%% %% mindigolog.pl: transition semantics for MIndiGolog %% %% Copyright 2005, Ryan Kelly %% %% The predicate do(D,S,Sp) plans an execution of program D in an offline %% manner, printing the actions to be performed to standard output as well %% as returning them in the situation term Sp. %% %% The predicate ol_do(D,S) executes the program D in an on-line manner, %% beginning in situation S. This means that it will not backtrack over %% the actions executed during operation of the program. Online execution %% is not guaranteed to succeed even if D has a possible legal execution. %% For the moment, the actions executed are printed to standard output. %% %% In general, the executions returned by do/3 will not be complete, %% but will be in the form of a final situation where the occurance times %% of actions are constrained in some way. By contrast, ol_do/2 performs %% each action at the earliest possible time. %% %% %% final(D,S): program termination is possible %% %% The predicate final/2 is true when program D may legally terminate %% in situation S. It is typically defined recursively for higher-level %% program constructs. The specifics of each individual clause are %% explained below. %% %% It is always legal for an empty program to terminate final(nil,_). %% It is never legal for a program consisting of a single action %% to terminate, hence there is no clause for this case. %% It is never legal for a program consisting of a test to terminate, %% hence there is no clause for this case. %% Sequential performance of two programs may terminate only if both %% programs may terminate. final(seq(D1,D2),S) :- final(D1,S), final(D2,S). %% Nondeterministic choice between two programs may terminate if either %% program may terminate. final(choice(D1,D2),S) :- final(D1,S) ; final(D2,S). %% Nondeterministic choice of arguments may terminate if there is some %% choice of arguments for which the program will terminate. final(pi(V,D),S) :- sub(V,_,D,Dr), final(Dr,S). %% Iteration of a program may always terminate, as it can legally be %% executed zero times. final(star(_),_). %% Synchronised-if may terminate if the test is true and the true option %% may terminate, or the test is false and the false option may terminate. final(if(Cond,D1,D2),S) :- holds(Cond,S), final(D1,S) ; holds(neg(Cond),S), final(D2,S). %% Synchronised-while may terminate if the test is false, or if the %% loop program may terminate. final(while(Cond,D),S) :- holds(neg(Cond),S) ; final(D,S). %% Concurrent execution of two programs may terminate if both programs %% may terminate. final(conc(D1,D2),S) :- final(D1,S), final(D2,S). %% Prioritised concurrent execution of two programs may terminate if both %% programs may terminate. final(pconc(D1,D2),S) :- final(D1,S), final(D2,S). %% Concurrent iteration of a program may terminate in any situation, as %% it may be executed zero times. final(cstar(_),_). %% A procedure call may terminate if the corresponding body, with arguments %% substituted appropriately, may terminate. final(pcall(PArgs),S) :- sub(now,S,PArgs,PArgsS), proc(PArgsS,P), final(P,S). %% An offline search can terminate if the program to be searched can %% terminate. final(search(D),S) :- final(D,S). %% A program is also final if it contains syntactic sugar, and is equivalent %% to a program that is final. final(D,S) :- syn_sugar(D,Ds), final(Ds,S). %% %% trans(D,S,Dp,Sp): program transition is possible %% %% The predicate trans/4 is true when it is possible for situation S %% to evolve to situation Sp by executing the first part of program D. %% Dp is the part of D that remains to be executed in situation Sp. %% %% Thus, trans/4 defines