;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\303\304\"\210\302\305\304\"\210\302\306\304\"\210\302\307\304\"\210\302\310\311\"\210\302\312\311\"\210\302\313\314\"\210\302\315\314\"\210\316\317\320\321\322\323%\210\324\325\326\327\330DD\331\332\333%\210\324\334\326\327\335DD\336\332\337%\207" [require tex autoload LaTeX-forward-paragraph "latex" LaTeX-backward-paragraph LaTeX-find-matching-begin LaTeX-find-matching-end ConTeXt-find-matching-start "context" ConTeXt-find-matching-stop Texinfo-find-env-start "tex-info" Texinfo-find-env-end custom-declare-group TeX-fold nil "Fold TeX macros." :group AUCTeX custom-declare-variable TeX-fold-type-list funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [(env macro math)] 1] "List of item types to consider when folding.\nValid items are the symbols 'env for environments, 'macro for\nmacros, 'math for math macros and 'comment for comments." :type (set (const :tag "Environments" env) (const :tag "Macros" macro) (const :tag "Math Macros" math) (const :tag "Comments" comment)) TeX-fold-macro-spec-list #[0 "\300\207" [(("[f]" ("footnote" "marginpar")) ("[c]" ("cite")) ("[l]" ("label")) ("[r]" ("ref" "pageref" "eqref")) ("[i]" ("index" "glossary")) ("[1]:||*" ("item")) ("..." ("dots")) ("(C)" ("copyright")) ("(R)" ("textregistered")) ("TM" ("texttrademark")) (1 ("part" "chapter" "section" "subsection" "subsubsection" "paragraph" "subparagraph" "part*" "chapter*" "section*" "subsection*" "subsubsection*" "paragraph*" "subparagraph*" "emph" "textit" "textsl" "textmd" "textrm" "textsf" "texttt" "textbf" "textsc" "textup")))] 1] "List of replacement specifiers and macros to fold.\n\nThe first element of each item can be a string, an integer or a\nfunction symbol. The second element is a list of macros to fold\nwithout the leading backslash.\n\nIf the first element is a string, it will be used as a display\nreplacement for the whole macro. Numbers in braces, brackets,\nparens or angle brackets will be replaced by the respective macro\nargument. For example \"{1}\" will be replaced by the first\nmandatory argument of the macro. One can also define\nalternatives within the specifier which are used if an argument\nis not found. Alternatives are separated by \"||\". They are\nmost useful with optional arguments. As an example, the default\nspecifier for \\item is \"[1]:||*\" which means that if there is\nan optional argument, its value is shown followed by a colon. If\nthere is no optional argument, only an asterisk is used as the\ndisplay string.\n\nIf the first element is an integer, the macro will be replaced by\nthe respective macro argument.\n\nIf the first element is a function symbol, the function will be\ncalled with all mandatory arguments of the macro and the result\nof the function call will be used as a replacement for the macro.\n\nSetting this variable does not take effect immediately. Use\nCustomize or reset the mode." (repeat (group (choice (string :tag "Display String") (integer :tag "Number of argument" :value 1) (function :tag "Function to execute")) (repeat :tag "Macros" (string))))] 6) #@280 Internal list of display strings and macros to fold. Is updated when the TeX Fold mode is being activated and then contains all constructs to fold for the given buffer or mode respectively, i.e. contents of both `TeX-fold-macro-spec-list' and -fold-macro-spec-list. (defvar TeX-fold-macro-spec-list-internal nil (#$ . 