;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\300\303!\210\304\305\306\307\310\311\312\313&\210\314\315\316\317\320DD\321\322\323%\210\314\324\316\317\325DD\326\322\327%\210\314\330\316\317\331DD\332\322\333%\210\314\334\316\317\335DD\336\322\337%\210\314\340\316\317\341DD\342\322\343%\210\314\344\316\317\345DD\346\322\337%\210\314\347\316\317\350DD\351\322\337%\210\314\352\316\317\353DD\354\322\337%\210\314\355\316\317\356DD\357\322\360%\210\314\361\316\317\362DD\363\322\337%\210\314\364\316\317\365DD\366\322\367%\210\314\370\316\317\371DD\372\322\337%\210\314\373\316\317\374DD\375\322\376%\210\314\377\316\317\201@DD\201A\322\201B%\210\314\201C\316\317\201DDD\201E\322\201F%\207" [require avy ring subr-x custom-declare-group ace-window nil "Quickly switch current window." :group convenience :prefix "aw-" custom-declare-variable aw-keys funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [(49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57)] 1] "Keys for selecting window." :type (repeat character) aw-scope #[0 "\300\207" [global] 1] "The scope used by `ace-window'." (choice (const :tag "visible frames" visible) (const :tag "global" global) (const :tag "frame" frame)) aw-translate-char-function #[0 "\300\207" [identity] 1] "Function to translate user input key into another key.\nFor example, to make SPC do the same as ?a, use\n(lambda (c) (if (= c 32) ?a c))." (choice (const :tag "Off" #'identity) (const :tag "Ignore Case" #'downcase) (function :tag "Custom")) aw-minibuffer-flag #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "When non-nil, also display `ace-window-mode' string in the minibuffer when ace-window is active." boolean aw-ignored-buffers #[0 "\300\207" [("*Calc Trail*" " *LV*")] 1] "List of buffers and major-modes to ignore when choosing a window from the window list.\nActive only when `aw-ignore-on' is non-nil." (repeat string) aw-ignore-on #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "When t, `ace-window' will ignore buffers and major-modes in `aw-ignored-buffers'.\nUse M-0 `ace-window' to toggle this value." aw-ignore-current #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "When t, `ace-window' will ignore `selected-window'." aw-background #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "When t, `ace-window' will dim out all buffers temporarily when used." aw-leading-char-style #[0 "\300\207" [char] 1] "Style of the leading char overlay." (choice (const :tag "single char" 'char) (const :tag "full path" 'path)) aw-dispatch-always #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "When non-nil, `ace-window' will issue a `read-char' even for one window.\nThis will make `ace-window' act different from `other-window' for\n one or two windows." aw-dispatch-when-more-than #[0 "\300\207" [2] 1] "If the number of windows is more than this, activate ace-window-ness." integer aw-reverse-frame-list #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "When non-nil `ace-window' will order frames for selection in\nthe reverse of `frame-list'" aw-frame-offset #[0 "\300\207" [(13 . 23)] 1] "Increase in pixel offset for new ace-window frames relative to the selected frame.\nIts value is an (x-offset . y-offset) pair in pixels." (cons integer integer) aw-frame-size #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Frame size to make new ace-window frames.\nIts value is a (width . height) pair in pixels or nil for the default frame size.\n(0 . 0) is special and means make the frame size the same as the last selected frame size." (cons integer integer) aw-char-position #[0 "\300\207" [top-left] 1] "Window positions of the character overlay.