% Simple illustration of constructing tree-based models within Aleph % To run do the following: % a. Load Aleph % b. read_all(wedge). % c. induce_tree. % Model trees are constructed by specifying a predicate that % will be used for model construction for examples in a leaf. % The user has to provide a definition for this predicate that % is able to: (a) construct the model; and (b) predict using % the model constructed. The trick used is the same as that % for lazy evaluation. % Learning a model tree % The function to be learnt is: % y = f(x) = x + 1 (x =< 0) % = -x + 1 ( x > 0) % That is: % % | % /|\ % / | \ % / | \ % -------------------------- % 0 % what Aleph actually learns with the data given is: % y = f(x) = x + 1 (x =< -0.5) % = -x + 1 ( x > -0.5) % adding more examples rectifies this: see wedge.f /** <examples> ?- induce_tree(Program). */ :-use_module(library(aleph)). :- if(current_predicate(use_rendering/1)). :- use_rendering(prolog). :- endif. :- aleph. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % specify tree type :- aleph_set(tree_type,model). :- aleph_set(evalfn,mse). :- aleph_set(minpos,2). % minimum examples in leaf for splitting :- aleph_set(mingain,0.01). % toy example needs this to be low :- aleph_set(dependent,2). % second argument of f/2 is to predicted :- aleph_set(verbosity,10). %:- aleph_set(mingain,-1e10). % specify predicate definition to use for model construction :- model(predict/3). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Mode declarations :- modeh(1,f(+x,-y)). :- modeb(1,lteq(+x,#threshold)). :- modeb(1,predict(+x,-y,#params)). :- determination(f/2,lteq/2). :- determination(f/2,predict/3). :-begin_bg. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Type definitions threshold(-0.5). threshold(0.0). threshold(0.5). params([_Slope,_Constant,_Sd]). list([_|_]). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Background lteq(X,Y):- var(Y), !, X = Y. lteq(X,Y):- number(X), number(Y), X =< Y. % definition for model construction (parameter estimation) predict(X,Y,[M,C,Sd]):- list(X), list(Y), !, l_regress1(Y,X,M,C,Sd). % definition for prediction predict(X,Y,[M,C,_]):- number(X), var(Y), !, Y is M*X + C. % definition for model checking predict(X,Y,[M,C,Sd]):- number(Y), number(X), !, Y1 is M*X + C, Diff is Y - Y1, abs_val(Diff,ADiff), ADiff =< 3*Sd. % very simple univariate linear regression l_regress1([YVals|_],[XVals|_],M,C,0.0):- YVals = [Y1,Y2|_], XVals = [X1,X2|_], M is (Y2-Y1)/(X2-X1), C is Y1 - M*X1. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Constraints % remove redundant checks for =< % prune((_:-Body)):- % has_literal(lteq(X,Y),Body,Left), % has_literal(lteq(X1,Y1),Left,_), % X == X1, % Y1 =< Y. % % has_literal(L,(L,L1),L1). % has_literal(L,(_,L1),Left):- % !, % has_literal(L,L1,Left). % has_literal(L,L,true). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Utilities abs_val(X,Y):- X < 0, !, Y is -X. abs_val(X,X):- X >= 0. :-end_bg. :-begin_in_pos. f(-1.0,0.0). f(-0.5,0.5). f(-0.25,0.75). % adding this results in the correct theory f(0.0,1.0). f(0.5,0.5). f(1.0,0.0). :-end_in_pos. :-begin_in_neg. :-end_in_neg.