Red and Blue Hats Puzzle

From "Aaronson, Scott. Quantum Computing Since Democritus. Cambridge university press, 2013"

\(n\) people sit in a circle. Each person wears either a red hat or a blue hat, chosen independently and uniformly at random. Each person can see the hats of all the other people, but not his/her own hat. Based only upon what they see, each person votes on whether or not the total number of red hats is odd. Is there a scheme by which the outcome of the vote is correct with probability greater than \(\frac{1}{2}\)?


Each person decides his/her vote as follows: if the number of visible blue hats is larger than the number of visible red hats, then vote according to the parity of the number of visible red hats. Otherwise, vote the opposite of the parity of the number of visible red hats. If the number of red hats differs from the number of blue hats by at least 2, then this scheme succeeds with certainty. Otherwise, the scheme might fail. However, the probability that the number of red hats differs from the number of blue hats by less than 2 is small – \(O(\frac{1}{\sqrt N})\).

:- use_module(library(mcintyre)). :- mc. :- begin_lpad. red(N,R):binomial(R,N,0.5). blu(N,B):- red(N,R),B is N-R. odd(N):- red(N,R), 1 =:= R mod 2. vote_odd(N):- vote_odd_blu(N,VB), vote_odd_red(N,VR), V is VB+VR, V > N/2. correct(N):- odd(N), vote_odd(N). correct(N):- \+ odd(N), \+ vote_odd(N). vote_odd_blu(N,B):- red(N,R), blu(N,B), VisibleBlu is B-1, VisibleBlu>R, 1 =:= R mod 2. vote_odd_blu(N,0):- red(N,R), blu(N,B), VisibleBlu is B-1, VisibleBlu>R, 0 =:= R mod 2. vote_odd_blu(N,0):- red(N,R), blu(N,B), VisibleBlu is B-1, VisibleBlu =< R, 1 =:= R mod 2. vote_odd_blu(N,B):- red(N,R), blu(N,B), VisibleBlu is B-1, VisibleBlu =< R, 0 =:= R mod 2. vote_odd_red(N,R):- red(N,R), blu(N,B), VisibleRed is R-1, B>VisibleRed, 1 =:= VisibleRed mod 2. vote_odd_red(N,0):- red(N,R), blu(N,B), VisibleRed is R-1, B>VisibleRed, 0 =:= VisibleRed mod 2. vote_odd_red(N,0):- red(N,R), blu(N,B), VisibleRed is R-1, B =< VisibleRed, 1 =:= VisibleRed mod 2. vote_odd_red(N,R):- red(N,R), blu(N,B), VisibleRed is R-1, B =< VisibleRed, 0 =:= VisibleRed mod 2. :- end_lpad.
What is the probability that the scheme returns the correct result when there are 10 people?