how execution of a program may be single-stepped %% from one situation to another. The specifics of each individual %% clause are explained below. %% %% It is never legal to transition an empty program, hence there %% is no clause for this case. %% A program consisting of a single (possibly concurrent) action may %% transition in several ways, depending on the natural actions which %% may occur in situation S. %% %% * If situation S has no LNTP, perform the action at any time and %% set Dp to the empty program %% * If situation S has an LNTP, there are three possible transitions: %% * If the action has no natural actions and it is possible to %% do it before the LNTP, do so and set Dp to the empty program %% * Do the natural actions at the predicted time, leaving the %% program unaltered %% * Do the given action and the natural actions concurrently %% at the LNTP, and set Dp to the empty program %% trans(C,S,Dp,Sp) :- sub(now,S,C,CS), to_cact(CS,CA), start(S,SStart), ( lntp(S,LNTP) -> ( % Get the list of LNTP actions findall(NA,(natural(NA),poss(NA,LNTP,S)),NActs), ( % Can do them before the LNTP actions % This requires that no actions in the set are natural ( \+ ( member(A,CA), natural(A) ), {T >= SStart+1}, {T < LNTP}, poss(CA,T,S), Sp = do(CA,T,S), Dp = nil ) ; % Can do them at the same time ( union(CA,NActs,CANat), poss(CANat,LNTP,S), Sp = do(CANat,LNTP,S), Dp = nil ) ; % Can do the LNTP actions first, leaving program unaltered % TODO: this poss() call should always be true, right? ( poss(NActs,LNTP,S), Sp = do(NActs,LNTP,S), Dp = C ) ) ) ; poss(CA,T,S), {T >= SStart+1}, Sp = do(CA,T,S), Dp = nil ) . %% A test may transition to the empty program if it holds, leaving the %% situation unaltered. trans(test(Cond),S,Dp,Sp) :- holds(Cond,S), S=Sp, Dp=nil ; lntp(S,LNTP), findall(NA,(natural(NA),poss(NA,LNTP,S)),NActs), Sp = do(NActs,LNTP,S), Dp = test(Cond). %% Sequential execution of two programs may transition by transitioning %% the first program, leaving the remainder the be executed in sequence %% with the second. If the first program may terminate, it is also legal %% to transition the second program. trans(seq(D1,D2),S,Dp,Sp) :- trans(D1,S,D1r,Sp), Dp = seq(D1r,D2). trans(seq(D1,D2),S,Dp,Sp) :- final(D1,S), trans(D2,S,Dp,Sp). %% Nondeterministic choice of programs may transition if either of the %% programs may transition. trans(choice(D1,D2),S,Dp,Sp) :- trans(D1,S,Dp,Sp) ; trans(D2,S,Dp,Sp). %% Nondeterministic choice of arguments may transition if there is an %% appropriate binding of the arguments for which the program may transition. trans(pi(V,D),S,Dp,Sp) :- sub(V,_,D,Dr), step(Dr,S,Dp,Sp). %% Iteration of a program may transition to the program followed by further %% iteration, provided that the program may transition. trans(star(D),S,Dp,Sp) :- Dp = seq(Dr,star(D)), trans(D,S,Dr,Sp). %% Synchronised-if may transition if the test is true and the true option %% may transition, or the test is false and the false option may transition. trans(if(Cond,D1,D2),S,Dp,Sp) :- holds(Cond,S), trans(D1,S,Dp,Sp) ; holds(neg(Cond),S), trans(D2,S,Dp,Sp). %% Syncrhonised-while may transition to the loop program in sequence %% with another loop, as long as the test condition holds and the loop %% program may transition. trans(while(Cond,D),S,Dp,Sp) :- Dp = seq(Dr,while(Cond,D)), holds(Cond,S), trans(D,S,Dr,Sp). %% Concurrent execution may transition in three ways: %% %% * Transition the first program, leaving its remainder to be %% executed concurrently with the second program %% * Transition the second program, leaving its remainder to be %% executed concurrently with the first program %% * Find a concurrent action that