\nConsider changing this if the overlay tends to overlap with other things." (choice (const :tag "top left corner only" 'top-left) (const :tag "both left corners" 'left))] 8) #@239 List of actions for `aw-dispatch-default'. Each action is a list of either: (char function description) where function takes a single window argument or (char function) where function takes no argument and the description is omitted. (defvar aw-dispatch-alist '((120 aw-delete-window "Delete Window") (109 aw-swap-window "Swap Windows") (77 aw-move-window "Move Window") (99 aw-copy-window "Copy Window") (106 aw-switch-buffer-in-window "Select Buffer") (110 aw-flip-window) (117 aw-switch-buffer-other-window "Switch Buffer Other Window") (101 aw-execute-command-other-window "Execute Command Other Window") (70 aw-split-window-fair "Split Fair Window") (118 aw-split-window-vert "Split Vert Window") (98 aw-split-window-horz "Split Horz Window") (111 delete-other-windows "Delete Other Windows") (84 aw-transpose-frame "Transpose Frame") (63 aw-show-dispatch-help)) (#$ . 3643)) #@21 (fn OPTION VALUE) (defalias 'aw-set-make-frame-char #[514 "\211\203+\302!\204\303\304\"\210\202+\211>\203 \303\305\"\210\202+\211 \236\203+\303\306\"\210L\207" [aw-keys aw-dispatch-alist characterp user-error "`aw-make-frame-char' must be a character, not `%s'" "`aw-make-frame-char' is `%c'; this conflicts with the same character in `aw-keys'" "`aw-make-frame-char' is `%c'; this conflicts with the same character in `aw-dispatch-alist'"] 5 (#$ . 4534)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311&\210\312\313\314\315#\210\312\316\317\320#\210\312\321\322\323#\210\312\324\325\326#\210\312\327\330\331#\207" [custom-declare-variable aw-make-frame-char funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [122] 1] "Non-existing ace window label character that triggers creation of a new single-window frame for display." :set aw-set-make-frame-char :type character custom-declare-face aw-leading-char-face ((((class color)) (:foreground "red")) (((background dark)) (:foreground "gray100")) (((background light)) (:foreground "gray0")) (t (:foreground "gray100" :underline nil))) "Face for each window's leading char." aw-minibuffer-leading-char-face ((t :inherit aw-leading-char-face)) "Face for minibuffer leading char." aw-background-face ((t (:foreground "gray40"))) "Face for whole window background during selection." aw-mode-line-face ((t (:inherit mode-line-buffer-id))) "Face used for displaying the ace window key in the mode-line." aw-key-face ((t :inherit font-lock-builtin-face)) "Face used by `aw-show-dispatch-help'."] 8) #@87 Return t if WINDOW should be ignored when choosing from the window list. (fn WINDOW) (defalias 'aw-ignored-p #[257 "\203\305\306\307!\" >\206M\310\307!! \235\206M\311\312!\203'\312\313!!\206M\n\2032\211\314 \232\206M ?\205M\f\315\267\202L\316\317\"\207\316\320\"\207\316\320\"\207\321\207" [aw-ignore-on aw-ignored-buffers aw-ignore-current ignore-window-parameters this-command buffer-local-value major-mode window-buffer buffer-name fboundp frame-parent window-frame selected-window #s(hash-table size 3 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (ace-select-window 61 ace-delete-window 66 ace-delete-other-windows 71)) window-parameter no-other-window no-delete-other-windows nil] 5 (#$ . 6088)]) #@41 Return the list of interesting windows. (defalias 'aw-window-list #[0 "\301\302\303\304\267\202\305\306\307 \"\202\"\305\306\310 \"\202\"\306 \202\"\311\312\"\"\313\"\207" [aw-scope sort cl-remove-if #[257 "\300!