# Dice
In this section we illustrate an example that models a game with a six-sided dice. The dice is repeatedly thrown until the outcome is six. When the outcome is six, the game stops.
We will show how to perform a simple query, how to perform a conditional query and how to execute a query whose results are graphically represented by a histogram.
### Writing the program step by step
First of all we want to write a fact which states that at time 0 the die land on one of its faces with a uniform probability distribution (1/6 for each face). We use the predicate =|on(T,F)|= which means that the die landed on face F at time T.
The following rule states that at time T the die lands on one of its faces with equal probability if at the previous time point it was thrown and it did not land on face 6.
X1 is X-1,X1>=0,on(X1,_),
\+ on(X1,6).
### Full program with Prolog editor
Below we can see the full LPAD of the example.
% Load 'pita' library to perform inference
:- use_module(library(pita)).
:- pita.
% to be written before the program
:- begin_lpad.
% T = 0
% T > 0
X1 is X-1,X1>=0,on(X1,_),
\+ on(X1,6).
% to be written after the program
:- end_lpad.
Now we ask for the probability that the die will land on face 1 at time 0.
At this point we ask for the probability that the die will land on face 1 at time 2. If we submit this query, we can note that the probability that the die will land on one of its faces at time T (with T > 0) decreases. This is because it is the probability that the dice will land on one of its faces at time T and that at time T-1 it did not land on face 6.
We can ask conditional queries with the predicate
For example, we can ask for the probability that the die will land on face 1 at time 2
given that it landed on face 1 at time 0.
If the evidence is composed of more than one atom, add a clause of the form
evidence:- e1,...,en.
to the program, where `e1,...,en` are the evidence atoms, and use the query
?- prob(goal,evidence,P).
as for example in
### How to execute a query with graphical results
*cplint on SWISH* can show the probabilistic results of a query as histograms. What we have to do is to use the predicate prob_bar/2 instead of prob/2. This feature, however, it is only supported if we are using the "Prolog" editor, it is *NOT* supported with the "LPAD" editor.
The syntax is the same as prob/2.
Where =Atom= is the query that we want to ask, while =P= is the variable that will contain a bar chart with two bars, one for the probability of the atom of being true and one for the probability of the atom of being false (1- the first). It provides a graphical representation of the difference between the two values.
However, before submitting this kind of query, we need to specify that we want to use the renderer =c3= by adding the following line before the =|:- begin_lpad.|= goal
:- use_rendering(c3).
Therefore our program becomes
% load the 'pita' library to perform inference
:- use_module(library(pita)).
:- pita.
% load the graphical renderer
:- use_rendering(c3).
% to be written before the program
:- begin_lpad.
% Program
X1 is X-1,X1>=0,on(X1,_),
\+ on(X1,6).
% to be written after the program
:- end_lpad.
For istance let us consider again the previous query, this time with a graphical result.
prob_bar(on(2,1), P).
Complete example: [dice.pl](example/inference/dice.pl)
Complete example with the LPAD editor: [dice.cpl](example/inference/dice.cpl)
- Reference: J. Vennekens, S. Verbaeten, and M. Bruynooghe. _Logic programs with annotated disjunctionsi_. In International Conference on Logic Programming, volume 3131 of LNCS, pages 195-209. Springer, 2004.
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