%% front-end for Aleph and prodlr %% %% Author: Angelos Charalambidis <acharal@users.sourceforge.net> %% Stasinos Konstantopoulos <stasinos@users.sourceforge.net> %% Created: 20 Jun 2012 %% %% Copyright (C) 2006-2012 Stasinos Konstantopoulos %% Copyright (C) 2007-2012 Angelos Charalambidis %% %% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify %% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by %% the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or %% (at your option) any later version. %% %% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the %% GNU General Public License for more details. %% %% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along %% with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., %% 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. % yadlr alias :-prolog_load_context(directory,Dir),asserta(user:file_search_path(yadlr,Dir)). % aleph alias must resolve to the directory where aleph.pl exists. % you can download aleph from http://www.comlab.ox.ac.uk/oucl/research/areas/machlearn/Aleph/aleph.pl user:file_search_path(aleph, X) :- getenv('LOGICMOO_HOME',MOO),atom_concat(MOO,'/src_modules/aleph/', X). :- use_module(yadlr(prodlr)). :- consult(aleph(aleph)). :- consult(refine). :- assert_if_new(('$aleph_sat_terms'(v,v,v,v) :- fail) ). :- assert_if_new(('$aleph_sat_atom'(v,v) :- fail) ). :- assert_if_new(('$aleph_sat_varscopy'(v,v,v):- fail) ). :- assert((nil :- fail)). aleph_settings :- set(nodes, 100000), set(i, 3), set(depth, 50), set(clauselength, 3), set(verbosity, 100), set(check_useless, true), set(refinelitgen, user), set(refinethreadvar, list), !. set_determinations(Pred, []). set_determinations(Pred, [L|R]) :- determination(Pred, L), set_determinations(Pred, R). set_predicate(Pred) :- Arity = 2, functor(Head, Pred, Arity), (setting(construct_bottom, reduction), setting(refine, user) -> setting(refinethreadvar, Template), arg(1, Head, +Template), arg(2, Head, -Template) ; arg(1, Head, +inlist), arg(2, Head, -outlist) ), modeh( *, Head), findall(X, thread_itemfunctor(X), Determinations), set_determinations(Pred/Arity, Determinations). set_body :- modeb( *, concept_select(+inlist, #concept_name_or_not, +outlist) ), modeb( *, forall_select(+inlist, #relation_path, #concept_name_or_not, +outlist) ), modeb( *, atleast_select(+inlist, #relation_path, #concept_name_or_not, #num, +outlist) ), modeb( *, atmost_select(+inlist, #relation_path, #concept_name_or_not, #num, +outlist) ), modeb( *, self_select(+inlist, #relation_path, +outlist) ), modeb( *, concept_select(+inlist, #concept_name_or_not, -list) ), modeb( *, forall_select(+inlist, #relation_path, #concept_name_or_not, -list) ), modeb( *, atleast_select(+inlist, #relation_path, #concept_name_or_not, #num, -list) ), modeb( *, atmost_select(+inlist, #relation_path, #concept_name_or_not, #num, -list) ), modeb( *, self_select(+inlist, #relation_path, -list) ), modeb( *, concept_select(+list, #concept_name_or_not, +outlist) ), modeb( *, forall_select(+list, #relation_path, #concept_name_or_not, +outlist) ), modeb( *, atleast_select(+list, #relation_path, #concept_name_or_not, #num, +outlist) ), modeb( *, atmost_select(+list, #relation_path, #concept_name_or_not, #num, +outlist) ), modeb( *, self_select(+list, #relation_path, +outlist) ), modeb( *, concept_select(+list, #concept_name_or_not, -list) ), modeb( *, forall_select(+list, #relation_path, #concept_name_or_not, -list) ), modeb( *, atleast_select(+list, #relation_path, #concept_name_or_not, #num, -list) ), modeb( *, atmost_select(+list, #relation_path, #concept_name_or_not, #num, -list) ), modeb( *, self_select(+list, #relation_path, -list) ). config(Pred,reduction) :- set(construct_bottom, reduction), set(refine, auto), aleph_settings, set_predicate(Pred), set_body. config(Pred,saturation) :- set(construct_bottom, saturation), aleph_settings, set_predicate(Pred), set_body. init_learn(Pred,Example, Config) :- read_all(Example), config(Pred,Config). learn(Pred,Example,Config) :- init_learn(Pred,Example, Config), !, %leash(off), %trace, %sat(1). induce. learn(Pred,Example) :- learn(Pred,Example,reduction). learn(Example) :- learn(target,Example). nil :- hypothesis(Head, Body, _), numbervars((Head:-Body), 0, _), Head = target(A, B), \+ inout_thread(Body, A, B). prune((Head:-Body)):- numbervars((Head:-Body), 0, _), Head = target(A, B), \+ inout_thread(Body, A, _), !. %fail.