;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\300\303!\210\300\304!\210\300\305!\210\300\306!\210\300\307!\210\300\310!\210\300\311!\210\300\312!\210\300\313!\210\314\315\316\317\320DD\321\322\323\324\325\326\327& \207" [require clojure-mode cider-eval cider-test cider-eldoc cider-resolve cider-doc cider-profile cider-completion cider-inspector subr-x cider-compat custom-declare-variable cider-mode-line-show-connection funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "If the mode-line lighter should detail the connection." :group cider :type boolean :package-version (cider "0.10.0")] 10) #@114 Return info for the cider mode modeline. Info contains the connection type, project name and host:port endpoint. (defalias 'cider--modeline-info #[0 "\3041\n\305 0\202\f\210\306\211\203@r\211q\210\307! \205=\310\311\312\n!\206$\313\314 \315\"\211\316\232\2032\317\2026\211\211\262\262\314 \320\"$P)\207\321\207" [cider-repl-type cider-mode-line-show-connection nrepl-project-dir nrepl-endpoint (error) cider-current-repl nil symbol-name format ":%s@%s:%s" cider--project-name "" plist-get :host "localhost" "" :port "not connected"] 9 (#$ . 666)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311\312\313\314\315& \207" [custom-declare-variable cider-mode-line funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [(:eval (format " cider[%s]" (cider--modeline-info)))] 1] "Mode line lighter for cider mode.\n\nThe value of this variable is a mode line template as in\n`mode-line-format'. See Info Node `(elisp)Mode Line Format' for details\nabout mode line templates.\n\nCustomize this variable to change how cider mode displays its status in the\nmode line. The default value displays the current connection. Set this\nvariable to nil to disable the mode line entirely." :group cider :type sexp :risky t :package-version (cider "0.7.0")] 12) #@222 Select the REPL-BUFFER, when possible in an existing window. When SET-NAMESPACE is t, sets the namespace in the REPL buffer to that of the namespace in the Clojure source buffer. (fn REPL-BUFFER &optional SET-NAMESPACE) (defalias 'cider--switch-to-repl-buffer #[513 "p\203\f\301!\210\202\302!\210\203\303rq\210\304 )!\210db\207" [cider-repl-display-in-current-window pop-to-buffer-same-window pop-to-buffer cider-repl-set-ns cider-current-ns] 5 (#$ . 1926)]) #@290 Switch to current REPL buffer, when possible in an existing window. The type of the REPL is inferred from the mode of current buffer. With a prefix arg SET-NAMESPACE sets the namespace in the REPL buffer to that of the namespace in the Clojure source buffer (fn &optional SET-NAMESPACE) (defalias 'cider-switch-to-repl-buffer #[256 "\300\301\302\303\"\"\207" [cider--switch-to-repl-buffer cider-current-repl nil ensure] 5 (#$ . 2403) "P"]) #@197 Load the current buffer into the matching REPL buffer and switch to it. When SET-NAMESPACE is true, we'll also set the REPL's ns to match that of the Clojure buffer. (fn &optional SET-NAMESPACE) (defalias 'cider-load-buffer-and-switch-to-repl-buffer #[256 "\300 \210\301!\207" [cider-load-buffer cider-switch-to-repl-buffer] 3 (#$ . 2853) "P"]) #@215 Switch to the last Clojure buffer. The default keybinding for this command is the same as variable `cider-switch-to-repl-buffer', so that it is very convenient to jump between a Clojure buffer and the REPL buffer. (defalias 'cider-switch-to-last-clojure-buffer #[0 "\301\302!\203/\303C\304 \305\306\307#\310 \"\262\211\206\242\211\203+\203'\311!\207\312!\207\313\314!\207\313\315!\207" [cider-repl-display-in-current-window derived-mode-p cider-repl-mode nil cider-repl-type-for-buffer seq-find make-closure #[257 "r\211q\210\302\303!)?\205'\304!\211\205%\300\242\204\300\240\210\211\305=\206%\211\301=\262\207" [V0 V1 derived-mode-p cider-repl-mode cider-repl-type-for-buffer multi] 4 "\n\n(fn B)"] buffer-list pop-to-buffer-same-window pop-to-buffer user-error "No Clojure buffer found" "Not in a CIDER REPL buffer"] 7 (#$ . 