\301!\205\f\302!?\206\303!\304\230\206\305!\207" [window-frame frame-live-p frame-visible-p terminal-name "initial_terminal" aw-ignored-p] 4 "\n\n(fn W)"] #s(hash-table size 3 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (visible 9 global 17 frame 25)) cl-mapcan window-list visible-frame-list frame-list error "Invalid `aw-scope': %S" aw-window<] 6 (#$ . 6833)]) #@46 Hold overlays for when `aw-background' is t. (defvar aw-overlays-back nil (#$ . 7451)) #@42 Minor mode during the selection process. (defvar ace-window-mode nil (#$ . 7544)) (byte-code "\301\236\204 \302C\244\210\301\207" [minor-mode-alist ace-window-mode (ace-window-mode ace-window-mode)] 2) #@90 Store the read-only empty buffers which had to be modified. Modify them back eventually. (defvar aw-empty-buffers-list nil (#$ . 7755)) #@143 List of (window . hscroll-columns) items, each listing a window whose horizontal scroll will be restored upon ace-window action completion. (defvar aw--windows-hscroll nil (#$ . 7898)) #@103 List of (window . point) items. The point position had to be moved in order to display the overlay. (defvar aw--windows-points nil (#$ . 8092)) #@34 Clean up mode line and overlays. (defalias 'aw--done #[0 "\304\305!\210\306\307\"\210\305\310 \210 \211\203/\211@r\211q\210\311 \312\230\203'\313ed|\210))A\266\202\202\210\305\314 \210\305 \211A\242\211\262\205Z\315@!r\316\317\"\216\320@\321\"\210Ab\210*\210\2026\207" [aw-overlays-back aw-empty-buffers-list inhibit-read-only aw--windows-points aw-set-mode-line nil mapc delete-overlay avy--remove-leading-chars buffer-string " " t aw--restore-windows-hscroll internal--before-with-selected-window make-closure #[0 "\301\300!\207" [V0 internal--after-with-selected-window] 2] select-window norecord] 5 (#$ . 8244)]) #@71 Restore horizontal scroll of windows from `aw--windows-hscroll' list. (defalias 'aw--restore-windows-hscroll #[0 "\301C\301C\302\303\304#\"\266\301\211\207" [aw--windows-hscroll nil mapc make-closure #[257 "\300@\240\210\301A\240\210\302\300\242!\205\303\300\242\301\242\"\207" [V0 V1 window-live-p set-window-hscroll] 4 "\n\n(fn WND-AND-HSCROLL)"]] 7 (#$ . 8884)]) #@105 Return the replacement text for an overlay in WND at POS, accessible by typing PATH. (fn WND POS PATH) (defalias 'aw--overlay-str #[771 "\3021\303!r\304\305\"\216\306@\307\"\210\211T{*\2620\202\"\210\202%\206&\310\311\267\202A\312\313\314!@!!\202E\315\316\317!\310#\202E\320\321\"\322\230\203S\323 S\324\"\202f\325\230\203]\325\202f\323\326\327!S]\324\"P\207" [aw-leading-char-style tab-width (error) internal--before-with-selected-window make-closure #[0 "\301\300!\207" [V0 internal--after-with-selected-window] 2] select-window norecord "" #s(hash-table size 2 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (char 44 path 55)) string avy--key-to-char last mapconcat #[257 "\300\301!!\207" [string avy--key-to-char] 4 "\n\n(fn X)"] reverse error "Bad `aw-leading-char-style': %S" " " make-string 32 "\n" 0 string-width] 9 (#$ . 9266)]) #@122 Return non-nil if point is visible in the selected window. Return nil when horizontal scrolling has moved it off screen. (defalias 'aw--point-visible-p #[0 "i\300 Z\301Y\205i\300 Z\302 W\207" [window-hscroll 0 window-width] 2 (#$ . 10154)]) #@75 Create an overlay using PATH at LEAF. LEAF is (PT . WND). (fn PATH LEAF) (defalias 'aw--lead-overlay #[514 "\211A\306\307!r\310\311\"\216\312@\313\"\210\314 \306U\203$p B\315\316c\210)\317 \204?\320 \306U\204?