;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\207" [require tex latex] 2) #@252 Regexp matching between \begin{xltabular} and column specification. For xltabular environment only. See `LaTeX-insert-ampersands' for detail. This regexp assumes that the width specification contains neither nested curly brace pair nor escaped "}". (defvar LaTeX-xltabular-skipping-regexp "[ ]*\\(?:\\[\\(?:[clr]]\\)\\)?[ ]*{[^}]*}[ ]*" (#$ . 151)) #@80 Insert a xltabular ENVIRONMENT with spec, caption and label. (fn ENVIRONMENT) (defalias 'LaTeX-env-xltabular #[257 "\306\307\310\311\312#\313\"\314\315\"\314\316 \"\314\317!\211G\nY\205\314\320!\321G\322U?\2050 \fQ Q QQ\"\210G\322U\204{\323\261\210\211\203\\\211\324\230\204\\ \f\261\210 \261\210\325\326\"\210\327\261\210\203u\330 \210\331 \210\332 \210\333\310!\207" [LaTeX-default-width LaTeX-default-format LaTeX-short-caption-prompt-length LaTeX-optop LaTeX-optcl TeX-grop completing-read TeX-argument-prompt t nil "Position" ("l" "r" "c") TeX-read-string "Width: " "Format: " "Caption: " "(Optional) Short caption: " LaTeX-insert-environment 0 "caption" "" LaTeX-label environment "\\\\" LaTeX-fill-paragraph LaTeX-newline indent-according-to-mode LaTeX-item-xltabular TeX-grcl TeX-esc auto-fill-function] 13 (#$ . 511)]) #@184 Insert line break macro on the last line and suitable number of &'s. For xltabular environment only. If SUPPRESS is non-nil, do not insert line break macro. (fn &optional SUPPRESS) (defalias 'LaTeX-item-xltabular #[256 "\211\204\212\301\210\302 \210\303\304!\210)\305\306\"\207" [LaTeX-xltabular-skipping-regexp 0 just-one-space TeX-insert-macro "\\" LaTeX-insert-ampersands LaTeX-array-count-columns] 4 (#$ . 1386)]) (TeX-add-style-hook "xltabular" #[0 "\300\301!\210\302\303!\210\304\305\306!\307\310#\210\304\311\312\310#\210\304\313\314\310#\210\315\316!\205%\316\317!\207" [TeX-run-style-hooks "ltablex" LaTeX-add-environments ("xltabular" LaTeX-env-xltabular) add-to-list make-local-variable LaTeX-indent-environment-list ("xltabular" LaTeX-indent-tabular) t LaTeX-label-alist ("xltabular" . LaTeX-table-label) LaTeX-item-list ("xltabular" . LaTeX-item-xltabular) fboundp reftex-add-label-environments (("xltabular" 116 nil nil caption))] 4] TeX-dialect) #@44 Package options for the xltabular package. (defvar LaTeX-xltabular-package-options nil (#$ . 2360))