;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\300\303!\210\300\304!\207" [require cider-client cider-common cider-resolve thingatpt] 2) #@129 Find the definition of VAR, optionally at a specific LINE. Display the results in a different window. (fn VAR &optional LINE) (defalias 'cider--find-var-other-window #[513 "\300!\211\203\203\301\302#\262\303\304\"\207\305\306\"\207" [cider-var-info nrepl-dict-put "line" cider--jump-to-loc-from-info t user-error "Symbol `%s' not resolved"] 7 (#$ . 217)]) #@85 Find the definition of VAR, optionally at a specific LINE. (fn VAR &optional LINE) (defalias 'cider--find-var #[513 "\300!\211\203\203\301\302#\262\303!\207\304\305\"\207" [cider-var-info nrepl-dict-put "line" cider--jump-to-loc-from-info user-error "Symbol `%s' not resolved"] 7 (#$ . 592)]) #@351 Find definition for VAR at LINE. Prompt according to prefix ARG and `cider-prompt-for-symbol'. A single or double prefix argument inverts the meaning of `cider-prompt-for-symbol'. A prefix of `-` or a double prefix argument causes the results to be displayed in a different window. The default value is thing at point. (fn &optional ARG VAR LINE) (defalias 'cider-find-var #[768 "\203 \300\"\207\301!\302\303!\203\304\202\300\"\207" [cider--find-var cider-prompt-for-symbol-function "Symbol" cider--open-other-window-p cider--find-var-other-window] 7 (#$ . 904) "P"]) #@67 Find and display variable or resource at mouse EVENT. (fn EVENT) (defalias 'cider-find-dwim-at-mouse #[257 "\212\300!\210\301\302!)\211\203\303!\207\304\305!\207" [mouse-set-point cider-symbol-at-point look-back cider-find-dwim user-error "No variable or resource here"] 4 (#$ . 1491) "e"]) #@209 Find the SYMBOL-FILE at point. CALLBACK upon failure to invoke prompt if not prompted previously. Show results in a different window if OTHER-WINDOW is true. (fn SYMBOL-FILE CALLBACK &optional OTHER-WINDOW) (defalias 'cider--find-dwim #[770 "\301!\211\203\f\302\"\207\303\304!\210\305!\211\205\306!\211\203%\307\310#\207\311!\2031\312\313\"\207?\2057\314\315!)\207" [current-prefix-arg cider-var-info cider--jump-to-loc-from-info cider-ensure-op-supported "resource" cider-sync-request:resource cider-find-file cider-jump-to 0 cider--prompt-for-symbol-p error "Resource or var %s not resolved" (4) call-interactively] 10 (#$ . 1794)]) #@86 Get interactive arguments for jump-to functions using PROMPT as needed. (fn PROMPT) (defalias 'cider--find-dwim-interactive #[257 "\301!\203\302\303\304!\"C\207\303\304!\206\305C\207" [current-prefix-arg cider--prompt-for-symbol-p cider-read-from-minibuffer thing-at-point filename ""] 5 (#$ . 2456)]) #@80 Jump to SYMBOL-FILE at point, place results in other window. (fn SYMBOL-FILE) (defalias 'cider-find-dwim-other-window #[257 "\300\301\302#\207" [cider--find-dwim cider-find-dwim-other-window t] 5 (#$ . 2771) (cider--find-dwim-interactive "Jump to: ")]) #@542 Find and display the SYMBOL-FILE at point. SYMBOL-FILE could be a var or a resource. If thing at point is empty then show dired on project. If var is not found, try to jump to resource of the same name. When called interactively, a prompt is given according to the variable `cider-prompt-for-symbol'. A single or double prefix argument inverts the meaning. A prefix of `-' or a double prefix argument causes the results to be displayed in a different window. A default value of thing at point is given when prompted. (fn SYMBOL-FILE) (defalias 'cider-find-dwim #[257 "\301\302\303!#\207" [current-prefix-arg cider--find-dwim cider-find-dwim cider--open-other-window-p] 6 (#$ . 3033) (cider--find-dwim-interactive "Jump to: ")]) #@341 Find the resource at PATH. Prompt for input as indicated by the variable `cider-prompt-for-symbol'. A single or double prefix argument inverts the meaning of `cider-prompt-for-symbol'. A prefix argument of `-` or a double prefix argument causes the results to be displayed in other window. The default value is thing at point. (fn PATH) (defalias 'cider-find-resource #[257 "\301\302!