\321 \320 B B\322 \306U\203$\323 \324\f\325=\203L\326\202M\306\320 \306U\203X\306\202[\320 T`\327!\210\330!\210`S\262Y\203\213`U\204\213l\203\213`\262o\204h\331\326\315\"\210\330!\210\202h\332!\210`\333\211T\334 !#\335 \336U\203\246b\210\202\267U\204\267Tb\210B B\337\340\341\f##\210\342 !\203\324\337\343\344#\210\202\332\337\343\345#\210\337\346 #\210\211'B\211'\266\207*\262)\207" [scroll-margin aw-empty-buffers-list inhibit-read-only aw--windows-hscroll aw-char-position aw--windows-points 0 internal--before-with-selected-window make-closure #[0 "\301\300!\207" [V0 internal--after-with-selected-window] 2] select-window norecord buffer-size t " " aw--point-visible-p window-hscroll selected-window scroll-right window-start nil left -1 move-to-window-line move-to-column line-move recenter make-overlay window-buffer aw--face-rel-height 1 overlay-put display aw--overlay-str window-minibuffer-p face aw-minibuffer-leading-char-face aw-leading-char-face window avy--overlays-lead] 18 (#$ . 10403)]) #@77 Create a dim background overlay for each window on WND-LIST. (fn WND-LIST) (defalias 'aw--make-backgrounds #[257 "\205\n\302\303\"\211\207" [aw-background aw-overlays-back mapcar #[257 "\300\301!\302!\303!#\304\305\306#\210\207" [make-overlay window-start window-end window-buffer overlay-put face aw-background-face] 6 "\n\n(fn W)"]] 4 (#$ . 11682)]) #@64 Function to call when a character not in `aw-keys' is pressed. (defvar aw-dispatch-function 'aw-dispatch-default (#$ . 12049)) #@45 Function to call at the end of `aw-select'. (defvar aw-action nil (#$ . 12182)) #@43 Set mode line indicator to STR. (fn STR) (defalias 'aw-set-mode-line #[257 "\211 \203\203\302\303\304!\"\210\305 \207" [ace-window-mode aw-minibuffer-flag message "%s" string-trim-left force-mode-line-update] 5 (#$ . 12268)]) #@64 Return item from `aw-dispatch-alist' matching CHAR. (fn CHAR) (defalias 'aw--dispatch-action #[257 "\301\"\207" [aw-dispatch-alist assoc] 4 (#$ . 12508)]) #@83 Make a new Emacs frame using the values of `aw-frame-size' and `aw-frame-offset'. (defalias 'aw-make-frame #[0 "\302\303\304\305\205\306@\307U\203\310 \202@B\205,\311A\307U\203)\312 \202+@B\313 @\314 @\\B\315 A\314 A\\B\257\"!\207" [aw-frame-size aw-frame-offset make-frame delq nil (no-focus-on-map . t) width 0 frame-width height frame-height left frame-position top] 10 (#$ . 12672)]) #@169 Create a new frame using the contents of WINDOW. The new frame is set to the same size as the previous frame, offset by `aw-frame-offset' (x . y) pixels. (fn WINDOW) (defalias 'aw-use-frame #[257 "\300!\210\301 \207" [aw-switch-to-window aw-make-frame] 3 (#$ . 13083)]) #@65 Edit `avy-current-path' so only window label characters remain. (defalias 'aw-clean-up-avy-current-path #[0 "G\302V\205\302H \236\205\303\304O\211\207" [avy-current-path aw-dispatch-alist 0 1 nil] 3 (#$ . 13362)]) #@49 Perform an action depending on CHAR. (fn CHAR) (defalias 'aw-dispatch-default #[257 "\303\304!\203\f\304!\206\227\211\305U\203\306\307\310\"\207\203C\211U\203C\311 \312\313 ! \2039\314\315!!\210 !\266\202>\316!\266\306\307\310\"\207\317!\211\203\214\211\320A\262\211A\262\242\211A\262\242\203s\211\203s\211\321\322\323\"!\210\266\204\202\225\324!\203\200\325!\210\202\203 \210\306\307\310\"\266\204\202\225\326 \210\320\327!)\262\207" [aw-make-frame-char aw-action avy-dispatch-alist fboundp avy-mouse-event-window 7 throw done exit selected-window frame-selected-window aw-make-frame select-frame-set-input-focus window-frame aw-switch-to-window aw--dispatch-action nil aw-set-mode-line format " Ace - %s" commandp call-interactively aw-clean-up-avy-current-path avy-handler-default] 11 (#$ . 