google_translate = True google_translate_disabled = "Google Translate is currently disabled" sentiment_analysis = True sentiment_analysis_disabled = "Sentiment Analysis is currently disabled" rslp_stemming = True rslp_stemming_disabled = "RSLP disabled, first'rslp'), and then enable here" admin_tool = True admin_tool_disabled = "Admin tool download from github disabled" integration_tests_disabled = "Integration tests disabled" integration_tests = True allow_license_keys_disabled = "License keys disabled" allow_license_keys = True all_externals = True def google_translate_active(): return bool(all_externals is True and google_translate is True) def sentiment_analysis_active(): return bool(all_externals is True and sentiment_analysis is True) def rslp_stemming_active(): return bool(all_externals is True and rslp_stemming is True) def admin_tool_active(): return bool(all_externals is True and admin_tool is True) def integration_tests_active(): return bool(all_externals is True and integration_tests is True) def allow_license_keys_active(): return bool(all_externals is True and allow_license_keys is True)