# Find the nccl libraries # # The following variables are optionally searched for defaults # NCCL_ROOT: Base directory where all NCCL components are found # NCCL_INCLUDE_DIR: Directory where NCCL header is found # NCCL_LIB_DIR: Directory where NCCL library is found # # The following are set after configuration is done: # NCCL_FOUND # NCCL_INCLUDE_DIRS # NCCL_LIBRARIES # # The path hints include CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR seeing as some folks # install NCCL in the same location as the CUDA toolkit. # See https://github.com/caffe2/caffe2/issues/1601 set(NCCL_INCLUDE_DIR $ENV{NCCL_INCLUDE_DIR} CACHE PATH "Folder contains NVIDIA NCCL headers") set(NCCL_LIB_DIR $ENV{NCCL_LIB_DIR} CACHE PATH "Folder contains NVIDIA NCCL libraries") set(NCCL_VERSION $ENV{NCCL_VERSION} CACHE STRING "Version of NCCL to build with") if ($ENV{NCCL_ROOT_DIR}) message(WARNING "NCCL_ROOT_DIR is deprecated. Please set NCCL_ROOT instead.") endif() list(APPEND NCCL_ROOT $ENV{NCCL_ROOT_DIR} ${CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR}) # Compatible layer for CMake <3.12. NCCL_ROOT will be accounted in for searching paths and libraries for CMake >=3.12. list(APPEND CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH ${NCCL_ROOT}) find_path(NCCL_INCLUDE_DIRS NAMES nccl.h HINTS ${NCCL_INCLUDE_DIR}) if (USE_STATIC_NCCL) MESSAGE(STATUS "USE_STATIC_NCCL is set. Linking with static NCCL library.") SET(NCCL_LIBNAME "nccl_static") if (NCCL_VERSION) # Prefer the versioned library if a specific NCCL version is specified set(CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_SUFFIXES ".a.${NCCL_VERSION}" ${CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_SUFFIXES}) endif() else() SET(NCCL_LIBNAME "nccl") if (NCCL_VERSION) # Prefer the versioned library if a specific NCCL version is specified set(CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_SUFFIXES ".so.${NCCL_VERSION}" ${CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_SUFFIXES}) endif() endif() find_library(NCCL_LIBRARIES NAMES ${NCCL_LIBNAME} HINTS ${NCCL_LIB_DIR}) include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) find_package_handle_standard_args(NCCL DEFAULT_MSG NCCL_INCLUDE_DIRS NCCL_LIBRARIES) if(NCCL_FOUND) # obtaining NCCL version and some sanity checks set (NCCL_HEADER_FILE "${NCCL_INCLUDE_DIRS}/nccl.h") message (STATUS "Determining NCCL version from ${NCCL_HEADER_FILE}...") set (OLD_CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES ${CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES}) list (APPEND CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES ${NCCL_INCLUDE_DIRS}) include(CheckCXXSymbolExists) check_cxx_symbol_exists(NCCL_VERSION_CODE nccl.h NCCL_VERSION_DEFINED) if (NCCL_VERSION_DEFINED) set(file "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/detect_nccl_version.cc") file(WRITE ${file} " #include #include int main() { std::cout << NCCL_MAJOR << '.' << NCCL_MINOR << '.' << NCCL_PATCH << std::endl; int x; ncclGetVersion(&x); return x == NCCL_VERSION_CODE; } ") try_run(NCCL_VERSION_MATCHED compile_result ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR} ${file} RUN_OUTPUT_VARIABLE NCCL_VERSION_FROM_HEADER CMAKE_FLAGS "-DINCLUDE_DIRECTORIES=${NCCL_INCLUDE_DIRS}" LINK_LIBRARIES ${NCCL_LIBRARIES}) if (NOT NCCL_VERSION_MATCHED) message(FATAL_ERROR "Found NCCL header version and library version do not match! \ (include: ${NCCL_INCLUDE_DIRS}, library: ${NCCL_LIBRARIES}) Please set NCCL_INCLUDE_DIR and NCCL_LIB_DIR manually.") endif() message(STATUS "NCCL version: ${NCCL_VERSION_FROM_HEADER}") else() message(STATUS "NCCL version < 2.3.5-5") endif () set (CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES ${OLD_CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES}) message(STATUS "Found NCCL (include: ${NCCL_INCLUDE_DIRS}, library: ${NCCL_LIBRARIES})") mark_as_advanced(NCCL_ROOT_DIR NCCL_INCLUDE_DIRS NCCL_LIBRARIES) endif()