13590)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307%\207" [custom-declare-variable aw-display-mode-overlay funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "When nil, don't display overlays. Rely on the mode line instead." :type boolean] 6) #@134 Return a selected other window. Amend MODE-LINE to the mode line for the duration of the selection. (fn MODE-LINE &optional ACTION) (defalias 'aw-select #[513 "\211\306 \307\267\202\310\202\310\202\311\202\312\313 \312G\314X\203C\n\203:\315\216\31620 \317 !0)\211\320=\203:\312@\206\323\202\323G\321!\203O\314\202P\322\\\fX\203\206\n\204\206 \204\206\323\312\211#\211>\203o\321!\203\200\211\232\204\200\323\312#\262\202c\211\262\202\323\324\325\"\326!\210\327!\210\330\331\332\"\210\333\216 !\"#\312$\334\335%\"&\203\270'\204\270\336\202\271\337\340#\211\320=\203\307\312\211\202\315\211A\206\315+\262)\262\262\203\335!\207\207" [aw-action aw-scope aw-dispatch-always aw-dispatch-function aw-dispatch-when-more-than aw-ignore-current selected-window #s(hash-table size 4 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (quote 10 visible 10 global 14 frame 18)) visible frame nil aw-window-list 1 #[0 "\300 \207" [aw--done] 1] done read-char exit aw-ignored-p 0 next-window mapcar #[257 "\300!B\207" [aw-offset] 3 "\n\n(fn WND)"] aw--make-backgrounds aw-set-mode-line remove-hook post-command-hook helm--maybe-update-keymap #[0 "\300 \207" [aw--done] 1] avy-read avy-tree #[514 "\300\207" [nil] 3 "\n\n(fn PATH LEAF)"] aw--lead-overlay avy--remove-leading-chars avy-handler-function aw-translate-char-function avy-translate-char-function transient-mark-mode aw-keys ace-window-display-mode aw-display-mode-overlay] 12 (#$ . 14667)]) #@20 Ace select window. (defalias 'ace-select-window #[0 "\300\301\302\"\207" [aw-select " Ace - Window" aw-switch-to-window] 3 (#$ . 16193) nil]) #@20 Ace delete window. (defalias 'ace-delete-window #[0 "\300\301\302\"\207" [aw-select " Ace - Delete Window" aw-delete-window] 3 (#$ . 16341) nil]) #@18 Ace swap window. (defalias 'ace-swap-window #[0 "\300\301\302\"\207" [aw-select " Ace - Swap Window" aw-swap-window] 3 (#$ . 16493) nil]) #@27 Ace delete other windows. (defalias 'ace-delete-other-windows #[0 "\300\301\302\"\207" [aw-select " Ace - Delete Other Windows" delete-other-windows] 3 (#$ . 16637) nil]) #@227 Make `display-buffer' and `pop-to-buffer' select using `ace-window'. See sample config for `display-buffer-base-action' and `display-buffer-alist': https://github.com/abo-abo/ace-window/wiki/display-buffer. (fn BUFFER ALIST) (defalias 'ace-display-buffer #[514 "\302\236A\303\236A\211\304=\203\305\202(\211\306\267\202!\307\202(\310\202(\211\304=\205(\305\311 G\312X\2063 ??\205>\313\314\315!\316#*\207" [aw-ignore-current aw-scope inhibit-same-window reusable-frames nil frame #s(hash-table size 3 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (visible 25 0 29 t 29)) visible global aw-window-list 1 window--display-buffer aw-select "Ace - Display Buffer" reuse] 7 (#$ . 16815)]) #@58 Select any window on frame and `tranpose-frame'. (fn W) (defalias 'aw-transpose-frame #[257 "\300\301!!\207" [transpose-frame window-frame] 4 (#$ . 17535)]) #@458 Select a window. Perform an action based on ARG described below. By default, behaves like extended `other-window'. See `aw-scope' which extends it to work with frames. Prefixed with one \[universal-argument], does a swap between the selected window and the current window, so that the selected buffer moves to current window (and current buffer moves to selected window). Prefixed with two \[universal-argument]'s, deletes the selected window. (fn ARG) (defalias 'ace-window #[257 "\302\211\303\267\202 ?