\210\211G\303U\203\304\305!\210\306!\211\205\307!\211\203%\310\311\312!#\207\313!\2030\304\314\"\207\315!\316\317!)\207" [current-prefix-arg cider-ensure-op-supported "resource" 0 error "Cannot find resource for empty path" cider-sync-request:resource cider-find-file cider-jump-to nil cider--open-other-window-p cider--prompt-for-symbol-p "Cannot find resource %s" cider--invert-prefix-arg call-interactively cider-find-resource] 8 (#$ . 3777) (byte-code "\301!\203\302\303\304 \305\211\306\307!%\202\306\307!\206\310C\207" [current-prefix-arg cider--prompt-for-symbol-p completing-read "Resource: " cider-sync-request:resources-list nil thing-at-point filename ""] 7)]) #@138 Invert the effect of prefix value ARG on `cider-prompt-for-symbol'. This function preserves the `other-window' meaning of ARG. (fn ARG) (defalias 'cider--invert-prefix-arg #[257 "\300!\211\301\267\202\302\207\303\207\304\207\305\207" [prefix-numeric-value #s(hash-table size 3 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (16 9 -1 11 4 13)) -1 16 nil 4] 4 (#$ . 4864)]) #@78 Test prefix value ARG for its effect on `cider-prompt-for-symbol`. (fn ARG) (defalias 'cider--prefix-invert-prompt-p #[257 "\300!\211\301\267\202 \302\207\302\207\303\207" [prefix-numeric-value #s(hash-table size 2 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (16 9 4 11)) t nil] 4 (#$ . 5263)]) #@209 Check if cider should prompt for symbol. Tests againsts PREFIX and the value of `cider-prompt-for-symbol'. Invert meaning of `cider-prompt-for-symbol' if PREFIX indicates it should be. (fn &optional PREFIX) (defalias 'cider--prompt-for-symbol-p #[256 "\301!\203 ?\207\207" [cider-prompt-for-symbol cider--prefix-invert-prompt-p] 3 (#$ . 5588)]) #@143 Find the file containing NS's definition. Optionally open it in a different window if OTHER-WINDOW is truthy. (fn NS &optional OTHER-WINDOW) (defalias 'cider--find-ns #[513 "\300!\211\203\301\302!\303#\207\304\305\"\207" [cider-sync-request:ns-path cider-jump-to cider-find-file nil user-error "Can't find namespace `%s'"] 7 (#$ . 5945)]) #@159 Find the file containing NS. A prefix ARG of `-` or a double prefix argument causes the results to be displayed in a different window. (fn &optional ARG NS) (defalias 'cider-find-ns #[512 "\300 \210\301\302!\210\211\203\303!\207\304 \305\306\"\303\307!\"\207" [cider-ensure-connected cider-ensure-op-supported "ns-path" cider--find-ns cider-sync-request:ns-list completing-read "Find namespace: " cider--open-other-window-p] 8 (#$ . 6298) "P"]) #@562 Find the namespace of the keyword at point and its first occurrence there. For instance - if the keyword at point is ":cider.demo/keyword", this command would find the namespace "cider.demo" and afterwards find the first mention of "::keyword" there. Prompt according to prefix ARG and `cider-prompt-for-symbol'. A single or double prefix argument inverts the meaning of `cider-prompt-for-symbol'. A prefix of `-` or a double prefix argument causes the results to be displayed in a different window. The default value is thing at point. (fn &optional ARG) (defalias 'cider-find-keyword #[256 "\301 \210\302\303!\204\203\304\305\306\"\307\211$\202\211\262\310\311\"\205(\312\313\"\211\2034\314\315 \"\2026\315 \316\317\320\321#P\203P\315 \230\203P\322\323\315 #\210\324\"\210\325\307\326#\207" [cider-prompt-for-symbol cider-ensure-connected cider-symbol-at-point look-back read-string format "Keyword (default %s): " nil string-match "^:+\\(.+\\)/.+$" match-string 1 cider-resolve-alias cider-current-ns "::" replace-regexp-in-string "^:+\\(.+/\\)?" "" error "Could not resolve alias `%s' in `%s'" cider--find-ns search-forward-regexp noerror] 9 (#$ . 6758) "P"]) (provide 'cider-find)