;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304\305%\210\306\307\310\311\312DD\313\314\315%\210\306\316\310\311\317DD\320\314\315%\210\306\321\310\311\322DD\323\304\324\314\325&\210\306\326\310\311\327DD\330\314\315%\210\306\331\310\311\332DD\333\314\315%\210\306\334\310\311\335DD\336\314\337%\210\306\340\310\311\341DD\342\314\343%\210\306\344\310\311\345DD\346\314\347%\210\306\350\310\311\351DD\352\314\353%\210\306\354\310\311\355DD\356\314\357%\207" [custom-declare-group LaTeX-style nil "Support for special LaTeX style files in AUCTeX." :group LaTeX-macro custom-declare-variable LaTeX-reftex-ref-style-auto-activate funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "Whether to activate automatically RefTeX reference styles." :type boolean LaTeX-reftex-cite-format-auto-activate #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "Whether to activate automatically RefTeX citation format." LaTeX-amsmath-label #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Default prefix to amsmath equation labels.\n\nAmsmath equations include \"align\", \"alignat\", \"xalignat\",\n\"multline\", \"flalign\" and \"gather\". If it is nil,\n`LaTeX-equation-label' is used." LaTeX-label (choice (const :tag "Use `LaTeX-equation-label'" nil) (string)) LaTeX-beamer-section-labels-flag #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "If non-nil section labels are added" LaTeX-beamer-item-overlay-flag #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "If non-nil do prompt for an overlay in itemize-like environments." LaTeX-beamer-themes #[0 "\300\207" [local] 1] "Presentation themes for the LaTeX beamer package.\nIt can be a list of themes or a function. If it is the symbol\n`local', search only once per buffer." (choice (const :tag "TeX search" LaTeX-beamer-search-themes) (const :tag "Search once per buffer" local) (function :tag "Other function") (list :value ("Antibes" "Bergen" "Berkeley" "Berlin" "Boadilla" "Copenhagen" "Darmstadt" "Dresden" "Frankfurt" "Goettingen" "Hannover" "Ilmenau" "JuanLesPins" "Luebeck" "Madrid" "Malmoe" "Marburg" "Montpellier" "PaloAlto" "Pittsburgh" "Rochester" "Singapore" "Szeged" "Warsaw") (set :inline t (const "Antibes") (const "Bergen") (const "Berkeley") (const "Berlin") (const "Boadilla") (const "Copenhagen") (const "Darmstadt") (const "Dresden") (const "Frankfurt") (const "Goettingen") (const "Hannover") (const "Ilmenau") (const "JuanLesPins") (const "Luebeck") (const "Madrid") (const "Malmoe") (const "Marburg") (const "Montpellier") (const "PaloAlto") (const "Pittsburgh") (const "Rochester") (const "Singapore") (const "Szeged") (const "Warsaw")) (repeat :inline t :tag "Other" (string)))) LaTeX-beamer-inner-themes #[0 "\300\207" [local] 1] "Presentation inner themes for the LaTeX beamer package.\nIt can be a list of themes or a function. If it is the symbol\n`local', search only once per buffer." (choice (const :tag "TeX search" LaTeX-beamer-search-inner-themes) (const :tag "Search once per buffer" local) (function :tag "Other function") (list :value ("circles" "default" "inmargin" "rectangles" "rounded") (set :inline t (const "circles") (const "default") (const "inmargin") (const "rectangles") (const "rounded")) (repeat :inline t :tag "Other" (string)))) LaTeX-beamer-outer-themes #[0 "\300\207" [local] 1] "Presentation outer themes for the LaTeX beamer package.\nIt can be a list of themes or a function. If it is the symbol\n`local', search only once per buffer." (choice (const :tag "TeX search" LaTeX-beamer-search-outer-themes) (const :tag "Search once per buffer" local) (function :tag "Other function") (list :value ("default" "infolines" "miniframes" "shadow" "sidebar" "smoothbars" "smoothtree" "split" "tree") (set :inline t (const "default") (const "infolines") (const "miniframes") (const "shadow") (const "sidebar") (const "smoothbars") (const "smoothtree") (const "split") (const "tree")) (repeat :inline t :tag "Other" (string)))) LaTeX-beamer-color-themes #[0 "\300\207" [local] 1] "Presentation color themes for the LaTeX beamer package.