\304 )\207\305 \207\306 \207\304 \207" [avy-current-path aw-ignore-on "" #s(hash-table size 3 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (0 8 4 15 16 18)) ace-select-window ace-swap-window ace-delete-window] 3 (#$ . 17701) "p"]) (byte-code "\300\301!\204 \302\301\303\"\210\300\207" [fboundp frame-position defalias #[256 "\300\301\"\300\302\":\203\303!\262\211:\203\303!\262B\207" [frame-parameter left top eval] 5 "\n\n(fn &optional FRAME)"]] 3) #@161 Return true if WND1 is less than WND2. This is determined by their respective window coordinates. Windows are numbered top down, left to right. (fn WND1 WND2) (defalias 'aw-window< #[514 "\301!\301!\302!\302!\303!\303!@?\206\211@?\211\204*@@W\203*?\207\211\2048@@V\2038\207@@W\203B\304\207@@V\203L\305\207A@A@W\205W\304\207" [aw-reverse-frame-list window-frame window-edges frame-position t nil] 11 (#$ . 18703)]) #@36 Hold the window switching history. (defvar aw--window-ring (make-ring 10) (#$ . 19152)) #@49 Store WINDOW to `aw--window-ring'. (fn WINDOW) (defalias 'aw--push-window #[257 "\301!\302U\204\303\302\"\232?\205\304\305 \"\207" [aw--window-ring ring-length 0 ring-ref ring-insert selected-window] 4 (#$ . 19246)]) #@46 Return the removed top of `aw--window-ring'. (defalias 'aw--pop-window #[0 "\301\3021\303\304\305\"\211\262!\203\211\306 \232\205\2020\210\207\210\307 G\310U\203.\311\312!\210\306 \207\313\314!\210\207" [aw--window-ring nil (error) window-live-p ring-remove 0 selected-window aw-window-list 2 other-window 1 error "No previous windows stored"] 5 (#$ . 19478)]) #@43 Switch to the window WINDOW. (fn WINDOW) (defalias 'aw-switch-to-window #[257 "\300!\301\302 !\210\303!\203\211\304 =\204\305!\210\306!\203#\307!\207\310\311\"\207" [window-frame aw--push-window selected-window frame-live-p selected-frame select-frame-set-input-focus window-live-p select-window error "Got a dead window %S"] 5 (#$ . 19856)]) #@46 Switch to the window you were previously in. (defalias 'aw-flip-window #[0 "\300\301 !\207" [aw-switch-to-window aw--pop-window] 2 (#$ . 20217) nil]) #@40 Display action shortucts in echo area. (defalias 'aw-show-dispatch-help #[0 "\303\304\305\306\307#\"\210\310\311\312\n\"\210\313\314!)\207" [aw-dispatch-alist aw-minibuffer-flag aw-overlays-back message "%s" mapconcat #[257 "\211\211A\262\242\211A\262\242\211A\262\242\300\301\302\303!\304\305#\206\"#\207" [format "%s: %s" propertize char-to-string face aw-key-face] 11 "\n\n(fn ACTION)"] "\n" nil mapc delete-overlay call-interactively ace-window] 6 (#$ . 20373) nil]) #@109 Delete window WINDOW. When KILL-BUFFER is non-nil, also kill the buffer. (fn WINDOW &optional KILL-BUFFER) (defalias 'aw-delete-window #[513 "\300!\301!\203\211\302 =\204\303\300!!\210\304 G\305U\203\"\306!\207\307!\2037\310!\311!\210\2056\312!\207\313\314\"\207" [window-frame frame-live-p selected-frame select-frame-set-input-focus window-list 1 delete-frame window-live-p window-buffer delete-window kill-buffer error "Got a dead window %S"] 6 (#$ . 20864)]) #@39 Select buffer in WINDOW. (fn WINDOW) (defalias 'aw-switch-buffer-in-window #[257 "\300!\210\301 \207" [aw-switch-to-window aw--switch-buffer] 3 (#$ . 21351)]) (defalias 'aw--switch-buffer #[0 "\302\300!\203 \203 \303 \207\302\301!\203 \203\304 \207\305\306!