% per vedere se il classificatore funziona. concetti :- plant :< anything, product :< anything, energy :< product, mechanical_plant :< plant, produces :< domain(plant) and range(product), place :< anything, type :< anything, plant :< anything and all(located_at_place,place) and all(is_of_type,type). definiti :- wind_energy_plant :< plant and all(produces,energy), water_energy_plant :< plant and all(produces,energy), wind_power_plant := mechanical_plant and wind_energy_plant, water_power_plant := mechanical_plant and water_energy_plant, mechanical_energy_plant := mechanical_plant and all(produces,energy). oggetti :- w1 :: wind_power_plant, e1 :: energy, w2 :: plant and produces : e1. domande :- backretrieve(X=describe_fully mechanical_energy_plant),write(X),nl, backretrieve(Y=[describe] for getall(wind_power_plant)),write(Y),nl, Goal=(wind_power_plant ?< mechanical_energy_plant), Goal, write(Goal), write(' ok.'),nl.