# Try to find the Gloo library and headers. # Gloo_FOUND - system has Gloo lib # Gloo_INCLUDE_DIRS - the Gloo include directory # Gloo_LIBRARY/Gloo_NATIVE_LIBRARY - libraries needed to use Gloo find_path(Gloo_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES gloo/common/common.h DOC "The directory where Gloo includes reside" ) find_library(Gloo_NATIVE_LIBRARY NAMES gloo DOC "The Gloo library (without CUDA)" ) find_library(Gloo_CUDA_LIBRARY NAMES gloo_cuda DOC "The Gloo library (with CUDA)" ) set(Gloo_INCLUDE_DIRS ${Gloo_INCLUDE_DIR}) # use the CUDA library depending on the Gloo_USE_CUDA variable if (DEFINED Gloo_USE_CUDA) if (${Gloo_USE_CUDA}) set(Gloo_LIBRARY ${Gloo_CUDA_LIBRARY}) set(Gloo_NATIVE_LIBRARY ${Gloo_NATIVE_LIBRARY}) else() set(Gloo_LIBRARY ${Gloo_NATIVE_LIBRARY}) set(Gloo_NATIVE_LIBRARY ${Gloo_NATIVE_LIBRARY}) endif() else() # else try to use the CUDA library if found if (${Gloo_CUDA_LIBRARY} STREQUAL "Gloo_CUDA_LIBRARY-NOTFOUND") set(Gloo_LIBRARY ${Gloo_NATIVE_LIBRARY}) set(Gloo_NATIVE_LIBRARY ${Gloo_NATIVE_LIBRARY}) else() set(Gloo_LIBRARY ${Gloo_CUDA_LIBRARY}) set(Gloo_NATIVE_LIBRARY ${Gloo_NATIVE_LIBRARY}) endif() endif() include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) find_package_handle_standard_args(Gloo FOUND_VAR Gloo_FOUND REQUIRED_VARS Gloo_INCLUDE_DIR Gloo_LIBRARY ) mark_as_advanced(Gloo_FOUND)