3151)) (byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\303\304\305\306DD\307\310\311%\207" [make-variable-buffer-local TeX-fold-macro-spec-list-internal custom-declare-variable TeX-fold-env-spec-list funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [(("[comment]" ("comment")))] 1] "List of display strings and environments to fold." :type (repeat (group (choice (string :tag "Display String") (integer :tag "Number of argument" :value 1)) (repeat :tag "Environments" (string))))] 6) #@282 Internal list of display strings and environments to fold. Is updated when the TeX Fold mode is being activated and then contains all constructs to fold for the given buffer or mode respectively, i.e. contents of both `TeX-fold-env-spec-list' and -fold-env-spec-list. (defvar TeX-fold-env-spec-list-internal nil (#$ . 3938)) (byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\303\304\305\306DD\307\310\311%\207" [make-variable-buffer-local TeX-fold-env-spec-list-internal custom-declare-variable TeX-fold-math-spec-list funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "List of display strings and math macros to fold." :type (repeat (group (choice (string :tag "Display String") (integer :tag "Number of argument" :value 1)) (repeat :tag "Math Macros" (string))))] 6) #@283 Internal list of display strings and math macros to fold. Is updated when the TeX Fold mode is being activated and then contains all constructs to fold for the given buffer or mode respectively, i.e. contents of both `TeX-fold-math-spec-list' and -fold-math-spec-list. (defvar TeX-fold-math-spec-list-internal nil (#$ . 4698)) (byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\303\304\305\306DD\307\310\311%\210\302\312\304\305\313DD\314\310\315%\210\302\316\304\305\317DD\320\310\321%\210\302\322\304\305\323DD\324\310\321%\210\302\325\304\305\326DD\327\310\321%\210\302\330\304\305\331DD\332\310\333%\210\302\334\304\305\335DD\336\310\321%\210\302\337\304\305\340DD\341\310\321%\210\342\343\344\345#\207" [make-variable-buffer-local TeX-fold-math-spec-list-internal custom-declare-variable TeX-fold-unspec-macro-display-string funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [#1="[m]"] 1 #1#] "Display string for unspecified macros.\nThis string will be displayed if a single macro is being hidden\nwhich is not specified in `TeX-fold-macro-spec-list'." :type (string) TeX-fold-unspec-env-display-string #[0 "\300\207" [#2="[env]"] 1 #2#] "Display string for unspecified environments.\nThis string will be displayed if a single environment is being\nhidden which is not specified in `TeX-fold-env-spec-list'." (string) TeX-fold-unspec-use-name #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "If non-nil use the name of an unspecified item as display string.\nSet it to nil if you want to use the values of the variables\n`TeX-fold-unspec-macro-display-string' or\n`TeX-fold-unspec-env-display-string' respectively as a display\nstring for any unspecified macro or environment." boolean TeX-fold-preserve-comments #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "If non-nil do not fold in comments." TeX-fold-unfold-around-mark #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "Unfold text around the mark, if active." TeX-fold-help-echo-max-length #[0 "\300\207" [70] 1] "Maximum length of help echo message for folded overlays.