#!/bin/sh PL2TMEHOME=/lab/ki2/AGKI/systems/TME2X #PL2TMEHOME=/usr/provers/TME2X export PL2TMEHOME if test foo$1 = foo then echo "usage: pl2tme [-u] infile [outfile]" echo " Omit extension '.pl1' from infile." echo " Usually, pl2tme -u is the thing you want." echo " The -u flag means 'unsorted': dont add dummy sort" echo " annotations to variables" exit fi if test $1 = "-u" then PL2TME=pl2tme.pl shift elif test $1 = "-m" then PL2TME=pl2tmemeta.pl shift else PL2TME=pl2tmesorted.pl fi infile=$1 if test foo$2 = foo then outfile=$infile else outfile=$2 fi # echo "['$PL2TMEHOME/$PL2TME'], pl2tme('$infile','$outfile'). " | eclipse eclipse -b $PL2TMEHOME/$PL2TME -e "pl2tme('$infile','$outfile'), halt." echo "output written to "$outfile".tme"