/* Part of SWISH Author: Jan Wielemaker E-mail: J.Wielemaker@vu.nl WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org Copyright (c) 2014-2017, VU University Amsterdam CWI Amsterdam All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ :- module(swish_http_authenticate, [ login/2, % +Request, -User swish_add_user/3, % +User, +Passwd, +Fields swish_add_user/1, % +Dict swish_add_user/0, swish_logged_in/3, % +Request, -User, -Data swish_current_user/2 % ?User, ?Data ]). :- use_module(library(pengines), []). :- use_module(library(lists)). :- use_module(library(debug)). :- use_module(library(crypt)). :- use_module(library(http/http_authenticate)). :- use_module(library(option)). :- use_module(library(settings)). :- use_module(library(broadcast)). :- use_module(library(http/http_dispatch)). :- use_module(library(http/http_path)). :- use_module(login). :- use_module('../form'). :- use_module('../config'). :- use_module('../page', []). :- if(exists_source(library(http/http_digest))). :- use_module(library(http/http_digest)). :- setting(method, oneof([basic,digest]), digest, "HTTP authentication method used"). :- else. :- setting(method, oneof([basic]), basic, "HTTP authentication method used"). :- endif. :- setting(realm, atom, 'SWISH user', "HTTP authentication realm"). :- setting(password_file, callable, passwd, "Location of the password file"). :- multifile swish_config:config/2, swish_config:config/3, swish_config:authenticate/2, swish_config:login_item/2, % -Server, -HTML_DOM swish_config:login/2, % +Server, +Request swish_config:user_info/3. % +Request, -Server, -UserInfo /** <module> SWISH login management This module provides basic login and password management facilities for SWISH. You can create an authenticated SWISH server by 1. Loading this library 2. Add one or more users to the passwd file using swish_add_user/0 == ?- swish_add_user. User name: Bob Real name: Bob de Bouwer Group: user E-mail: bob@bouwer.com Password: (again): true. == Authentication is by default based on HTTP digest authentication, which uses a challenge-response to avoid exchanging the plain password and uses sequence numbers to avoid replaying actions. This basically protects non-authorized users from entering commands, but does not encrypt the communication. */ :- dynamic password_file_cache/1. password_file(File) :- password_file_cache(File), !. password_file(File) :- setting(password_file, Spec), absolute_file_name(Spec, File, [access(read)]), update_auth_type(File), asserta(password_file_cache(File)). %! login(+Request, -User) is det. % % Perform a login login(Request, User) :- logged_in(Request, User), !. login(Request, User) :- setting(method, digest), !, setting(realm, Realm), password_file(File), http:authenticate(digest(File, Realm), Request, [user(User)|_Details]). login(_Request, _User) :- throw(http_reply(authorise(basic('SWISH user')))). %% logged_in(+Request, -User) is semidet. % % True when User is logged in. Throws an HTTP authorization % exception if the user is not authenticated. % % @throw http_reply(authorise(Authorise)) logged_in(Request, User) :- setting(method, digest), !, memberchk(authorization(Challenge), Request), debug(authenticate, 'Authorization: ~p', [Challenge]), has_digest(Challenge), setting(realm, Realm), password_file(File), http:authenticate(digest(File, Realm), Request, [user(User)|_Details]). logged_in(Request, User) :- password_file(File), http_authenticate(basic(File), Request, [User|_Fields]), !, debug(authenticate, 'Logged in as ~p', [User]). has_digest(Challenge) :- http_parse_digest_challenge(Challenge, Fields), debug(authenticate, 'Digest: ~p', [Fields]), \+ memberchk(username(logout), Fields). %% swish_config:config(?Key, ?Value, +Options) is nondet. % % Make the user available as config.swish.user. This value is % provided if the user must login for any access to swish. % Optional login is handled by `update` in =login.js= which calls % the HTTP handler `user_info`. swish_config:config(user, Dict, Options) :- option(user(User), Options), password_file(File), ( http_current_user(File, User, [_Hash,Group,Name,Email]) -> Dict = u{user:User, group:Group, name:Name, email:Email} ; Dict = u{user:User} ). %% swish_config:authenticate(+Request, -User) % % Called for all SWISH actions. May be used to restrict all % access. Access can only be denied by throwing an exception. swish_config:authenticate(Request, User) :- \+ swish_config(public_access, true), login(Request, User). %% update_auth_type(+File) % % Update the authentication type to match the password hashes update_auth_type(File) :- digest_password_file(File), !, setting(method, Method), ( Method == digest -> true ; print_message(warning, http_auth_type(Method, digest)), set_setting(method, digest) ). update_auth_type(_) :- setting(method, Method), ( Method == basic -> true ; print_message(warning, http_auth_type(Method, basic)), set_setting(method, basic) ). digest_password_file(File) :- http_read_passwd_file(File, [passwd(_User, Hash, _Fields)|_]), is_sha1(Hash). is_sha1(Hash) :- atom_length(Hash, 32), forall(sub_atom(Hash, _, 1, _, Char), char_type(Char, xdigit(_))). %% swish_current_user(?User, -Dict) is nondet. % % True if User is a user with properties. swish_current_user(User, u{user:User, group:Group, name:Name, email:Email}) :- password_file(File), http_current_user(File, User, [_Hash,Group,Name,Email]). %% swish_logged_in(+Request, -User, -UserData) is