ELF>(@@/* This file is automatically generated -- see configure.in for details */ #ifndef SCM_SCMCONFIG_H #define SCM_SCMCONFIG_H#define SCM_HAVE_STDC_HEADERS 1 /* 0 or 1 */#define SCM_HAVE_SYS_SELECT_H 1 /* 0 or 1 */#define SCM_HAVE_WINSOCK2_H 0 /* 0 or 1 *//* Define to include various undocumented debugging functions. *//* Set to 1 if you want to enable deprecated features. */#define SCM_ENABLE_DEPRECATED %d /* Set to 1 if the stack grows up, 0 otherwise. */#define SCM_STACK_GROWS_UP %d /* 0 or 1 */ /* C compiler's syntax for inline functions if any, otherwise undefined. */#define SCM_SIZEOF_UNSIGNED_CHAR %zu #define SCM_SIZEOF_UNSIGNED_SHORT %zu #define SCM_SIZEOF_UNSIGNED_LONG %zu #define SCM_SIZEOF_UNSIGNED_INT %zu #define SCM_SIZEOF_SIZE_T %zu #define SCM_SIZEOF_LONG_LONG %zu #define SCM_SIZEOF_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG %zu #define SCM_SIZEOF_INTMAX %zu #define SCM_SIZEOF_SCM_T_PTRDIFF %zu #define SCM_SIZEOF_INTPTR_T %zu #define SCM_SIZEOF_UINTPTR_T %zu /* same as POSIX "struct timespec" -- always defined */typedef struct timespec scm_t_timespec;/*** Threading model (scmconfig.h support not finished) ***//* Define to 1 if using pthread multithreading. */#define SCM_USE_PTHREAD_THREADS %d /* 0 or 1 */ /* Define to 1 if using one-thread 'multi'threading. */#define SCM_USE_NULL_THREADS %d /* 0 or 1 */ /* Define to 1 if need braces around PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT (for Solaris). */#define SCM_NEED_BRACES_ON_PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT %d /* 0 or 1 */ /* Define to 1 if need braces around PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER (for IRIX with GCC) */#define SCM_NEED_BRACES_ON_PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER %d /* 0 or 1 */ #define SCM_HAVE_PTHREAD_SIGMASK 1 /* 0 or 1 */#define SCM_HAVE_GC_PTHREAD_CANCEL 1 /* 0 or 1 */#define SCM_HAVE_GC_PTHREAD_EXIT 1 /* 0 or 1 */#define SCM_HAVE_GC_PTHREAD_SIGMASK 1 /* 0 or 1 */ /*** File system access ***//* Define to 1 if `struct dirent64' is available. */#define SCM_HAVE_STRUCT_DIRENT64 %d /* 0 or 1 */ /* Define to 1 if `readdir64_r ()' is available. */#define SCM_HAVE_READDIR64_R 0 /* 0 or 1 */#define SCM_T_OFF_MAX INT64_MAX#define SCM_T_OFF_MIN INT64_MIN/* Define to 1 if the compiler supports the `__thread' storage class. */#define SCM_HAVE_THREAD_STORAGE_CLASS/* Constants from uniconv.h. */#define SCM_ICONVEH_QUESTION_MARK %d #define SCM_ICONVEH_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE %d /* Define to 1 if there is an auxiliary stack, as in ia64. */#define SCM_HAVE_AUXILIARY_STACK %d /* Define to 1 to use mini GMP. *//* Important headers */#include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* #undef GUILE_DEBUG *//* (value will be 0 or 1). */inline#define SCM_C_INLINE %s /* Standard types. */#define SCM_SIZEOF_CHAR %zu #define SCM_SIZEOF_SHORT %zu #define SCM_SIZEOF_LONG %zu #define SCM_SIZEOF_INT %zu typedef int64_t scm_t_off;#define SCM_ICONVEH_ERROR %d #define SCM_ENABLE_MINI_GMP 0#endifHH= H=H=H=H=H=H= H=H=H=H= H=H= H=H= H=H=H51 H=1H51 H=1HH5 H=H51H51H51H51H51H51H51H51H51H51H51H51H51H511H5 H=H= H=H=H51H=1H51H=1H51H=1H51H=H=H=H=H=H=H51H=H=H=H=H=H=H= H=1H51H51H51 H=1H51 H=H=H=1H' intZZ>1. 