3207) nil]) #@293 Find the current REPL buffer and clear it. With a prefix argument CLEAR-REPL the command clears the entire REPL buffer. Returns to the buffer in which the command was invoked. See also the related commands `cider-repl-clear-buffer' and `cider-repl-clear-output'. (fn &optional CLEAR-REPL) (defalias 'cider-find-and-clear-repl-output #[256 "p\300\301\302\303\"!\210\203\304 \210\202\305 \210\300!\207" [switch-to-buffer cider-current-repl nil ensure cider-repl-clear-buffer cider-repl-clear-output] 6 (#$ . 4073) "P"]) #@40 Undefine a symbol from the current ns. (defalias 'cider-undef #[0 "\300\301!\210\302\303\304\"\207" [cider-ensure-op-supported "undef" cider-read-symbol-name "Undefine symbol: " #[257 "\300\301\302\303\304 \305\257\306p!\"\207" [cider-nrepl-send-request "op" "undef" "ns" cider-current-ns "sym" cider-interactive-eval-handler] 8 "\n\n(fn SYM)"]] 3 (#$ . 4606) nil]) #@46 History of user input for namespace prompts. (defvar cider--namespace-history nil (#$ . 4981)) #@100 Return the namespace of VAR. VAR is a fully qualified Clojure variable name as a string. (fn VAR) (defalias 'cider--var-namespace #[257 "\300\301\302#\207" [replace-regexp-in-string "\\(?:#'\\)?\\(.*\\)/.*" "\\1"] 5 (#$ . 5083)]) #@160 Run -main or FUNCTION, prompting for its namespace if necessary. With a prefix argument, prompt for function to run instead of -main. (fn &optional FUNCTION) (defalias 'cider-run #[256 "\301 \210\211\206\302\303\304\305\306F!\211\205]\307\310\311\"\312\313O!\211\203T\314G\312U\2030\315@\316Q\202P\317\320\"@\206;\211@\321\322\323\321\324\"\325\326\325\300 &#\266\202!\202[\327\330\331\332\"\"\262\207" [cider--namespace-history cider-ensure-connected "-main" cider-nrepl-send-sync-request "op" "ns-list-vars-by-name" "name" split-string nrepl-dict-get "var-list" 1 -1 cider-interactive-eval "(" ")" mapcar cider--var-namespace format "(#'%s/%s)" completing-read "Namespace (%s): " nil t user-error "No %s var defined in any namespace" cider-propertize fn] 17 (#$ . 5322) (byte-code "\205\301\302!C\207" [current-prefix-arg read-string "Function name: "] 2)]) (defvar cider-insert-commands-map (byte-code "\300\301!\302\303\304#\210\302\305\306#\210\302\307\310#\210\302\311\312#\210\302\313\304#\210\302\314\306#\210\302\315\310#\210\302\316\312#\207" [define-prefix-command cider-insert-commands-map define-key "e" cider-insert-last-sexp-in-repl "d" cider-insert-defun-in-repl "r" cider-insert-region-in-repl "n" cider-insert-ns-form-in-repl "" "" "" ""] 5)) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\300\314\302\303\315DD\316\306\307\310\311\312\317& \207" [custom-declare-variable cider-switch-to-repl-on-insert funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "Whether to switch to the REPL when inserting a form into the REPL." :type boolean :group cider :package-version (cider . "0.21.0") cider-invert-insert-eval-p #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Whether to invert the behavior of evaling.\nDefault behavior when inserting is to NOT eval the form and only eval with\na prefix. This allows to invert this so that default behavior is to insert\nand eval and the prefix is required to prevent evaluation." (cider . "0.18.0")] 10) #@177 Insert FORM in the REPL buffer and switch to it. If EVAL is non-nil the form will also be evaluated. Use `cider-invert-insert-eval-p' to invert this behavior. (fn FORM EVAL) (defalias 'cider-insert-in-repl #[514 "\302\303\"\203\304\305\306\211$\262\202\203\307 \210\310 \311\312!\206$\313 !r\314\315\"\216\316@\317\"\210rq\210db\210`c\210\320`\"\210\321`\"\266 \203P?\202Q\203W\322 \210db+\207" [cider-switch-to-repl-on-insert cider-invert-insert-eval-p string-match "\\`[ \n ]+\\|[ \n ]+\\'" replace-match "" t cider-switch-to-repl-buffer cider-current-repl internal--before-with-selected-window get-buffer-window selected-window make-closure #[0 "\301\300!\207" [V0 internal--after-with-selected-window] 2] select-window norecord indent-region cider--font-lock-ensure cider-repl-return] 8 (#$ . 7314)]) #@148 Insert the expression preceding point in the REPL buffer. If invoked with a prefix ARG eval the expression after inserting it. (fn &optional ARG) (defalias 'cider-insert-last-sexp-in-repl #[256 "\300\301 \"\207" [cider-insert-in-repl cider-last-sexp] 4 (#$ . 