# Try to find the LMBD libraries and headers # LMDB_FOUND - system has LMDB lib # LMDB_INCLUDE_DIR - the LMDB include directory # LMDB_LIBRARIES - Libraries needed to use LMDB # FindCWD based on FindGMP by: # Copyright (c) 2006, Laurent Montel, # # Redistribution and use is allowed according to the terms of the BSD license. # Adapted from FindCWD by: # Copyright 2013 Conrad Steenberg # Aug 31, 2013 if(MSVC) find_package(LMDB NO_MODULE) else() find_path(LMDB_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES lmdb.h PATHS "$ENV{LMDB_DIR}/include") find_library(LMDB_LIBRARIES NAMES lmdb PATHS "$ENV{LMDB_DIR}/lib" ) endif() include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) find_package_handle_standard_args(LMDB DEFAULT_MSG LMDB_INCLUDE_DIR LMDB_LIBRARIES) if(LMDB_FOUND) message(STATUS "Found lmdb (include: ${LMDB_INCLUDE_DIR}, library: ${LMDB_LIBRARIES})") mark_as_advanced(LMDB_INCLUDE_DIR LMDB_LIBRARIES) caffe_parse_header(${LMDB_INCLUDE_DIR}/lmdb.h LMDB_VERSION_LINES MDB_VERSION_MAJOR MDB_VERSION_MINOR MDB_VERSION_PATCH) set(LMDB_VERSION "${MDB_VERSION_MAJOR}.${MDB_VERSION_MINOR}.${MDB_VERSION_PATCH}") endif()