%% (c) 1992, 1993 by KIT-BACK, TU Berlin. All rights reserved. %% -------------------------------------------------------------------- %% %% Load BACK V 5.2 for Quintus Prolog %% %% To load BACK into Quintus Prolog consult this file and %% call 'back/0'. %% %% ------------------------------------------------------------------- :- no_style_check(all). back :- %% compile BACK compile_preliminaries, compile_tbox, compile_abox, compile_patches, msg_back_loaded, backinit, backread(backmacros), style_check(all). %% %% ---------------------------------------- %% compile_preliminaries :- msg_loading_prels, ['dynamic.quintus'], ['library.quintus'], ['backops.pl'], ['util.pl']. compile_tbox :- msg_loading_tbox, ['tbox1.pl'], ['tbox2.pl'], ['btl.pl']. compile_abox :- msg_loading_abox, ['abox.pl']. compile_patches :- msg_loading_patches, ['back.patch']. %% BACK Test Environment backtest :- load_testfiles, start_testing. load_testfiles :- ['tests/alltests']. start_testing :- alltests, !. msg_loading_prels :- write(' *** BACK: Loading preliminaries ...'), nl. msg_loading_tbox :- write(' *** BACK: Loading TBox V 5.2 ...'), nl. msg_loading_abox :- write(' *** BACK: Loading ABox V 5.2 ...'), nl. msg_loading_patches :- write(' *** BACK: Loading Patches ...'), nl. msg_back_loaded :- write(' *** BACK: BACK System V 5.2 Loaded.'), nl.