------------------------------------------------------------ PROTEIN - A PROver with a Theory Extension INterface ------------------------------------------------------------ What PROTEIN is: PROTEIN is an automated theorem prover for first-order clause logic. It follows Loveland's Model Elimination procedure and is implemented according to Stickel's PTTP-Technique, i.e. the input specification is compiled into a Prolog program. Besides "Model Elimination", PROTEIN features various versions of "Restart Model Elimination". Furthermore, PROTEIN has an interface for including theory knowledge into the proving process. Another feature is the computation of the negation of a literal according to WGCWA or GCWA. ------------------------------------------------------------ Machine and Software Requirements: PROTEIN is written in ECRC's Prolog-dialect ECLiPSe. http://www.ecrc.de/eclipse/eclipse.html ------------------------------------------------------------ Installation: - untar and unzip the pakage ! You get the sources, some sample problems in directory SAMPLES, the documentation protein.ps, and an PROTEIN-mode for Emacs in protein.el. - Set the global variable $PROTEINHEADER to the directory containing the files t_header*.pl and set the variable $HYPERHOME to the directory containing Michael Kuehn's prover Hyper,hyper! (This Prover is optionally used for consistency test while computing the general closed world assumption) - Read the documentation ! Section 3.2 "Invoking" tells you how to invoke PROTEIN and how to make an executable. - If you want to use one of the treeviewers xptree or tview which are not part of the PROTEIN package, Section 3.2 of the documentation tells you how to make the executables of the tools protein2xptree and protein2tview, which translate the tree generated by PROTEIN in a syntax for the treeviewers. - Include the directory with the executable in your path ! ------------------------------------------------------------ Adresses: Bug Report: peter@informatik.uni-koblenz.de and doro@informatik.uni-koblenz.de PROTEIN home page: http://www.uni-koblenz.de/ag-ki/Implementierungen/Protein/