\nSet it to zero in order to disable help echos." integer TeX-fold-force-fontify #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "Force the buffer to be fully fontified by folding it." TeX-fold-auto #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "If non-nil, fold macros automatically after `TeX-insert-macro'." custom-declare-face TeX-fold-folded-face ((((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "SlateBlue")) (((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "SlateBlue1")) (((class grayscale) (background light)) (:foreground "DimGray")) (((class grayscale) (background dark)) (:foreground "LightGray")) (t (:slant italic))) "Face for the display string of folded content."] 6) #@48 Face for the display string of folded content. (defvar TeX-fold-folded-face 'TeX-fold-folded-face (#$ . 7271)) (custom-declare-face 'TeX-fold-unfolded-face '((((class color) (background light)) (:background "#f2f0fd")) (((class color) (background dark)) (:background "#38405d")) (((class grayscale) (background light)) (:background "LightGray")) (((class grayscale) (background dark)) (:background "DimGray")) (t (:inverse-video t))) "Face for folded content when it is temporarily opened.") #@56 Face for folded content when it is temporarily opened. (defvar TeX-fold-unfolded-face 'TeX-fold-unfolded-face (#$ . 7769)) #@77 String used as display string for overlays instead of a zero-length string. (defvar TeX-fold-ellipsis "..." (#$ . 7898)) (defvar TeX-fold-open-spots nil) (byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\303\304\305\306DD\307\310\311%\207" [make-variable-buffer-local TeX-fold-open-spots custom-declare-variable TeX-fold-command-prefix funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [#1=""] 1 #1#] "Prefix key to use for commands in TeX Fold mode.\nThe value of this variable is checked as part of loading TeX Fold mode.\nAfter that, changing the prefix key requires manipulating keymaps." :type string] 6) (defvar TeX-fold-keymap (byte-code "\300 \301\302\303#\210\301\304\305#\210\301\306\307#\210\301\310\311#\210\301\312\313#\210\301\314\315#\210\301\316\317#\210\301\320\321#\210\301\322\323#\210\301\324\325#\210\301\326\327#\210\207" [make-sparse-keymap define-key "" TeX-fold-dwim "" TeX-fold-buffer "" TeX-fold-region "" TeX-fold-paragraph " " TeX-fold-macro "" TeX-fold-env "" TeX-fold-comment "b" TeX-fold-clearout-buffer "r" TeX-fold-clearout-region "p" TeX-fold-clearout-paragraph "i" TeX-fold-clearout-item] 5)) #@235 Hide or show items according to the current context. If there is folded content, unfold it. If there is a marked region, fold all configured content in this region. If there is no folded content but a macro or environment, fold it. (defalias 'TeX-fold-dwim #[0 "\300 \206$\301 \203\302\303 `\"\207\304\305!\206$\304\306!\206$\304\307!\206$\310 \207" [TeX-fold-clearout-item TeX-active-mark TeX-fold-region mark TeX-fold-item macro math env TeX-fold-comment] 3 (#$ . 9015) nil]) #@222 Hide all configured macros and environments in the current buffer. The relevant macros are specified in the variable `TeX-fold-macro-spec-list' and `TeX-fold-math-spec-list', and environments in `TeX-fold-env-spec-list'. (defalias 'TeX-fold-buffer #[0 "\302ed\"\210\203\303\301!\203 \203\304\305!\203\305 \210\306ed\"\207" [TeX-fold-force-fontify jit-lock-mode TeX-fold-clearout-region boundp fboundp jit-lock-fontify-now TeX-fold-region] 3 (#$ . 9508) nil]) #@225 Hide all configured macros and environments in the current paragraph. The relevant macros are specified in the variable `TeX-fold-macro-spec-list' and `TeX-fold-math-spec-list', and environments in `TeX-fold-env-spec-list'. (defalias 'TeX-fold-paragraph #[0 "\212\300 \210`\301 \210`\302\"\210\303\"\266\202)\207" [LaTeX-forward-paragraph LaTeX-backward-paragraph TeX-fold-clearout-region TeX-fold-region] 5 (#$ . 