#include #include #include #include "caffe2/core/logging.h" #include "caffe2/opt/converter.h" #include "nomnigraph/Graph/Algorithms.h" #include "nomnigraph/Support/Casting.h" using namespace nom; namespace { std::vector getStrides(std::map argMap) { std::vector strides; // TODO: include all the other ways of adding these args. // e.g. strides, stride_h, etc. if (argMap.count("stride")) { CAFFE_ENFORCE(argMap["stride"].has_i(), "Invalid stride argument"); int stride = static_cast(argMap["stride"].i()); strides = {stride, stride}; } return strides; } std::vector getPads(std::map argMap) { std::vector pads; if (argMap.count("pad")) { CAFFE_ENFORCE(argMap["pad"].has_i(), "Invalid pad argument"); int pad = static_cast(argMap["pad"].i()); pads = {pad, pad, pad, pad}; } return pads; } std::vector getDilations(std::map argMap) { std::vector dilations; if (argMap.count("dilation")) { CAFFE_ENFORCE(argMap["dilation"].has_i(), "Invalid dilation argument"); int dilation = static_cast(argMap["dilation"].i()); dilations = {dilation, dilation}; } return dilations; } int getGroup(std::map& argMap) { if (argMap.count("group")) { CAFFE_ENFORCE(argMap["group"].has_i() && "Invalid group argument"); return static_cast(argMap["group"].i()); } return 1; } } // namespace namespace caffe2 { C10_DEFINE_REGISTRY(ConverterRegistry, Converter); std::map Converter::getArgumentsFromOperator( caffe2::OperatorDef op) { std::map argMap; // NOLINTNEXTLINE(performance-for-range-copy) for (auto arg : op.arg()) { argMap[arg.name()] = arg; } return argMap; } repr::NeuralNetOperator::NNLayout getLayout( std::map argMap) { auto arg = argMap.find("order"); if (arg != argMap.end()) { auto order = argMap["order"].s(); if (order == "NCHW" || order == "nchw") { return repr::NeuralNetOperator::NNLayout::NCHW; } else if (order == "NHWC" || order == "nhwc") { return repr::NeuralNetOperator::NNLayout::NHWC; } } return repr::NeuralNetOperator::NNLayout::Undefined; } OperatorDef Converter::convertToOperatorDef( const nom::repr::NeuralNetOperator* nnOp) { auto* annotation = nnOp->getAnnotation(); // Default to using the stored operator. if (annotation && isa(annotation)) { return dyn_cast(annotation)->getOperatorDef(); } LOG(WARNING) << "Cannot instantiate this OperatorDef from nomnigraph, falling back"; caffe2::OperatorDef op; op.set_type(nnOp->getName()); return op; } DeviceOption Converter::getDeviceOption( const nom::repr::NeuralNetOperator* nnOp) const { auto* annotation = nnOp->getAnnotation(); // Default to using the stored operator. if (annotation && isa(annotation)) { return dyn_cast(annotation) ->getOperatorDef() .device_option(); } caffe2::DeviceOption opt; return opt; } std::vector getKernelShape( std::map argMap) { // There are literally three ways to define shapes in Conv in Caffe2 std::vector kernelShape; if (argMap.count("kernel")) { CAFFE_ENFORCE(argMap["kernel"].has_i(), "Invalid kernel argument"); int kernel = static_cast(argMap["kernel"].i()); kernelShape = {kernel, kernel}; } else if (argMap.count("kernels")) { for (auto i : argMap["kernels"].ints()) { kernelShape.push_back(static_cast(i)); } } else if (argMap.count("kernel_h") && argMap.count("kernel_w")) { CAFFE_ENFORCE(argMap["kernel_h"].has_i(), "Invalid kernel argument"); CAFFE_ENFORCE(argMap["kernel_w"].has_i(), "Invalid kernel argument"); int kernelH = static_cast(argMap["kernel_h"].i()); int kernelW = static_cast(argMap["kernel_w"].i()); kernelShape = {kernelH, kernelW}; } return kernelShape; } namespace { class ConvConverter : public Converter { std::unique_ptr convertToNeuralNetOperator( const OperatorDef& op) override { std::unique_ptr nnOp; auto argMap = getArgumentsFromOperator(op); auto kernelShape = getKernelShape(argMap); nnOp = std::make_unique(kernelShape); auto c = dyn_cast(nnOp.get()); c->setStrides(getStrides(argMap)); c->setPads(getPads(argMap)); c->setDilations(getDilations(argMap)); c->setGroup(getGroup(argMap)); return nnOp; } // Does not override default converter to OperatorDef // NOLINTNEXTLINE(modernize-use-equals-default) ~ConvConverter() override {} }; class ConvTransposeConverter : public Converter { std::unique_ptr convertToNeuralNetOperator( const OperatorDef& op) override { std::unique_ptr nnOp; auto argMap = getArgumentsFromOperator(op); auto kernelShape = getKernelShape(argMap); nnOp = std::make_unique(kernelShape); auto c = dyn_cast(nnOp.get()); c->setStrides(getStrides(argMap)); c->setPads(getPads(argMap)); c->setGroup(getGroup(argMap)); return nnOp; } // Does not override default converter to OperatorDef // NOLINTNEXTLINE(modernize-use-override,modernize-use-equals-default) virtual ~ConvTransposeConverter() {} }; REGISTER_CONVERTER(Conv, ConvConverter); REGISTER_CONVERTER(ConvTranspose, ConvTransposeConverter); TRIVIAL_CONVERTER(Relu); REGISTER_CONVERTER(Relu, ReluConverter); TRIVIAL_CONVERTER(Sum); REGISTER_CONVERTER(Sum, SumConverter); TRIVIAL_CONVERTER(BatchNormalization); REGISTER_CONVERTER(SpatialBN, BatchNormalizationConverter); TRIVIAL_CONVERTER(Flatten); REGISTER_CONVERTER(Flatten, FlattenConverter); class ClipConverter : public Converter { std::unique_ptr convertToNeuralNetOperator( const OperatorDef& op) override { auto argMap = getArgumentsFromOperator(op); float min = std::numeric_limits::lowest(); float max = std::numeric_limits::max(); if (argMap.count("min")) { CAFFE_ENFORCE(argMap["min"].has_f(), "Invalid 'min' argument"); min = static_cast(argMap["min"].f()); } if (argMap.count("max")) { CAFFE_ENFORCE(argMap["max"].has_f(), "Invalid 'max' argument"); max = static_cast(argMap["max"].f()); } return std::make_unique(min, max); } // Does not override default converter to OperatorDef // NOLINTNEXTLINE(modernize-use-equals-default) ~ClipConverter() override {} }; REGISTER_CONVERTER(Clip, ClipConverter); class AveragePoolConverter : public Converter { std::unique_ptr convertToNeuralNetOperator( const OperatorDef& op) override { std::unique_ptr nnOp; auto argMap = getArgumentsFromOperator(op); auto kernelShape = getKernelShape(argMap); nnOp = std::make_unique(kernelShape); return nnOp; } // Does not override default converter to OperatorDef // NOLINTNEXTLINE(modernize-use-equals-default) ~AveragePoolConverter() override {} }; REGISTER_CONVERTER(AveragePool, AveragePoolConverter); class MaxPoolConverter : public Converter { std::unique_ptr convertToNeuralNetOperator( const OperatorDef& op) override { std::unique_ptr nnOp; auto argMap = getArgumentsFromOperator(op); auto kernelShape = getKernelShape(argMap); nnOp = std::make_unique(kernelShape); return nnOp; } // Does not override default converter to OperatorDef // NOLINTNEXTLINE(modernize-use-equals-default) ~MaxPoolConverter() override {} }; REGISTER_CONVERTER(MaxPool, MaxPoolConverter); class ConcatConverter : public Converter { std::unique_ptr convertToNeuralNetOperator( const OperatorDef& op) override { std::unique_ptr nnOp = std::make_unique(); auto argMap = getArgumentsFromOperator(op); auto c = dyn_cast(nnOp.get()); if (argMap.count("axis")) { CAFFE_ENFORCE(argMap["axis"].has_i(), "Invalid