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GRIPS Compiler: Grips/Prolog demonstration mini-compiler.

This is a demonstration compiler, written in a functional language (GRIPS) that can be translated into Prolog. The GRIPS translator is available separately. The compiler takes programs in a (very small) subset of Pascal. It lexically analyzes them into tokens, parses the token list into a tree, generates code from the tree, fixes up references in the code, and then interprets the code on a stack virtual machine. It displays the output of each stage, and the interpreter displays the machine state as each instruction is obeyed. The compiler is written in a functional style, using functions (sometimes represented as sets of domain->codomain pairs) to represent well-known concepts in programming language semantics, such as the store and the environment. Here is an example program that it can compile and run. program p; label 99, 100; const five = 5; var v : integer; w : integer; begin write('Hello.'); v := 1; w := 1; 99: if v=five then goto 100; v := v + 1; w := w * v; goto 99; 100: write('v = '); write(v); write('v! = '); write(w) end.
See Also: 

Origin: (
   as compiler.tar.Z

Version: 11-JAN-91 Ports: Edinburgh-compatible Prologs. CD-ROM: Prime Time Freeware for AI, Issue 1-1 Author(s): Jocelyn Paine Department of Experimental Psychology Oxford University South Parks Road Oxford OX1 3UD Tel: (0865) 271444 Fax: (0865) 310447 Keywords: Authors!Paine, Grips, Lexical Analysis, Oxford, Parsing, Pascal Interpreter in Prolog, Prolog!Code, Prolog!Syntax, Syntax, lex@{\tt lex} References: ?
Last Web update on Mon Feb 13 10:34:00 1995