9983) nil]) #@61 Fold all items in region from START to END. (fn START END) (defalias 'TeX-fold-region #[514 "\302>\203 \303=\204\304\302#\210\305>\203\304\305#\210\306>\203*\304\306#\210\307>\2054\310\"\207" [TeX-fold-type-list major-mode env plain-tex-mode TeX-fold-region-macro-or-env macro math comment TeX-fold-region-comment] 6 (#$ . 10419) "r"]) #@178 Fold all items of type TYPE in region from START to END. TYPE can be one of the symbols 'env for environments, 'macro for macros and 'math for math macros. (fn START END TYPE) (defalias 'TeX-fold-region-macro-or-env #[771 "\212\306\211\211\307\267\202\202 \202\n\211\203Z\211@\211A@\211\203R\211@\211@D\211\235\2032\2026\211B\262\262\211\235\203E\202I\211B\262A\266\202\202\210A\266\202\202\210\205\310=\203w \311=\203w\312\f!\313\314\315\"Q\202\251\310=\203\216 \316=\203\216\312\f!\314\315\"P\202\251\310=\203\241\312\f!\317\314\315\"\320R\202\251\312\f!\314\315\"P\262\214}\210db\210\306\211\321\306\315#\205\322\323!\262#\203\316\324 \204\267\325>\203\372\326 \327\330\"\216\331\332\")\262\203\372\326 \327\333\"\216\331\334\335\336\225f!\")\262\204\267\336\224\337\"A@\340 \"\341 $\342!\266\202\267)\266\202)\266\203)\207" [TeX-fold-env-spec-list-internal TeX-fold-math-spec-list-internal TeX-fold-macro-spec-list-internal major-mode TeX-esc case-fold-search nil #s(hash-table size 2 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (env 10 math 14)) env context-mode regexp-quote "start" regexp-opt t texinfo-mode "begin[ ]*{" "}" re-search-backward match-string 1 TeX-in-commented-line (macro math) match-data make-closure #[0 "\301\300\302\"\207" [V0 set-match-data evaporate] 3] string-match "[A-Za-z]" #[0 "\301\300\302\"\207" [V0 set-match-data evaporate] 3] "[A-Za-z@*]" string 0 assoc TeX-fold-item-end TeX-fold-make-overlay TeX-fold-hide-item TeX-fold-preserve-comments] 16 (#$ . 10783)]) #@64 Fold all comments in region from START to END. (fn START END) (defalias 'TeX-fold-region-comment #[514 "\212b\210\302\303!\211\262\205-\211b\210\304!\210\305\225\262\306 \204\305\210\307\310`\311 $!\210\202\262)\207" [TeX-comment-start-regexp TeX-fold-ellipsis nil TeX-search-forward-comment-start looking-at 0 TeX-comment-forward TeX-fold-hide-item TeX-fold-make-overlay comment] 9 (#$ . 12395)]) #@53 Hide the macro on which point currently is located. (defalias 'TeX-fold-macro #[0 "\300\301!?\205\n\302\303!\207" [TeX-fold-item macro message "No macro found"] 2 (#$ . 12813) nil]) #@58 Hide the math macro on which point currently is located. (defalias 'TeX-fold-math #[0 "\300\301!?\205\n\302\303!\207" [TeX-fold-item math message "No macro found"] 2 (#$ . 13002) nil]) #@59 Hide the environment on which point currently is located. (defalias 'TeX-fold-env #[0 "\300\301!?\205\n\302\303!\207" [TeX-fold-item env message "No environment found"] 2 (#$ . 13194) nil]) #@55 Hide the comment on which point currently is located. (defalias 'TeX-fold-comment #[0 "\300 ?\205 \301\302!\207" [TeX-fold-comment-do message "No comment found"] 2 (#$ . 13391) nil]) #@255 Hide the item on which point currently is located. TYPE specifies the type of item and can be one of the symbols 'env for environments, 'macro for macros or 'math for math macros. Return non-nil if an item was found and folded, nil otherwise. (fn TYPE) (defalias 'TeX-fold-item #[257 "\211\306=\203\307=\203\310\311!