\207" [ivy-mode ido-mode boundp ivy-switch-buffer ido-switch-buffer call-interactively switch-to-buffer] 2]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307%\207" [custom-declare-variable aw-swap-invert funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "When non-nil, the other of the two swapped windows gets the point." :type boolean] 6) #@57 Swap buffers of current window and WINDOW. (fn WINDOW) (defalias 'aw-swap-window #[257 "\301\302!\303 \304!\203\305 =\204\306\302!!\210\307!\2057=?\2057\310!\210\2033\"\207\"\207" [aw-swap-invert #[514 "\300!\300!\301\"\210\301\"\210\302!\207" [window-buffer set-window-buffer select-window] 7 "Swap the buffers of WINDOW1 and WINDOW2.\n\n(fn WINDOW1 WINDOW2)"] window-frame selected-window frame-live-p selected-frame select-frame-set-input-focus window-live-p aw--push-window] 7 (#$ . 21953)]) #@99 Move the current buffer to WINDOW. Switch the current window to the previous buffer. (fn WINDOW) (defalias 'aw-move-window #[257 "p\300\301 !\210\302!\210\300!\207" [switch-to-buffer other-buffer aw-switch-to-window] 4 (#$ . 22485)]) #@84 Copy the current buffer to WINDOW - including window-start and point. (fn WINDOW) (defalias 'aw-copy-window #[257 "p\300 `\301!\210\302!\210\303\304 \"\210\211b\207" [window-start aw-switch-to-window switch-to-buffer set-window-start frame-selected-window] 7 (#$ . 22728)]) #@39 Split WINDOW vertically. (fn WINDOW) (defalias 'aw-split-window-vert #[257 "\300!\210\301 \207" [select-window split-window-vertically] 3 (#$ . 23012)]) #@41 Split WINDOW horizontally. (fn WINDOW) (defalias 'aw-split-window-horz #[257 "\300!\210\301 \207" [select-window split-window-horizontally] 3 (#$ . 23173)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307%\207" [custom-declare-variable aw-fair-aspect-ratio funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [2] 1] "The aspect ratio to aim for when splitting windows.\nSizes are based on the number of characters, not pixels.\nIncrease to prefer wider windows, or decrease for taller windows." :type number] 6) #@137 Split WINDOW vertically or horizontally, based on its current dimensions. Modify `aw-fair-aspect-ratio' to tweak behavior. (fn WINDOW) (defalias 'aw-split-window-fair #[257 "\301!\302!\211_W\203\303!\207\304!\207" [aw-fair-aspect-ratio window-body-width window-body-height aw-split-window-horz aw-split-window-vert] 5 (#$ . 23673)]) #@39 Switch buffer in WINDOW. (fn WINDOW) (defalias 'aw-switch-buffer-other-window #[257 "\300!\210\301\216\302 )\207" [aw-switch-to-window #[0 "\300 \207" [aw-flip-window] 1] aw--switch-buffer] 3 (#$ . 24021)]) #@43 Execute a command in WINDOW. (fn WINDOW) (defalias 'aw-execute-command-other-window #[257 "\300!\210\301\216\302\303\304!! )\207" [aw-switch-to-window #[0 "\300 \207" [aw-flip-window] 1] key-binding read-key-sequence "Enter key sequence: "] 4 (#$ . 24236)]) (defalias 'aw--face-rel-height #[0 "\300\301\302\"\211\303=\203\f\304\207\305!\203\306!\304]\207\211\250\203\304\207\307\310\"\207" [face-attribute aw-leading-char-face :height unspecified 1 floatp floor error "unexpected: %s"] 4]) #@138 Return point in WINDOW that's closest to top left corner. The point is writable, i.e. it's not part of space after newline. (fn WINDOW) (defalias 'aw-offset #[257 "\301!\302!\303!\304r\305!q\210\212b\210\306`d\"\307 ^Sy\210`W\2035\310 \311 ZW\2035\312y\210\202`\\+\207" [inhibit-field-text-motion window-hscroll window-start window-end t window-buffer count-lines aw--face-rel-height line-end-position line-beginning-position nil] 7 (#$ . 24743)]) #@10 (fn F) (defalias 'aw--after-make-frame #[257 "\300 \210\301!\207" [aw-update make-frame-visible] 3 (#$ . 