Some declarative approaches
in tackling hard combinatorial problems
- A. Dovier, A. Formisano, E. Pontelli.
A comparison of CLP(FD) and ASP solutions to NP-complete problems.
In M. Gabbrielli and G. Gupta eds., Proc of
ICLP 2005. LNCS 3668, pp. 67-82. Sitges, Barcelona, October 2005.
- A. Dovier, A. Formisano, and E. Pontelli.
An Empirical Study of Constraint Logic Programming and
Answer Set Programming Solutions of
Combinatorial Problems
Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence,
Volume 21, Issue 2, June 2009, pages 79-121.
- A. Dovier and E. Pontelli.
Present and Future Challenges for ASP Systems. LPNMR 2009, LNCS 5753, pp. 622-624.
PLANNING with action languages in ASP and CLP(FD)
A. Dovier, A. Formisano, and E. Pontelli.
Planning with Action Languages: Perspectives using CLP(FD) and ASP
CILC 2006: Convegno Italiano di Logica Computazionale.
26-27 giugno 2006, Bari.
- A. Dovier, A. Formisano, and E. Pontelli.
Multivalued Action Languages with Constraints in CLP(FD)
In ICLP 2007 and CILC 2007, and as extended version with full proofs:
TPLP 10(2):167-235, March 2010 (or as CORR
updated and fastest versions
of the B/BMV compilers and solvers with all the domains
- A survey:
A. Dovier, A. Formisano, E. Pontelli.
Perspectives on Logic-based Approaches for Reasoning About Actions and Change.
Logic Programming, Knowledge Representation, and Nonmonotonic Reasoning,
Essays Dedicated to Michael Gelfond on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday
M. Balduccini and T.C. Son, eds.,
LNCS 6565, pp. 259-279, 2011.
MULTI-AGENT PLANNING with action languages in CLP(FD)
Agostino Dovier, Andrea Formisano, and Enrico Pontelli.
Multi-agent planning in CLP.
In CILC09: 24-esimo Convegno Italiano di Logica Computazionale, Ferrara, Italy, June 2009.
Short paper in LPNMR 2009, Potsdam, LNCS 5753.
Extended version:
An investigation of Multi-Agent Planning in CLP.
To appear in Fundamenta Informaticae.
- Agostino Dovier, Andrea Formisano, Enrico Pontelli
Autonomous Agents Coordination: Action Description Languages Meet CLP(FD) and Linda
Preliminary version in
CEUR vol-598:
Proceedings of CILC 2010, 25th Italian Conference on Computational Logic
Rende, Italy, July 7-9, 2010
(W. Faber and N. Leone eds.).
Short version in
A Prolog System for Action Description and Agents Coordination.
ICLP 2011, Lexington, Kentucky, July 06-10, 2011.
10.4230/LIPIcs.ICLP.2011.187, pp. 187--197.
Journal version in
Theory and Practice of Logic Programming
13(02):149-173, 2013.
(Preprint here:
- A. Dal Palù, A. Dovier, G. Rossi, and E. Pontelli.
GASP: Answer Set Programming with Lazy Grounding.
LaSh 2008
Leuven, Nov 6-7, 2008.
- Alessandro Dal Palù, Agostino Dovier,
Enrico Pontelli, Gianfranco Rossi.
GASP: Answer Set Programming with Lazy Grounding. Fundam. Inform. 96(3): 297-322 (2009)
Codes and Examples
related to GASP!.
- Alessandro Dal Palù, Agostino Dovier, Enrico Pontelli, Gianfranco Rossi: Answer Set Programming with Constraints Using Lazy Grounding. ICLP 2009: 115-129
for the codes paper of ICLP 2009, LNCS 5649, pp. 115-129