\207\211\306=\203%\312=\203%\212\313 \210`)\202U\211\306=\203:\314=\203:\212\315 \210`)\202U\211\306=\203S\3161N\212\317 \210`)0\202U\210\320\202U\321 \211\205\376\212\211b\210\322\306=\203r\312=\203r\323 !\324P\202\231\306=\203\206\314=\203\206\323 !\325P\202\231\306=\203\224\323 !\326P\202\231\323 !\327P!\210\330\331!)\332\267\202\255\n\202\256 \202\256\f\320\3332\321\205\320@\262A\262A@\235\203\263\334\333@\"\210\202\2630\206\354 \203\337\335\336Q\202\354\306=\203\352\"\202\354#\337\"\340 $\341!\266\206\207" [major-mode TeX-esc TeX-fold-env-spec-list-internal TeX-fold-math-spec-list-internal TeX-fold-macro-spec-list-internal TeX-fold-unspec-use-name env plain-tex-mode message "Folding of environments is not supported in current mode" context-mode ConTeXt-find-matching-start texinfo-mode Texinfo-find-env-start (error) LaTeX-find-matching-begin nil TeX-find-macro-start looking-at regexp-quote "start\\([A-Za-z]+\\)" "\\([A-Za-z]+\\)" "begin[ ]*{\\([A-Za-z*]+\\)}" "\\([A-Za-z@*]+\\)" match-string-no-properties 1 #s(hash-table size 2 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (env 165 math 169)) found throw "[" "]" TeX-fold-item-end TeX-fold-make-overlay TeX-fold-hide-item TeX-fold-unspec-env-display-string TeX-fold-unspec-macro-display-string] 12 (#$ . 13582)]) #@281 Hide the comment on which point currently is located. This is the function doing the work for `TeX-fold-comment'. It is an internal function communicating with return values rather than with messages for the user. Return non-nil if a comment was found and folded, nil otherwise. (defalias 'TeX-fold-comment-do #[0 "\302 ?\205 \303 ??\205D\304\212\305\306!\210\303 \203o\203\307\310\311!!b\210\312!\210\306\225\262\313 \204+\306\210`V\205A\314\315`\316 $!)\262\207" [TeX-comment-start-regexp TeX-fold-ellipsis TeX-in-comment TeX-in-line-comment nil beginning-of-line 0 TeX-search-forward-comment-start line-end-position 2 looking-at TeX-comment-forward TeX-fold-hide-item TeX-fold-make-overlay comment] 7 (#$ . 15274)]) #@427 Make a TeX-fold overlay extending from OV-START to OV-END. TYPE is a symbol which is used to describe the content to hide and may be 'macro for macros, 'math for math macro and 'env for environments. DISPLAY-STRING-SPEC is the original specification of the display string in the variables `TeX-fold-macro-spec-list' or `TeX-fold-env-spec-list' and may be a string or an integer. (fn OV-START OV-END TYPE DISPLAY-STRING-SPEC) (defalias 'TeX-fold-make-overlay #[1028 "\300\"\301p\302\303%\304\305\306#\210\304\307#\210\304\310\302#\210\304\311#\210\304\312#\210\207" [TeX-overlay-prioritize make-overlay t nil overlay-put category TeX-fold priority evaporate TeX-fold-type TeX-fold-display-string-spec] 11 (#$ . 16015)]) #@162 Return the end of an item of type TYPE starting at START. TYPE can be either 'env for environments, 'macro for macros or 'math for math macros. (fn START TYPE) (defalias 'TeX-fold-item-end #[514 "\212\211\301=\203\302=\203b\210\303 \210`\202D\211\301=\203.\304=\203.Tb\210\305 \210`\202D\211\301=\203?Tb\210\306 \210`\202Db\210\307 )\207" [major-mode env context-mode ConTeXt-find-matching-stop texinfo-mode Texinfo-find-env-end LaTeX-find-matching-end TeX-find-macro-end] 4 (#$ . 16755)]) #@192 Return t if an overfull line will result after adding an overlay. The overlay extends from OV-START to OV-END and will display the string DISPLAY-STRING. (fn OV-START OV-END DISPLAY-STRING) (defalias 'TeX-fold-overfull-p #[771 "\212b\210\300\301\302#)\205.\303\301\"?\205.