3S 6 { 7 { 8 { 9 { : {( ; {0 < {8 = {@ @ {H A {P B {X DG` FMh HSp ISt J ax M0 NE OS Qc Y m [n \y ]M ^ y _ `S b + B c >: i t  >. S  SS%T STZkU Z k U:Z ,kU Z {kU Z kU Z kU Z hkU Z kU Z k U:Z MkU Z kU Z kU Z :kU Z k U:Z kU Z kU Z fk U:Z kU Z  kU Z K k U:Z  kU Z  kU ZB k@!U1T Q1Z  k U:Z  kU Z1 k@!U1T Q0Z x k U:Z  kU Z( k@!U1T Q Z o k U:Z  kU Z k@!U1T Q1Zp k@!U1T Q1Z k@!U1T Q2Z"k@!U1T Q2Z{k@!U1T Q8Zk@!U1T Q8Z-k@!U1T Q4Zk@!U1T Q4Zk@!U1T Q8Z8k@!U1T Q8Zk@!U1T Q8Zk@!U1T Q8ZCk@!U1T Q8Zk@!U1T Q8Zk@!U1T Q8Z =k U:Z kU Z kU Z %k U:Z ukU Z kU Zk@!U1T Q1Z okU Zk@!U1T Q0Z kU Zsk@!U1T Q0Z kU Z k@!U1T Q0Z $mkU Z *kU Z 0 kU Z 6]kU Z ;kU Z =kU Z>Wk@!U1T Q1Z AkU Z EkU Z SGkU Z TkU Z UkU Z `7kU Z ckU Z pk U:Z qkU Zryk@!U1T Q0Zsk@!U1T Q1Zu-k@!U1T Q2Z xuk U:Z ykU Zzk@!U1T Q0Z |gk U:Z }kU Z kU Z kU {iSyi }/* This file is automatically generated -- see configure.in for details */ #ifndef SCM_SCMCONFIG_H #define SCM_SCMCONFIG_H    /* Important headers */ #include #include #include #include #include 0.#define SCM_HAVE_STDC_HEADERS 1 /* 0 or 1 */ #include #include 0.#define SCM_HAVE_SYS_SELECT_H 1 /* 0 or 1 */ .,#define SCM_HAVE_WINSOCK2_H 0 /* 0 or 1 */ EC/* Define to include various undocumented debugging functions. */ /* #undef GUILE_DEBUG */ =;/* Set to 1 if you want to enable deprecated features. */ !/* (value will be 0 or 1). */ Z 64/* Set to 1 if the stack grows up, 0 otherwise. */ RP/* C compiler's syntax for inline functions if any, otherwise undefined. */ /* Standard types. */ ;9/* same as POSIX "struct timespec" -- always defined */ +)typedef struct timespec scm_t_timespec; @>/*** Threading model (scmconfig.h support not finished) ***/ 64/* Define to 1 if using pthread multithreading. */ ;9/* Define to 1 if using one-thread 'multi'threading. */ LJ/* Define to 1 if need braces around PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT (for Solaris). */ ][/* Define to 1 if need braces around PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER (for IRIX with GCC) */ 31#define SCM_HAVE_PTHREAD_SIGMASK 1 /* 0 or 1 */ 53#define SCM_HAVE_GC_PTHREAD_CANCEL 1 /* 0 or 1 */ 31#define SCM_HAVE_GC_PTHREAD_EXIT 1 /* 0 or 1 */ 64#define SCM_HAVE_GC_PTHREAD_SIGMASK 1 /* 0 or 1 */ " /*** File system access ***/ 97/* Define to 1 if `struct dirent64' is available. */ 86/* Define to 1 if `readdir64_r ()' is available. */ /-#define SCM_HAVE_READDIR64_R 0 /* 0 or 1 */ typedef int64_t scm_t_off; #!#define SCM_T_OFF_MAX INT64_MAX #!#define SCM_T_OFF_MIN INT64_MIN MK/* Define to 1 if the compiler supports the `__thread' storage class. */ )'#define SCM_HAVE_THREAD_STORAGE_CLASS $"/* Constants from uniconv.h. */ B@/* Define to 1 if there is an auxiliary stack, as in ia64. */ '%/* Define to 1 to use mini GMP. */ !#define SCM_ENABLE_MINI_GMP 0  #endif % U$ > $ > : ; 9 I  I&I : ; 9  : ; 9 I8 : ; 9 < I !I/ 7I4: ; 9 I?<!.?: ; 9 'I@B: ; 9 IB1RBUX Y W 1B1B1RBX Y W 1RBX YW 1RBX YW .?: ; 9 'I 4: ; 9 I6.?<n: ; .?<n: ; 9 UUTT                           ,%  /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/include/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/usr/includegen-scmconfig.cstdio2.htypes.hstddef.hstruct_FILE.hFILE.hstdio.hsys_errlist.h KR+ UJtX3K 4J 5I 6H 9E ? 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