axis argument"); int axis = static_cast(argMap["axis"].i()); c->setAxis(axis); } if (argMap.count("add_axis")) { CAFFE_ENFORCE(argMap["add_axis"].has_i(), "Invalid add_axis argument"); int add_axis = static_cast(argMap["add_axis"].i()); c->setAddAxis(!!add_axis); } return nnOp; } // Does not override default converter to OperatorDef // NOLINTNEXTLINE(modernize-use-equals-default) ~ConcatConverter() override {} }; REGISTER_CONVERTER(Concat, ConcatConverter); class FCConverter : public Converter { std::unique_ptr convertToNeuralNetOperator( const OperatorDef& op) override { std::unique_ptr nnOp = std::make_unique(); auto argMap = getArgumentsFromOperator(op); auto c = dyn_cast(nnOp.get()); if (argMap.count("axis")) { CAFFE_ENFORCE(argMap["axis"].has_i(), "Invalid axis argument"); int axis = static_cast(argMap["axis"].i()); c->setAxis(axis); } if (argMap.count("axis_w")) { CAFFE_ENFORCE(argMap["axis_w"].has_i(), "Invalid axis_w argument"); int axis_w = static_cast(argMap["axis_w"].i()); c->setAxisW(axis_w); } return nnOp; } // Does not override default converter to OperatorDef // NOLINTNEXTLINE(modernize-use-equals-default) ~FCConverter() override {} }; REGISTER_CONVERTER(FC, FCConverter); } // namespace std::unique_ptr convertToNeuralNetOperator( const caffe2::OperatorDef& op) { auto argMap = Converter::getArgumentsFromOperator(op); std::unique_ptr nnOp; if (ConverterRegistry()->Has(op.type())) { nnOp = ConverterRegistry()->Create(op.type())->convertToNeuralNetOperator(op); } if (!nnOp) { nnOp = std::make_unique(op.type()); } // Generic attributes associated with Ops here nnOp->setLayout(getLayout(argMap)); auto annotation = std::make_unique(); annotation->setOperatorDef(op); auto device_name = op.device_option().node_name(); if (device_name != "") { annotation->setDevice(device_name); } annotation->setDeviceType(op.device_option().device_type()); nnOp->setAnnotation(std::move(annotation)); return nnOp; } /// \brief Ingest a caffe2 protobuf model and output an NNModule. /// \param net The caffe2 protobuf NetDef repr::NNModule convertToNNModule( const caffe2::NetDef& net, bool strict, std::vector* opNodeVec) { repr::NNModule module; repr::NNGraph& dfg = module.dataFlow; repr::NNCFGraph& cfg = module.controlFlow; /// \brief We keep track of the producer of the blob. /// Because Caffe2 Nets are really just ordered operations /// we can just keep track of the most recent producer of /// a blob and draw and edge from that to any consumer we /// come by. If a new operator produces the blob we simply /// replace it in this map. std::unordered_map blobMap; std::unordered_set externalInputNames; for (const auto& inputName : net.external_input()) { externalInputNames.insert(inputName); } /// \brief For the construction of the control flow graph we keep track /// of a current basic block, which we split up as we come across control /// flow operations such as if and while. auto bbNode = cfg.createNamedFunction("main"); for (const auto& op : net.op()) { auto opNode = dfg.createNode(); // Create an empty node for the operator. // First calculate in-edges (data dependencies). for (const auto& input : op.input()) { // If we've never seen this tensor, make one. if (!blobMap.count(input)) { auto tensor = std::make_unique(input); blobMap[input] = dfg.createNode(unique_dyn_cast(tensor)); if (externalInputNames.count(input)) { module.inputs.insert(blobMap[input]); externalInputNames.erase(input); } } auto tensorNode = blobMap[input]; dfg.createEdge(tensorNode, opNode); } // Then