8154) "P"]) #@145 Insert the top level form at point in the REPL buffer. If invoked with a prefix ARG eval the expression after inserting it. (fn &optional ARG) (defalias 'cider-insert-defun-in-repl #[256 "\300\301 \"\207" [cider-insert-in-repl cider-defun-at-point] 4 (#$ . 8434) "P"]) #@194 Insert the curent region in the REPL buffer. START and END represent the region's boundaries. If invoked with a prefix ARG eval the expression after inserting it. (fn START END &optional ARG) (defalias 'cider-insert-region-in-repl #[770 "\300\301\"\"\207" [cider-insert-in-repl buffer-substring-no-properties] 7 (#$ . 8712) "rP"]) #@146 Insert the current buffer's ns form in the REPL buffer. If invoked with a prefix ARG eval the expression after inserting it. (fn &optional ARG) (defalias 'cider-insert-ns-form-in-repl #[256 "\300\301 \"\207" [cider-insert-in-repl cider-ns-form] 4 (#$ . 9054) "P"]) #@22 Menu for CIDER mode. (defconst cider-mode-menu '("CIDER" ["Start or connect to any REPL" cider :help "A simple wrapper around all commands for starting/connecting to a REPL."] ("Clojure" ["Start a Clojure REPL" cider-jack-in :help "Starts an nREPL server and connects a Clojure REPL to it."] ["Connect to a Clojure REPL" cider-connect :help "Connects to a REPL that's already running."]) ("ClojureScript" ["Start a ClojureScript REPL" cider-jack-in-cljs :help "Starts an nREPL server and connects a ClojureScript REPL to it."] ["Connect to a ClojureScript REPL" cider-connect-clojurescript :help "Connects to a ClojureScript REPL that's already running."] ["Create a ClojureScript REPL from a Clojure REPL" cider-jack-in-sibling-clojurescript]) "--" ["Quit" cider-quit :active (cider-connected-p)] ["Restart" cider-restart :active (cider-connected-p)] "--" ["Connection info" cider-describe-connection :active (cider-connected-p)] ["Select any CIDER buffer" cider-selector] "--" ["Configure CIDER" (customize-group 'cider)] "--" ["A sip of CIDER" cider-drink-a-sip] ["View manual online" cider-view-manual] ["View refcard online" cider-view-refcard] ["Report a bug" cider-report-bug] ["Version info" cider-version] "--" ["Close ancillary buffers" cider-close-ancillary-buffers :active (seq-remove #'null cider-ancillary-buffers)] ("nREPL" :active (cider-connected-p) ["List nREPL middleware" cider-list-nrepl-middleware] ["Describe nREPL session" cider-describe-nrepl-session] ["Toggle message logging" nrepl-toggle-message-logging])) (#$ . 9327)) #@36 Menu for CIDER mode eval commands. (defconst cider-mode-eval-menu '("CIDER Eval" :visible (cider-connected-p) ["Eval top-level sexp" cider-eval-defun-at-point] ["Eval top-level sexp to point" cider-eval-defun-up-to-point] ["Eval top-level sexp to comment" cider-eval-defun-to-comment] ["Eval top-level sexp and pretty-print to comment" cider-pprint-eval-defun-to-comment] "--" ["Eval current list" cider-eval-list-at-point] ["Eval current sexp" cider-eval-sexp-at-point] ["Eval current sexp to point" cider-eval-sexp-up-to-point] ["Eval current sexp in context" cider-eval-sexp-at-point-in-context] "--" ["Eval last sexp" cider-eval-last-sexp] ["Eval last sexp in context" cider-eval-last-sexp-in-context] ["Eval last sexp and insert" cider-eval-print-last-sexp :keys "\\[universal-argument] \\[cider-eval-last-sexp]"] ["Eval last sexp in popup buffer" cider-pprint-eval-last-sexp] ["Eval last sexp and replace" cider-eval-last-sexp-and-replace] ["Eval last sexp to REPL" cider-eval-last-sexp-to-repl] ["Eval last sexp and pretty-print to REPL" cider-pprint-eval-last-sexp-to-repl] ["Eval last sexp and pretty-print to comment" cider-pprint-eval-last-sexp-to-comment] "--" ["Eval selected region" cider-eval-region] ["Eval ns form" cider-eval-ns-form] "--" ["Interrupt evaluation" cider-interrupt] "--" ["Insert last sexp in REPL" cider-insert-last-sexp-in-repl] ["Insert last sexp in REPL and eval" (cider-insert-last-sexp-in-repl t) :keys "\\[universal-argument] \\[cider-insert-last-sexp-in-repl]"] ["Insert