semidet. % % True when Request is associated with User. swish_logged_in(Request, User, UserData) :- logged_in(Request, User), swish_current_user(User, UserData). :- listen(identity_property(Identity, Property), from_passwd_file(Identity, Property)). from_passwd_file(Identity, Property) :- swish_current_user(Identity.get(user), Dict), Property =.. [Name,Value], Value = Dict.get(Name). /******************************* * LOGIN INTEGRATION * *******************************/ :- http_handler(swish(http_logout), http_logout, [id(http_logout)]). %! swish_config:login_item(-Server, -Item) swish_config:login_item(local, 0-Item) :- swish_config(public_access, true), http_absolute_location(icons('logo.png'), Img, []), Item = img([ src(Img), class('login-with'), 'data-server'(local), title('Local login') ]). %! swish_config:login(+Server, +Request) % % Handler to deal with local HTTP based login. swish_config:login(local, Request) :- login(Request, User), swish_current_user(User, UserData), user_name(UserData, Options), UserInfo = UserData.put(identity_provider, local), reply_logged_in([ user(User), user_info(UserInfo) | Options ]). user_name(UserData, [name(Name)]) :- Name = UserData.get(name), !. user_name(_, []). %! swish_config:user_info(+Request, -Server, -UserInfo) is semidet. % % True when UserInfo describes the currently http-authenticated user. swish_config:user_info(Request, local, UserInfo) :- swish_logged_in(Request, _User, UserData), !, setting(method, Method), UserInfo = UserData.put(auth_method, Method). %! http_logout(+Request) % % HTTP Handler for logging out. This page replies to % clearAuthenticationCache() from web/js/login.js http_logout(_Request) :- throw(http_reply(authorise(basic('SWISH user')))). /******************************* * USER MANAGEMENT * *******************************/ %% swish_add_user(+User, +Passwd, +Fields) is det. % % Add a new user to the SWISH password file. Defined Fields are % (in this order): % % - _Group_ identifies the user group (not used) % - _Real name_ is the common name of the user % - _EMail_ is the user's e-mail address (not used) :- if(current_predicate(http_digest_password_hash/4)). swish_add_user(User, Passwd, Fields) :- setting(method, digest), !, setting(realm, Realm), http_digest_password_hash(User, Realm, Passwd, Hash), update_password(passwd(User, Hash, Fields)). :- endif. swish_add_user(User, Passwd, Fields) :- phrase("$1$", E, _), % use Unix MD5 hashes crypt(Passwd, E), string_codes(Hash, E), update_password(passwd(User, Hash, Fields)). update_password(Entry) :- arg(1, Entry, User), writeable_passwd_file(File), ( exists_file(File) -> http_read_passwd_file(File, Data) ; Data = [] ), ( selectchk(passwd(User, _, _), Data, Entry, NewData) -> true ; append(Data, [Entry], NewData) ), http_write_passwd_file(File, NewData). writeable_passwd_file(File) :- ( catch(password_file(File), _, fail) -> true ; setting(password_file, Spec), absolute_file_name(Spec, File, [access(write)]) ). %% swish_add_user % % Interactively add a user to the SWISH password file. swish_add_user :- on_signal(int, _, interrupted), writeable_passwd_file(File), ( exists_file(File) -> Action = update ; Action = create ), print_message(informational, password_file(Action, File)), read_string("User name: ", User), read_string("Real name: ", RealName), read_string("Group: ", Group), read_string("E-Mail: ", Email), between(1, 3, _), read_passwd("Password: ", Passwd1), read_passwd("(again): ", Passwd2), ( Passwd1 == Passwd2 -> !, swish_add_user(User, Passwd1, [Group,RealName,Email]) ; print_message(warning, password_mismatch), fail ). interrupted(_Sig) :- gethostname('logicmoo.org'), !. interrupted(_Sig) :- gethostname(gitlab), !. interrupted(_Sig) :- nop(halt(2)). read_string(Prompt, String) :- format(user_error, '~w', [Prompt]), read_line_to_string(user_input, String). read_passwd(Prompt, Passwd) :- format(user_error, '~w', [Prompt]), read_pwd([], Codes), string_codes(Passwd, Codes). read_pwd(P0, P) :- get_single_char(C), read_pwd(C, P0, P). read_pwd(0'\r, P, P) :- !, nl(user_error). read_pwd(0'\n, P, P) :- !, nl(user_error). read_pwd(0'\b, P0, P) :- ( append(P1, [_], P0) -> true ; P1 = [] ), read_pwd(P1, P). read_pwd(21, _, P) :- % Control-U read_pwd([], P). read_pwd(C, P0, P) :- append(P0, [C], P1), read_pwd(P1, P). %% swish_add_user(+Data:dict) is det. % % Add a user from Data. swish_add_user(Data) :- Groups = [user,administrator], validate_form( Data, [ field(user, User, [alnum, atom, length >= 2]), field(name, Name, [strip, alnum_and_spaces]), field(email, Email, [email]), field(group, Group, [downcase, atom,oneof(Groups)]), field(pwd1, Pwd1, [password]), field(pwd2, Pwd2, [password]) ]), new_user(User), ( Pwd1 == Pwd2 -> true ; input_error(pwd2, matching_password) ), swish_add_user(User, Pwd1, [Group,Name,Email]). new_user(User) :- writeable_passwd_file(File), exists_file(File), http_current_user(File, User, _Fields), !, input_error(user, new_user). new_user(_). /******************************* * MESSAGES * *******************************/ :- multifile prolog:message//1. prolog:message(http_auth_type(ReqMethod, Method)) --> [ 'Using HTTP authentication ~q instead of ~q due to password file format' -[Method, ReqMethod] ]. prolog:message(password_mismatch) --> [ 'Password mismatch'-[] ]. prolog:message(password_file(Action, File)) --> [ 'Password file: ~w (~w)'-[File, Action] ].