# Build with Compute Library backend for the Arm architecture # Note: Compute Library is available from: https://github.com/ARM-software/ComputeLibrary # and must be built separately. The location of the Compute Library build # must be set with the env var ACL_ROOT_DIR. This path will be checked later # as part of FindACL.cmake in oneDNN. if(NOT USE_MKLDNN_ACL) RETURN() endif() set(DNNL_AARCH64_USE_ACL ON CACHE BOOL "" FORCE) # Check the Compute Library version number. # Note: oneDNN / MKL-DNN v2.2 onwards will check the Compute Library version # the version check here can be removed once PyTorch transitions to v2.2. set(ACL_MINIMUM_VERSION "21.02") file(GLOB_RECURSE ACL_VERSION_FILE $ENV{ACL_ROOT_DIR}/*/arm_compute_version.embed) if("${ACL_VERSION_FILE}" STREQUAL "") message(WARNING "Build may fail: Could not determine ACL version (minimum required is ${ACL_MINIMUM_VERSION})") else() file(READ ${ACL_VERSION_FILE} ACL_VERSION_STRING) string(REGEX MATCH "v([0-9]+\\.[0-9]+)" ACL_VERSION ${ACL_VERSION_STRING}) set(ACL_VERSION "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}") if(${ACL_VERSION} VERSION_EQUAL "0.0") # Unreleased ACL versions come with version string "v0.0-unreleased", and may not be compatible with oneDNN. # It is recommended to use the latest release of ACL. message(WARNING "Build may fail: Using unreleased ACL version (minimum required is ${ACL_MINIMUM_VERSION})") elseif(${ACL_VERSION} VERSION_LESS ${ACL_MINIMUM_VERSION}) message(FATAL_ERROR "Detected ACL version ${ACL_VERSION}, but minimum required is ${ACL_MINIMUM_VERSION}") endif() endif()