\212b\210\304 )ZG\\\212b\210\305 )Z\\\306 V\207" [search-backward "\n" t string-match line-beginning-position line-end-position current-fill-column] 7 (#$ . 17269)]) #@595 Return a property list of the argument number N of a macro. The start of the macro to examine is given by MACRO-START, its end optionally by MACRO-END. With DELIMS the type of delimiters can be specified as a cons cell containing the opening char as the car and the closing char as the cdr. The chars have to have opening and closing syntax as defined in `TeX-search-syntax-table'. The first item in the returned list is the string specified in the argument, with text properties. The second item is for backward compatibility and always nil. (fn N MACRO-START &optional MACRO-END DELIMS) (defalias 'TeX-fold-macro-nth-arg #[1026 "\212\206\f\212b\210\300 )\203@\202\301\302!\203\"A\202#\303\304\211b\210\3051\216 \306V\203\211\307Pw\210`U\203F\310\304!\210\311P\304w\210`\262\203q\312 p\313\314#\216\315\316\"!\210\317`\320\211#)\266\202\202s\321 b\210\212\322u\210\311\304x\210`)\262 S\262\n\202-\3230\202\224\266\304\202\236\205\234\324\"C\266\206)\207" [TeX-find-macro-end 123 char-to-string 125 nil (error) 0 "^" error " " syntax-table make-closure #[0 "r\301q\210\302\300!)\207" [V0 V1 set-syntax-table] 2] set-syntax-table TeX-search-syntax-table scan-lists 1 TeX-find-closing-brace -1 t TeX-fold-buffer-substring] 16 (#$ . 17725)]) #@144 Return the contents of buffer from START to END as a string. Like `buffer-substring' but copy overlay display strings as well. (fn START END) (defalias 'TeX-fold-buffer-substring #[514 "V\203\f\262\262\300\"\301\211\203?\211@\302\303\"\304=\2032\305!W\2042\306!V\2038\307\"\262A\266\202\202\210\204H{\207\310\311!\312\"\262\305@!{\262\301\203\244@\262A\262\302\313\"P\262\211\203\214\211@\305!\306!W\203\205\307\"\262A\266\202\202n\210\306!\203\234\305@!\202\235{P\262\202Y\210\207" [overlays-in nil overlay-get category TeX-fold overlay-start overlay-end remove sort copy-sequence #[514 "\300!\300!W\207" [overlay-start] 5 "\n\n(fn A B)"] display] 10 (#$ . 19023)]) #@245 Return a string to be used as the help echo of folded overlays. The text between START and END will be used for this but cropped to the length defined by `TeX-fold-help-echo-max-length'. Line breaks will be replaced by spaces. (fn START END) (defalias 'TeX-fold-make-help-echo #[514 "\\\301^{\302\"\211A\262\242\211\203C\211@\303\304\"\203'\305\306\307\211$\262\303\310\"\2036\305\306\307\211$\262\311Q\262A\266\202\202\210V\203O\211\312P\262\207" [TeX-fold-help-echo-max-length split-string "\n" string-match "^[ ]+" replace-match "" nil "[ ]+$" " " "..."] 12 (#$ . 19764)]) #@68 Update all TeX-fold overlays at point displaying computed content. (defalias 'TeX-fold-update-at-point #[0 "\300\301`!\211\2034\211@\302\303\"\304=\203-\302\305\"\247\203-\211\306\"\203'\210\202-\211B\262\210A\266\202\202\210\211\205U\307\310!\311\"\262\211\211\205S\211@\312!\210A\266\202\202B\262\207" [nil overlays-at overlay-get category TeX-fold TeX-fold-display-string-spec memql sort copy-sequence #[514 "\300!\300!V\207" [overlay-start] 5 "\n\n(fn A B)"] TeX-fold-hide-item] 7 (#$ . 20377)]) #@44 Permanently show all macros in the buffer. (defalias 'TeX-fold-clearout-buffer #[0 "\300ed\"\207" [TeX-fold-clearout-region] 3 (#$ . 20907) nil]) #@67 Permanently show all macros in the paragraph point is located in. (defalias 'TeX-fold-clearout-paragraph #[0 "\212\300 \210`\301 \210`\302\"\266\202)\207" [LaTeX-forward-paragraph LaTeX-backward-paragraph TeX-fold-clearout-region] 5 (#$ . 