\nIt can be a list of themes or a function. If it is the symbol\n`local', search only once per buffer." (choice (const :tag "TeX search" LaTeX-beamer-search-color-themes) (const :tag "Search once per buffer" local) (function :tag "Other function") (list :value ("albatross" "beetle" "crane" "default" "dolphin" "dove" "fly" "lily" "orchid" "rose" "seagull" "seahorse" "sidebartab" "structure" "whale") (set :inline t (const "albatross") (const "beetle") (const "crane") (const "default") (const "dolphin") (const "dove") (const "fly") (const "lily") (const "orchid") (const "rose") (const "seagull") (const "seahorse") (const "sidebartab") (const "structure") (const "whale")) (repeat :inline t :tag "Other" (string)))) LaTeX-beamer-font-themes #[0 "\300\207" [local] 1] "Presentation font themes for the LaTeX beamer package.\nIt can be a list of themes or a function. If it is the symbol\n`local', search only once per buffer." (choice (const :tag "TeX search" LaTeX-beamer-search-font-themes) (const :tag "Search once per buffer" local) (function :tag "Other function") (list :value ("default" "professionalfonts" "serif" "structurebold" "structureitalicserif" "structuresmallcapsserif") (set :inline t (const "default") (const "professionalfonts") (const "serif") (const "structurebold") (const "structureitalicserif") (const "structuresmallcapsserif")) (repeat :inline t :tag "Other" (string))))] 8) #@155 Whether to use Biber with biblatex. This variable is intended to be used as a file local variable to override the autodetection of the biblatex backend. (defvar LaTeX-biblatex-use-Biber t (#$ . 5391)) (byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\301\303\304#\210\305\306\307\310\311DD\312\313\314%\210\305\315\307\310\316DD\317\313\320%\210\305\321\307\310\322DD\323\313\324%\210\305\325\307\310\326DD\327\313\324%\210\305\330\307\310\331DD\332\313\320%\210\305\333\307\310\334DD\335\313\336%\210\305\337\307\310\340DD\341\313\324%\210\305\342\307\310\343DD\344\313\345%\210\305\346\307\310\347DD\350\313\351%\210\305\352\307\310\353DD\354\313\355%\210\305\356\307\310\357DD\360\313\320%\210\305\361\307\310\362DD\363\313\364%\210\305\365\307\310\366DD\367\370\371\313\324&\210\305\372\307\310\373DD\374\313\336%\210\305\375\307\310\376DD\377\313\201@%\210\302\375\303\201A#\210\305\201B\307\310\201CDD\201D\313\336%\210\201E\201F!\207" [make-variable-buffer-local LaTeX-biblatex-use-Biber put safe-local-variable booleanp custom-declare-variable LaTeX-comment-env-list funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [("comment")] 1] "List of environment names defined with comment.sty.\nSetting this variable does not take effect unless you\nreinitialize affected buffers." :type (repeat string) LaTeX-csquotes-quote-after-quote #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Initial value of `TeX-quote-after-quote' for `csquotes.el'" boolean LaTeX-csquotes-open-quote #[0 "\300\207" [#1=""] 1 #1#] "Opening quotation mark to be used with the csquotes package.\nThe specified string will be used for `TeX-open-quote' (and override\nany language-specific setting) only if both `LaTeX-csquotes-open-quote'\nand `LaTeX-csquotes-close-quote' are non-empty strings." string LaTeX-csquotes-close-quote #[0 "\300\207" [#1#] 1 #1#] "Closing quotation mark to be used with the csquotes package.\nThe specified string will be used for `TeX-close-quote' (and override\nany language-specific setting) only if both `LaTeX-csquotes-open-quote'\nand `LaTeX-csquotes-close-quote' are non-empty strings." LaTeX-write18-enabled-p #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "If non-nil, insert automatically the \\write18 calling metapost.\nWhen disabled, you have to use mpost on the mp files automatically\nproduced by emp.sty and then re-LaTeX the document." LaTeX-exam-reftex-quick-id-key #[0 "\300\207" [120] 1] "Unique letter identifying exam class macros in RefTeX.