#!/usr/bin/perl -w ## create tempdir, copy malarea distro (the dir passed as first arg) into it, and run it with ## the ltbinput and default args ## SYNOPSIS ## ./RunMZT12.pl /home/mptp/gr/MPTP2/MaLARea /home/mptp/gr/MPTP2/MaLARea/doc/BatchTst100MZRMZR use strict; die "expecting the malarea install dir as first arg, and the ltb input as second arg" if ($#ARGV != 1); my $tmpdir = "/tmp/mal_$$"; my $prefix = "run_$$"; # if (!mkdir($tmpdir,0777)) # { # print("ERROR: Cannot make temp dir $tmpdir\n"); # die("\n"); # } my $maldir = shift(@ARGV); my $ltbinput = shift(@ARGV); `cp -a $maldir $tmpdir`; chdir($tmpdir); local $SIG{'XCPU'} = sub { `rm -r -f /dev/shm/$prefix`; die "Killed by SIXXCPU"; }; # exec("time ./TheoryLearner.pl -o\"$ltbinput\" --dummy=\"data/dummyallaxmzt\" -F1 -z1 -e\"$prefix/\" -T\"/dev/shm/\" -C4 -A256 --loadprovedby=\"data/MZT1000TrainingData\" -f2 -O1 -p128 -y1 -u1 -t400 -S0 -P1 -D1 -l1 -M0 -b1 -w6 -i5 -L15000 $prefix |tee $prefix.log"); exec("time ./TheoryLearner.pl -o\"$ltbinput\" --runepar=1 --dummy=\"data/dummyallaxmzt\" -F1 -z1 -e\"$prefix/\" -T\"/dev/shm/\" -C1 -A512 --loadprovedby=\"data/MZT1000TrainingData\" -f2 -O0 -p64 -y1 -u0 -t400 -S0 -P1 -D1 -l1 -M0 -b1 -w6 -i5 -L15000 $prefix |tee $prefix.log");