Hi! pl2tme is a little eclipse quick-and-dirty program to convert first-order formulae into clausal normal form. Uses rather straightforward algorithm. The programm is run by invoking the shell script 'pl2tme'. After INSTALLATION, call 'pl2tme' to get an idea of how to use. For the curious: $ pl2tme usage: pl2tme [-u] infile [outfile] Omit extension '.pl1' from infile. Usually, pl2tme -u is the thing you want. The -u flag means 'unsorted': dont add dummy sort annotations to variables There is a second shell script 'pl2tptp' which converts .pl1 files into TPTP first order files. SYNTAX (instead of a manual) ------ An input file to pl2tme consists of a sequence of TOPLEVELFORMULAs TOPLEVELFORMULA ::= FO_FORMULA '.' | '?-' FO_FORMULA '.' | CLAUSE '.' FO_FORMULA ::= forall(VARVECTOR,FO_FORMULA) | exists(VARVECTOR,FO_FORMULA) | FO_FORMULA BINOP FO_FORMULA | UNOP FO_FORMULA | ATOM CLAUSE ::= HEAD | HEAD ':-' BODY HEAD ::= LITERAL ( ';' LITERAL )* BODY ::= LITERAL ( ',' LITERAL )* LITERAL ::= ATOM | '-' ATOM ATOM ::= "any prolog term which is not a number in particular 'true' or 'false'" VARVECTOR ::= VAR | '[' VAR+ ']' VAR ::= "prolog constant, in the sense of the prolog 'atom' predicate" | "Prolog Variable, i.e. a name starting with a capital letter" BINOP ::= '&' % and | ';' | '|' | 'v' % or | '<=>' | '<->' % equivalence | '=>' | '<=' % implication | '->' | '<-' % implication UNOP ::= '-' % negation Some remarks: Free Prolog-Variables in a TOPLEVELFORMULA will give an undefined result, except in case it is a CLAUSE. In this case the free variables will be considered universally quantified. '?-' logically means negation; the difference is that all negative clauses coming from '?- FORMULA' will be written in the output file in goal-notation, i.e. with a '?-' The following operator precedences are in effect for disambiguation (a lower precedence designates _stronger_ binding power). Precedence Associativity OPs ---------------------------------------- 500 xf - 1050 xfy <-> <=> 1050 xfy <- <= 1050 xfy -> => 1000 xfy & , 1100 xfy ; INSTALLATION: - unpack all files into one single directory. Let