;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\302W\204\302U\203 \303W\203\304\305!\210\306\307!\204,\306\310!\204,\311\312!\210\313\314\315\316#\210\317\320\321\322\323\324\325\326\325\327\330\331\332\333\334\335\334\336\334\337&\207" [emacs-major-version emacs-minor-version 24 3 error "AUCTeX requires Emacs 24.3 or later" fboundp TeX-modes-set TeX-tex-mode provide tex-site load "auctex-autoloads" noerror nomessage custom-declare-group AUCTeX nil "A (La)TeX environment." :tag "AUCTeX" :link (custom-manual "(auctex)Top") (url-link :tag "Home Page" "https://www.gnu.org/software/auctex/") :prefix "TeX-" :group tex :load "tex" "latex" "tex-style"] 20) #@218 The directory where most of the AUCTeX lisp files are located. For the location of lisp files associated with styles, see the variables TeX-style-* (hand-generated lisp) and TeX-auto-* (automatically generated lisp). (defvar TeX-lisp-directory (file-name-directory load-file-name) (#$ . 722)) (add-to-list 'load-path TeX-lisp-directory) #@58 The directory where the AUCTeX non-Lisp data is located. (defvar TeX-data-directory (file-name-directory load-file-name) (#$ . 1065)) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311&\207" [custom-declare-variable TeX-auto-global funcall function #[0 "\300\301!\203\301\207\302\207" [file-writable-p "/usr/local/var/auctex" "~/.emacs.d/auctex"] 2] "Directory containing automatically generated information.\n\nFor storing automatic extracted information about the TeX macros\nshared by all users of a site." :group TeX-file :type directory] 8) #@51 Alist of built-in TeX modes and their load files. (defconst TeX-mode-alist '((tex-mode . tex-mode) (plain-tex-mode . tex-mode) (texinfo-mode . texinfo) (latex-mode . tex-mode) (doctex-mode . tex-mode)) (#$ . 1624)) (byte-code "\300\301\302\"\210\303\304\305\"\207" [defalias TeX-load-hack ignore add-hook tex-site-unload-hook #[0 "\303\304!\203\305\306\307\"\210\202A\211\203@\211@\211\305\2037@:\2030@@=\2030\310@\"\262A\262\202\266\211A\262\202\210\310 \n\"\211\207" [after-load-alist TeX-lisp-directory load-path fboundp advice-add TeX-modes-set TeX-modes nil delq] 7]] 3) #@315 Set VAR (which should be `TeX-modes') to VALUE. This places either the standard or the AUCTeX versions of functions into the respective function cell of the mode. If UPDATE is set, a previously saved value for the non-AUCTeX function gets overwritten with the current definition. (fn VAR VALUE &optional UPDATE) (defalias 'TeX-modes-set #[770 "\301\"\210\302\205g\211A\262\242@\262\303\304\305!P!\306\307!\203:>\2031\307\310#\266\202\311\"\266\202\204D\312N\204Q\306!\203Q\313\312K#\210\314\211>\203^\202a\312N\"\266\202\207" [TeX-mode-alist custom-set-default nil intern "TeX-" symbol-name fboundp advice-add :override advice-remove tex-saved put defalias] 10 (#$ . 2231)]) (byte-code "\301\302\303\304\305DD\306\307\310\311\312\"B\313\314\315\316& \207" [TeX-mode-alist custom-declare-variable TeX-modes funcall function #[0 "\301\302\"\207" [TeX-mode-alist mapcar car] 3] "List of modes provided by AUCTeX.\n\nThis variable can't be set normally; use customize for that, or\nset it with `TeX-modes-set'." :type set mapcar #[257 "\300@D\207" [const] 3 "\n\n(fn X)"] :set TeX-modes-set :initialize #[514 "\301\"\210\302\303!?\205+\211\205)\304@A\305\306D\307BBB\"\210\211A\262\202 \262\207" [TeX-mode-alist custom-initialize-reset fboundp advice-add eval-after-load TeX-modes-set quote (t)] 9 "\n\n(fn VAR VALUE)"]] 10) #@72 AUCTeX version. If not a regular release, the date of the last change. (defconst AUCTeX-version "13.0.12" (#$ . 3617)) #@60 AUCTeX release date using the ISO 8601 format, yyyy-mm-dd. (defconst AUCTeX-date "2021-06-06" (#$ . 3742)) (add-hook 'bibtex-mode-hook 'BibTeX-auto-store) (defvar preview-TeX-style-dir (byte-code "\301\302\303!\"\207" [load-file-name expand-file-name "latex" file-name-directory] 4)) (provide 'tex-site)