21059) nil]) #@92 Permanently show all macros in region starting at START and ending at END. (fn START END) (defalias 'TeX-fold-clearout-region #[514 "\300\"\301!\207" [overlays-in TeX-fold-remove-overlays] 5 (#$ . 21319) "r"]) #@65 Permanently show the macro on which point currently is located. (defalias 'TeX-fold-clearout-item #[0 "\300`!\301!\207" [overlays-at TeX-fold-remove-overlays] 3 (#$ . 21539) nil]) #@118 Remove all overlays set by TeX-fold in OVERLAYS. Return non-nil if a removal happened, nil otherwise. (fn OVERLAYS) (defalias 'TeX-fold-remove-overlays #[257 "\300\203\301@\302\"\303=\203\304@!\210\305\262A\262\202\207" [nil overlay-get category TeX-fold delete-overlay t] 5 (#$ . 21727)]) #@137 Expand instances of {}, [], <>, and (). Replace them with the respective macro argument. (fn SPEC OV-START OV-END) (defalias 'TeX-fold-expand-spec #[771 "\301\302\"\303\304\211\3052\222\211\205\217\211@\211\262 \304\262\306\307#\203\310\311\"\312\313\310\314\"!\236A!\230\203\315\225\262\316 \317\320\"\216\321\322\310\323\"!\n\n\324\313\310\314 \"! \"$)\262@\211\203b\325\262\326\206h\304\325$\262G GZ\\\262\262\n\210\202\203\210\327\305\304\"\210A\266\202\202\f\2620\210\207" [TeX-fold-ellipsis split-string "||" ((123 . 125) (91 . 93) (60 . 62) (40 . 41)) nil success string-match "\\([[{<]\\)\\([1-9]\\)\\([]}>]\\)" match-string 3 char-to-string string-to-char 1 0 match-data make-closure #[0 "\301\300\302\"\207" [V0 set-match-data evaporate] 3] TeX-fold-macro-nth-arg string-to-number 2 assoc t replace-match throw] 19 (#$ . 22037)]) #@101 Hide a single macro or environment. That means, put respective properties onto overlay OV. (fn OV) (defalias 'TeX-fold-hide-item #[257 "\304!\305!\306\307\"\211;\203\310#\202e\311!\203\\\312\211\313\314#\211\262\203C@\235\204<\315@C\"\262\211T\262\202 \3161O\317\"0\202S\210\202V\206W\320\266\203\202e\314#\206e\321\211<\203o\211@\202p\211\205\317\205\317\211\322\230\203\201\262\323#\203\240\211\324P\262\325\212b\210\326\312w\210`)#\210\327\330\331#\210\327\332#\210 \203\271\327\333\n#\210 \334U?\205\317\327\335\336\304\n!\305 !\"#\207" [TeX-fold-ellipsis font-lock-mode TeX-fold-folded-face TeX-fold-help-echo-max-length overlay-start overlay-end overlay-get TeX-fold-display-string-spec TeX-fold-expand-spec functionp nil 1 TeX-fold-macro-nth-arg append (error) apply "[Error: No content or function found]" "[Error: No content found]" "" TeX-fold-overfull-p "\n" move-overlay " " overlay-put mouse-face highlight display face 0 help-echo TeX-fold-make-help-echo] 13 (#$ . 22950)]) #@106 Show a single LaTeX macro or environment. Remove the respective properties from the overlay OV. (fn OV) (defalias 'TeX-fold-show-item #[257 "\302\303\304#\210\302\305\304#\210\302\306\304#\210\205\302\307 #\207" [font-lock-mode TeX-fold-unfolded-face overlay-put mouse-face nil display help-echo face] 5 (#$ . 24017)]) (defalias 'TeX-fold-post-command #[0 "\3061\263\307\3101\252\311\312 \"\313\314@\"A\n\204. \204.\f\315\316!\315\317!\320\321\322\257>\203g \205;#\205;\323\324 !\323`!\244\211\203f\211@\325\326\"\327=\203_\330 B B\331\"\262\332!\210A\266\202\202?\210\211\211\205\242\211@p\333!=\203\233\334 \"\204\233`\335!Y\203\227`\336!X\203\227\330 B B\202\233\337!\210A\266\202\202h\262\266\2020\202\260\340\341\"\262)0\207\210\342\211$\207" [inhibit-quit TeX-fold-open-spots disable-point-adjustment global-disable-point-adjustment this-command TeX-fold-unfold-around-mark (quit) nil (error) TeX-fold-partition-list #[257 "\211@\300 =\206\301@!?