25211)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311\312\313& \207" [custom-declare-variable ace-window-display-mode funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Non-nil if Ace-Window-Display mode is enabled.\nSee the `ace-window-display-mode' command\nfor a description of this minor mode.\nSetting this variable directly does not take effect;\neither customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')\nor call the function `ace-window-display-mode'." :set custom-set-minor-mode :initialize custom-initialize-default :type boolean] 10) #@648 Minor mode for showing the ace window key in the mode line. This is a minor mode. If called interactively, toggle the `Ace-Window-Display mode' mode. If the prefix argument is positive, enable the mode, and if it is zero or negative, disable the mode. If called from Lisp, toggle the mode if ARG is `toggle'. Enable the mode if ARG is nil, omitted, or is a positive number. Disable the mode if ARG is a negative number. To check whether the minor mode is enabled in the current buffer, evaluate `(default-value 'ace-window-display-mode)'. The mode's hook is called both when the mode is enabled and when it is disabled. (fn &optional ARG) (defalias 'ace-window-display-mode #[256 "\302 \303\301\304=\203\305\301!?\202!\247\203 \306W\203 \307\202!\310\"\210\311\300!\2038\312\301\"\305\301!\2038\301B \203]\313 \210\303\314\315\316\301\305\314!\"B\"\210\317\310!\210\320\321\313\"\210\320\322\323\310#\210\202q\303\314\316\301\305\314!\"\"\210\324\321\313\"\210\324\322\323\"\210\325\326\305\301!\203}\327\202~\330\"\210\331\332!\203\246\333\301!\210\302 \203\226\211\302 \232\203\246\334\335\305\301!\203\242\336\202\243\337\340#\210\210\317 \210\305\301!\207" [global-minor-modes ace-window-display-mode current-message set-default toggle default-value 1 nil t boundp delq aw-update mode-line-format (ace-window-display-mode (:eval (window-parameter (selected-window) 'ace-window-path))) assq-delete-all force-mode-line-update add-hook window-configuration-change-hook after-make-frame-functions aw--after-make-frame remove-hook run-hooks ace-window-display-mode-hook ace-window-display-mode-on-hook ace-window-display-mode-off-hook called-interactively-p any customize-mark-as-set message "Ace-Window-Display mode %sabled%s" "en" "dis" ""] 9 (#$ . 25875) (byte-code "\203\n\301!\202 \302C\207" [current-prefix-arg prefix-numeric-value toggle] 2)]) (defvar ace-window-display-mode-hook nil) (byte-code "\301\302N\204\f\303\301\302\304#\210\303\301\305\306#\210\303\301\307\310C#\210\311\312\310\313\300!\205#\310\211%\207" [ace-window-display-mode-map ace-window-display-mode-hook variable-documentation put "Hook run after entering or leaving `ace-window-display-mode'.\nNo problems result if this variable is not bound.\n`add-hook' automatically binds it. (This is true for all hook variables.)" custom-type hook standard-value nil add-minor-mode ace-window-display-mode boundp] 6) #@203 Update ace-window-path window parameter for all windows. Ensure all windows are labeled so the user can select a specific one, even from the set of windows typically ignored when making a window list. (defalias 'aw-update #[0 "\304\211\305\306\307\310 \"\311\"+\207" [ignore-window-parameters aw-ignore-current aw-ignore-on aw-keys nil t avy-traverse avy-tree aw-window-list #[514 "\300\301\302\303\304\305!\"\306\307##\207" [set-window-parameter ace-window-path propertize apply string reverse face aw-mode-line-face] 10 "\n\n(fn PATH LEAF)"]] 4 (#$ . 28307)]) (provide 'ace-window)