use_module(library(r/r_serve)). :- use_module(download). /** Bind Rserve to SWISH The user must provide the file search path =rserve= to local the R connection library. */ :- multifile r_call:r_console/2, r_call:r_display_images/1, r_call:r_console_property/1. %% r_call:r_console(+Stream, ?Data) % % Relay Rserve captured output to SWISH using writeln. r_call:r_console(stdout, []) :- !. r_call:r_console(stdout, Strings) :- atomics_to_string(Strings, "\n", String), send_html(pre(class(['R', console]), String)). send_html(HTML) :- phrase(html(HTML), Tokens), with_output_to(string(HTMlString), print_html(Tokens)), pengine_output(HTMlString). %! r_call:r_console_property(?Property) % % Relay the size of the console r_call:r_console_property(size(Rows, Cols)) :- swish:tty_size(Rows, Cols). %% r_call:r_display_images(+Images) % % Relay received images to the SWISH console using % pengine_output/1. r_call:r_display_images(Images) :- svg_html(Images, HTMlString), pengine_output(HTMlString). %% svg_html(+Images, -HTMlString) is det. % % Turn a list of SVG images into an HTML string. svg_html(Images, HTMlString) :- phrase(svg_html(Images), Tokens), with_output_to(string(HTMlString), print_html(Tokens)). svg_html(Images) --> html(div(class('Rplots'), \rplots(Images))). rplots([]) --> []. rplots([H|T]) --> html(div(class(['reactive-size', 'R', svg]), \plot(H, []))), rplots(T). plot(svg(SVG), _Options) --> !, html(\[SVG]), pan_zoom, "". plot(Term, _Options) --> !, { domain_error(image, Term) }. %% pan_zoom % % Add pan and soom behaviour to embedded SVG. This function also % renames the `id` attribute and their references. % % @bug We need a generic way to fix all references to the ID. % Is there a list of such attributes? % @bug Instead of `"use"`, we should use `"[xlink\\:href]"`, % but this does not seem to work!? % @bug When generalised, this could move into runner.js. find_svg(\['\nvar svg = node.node().find("svg");\nvar data = { w0: svg.width(),\n\t h0: svg.height()\n\t };\nvar pan;\n\nfunction fixIDs(node, prefix1) {\n var i=0;\n node.each(function() {\n var prefix = prefix1+(i++)+"_";\n var img = $(this);\n var hprefix = "#"+prefix;\n var re = /(url\\()#([^)]*)(\\))/;\n\n img.find("[id]").each(function() {\n var elem = $(this);\n elem.attr("id", prefix+elem.attr("id"));\n });\n img.find("use").each(function() {\n var elem = $(this);\n var r = elem.attr("xlink:href");\n if ( r.charAt(0) == "#" )\n\telem.attr("xlink:href", hprefix+r.slice(1));\n });\n img.find("[clip-path]").each(function() {\n var elem = $(this);\n var r = elem.attr("clip-path").match(re);\n if ( r.length == 4 )\n\telem.attr("clip-path", r[1]+hprefix+r[2]+r[3]);\n });\n });\n}\n\nfixIDs(svg, "N"+node.unique_id()+"_");\n\nfunction updateSize() {\n var w = svg.closest("div.Rplots").innerWidth();\n console.log(data.w0, w);\n\n function reactive() {\n if ( !data.reactive ) {\n var div = svg.closest("div.reactive-size");\n data.reactive = true;\n div.on("reactive-resize", updateSize);\n }\n }\n\n reactive();\n w = Math.max(w*0.95, 100);\n if ( w < data.w0 ) {\n svg.width(w);\n svg.height(w = Math.max(w*data.h0/data.w0, w/4));\n if ( pan ) {\n pan.resize();\n pan.fit();\n pan.center();\n }\n }\n}\n\nrequire(["svg-pan-zoom"], function(svgPanZoom) {\n updateSize()\n pan = svgPanZoom(svg[0], {\n maxZoom: 50\n });\n});\n\t\t ']). /* find_svg(X):- X = {|javascript|| var svg = node.node().find("svg"); var data = { w0: svg.width(), h0: svg.height() }; var pan; function fixIDs(node, prefix1) { var i=0; node.each(function() { var prefix = prefix1+(i++)+"_"; var img = $(this); var hprefix = "#"+prefix; var re = /(url\()#([^)]*)(\))/; img.find("[id]").each(function() { var elem = $(this); elem.attr("id", prefix+elem.attr("id")); }); img.find("use").each(function() { var elem = $(this); var r = elem.attr("xlink:href"); if ( r.charAt(0) == "#" ) elem.attr("xlink:href", hprefix+r.slice(1)); }); img.find("[clip-path]").each(function() { var elem = $(this); var r = elem.attr("clip-path").match(re); if ( r.length == 4 ) elem.attr("clip-path", r[1]+hprefix+r[2]+r[3]); }); }); } fixIDs(svg, "N"+node.unique_id()+"_"); function updateSize() { var w = svg.closest("div.Rplots").innerWidth(); console.log(data.w0, w); function reactive() { if ( !data.reactive ) { var div = svg.closest("div.reactive-size"); data.reactive = true; div.on("reactive-resize", updateSize); } } reactive(); w = Math.max(w*0.95, 100); if ( w < data.w0 ) { svg.width(w); svg.height(w = Math.max(w*data.h0/data.w0, w/4)); if ( pan ) { pan.resize(); pan.fit(); pan.center(); } } } require(["svg-pan-zoom"], function(svgPanZoom) { updateSize() pan = svgPanZoom(svg[0], { maxZoom: 50 }); }); |}. :- find_svg(X), writeq(X). :- break. */ pan_zoom --> {find_svg(X)}, html(\js_script(X)). %% r_download % % Provide download buttons for all created files. First calls the % R function `graphics.off()` to close all graphics devices. r_download :- nb_current('R', _), !, <- graphics.off(), Files <- list.files(), maplist(r_download, Files). r_download. %% r_download(File) % % Provide a download button for the indicates file. r_download(File) :- nb_current('R', _), !, catch(r_read_file($, File, Content), E, r_error(E, File)), ( debugging(r(file)) -> string_length(Content, Len), debug(r(file), 'Got ~D bytes from ~p', [Len, File]) ; true ), file_name_extension(_Name, Ext, File), download_encoding(Ext, Enc), download_button(Content, [ filename(File), encoding(Enc) ]). r_download(File) :- existence_error(r_file, File). r_error(error(r_error(70),_), File) :- !, existence_error(r_file, File). r_error(Error, _) :- throw(Error). download_encoding(svg, utf8) :- !. download_encoding(csv, utf8) :- !. download_encoding(_, octet). :- multifile sandbox:safe_primitive/1. sandbox:safe_primitive(r_swish:r_download). sandbox:safe_primitive(r_swish:r_download(_)).