(c) 1992, 1993 by KIT-BACK, TU Berlin. All rights reserved. IMPORTANT: Please read the following carefully before downloading and/or using the software. The BACK system (Berlin Advanced Computational Knowledge Representation System) is distributed free of charge for non-profit research and educational purposes only, unlimited on-site use, with no right to re-distribute for profit or otherwise. The BACK software and documentation comes "AS-IS". There is ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY for any part of this software to work correctly or as described in the manuals. We do not accept any liability for any kind of damage caused by use of this software, such as loss of data, time, money, or effort. We kindly ask you to register as a BACK user. Your registration enables us to provide you with patches and updates of BACK, and to keep track of who is experimenting with BACK. For registration, please send your name, address, affiliation, and e-mail address (if existent) to Tech. Univ. Berlin KIT-BACK, FR 5-12 Franklinstr. 28/29, D - 1000 Berlin 10 (10587), Germany Fax.: +49.30.314.24929 E-Mail: back@cs.tu-berlin.de If you can, please also indicate the intended usage.