\n\nA character argument for quick identification when RefTeX inserts\nnew references with `reftex-reference'. It must be unique. It\nis initialized to ?x." character LaTeX-exam-label #[0 "\300\207" [#2="exm:"] 1 #2#] "Default prefix to labels in environments of exam class." LaTeX-fontspec-arg-font-search #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "If `LaTeX-fontspec-arg-font' should search for fonts.\nIf the value is t, fonts are retrieved automatically and provided\nfor completion. If the value is nil,\n`LaTeX-fontspec-font-list-default' is used for completion. If\nthe value is `ask', you are asked for the method to use every\ntime `LaTeX-fontspec-arg-font' is called.\n\n`LaTeX-fontspec-arg-font' calls `luaotf-load --list=basename' to\nautomatically get the list of fonts. This requires\n`luaotfload-tool' version 2.3 or higher in order to work." (choice (const :tag "Search automatically" t) (const :tag "Use default font list" nil) (const :tag "Ask what to do" ask)) LaTeX-fontspec-font-list-default #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "List of default fonts to be used as completion for\n`LaTeX-fontspec-arg-font'." (repeat (string :tag "Font")) LaTeX-includegraphics-extensions #[0 "\300\207" [("eps" "jpe?g" "pdf" "png")] 1] "Extensions for images files used by \\includegraphics." (list (set :inline t (const "eps") (const "jpe?g") (const "pdf") (const "png")) (repeat :inline t :tag "Other" (string))) LaTeX-includegraphics-strip-extension-flag #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "Non-nil means to strip known extensions from image file name." LaTeX-includegraphics-read-file #[0 "\300\207" [LaTeX-includegraphics-read-file-TeX] 1] "Function for reading \\includegraphics files.\n\n`LaTeX-includegraphics-read-file-TeX' lists all graphic files\nfound in the TeX search path.\n\n`LaTeX-includegraphics-read-file-relative' lists all graphic files\nin the master directory and its subdirectories and inserts the\nrelative file name.\n\nThe custom option `simple' works as\n`LaTeX-includegraphics-read-file-relative' but it lists all kind of\nfiles.\n\nInserting the subdirectory in the filename (as\n`LaTeX-includegraphics-read-file-relative') is discouraged by\n`epslatex.ps'." (choice (const :tag "TeX" LaTeX-includegraphics-read-file-TeX) (const :tag "relative" LaTeX-includegraphics-read-file-relative) (const :tag "simple" (lambda nil (file-relative-name (read-file-name "Image file: ") (TeX-master-directory)))) (function :tag "other")) LaTeX-revtex4-2-video-label #[0 "\300\207" [#3="vid:"] 1 #3#] "Default prefix to labels in video environments of REVTeX4-2 class." :group LaTeX-label LaTeX-revtex4-2-video-reftex-quick-id-key #[0 "\300\207" [118] 1] "Unique letter identifying \"video\" environment in RefTeX.\n\nA character argument for quick identification when RefTeX inserts\nnew references with `reftex-reference'. It must be unique. It\nis initialized to ?v." LaTeX-shortvrb-chars #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "List of characters toggling verbatim mode.\nWhen your document uses the shortvrb style and you have a\n\\MakeShortVrb{\\|} in your file to write verbatim text as\n|text|, then set this variable to the list (?|). Then AUCTeX\nfontifies |text| as verbatim.\n\nPreferably, you should do this buffer-locally using a file\nvariable near the end of your document like so:\n\n %% Local Variables:\n %% LaTeX-shortvrb-chars: (?|)\n %% End:\n\nWhen you customize this variable to a non-nil value, then it\nbecomes the default value meaning that verbatim fontification is\nalways performed for the characters in the list, no matter if\nyour document actually defines shortvrb chars using\n\\MakeShortVrb." (repeat character) listp LaTeX-splitidx-sindex-reftex-quick-id-key #[0 "\300\207" [115] 1] "Unique letter identifying \"\\sindex\" macro in RefTeX.\n\nA character argument for quick identification of \"\\sindex\"\nwhen RefTeX inserts new index entries with `reftex-index'. It\nmust be unique. It is initialized to ?s when added to\n`reftex-index-macros'." provide tex-style] 8)