\206\302@!p=?\207" [selected-window window-live-p window-buffer] 3 "\n\n(fn X)"] mapcar cdr key-binding [left] [right] backward-char forward-char mouse-set-point overlays-at mark overlay-get category TeX-fold selected-window delq TeX-fold-show-item overlay-buffer rassq overlay-start overlay-end TeX-fold-hide-item message "TeX-fold: %s" t mark-active quit-flag] 8]) #@250 Partition a list L into two lists based on predicate P. The function returns a `cons' cell where the `car' contains elements of L for which P is true while the `cdr' contains the other elements. The ordering among elements is maintained. (fn P L) (defalias 'TeX-fold-partition-list #[514 "\300\211\211\203#\211@!\203\211B\262\202\211B\262A\266\202\202\210\237\237B\207" [nil] 8 (#$ . 25401)]) #@95 Non-nil if Tex-Fold mode is enabled. Use the command `TeX-fold-mode' to change this variable. (defvar TeX-fold-mode nil (#$ . 25819)) (make-variable-buffer-local 'TeX-fold-mode) #@247 Minor mode for hiding and revealing macros and environments. Called interactively, with no prefix argument, toggle the mode. With universal prefix ARG (or if ARG is nil) turn mode on. With zero or negative ARG turn mode off. (fn &optional ARG) (defalias 'TeX-fold-mode #[256 "\303 \304=\203 ?\202\247\203\305W\203\306\202\307\310\301!\2031\311\300 \"\2031\300 B\203\204\312\302!\210\307\313\314\315\306\307$\210\313\316\317\306\307$\210\313\320\321\"\210\322\211\203\200\211@\323\324\325\"!\326\323\324\327\"!J\323\324\330\331 #!\310!\205t\211J\262\"L\210A\266\202\202O\210\202\227\332\302!\210\333\314\315\307#\210\333\316\317\307#\210\334 \210\335 \210\336\337\203\244\340\202\245\341\"\210\342\343!\203\307\303 \203\271\211\303 \232\203\307\344\345\203\303\346\202\304\347\350#\210\210\351 \210\207" [TeX-fold-mode local-minor-modes search-invisible current-message toggle 1 nil t boundp delq make-local-variable add-hook post-command-hook TeX-fold-post-command LaTeX-fill-newline-hook TeX-fold-update-at-point TeX-after-insert-macro-hook #[0 "\205 \205\212\302u\210\303\304!\206\303\305!\206\303\306!)\207" [TeX-fold-mode TeX-fold-auto -1 TeX-fold-item macro math env] 2] ("macro" "env" "math") intern format "TeX-fold-%s-spec-list-internal" append "TeX-fold-%s-spec-list" "%s-fold-%s-spec-list" TeX-mode-prefix kill-local-variable remove-hook TeX-fold-clearout-buffer TeX-set-mode-name run-hooks TeX-fold-mode-hook TeX-fold-mode-on-hook TeX-fold-mode-off-hook called-interactively-p any message "Tex-Fold mode %sabled%s" "en" "dis" " in current buffer" force-mode-line-update] 12 (#$ . 26004) (byte-code "\203\n\301!\202 \302C\207" [current-prefix-arg prefix-numeric-value toggle] 2)]) (defvar TeX-fold-mode-hook nil) (byte-code "\300\301N\204\f\302\300\301\303#\210\302\300\304\305#\210\302\300\306\307C#\207" [TeX-fold-mode-hook variable-documentation put "Hook run after entering or leaving `TeX-fold-mode'.\nNo problems result if this variable is not bound.\n`add-hook' automatically binds it. (This is true for all hook variables.)" custom-type hook standard-value nil] 4) #@29 Keymap for `TeX-fold-mode'. (defvar TeX-fold-mode-map (byte-code " BC\302!\203 \207\211<\203\303!\207\304\305\"\207" [TeX-fold-command-prefix TeX-fold-keymap keymapp easy-mmode-define-keymap error "Invalid keymap %S"] 4) (#$ . 28153)) (byte-code "\301\302\303\303\211%\210\304\305\302\"\210\306\307!\207" [TeX-fold-mode-map add-minor-mode TeX-fold-mode nil defalias tex-fold-mode provide tex-fold] 6)