require 'optparse' require 'xcodeproj' options = {} option_parser = do |opts| opts.banner = 'Tools for building PyTorch iOS framework on MacOS' opts.on('-i', '--install_path ', 'path to the cmake install folder') { |value| options[:install] = value } opts.on('-x', '--xcodeproj_path ', 'path to the XCode project file') { |value| options[:xcodeproj] = value } opts.on('-p', '--platform ', 'platform for the current build, OS or SIMULATOR') { |value| options[:platform] = value } opts.on('-c', '--provisioning_profile ', 'provisioning profile for code signing') { |value| options[:profile] = value } opts.on('-t', '--team_id ', 'development team ID') { |value| options[:team_id] = value } end.parse! puts options.inspect install_path = File.expand_path(options[:install]) if not Dir.exist? (install_path) raise "path don't exist:#{install_path}!" end xcodeproj_path = File.expand_path(options[:xcodeproj]) if not File.exist? (xcodeproj_path) raise "path don't exist:#{xcodeproj_path}!" end project = target = project.targets.first #TestApp header_search_path = ['$(inherited)', "#{install_path}/include"] libraries_search_path = ['$(inherited)', "#{install_path}/lib"] other_linker_flags = ['$(inherited)', "-all_load"] target.build_configurations.each do |config| config.build_settings['HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS'] = header_search_path config.build_settings['LIBRARY_SEARCH_PATHS'] = libraries_search_path config.build_settings['OTHER_LDFLAGS'] = other_linker_flags config.build_settings['ENABLE_BITCODE'] = 'No' dev_team_id = options[:team_id] if not dev_team_id and options[:platform] == 'OS' raise "Please sepecify a valid development team id for code signing" end config.build_settings['DEVELOPMENT_TEAM'] = dev_team_id end # link static libraries target.frameworks_build_phases.clear libs = ['libc10.a', 'libclog.a', 'libpthreadpool.a', 'libXNNPACK.a', 'libeigen_blas.a', 'libcpuinfo.a', 'libpytorch_qnnpack.a', 'libtorch_cpu.a', 'libtorch.a', 'libkineto.a'] for lib in libs do path = "#{install_path}/lib/#{lib}" if File.exist?(path) libref = project.frameworks_group.new_file(path) target.frameworks_build_phases.add_file_reference(libref) end end # link system frameworks frameworks = ['CoreML', 'Metal', 'MetalPerformanceShaders', 'Accelerate', 'UIKit'] if frameworks frameworks.each do |framework| path = "System/Library/Frameworks/#{framework}.framework" framework_ref = project.frameworks_group.new_reference(path) = "#{framework}.framework" framework_ref.source_tree = 'SDKROOT' target.frameworks_build_phases.add_file_reference(framework_ref) end end sdk = nil arch = nil if options[:platform] == 'SIMULATOR' sdk = 'iphonesimulator' arch = 'x86_64' elsif options[:platform] == 'OS' sdk = 'iphoneos' arch = 'arm64' else raise "unsupported platform #{options[:platform]}" end profile = options[:profile] if not profile and options[:platform] == 'OS' raise "no provisioning profile found!" end # run xcodebuild exec "xcodebuild clean build -project #{xcodeproj_path} -target #{} -sdk #{sdk} -configuration Release PROVISIONING_PROFILE_SPECIFIER=#{profile} -arch #{arch}"