will transition the first program %% and a concurrent action that will transition the second program, %% and perform both concurrently. The remaining program is the %% concurrent execution of the remainders of the individual programs %% trans_true_conc(conc(D1,D2),S,Dp,Sp) :- step(D1,S,Dr1,do(C1,T,S)), step(D2,S,Dr2,do(C2,T,S)), % TODO: if one part is waiting for a natural action, do the other first. % This will produce solutions in which as much as possible is done % while waiting for a natural actions. Such solutions are already % entailed but are not the first solution encountered. \+ ( member(A,C1), member(A,C2), actor(A,_) ), union(C1,C2,CT), trans(CT,S,nil,Sp), Dp = conc(Dr1,Dr2). trans(conc(D1,D2),S,Dp,Sp) :- trans_true_conc(conc(D1,D2),S,Dp,Sp) ; Dp = conc(Dr1,D2), trans(D1,S,Dr1,Sp) ; Dp = conc(D1,Dr2), trans(D2,S,Dr2,Sp). %% Prioritised concurrent execution may transition by transitioning the %% first program, leaving its remainder to be executed in pconc with %% the second program. If it is not possible to transition the first %% program, then it is also legal to transition the second program leaving %% the first program to be executed in pconc with its remainder. trans(pconc(D1,D2),S,Dp,Sp) :- Dp = pconc(Dr1,D2), trans(D1,S,Dr1,Sp) ; Dp = pconc(D1,Dr2), trans(D2,S,Dr2,Sp), \+ trans(D1,S,_,_). %% Concurrent execution of a program may transition to the program %% being concurrently executed with more concurrent iterations of it, %% provided that the program can transition. trans(cstar(D),S,Dp,Sp) :- Dp = conc(Dr,cstar(D)), trans(D,S,Dr,Sp). %% A proceduce call may transition if the body program, with arguments %% substituted in, may transition. trans(pcall(PArgs),S,Dp,Sp) :- sub(now,S,PArgs,PArgsS), proc(PArgsS,P), trans(P,S,Dp,Sp). %% TODO: a search() operator similar to IndiGolog. %% A program may also transition if it contains syntactic sugar, and is %% equivalent to a program that may transition. trans(D,S,Dp,Sp) :- syn_sugar(D,Ds), trans(Ds,S,Dp,Sp). %% %% syn_sugar(Din,Dout): syntactic sugar for programs %% %% This predicate is used to make writing MIndiGolog programs easer, %% by providing a level of syntax transformation into the canonical %% program form. If Din is a program containing an element of this %% sugar, Dout is unified with the canonicalised version. %% %% Sequential execution can be represented by an infix : syn_sugar(D1 : D2,seq(D1,D2)). %% Nondeterministic choice can be represented by an infix / syn_sugar(D1 / D2,choice(D1,D2)). %% Concurrent execution can be represented by an infix // syn_sugar(D1 // D2,conc(D1,D2)). %% Prioritised concurrent execution can be represented by an infix >> syn_sugar(D1 >> D2,pconc(D1,D2)). %% Condition tests can be represented by a prefix ? syn_sugar(?C,test(C)). %% Procedure calls can be represented by name syn_sugar(Proc,pcall(Proc)) :- proc(Proc,_). %% %% holds(Cond,S): check whether a condition holds in a situation %% %% This predicate is used to evaluate reified condition terms from %% MIndiGolog programs. It recursively reduces the formula to equivalent %% forms which can be tested directly by the prolog theorem prover, %% and hence includes the standard prolog negation-as-failure semantics. %% holds(and(C1,C2),S) :- holds(C1,S), holds(C2,S). holds(or(C1,C2),S) :- holds(C1,S) ; holds(C2,S). holds(all(V,C),S) :- holds(neg(some(V,neg(C))),S). holds(some(V,C),S) :- sub(V,_,C,Cr), holds(Cr,S). holds(neg(neg(C)),S) :- holds(C,S). holds(neg(and(C1,C2)),S) :- holds(or(neg(C1),neg(C2)),S). holds(neg(or(C1,C2)),S) :- holds(and(neg(C1),neg(C2)),S). holds(neg(all(V,C)),S) :- holds(some(V,neg(C)),S). holds(neg(some(V,C)),S) :- \+ holds(some(V,C),S). holds(P_Xs,S) :- P_Xs \= and(_,_), P_Xs \= or(_,_), P_Xs \= neg(_), P_Xs \= all(_,_), P_Xs \= some(_,_), sub(now,S,P_Xs,P_XsS), P_XsS. holds(neg(P_Xs),S) :- P_Xs \= and(_,_), P_Xs \= or(_,_), P_Xs \= neg(_), P_Xs \= all(_,_), P_Xs \= some(_,_), sub(now,S,P_Xs,P_XsS), \+ P_XsS. %% %% sub(Name,Value,Old,New): substitue values in a term %% %% This predicate is true when New is equal to Old with all occurances %% of Name replaced by Value - basically, a symbolic substitution %% routine. For example, it is usually used to produce a result such %% as: %% %% sub(now,S,fluent(now),fluent(S)). %% sub(_,_,T,Tr) :- var(T), Tr = T. sub(X,Y,T,Tr) :- \+ var(T), T = X, Tr = Y. sub(X,Y,T,Tr) :- T \= X, T =.. [F|Ts], sub_list(X,Y,Ts,Trs), Tr =.. [F|Trs]. %% %% sub_list(Name,Value,Old,New): value substitution in a list %% %% This predicate operates as sub/4, but Old and New are lists of terms %% instead of single terms. Basically, it calls sub/4 recursively on %% each element of the list. %% sub_list(_,_,[],[]). sub_list(X,Y,[T|Ts],[Tr|Trs]) :- sub(X,Y,T,Tr), sub_list(X,Y,Ts,Trs). %% %% trans*(D,S,Dp,Sp): Transitive Closure of Transition Rules %% %% This predicate is true if Dp,Sp are in the transitive closure of %% the trans/4 predicate for D,S. It is a simplistic encoding of the %% transitive closure in prolog using a recursive definition. %% trans*(D,S,D,S). trans*(D,S,Dp,Sp) :- trans(D,S,Dr,Sr), trans*(Dr,Sr,Dp,Sp). %% %% step(D,S,Dp,Sp): single-step a program %% %% This predicate takes a program D and a situation S in which to execute it, %% and returns a new situation Sp and remaining program Dp such that the %% execution of D has progressed by a single action. It may be used %% repeatedly to find a possible next action to perform for a given program. %% step(D,S,Dp,Sp) :- %% Naive implementation is simply: trans*(D,S,Dp,do(C,T,S)) %% This implementation is more efficient as it does not generate %% transitions that go beyond one action from S (which will always fail). Sp = do(_,_,S), trans(D,S,Dp,Sp) ; trans(D,S,Dr,S), step(Dr,S,Dp,Sp). %% %% do(D,S,Sp): offline execution of MIndiGolog Programs %% %% This predicate takes a program D and starting situation S, and %% finds a new situation Sp which can be legally reached by executing %% program D to termination. The actions executed can be retreived %% from the situation Sp. %% %% This predicate is capable of backtracking over action choices to %% find a legal execution, and so is not suitable for executing programs %% on-line. %% do(D,S,Sp) :- trans*(D,S,Dp,Sp), final(Dp,Sp), show_action_history(Sp). %% Temporary predicate for printing the action history of a situation, %% for debugging purposes only. show_action_history(s0) :- nl. show_action_history(do(C,T,S)) :- show_action_history(S), ( inf(T,MinT) -> T = MinT ; start(S,SStart), T = SStart ), write('do '), write(C), write(' at '), write(T), nl. %% %% ol_do(D,S): execute a program in an on-line manner %% %% This predicate is similar to do/4 except it does not backtrack %% over the selection of actions to perform. Thus, the actions %% selected by this predicate are suitable to be performed in online %% execution of the program. However, this also means that successful %% termination of the program is not guaranteed. %% %% At this stage it simply prints each action performed to stdout, %% performing each at the minimum possible time. %% ol_do(D,S) :- ( step(D,S,Dr,Sr) -> Sr = do(C,T,S), ( inf(T,MinT) -> true ; start(S,SStart), MinT = SStart ), write('do '), write(C), write(' at '), write(MinT), nl, ( final(Dr,Sr) -> write('SUCCEEDED!') ; ol_do(Dr,do(C,MinT,S)) ) ; write('FAILED!'), nl, write('Remaining: '), write(D), nl ).