This file lists the major changes of BACK V5.* with respect to previous version of Release V5. OVERVIEW o Improvements wrt V5.1 - port to SWI-Prolog - improved abstraction of atmost(0,R) terms - improved treatment of features o Improvements wrt V5.0 - further unification of retrieval/single pattern FOR - describe/ describe_fully - dedicated tboxget (upward-compatible with V4) - full support of TBox/IBox/ABox revision - considerable speed-up o Language Changes - changed semantics of i-links - abandoned 'anyrole' - abandoned 'inherent_feature' o Non-deterministic failures - SOLVED o Syntax Updates o Missing - getall - complex role-terms in ABox expressions - persistence of query concs - difference IMPROVEMENTS OVER BACK V5.1 o BACK V5 is now ported to SWI-Prolog. SWI-Prolog is a public domain version implementation of Prolog developed by Jan Wielemaker, University of Amsterdam (email-contact: It is available via Consult file Readme.Back52 for installation. o The abstraction of atmost(0,R) terms has been made more complete than in V5.1. An atmost(0,R) term is now abstracted for an object x if none of the potential fillers for R can consistently become an instance of the range of R or x's value restriction of R. The implementation is not complete though; there exist cases in which an R-filler would become inconsistent with the range or VR, but BACK does not detect this and thus cannot abstract atmost(0,R). Also, we haven't yet extended the solution to cope with arbitrary atmost(n,R) terms. o Feature processing has been improved: Features are classified more correctly, and Subroles of features and compositions of features are detected to be features too. Features are now introduced as quasi primitive subroles of the specified roleterm (if this is not a feature itself). Note that features defined as "f := r and domain(atmost(1,r))" are not detected as features. o The name and the location of the dump file that's automatically created during tbox revision can be set via the variables 'tboxdumpfile' and 'tboxdumpdir' using the backstate/1 command. o There have been minor fixes of errors reported by BACK users. IMPROVEMENTS OVER BACK V5.0 o The retrieval interface has been further unified. There is now a uniform interface to retrieve most of the things that you might be interested in: backretrieve( VAR = FOR ). The 'VAR =' is optional; without it the result of the retrieval will be pretty-printed to the current output stream. The is a (Prolog-) list that specifies which information should go into an output tuple for every of the arguments in . We had also called these "output functions" or "actions". contains all the known things like self, msc, rf/1. Also defined_as, describe and describe_fully now have to be put into the tuple specification. As new features we also provide nr() and vr() to ask for NRs and VRs. Arguments () are either given explicitly by enumerating them in a Prolog-list, or are objects retrieved by a getall query. Examples are: backretrieve([defined_as, describe] for [father, has_son, peter]). backretrieve([self, msc, rf(r), vr(r)] for getall concept23). Not all output functions can be applied to all entities. E.g., the msc function is not defined for roles. backretrieve will inform you by an appropriate message in the result. Some of the output functions can be applied directly on arguments. These are all those which are atomic/have no argument: describe, describe_fully, defined_as, introduced_as, self, msc. Example backretrieve(describe paul). backretrieve(defined_as [father, has_son, peter]). o describe and describe_fully are supported by V5.1. In general, descriptions obtained by describe should be minimized compared to descriptions obtained by describe_fully; this is the case for concepts and objects. For attributes and numbers, describe and describe_fully yield the same results; this is intendend. At the moment, the implementation of describe for roles does not minimize every description as good as it should (which we hope to be able to improve in future releases). As a sideeffect of the weak implementation of describe for roles, some roles in concept/object descriptions will not be unfolded to the original names. Instead, internal role objects will be returned, a description of which then may be obtained via backretrieve. However, if a name has been introduced for a role or its inverse, either the role's name or inv(.) will be used. o There is (again) a dedicated programming interface (PIF) accessible via the tboxget predicate. It is upward-compatible with V4, has been extended for i-links, and should allow for access to most information of interest that is not accessible via backretrieve or backask. In the future we may merge tboxget and backretrieve to a single uniform interface. o Revision/changeability of a BACK knowledge base is now fully supported. This means that you can change any part of the knowledge base (ABox) and knowledge base schema (TBox/IBox) at any time, and that you can enter information in a mostly arbitrary order (e.g. you can define new concepts, roles or i-links after you already have inserted objects). Two remarks are necessary here: Changing objects (by forget or redescribe) is supposed to be nearly as efficient as telling the corresponding information. Its implementation should be stable. Changing the schema (concepts, roles, i-links) after objects have been introduced is NOT SUPPOSED to be EFFICIENT. It should be faster than doing a backinit and reading everything anew, but it should be used with caution. Remember it is a schema change. Thus we recommend that you stay with the standard order TBox-IBox-ABox whereever you can. Introducing a new concept is less expensive than introducing a new role, and changing the definition of an existing concept/role is supposed to be worst. o V5.1 is significantly (!) faster than its predecessor; if you had installed V5.0.* you will notice immediately. Due to the higher expressivity, however, the overall performance of V5.1 is still a bit slower than V4. LANGUAGE CHANGES o We have weakened the semantics of i-links: I-links are not applied any longer to value-restrictions. Since VRs are forward-propagated to fillers, the i-links will be applied on the fillers, though (see below). The new behavior corresponds to the treatment of i-links in CLASSIC. Examples: c1 :< anthing. c2 := all(r,c1). c3 := c1 and atleast(2,s). c1 => c4. c1 ?< c4. %% yes c3 ?< c4. %% yes \+ c2 ?< all(r,c4). %% no: 'c1 => c4' is not applied on the VR x1 :: c3. x2 :: c2 and r:x3. x4 :: c2 and atmost(1,r) and r:x5. x6 :: c2. x1 ?: c4. %% yes x3 ?: c4. %% yes due to forward prop. of VR from x2. x5 ?: c4. %% yes due to forward prop. of VR from x4 \+ x2 ?: c4. %% no: filler set not closed x4 ?: c4. %% yes: filler set closed x6 ?: c4. %% no: 'c1 => c4' is not applied on the VR o The top-most role 'anyrole' has been abondoned. The reason is that 'anyrole' allows semantically much more inferences than we planned to handle or could handle efficiently (e.g. it would have been possible to express that there could not be more than n instances of a concept). We opted for not making BACK even more incomplete. Primitive roles now are introduced by giving either their domain and/or range explicitly. If a role is introduced as 'r:' but this did not fit well into the unified backretrieve format. If you are interested in getting the extension of a role 'r' ask backretrieve([self,rf(r)] for getall anything). You could improve the query (narrowing down the result set to object that actually have a r-filler) if you provide domain and range of the role: backretrieve([self,rf(r)] for getall and r:someknown()). o The possibility to use arbitrary role terms in ABox tells and queries. The use inv() is allowed, though, if the range of the role is subsumed by anything (as in V4). o Optional persistency of query concepts. o Difference as a backretrieve operator.