save outputs into the blobMap for later consumption. for (const auto& output : op.output()) { auto tensor = std::make_unique(output); auto tensorNode = dfg.createNode(unique_dyn_cast(tensor)); dfg.createEdge(opNode, tensorNode); blobMap[output] = tensorNode; } opNode->resetData(convertToNeuralNetOperator(op)); if (opNodeVec) { opNodeVec->emplace_back(opNode); } auto currentBasicBlock = bbNode->mutableData(); currentBasicBlock->pushInstructionNode(opNode); } if (externalInputNames.size()) { // In strict mode we ensure the input names are valid if (strict) { std::ostringstream os; for (const auto& inputName : externalInputNames) { os << "\"" << inputName << "\" "; } CAFFE_ENFORCE( externalInputNames.size() == 0, "Attempting to convert an ill-formed network: ", "external_input contains ", externalInputNames.size(), " unused blobs: ", os.str()); // Otherwise, we add the blobs to the graph as no-ops } else { for (const auto& input : externalInputNames) { blobMap[input] = dfg.createNode(std::make_unique(input)); } } } for (const auto& outputName : net.external_output()) { CAFFE_ENFORCE( !strict || blobMap.count(outputName), "NetDef has ill-formed external_output:", outputName); if (!blobMap.count(outputName)) { LOG(ERROR) << "NetDef has ill-formed external_output: " << outputName; continue; } module.outputs.insert(blobMap[outputName]); } return module; } caffe2::OperatorDef convertToOperatorDef( const repr::NNGraph::NodeRef& instrNode) { auto* nnOp = repr::nn::get(instrNode); auto op_type = nnOp->getName(); auto* annotation = nnOp->getAnnotation(); caffe2::OperatorDef op; if (ConverterRegistry()->Has(op_type)) { op = ConverterRegistry()->Create(op_type)->convertToOperatorDef(nnOp); } else if (!annotation) { op.set_type(op_type); } else { if (isa(annotation)) { auto c2_annotation = dyn_cast(annotation); op = c2_annotation->getOperatorDef(); op.mutable_device_option()->set_device_type( c2_annotation->getDeviceType()); } else { CAFFE_THROW( "Couldn't convert operator annotation to Caffe2 operator def"); } } // We may have swapped out some of the edges. op.clear_input(); op.clear_output(); return op; } Caffe2Annotation* getOrAddCaffe2Annotation( nom::repr::NNGraph::NodeRef& instrNode) { auto* nnOp = repr::nn::get(instrNode); auto* annotation = nnOp->getMutableAnnotation(); if (!annotation) { auto new_annot = std::make_unique(); new_annot->setOperatorDef(convertToOperatorDef(instrNode)); nnOp->setAnnotation(std::move(new_annot)); annotation = nnOp->getMutableAnnotation(); } CAFFE_ENFORCE(isa(annotation)); auto c2_annotation = dyn_cast(annotation); return c2_annotation; } caffe2::NetDef convertToCaffe2Proto(repr::NNModule& m) { auto predictNet = caffe2::NetDef(); return convertToCaffe2Proto(m, predictNet); } std::vector mergeExternalTensors( const std::unordered_set& currExternal, const std::vector& oldExternal) { std::vector out; // Maximally preserve the order of external inputs and outputs. std::unordered_set newExternal; for (const auto& tensorNode : currExternal) { CAFFE_ENFORCE( repr::nn::is(tensorNode), "A non-tensor node was added to external inputs/outputs of the NNModule"); auto name = repr::nn::get(tensorNode)->getName(); newExternal.insert(name); } for (const auto& tensorName : oldExternal) { if (newExternal.count(tensorName)) { out.emplace_back(tensorName); newExternal.erase(tensorName); } } for (const auto& tensorName : newExternal) { out.emplace_back(tensorName); } return out; } caffe2::NetDef convertToCaffe2Proto( repr::NNModule& m, const