def define_targets(rules): rules.cc_library( name = "TypeCast", srcs = ["TypeCast.cpp"], hdrs = ["TypeCast.h"], linkstatic = True, local_defines = ["C10_BUILD_MAIN_LIB"], visibility = ["//visibility:public"], deps = [ ":base", "//c10/core:ScalarType", "//c10/macros", ], ) rules.cc_library( name = "base", srcs = rules.glob( ["*.cpp"], exclude = [ "TypeCast.cpp", "typeid.cpp", ], ), hdrs = rules.glob( ["*.h"], exclude = [ "TypeCast.h", "typeid.h", ], ), # This library uses flags and registration. Do not let the # linker remove them. alwayslink = True, linkstatic = True, local_defines = ["C10_BUILD_MAIN_LIB"], visibility = ["//visibility:public"], deps = [ "@fmt", "//c10/macros", ] +{ "//c10:using_gflags": ["@com_github_gflags_gflags//:gflags"], "//conditions:default": [], }) +{ "//c10:using_glog": ["@com_github_glog//:glog"], "//conditions:default": [], }), ) rules.cc_library( name = "typeid", srcs = ["typeid.cpp"], hdrs = ["typeid.h"], linkstatic = True, local_defines = ["C10_BUILD_MAIN_LIB"], visibility = ["//visibility:public"], deps = [ ":base", "//c10/core:ScalarType", "//c10/macros", ], ) rules.filegroup( name = "headers", srcs = rules.glob( ["*.h"], exclude = [ ], ), visibility = ["//c10:__pkg__"], )