caffe2::NetDef& oldNet) { auto predictNet = caffe2::NetDef(); // We copy the old net rather than mutate it. predictNet.CopyFrom(oldNet); predictNet.mutable_op()->Clear(); repr::nn::coalesceInsertedDataDependencies(&m); // Simply iterate through the CFG and populate data dependencies // with the DFG for (const auto& bbNode : m.controlFlow.getMutableNodes()) { if (bbNode->getOutEdges().size() > 1) { CAFFE_THROW("Control flow not yet supported in Caffe2 converter."); } auto& bb = bbNode->data(); for (const auto& instrNode : bb.getInstructions()) { caffe2::OperatorDef op = convertToOperatorDef(instrNode); for (const auto& inEdge : instrNode->getInEdges()) { auto* tensorNode = dyn_cast(inEdge->tail()->data().get()); *op.add_input() = tensorNode->getName(); } for (const auto& outEdge : instrNode->getOutEdges()) { auto* tensorNode = dyn_cast(outEdge->head()->data().get()); *op.add_output() = tensorNode->getName(); } auto* nnOp = repr::nn::get(instrNode); if (nnOp->getLayout() != repr::NeuralNetOperator::NNLayout::Undefined) { caffe2::Argument* arg = nullptr; for (int i = 0; i < op.arg_size(); ++i) { auto arg_ = op.mutable_arg(i); if (arg_->name() == "order") { arg = arg_; break; } } if (!arg) { arg = op.add_arg(); arg->set_name("order"); } auto layout = nnOp->getLayout(); if (layout == repr::NeuralNetOperator::NNLayout::NCHW) { arg->set_s("NCHW"); } if (layout == repr::NeuralNetOperator::NNLayout::NHWC) { arg->set_s("NHWC"); } } // Save the operator to the net. *predictNet.add_op() = op; } } // Maximally preserve the order of external inputs and outputs. std::vector oldExternalInputs; std::vector oldExternalOutputs; for (const auto& inputName : predictNet.external_input()) { oldExternalInputs.emplace_back(inputName); } for (const auto& outputName : predictNet.external_output()) { oldExternalOutputs.emplace_back(outputName); } auto newExternalInputs = mergeExternalTensors(m.inputs, oldExternalInputs); auto newExternalOutputs = mergeExternalTensors(m.outputs, oldExternalOutputs); predictNet.clear_external_input(); predictNet.clear_external_output(); for (const auto& inputName : newExternalInputs) { predictNet.add_external_input(inputName); } for (const auto& outputName : newExternalOutputs) { predictNet.add_external_output(outputName); } return predictNet; } void pushOpToFront(caffe2::OperatorDef& op, caffe2::NetDef* net) { *net->add_op() = op; google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField* op_list( net->mutable_op()); // Reverse iterate, swapping new element in front each time for (int i(net->op_size() - 1); i > 0; --i) { op_list->SwapElements(i, i - 1); } } void injectDataEdgeIndicators(caffe2::NetDef* net) { for (const auto& input : net->external_input()) { caffe2::OperatorDef op; op.set_type("Declare"); op.add_output(input); pushOpToFront(op, net); } for (const auto& output : net->external_output()) { caffe2::OperatorDef op; op.set_type("Export"); op.add_input(output); *net->add_op() = std::move(op); } net->clear_external_input(); net->clear_external_output(); } void removeDataEdgeIndicators(caffe2::NetDef* net) { google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField* op_list( net->mutable_op()); for (auto i = 0; i < net->op_size(); ++i) { auto op = net->op(i); if (op.type() == "Declare") { net->add_external_input(op.output(0)); } else if (op.type() == "Export") { net->add_external_output(op.input(0)); } else { continue; } // Note that this compensates for modifying the list inplace op_list->DeleteSubrange(i--, 1); } } } // namespace caffe2