top-level sexp in REPL" cider-insert-defun-in-repl] ["Insert region in REPL" cider-insert-region-in-repl] ["Insert ns form in REPL" cider-insert-ns-form-in-repl] "--" ["Load this buffer" cider-load-buffer] ["Load this buffer and switch to REPL" cider-load-buffer-and-switch-to-repl-buffer] ["Load another file" cider-load-file] ["Recursively load all files in directory" cider-load-all-files] ["Load all project files" cider-load-all-project-ns] ["Refresh loaded code" cider-ns-refresh] ["Require and reload" cider-ns-reload] ["Require and reload all" cider-ns-reload-all] ["Run project (-main function)" cider-run]) (#$ . 10881)) #@30 Menu for CIDER interactions. (defconst cider-mode-interactions-menu (byte-code "\303\304\305\306\307\310\311\312\313\314\315 \316\n\317BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB\207" [cider-doc-menu cider-test-menu cider-profile-menu "CIDER Interactions" :visible (cider-connected-p) ["Complete symbol" complete-symbol] "--" ("REPL" ["Set REPL to this ns" cider-repl-set-ns] ["Switch to REPL" cider-switch-to-repl-buffer] ["REPL Pretty Print" cider-repl-toggle-pretty-printing :style toggle :selected cider-repl-use-pretty-printing] ["Clear latest output" cider-find-and-clear-repl-output] ["Clear all output" (cider-find-and-clear-repl-output t) :keys "\\[universal-argument] \\[cider-find-and-clear-repl-output]"] "--" ["Configure the REPL" (customize-group 'cider-repl)]) ("Find (jump to)" ["Find definition" cider-find-var] ["Find namespace" cider-find-ns] ["Find resource" cider-find-resource] ["Find keyword" cider-find-keyword] ["Go back" cider-pop-back]) ("Xref" ["Find fn references" cider-xref-fn-refs] ["Find fn references and select" cider-xref-fn-refs-select] ["Find fn dependencies" cider-xref-fn-defs] ["Find fn dependencies and select" cider-xref-fn-defs-select]) ("Browse" ["Browse namespace" cider-browse-ns] ["Browse all namespaces" cider-browse-ns-all] ["Browse spec" cider-browse-spec] ["Browse all specs" cider-browse-spec-all] ["Browse REPL input history" cider-repl-history] ["Browse classpath" cider-classpath] ["Browse classpath entry" cider-open-classpath-entry]) ("Format" ["Format EDN last sexp" cider-format-edn-last-sexp] ["Format EDN region" cider-format-edn-region] ["Format EDN buffer" cider-format-edn-buffer]) ("Macroexpand" ["Macroexpand-1" cider-macroexpand-1] ["Macroexpand-all" cider-macroexpand-all]) ("Debug" ["Inspect" cider-inspect] ["Toggle var tracing" cider-toggle-trace-var] ["Toggle ns tracing" cider-toggle-trace-ns] "--" ["Debug top-level form" cider-debug-defun-at-point :keys "\\[universal-argument] \\[cider-eval-defun-at-point]"] ["List instrumented defs" cider-browse-instrumented-defs] "--" ["Configure the Debugger" (customize-group 'cider-debug)]) (("Misc" ["Clojure Cheatsheet" cider-cheatsheet] ["Flush completion cache" cider-completion-flush-caches]))] 16) (#$ . 13029)) #@18 CIDER NS keymap. (defvar cider-ns-map (byte-code "\300\301!\302\303\304#\210\302\305\304#\210\302\306\307#\210\302\310\307#\210\302\311\312#\210\302\313\312#\210\302\314\315#\210\302\316\315#\210\302\317\320#\210\302\321\320#\210\302\322\323#\210\302\324\325#\210\207" [define-prefix-command cider-ns-map define-key "b" cider-browse-ns [134217826] "e" cider-eval-ns-form [134217829] "f" cider-find-ns [134217830] "n" cider-repl-set-ns [134217838] "r" cider-ns-refresh [134217842] "l" cider-ns-reload [134217836] cider-ns-reload-all] 5) (#$ . 15243)) #@228 Non-nil if system binds forward and back buttons to and . As it stands Emacs fires these events on and on 'x' and 'w32'systems while on macOS it presents them on and . (defconst cider--has-many-mouse-buttons (byte-code "\301>?\207" [window-system (mac ns)] 2) (#$ . 15812)) (defconst cider-mode-map (byte-code "\301 \302\303\304#\210\302\305\306#\210\302\307\203\310\202\311!\312#\210\302\307\203)\313\202*\314!\315#\210\302\316\317#\210\302\320\321#\210\302\322\323#\210\302\324\325#\210\302\326\327#\210\302\330\331#\210\302\332\331#\210\302\333\334#\210\302\335\334#\210\302\336\337#\210\302\340\341#\210\302\342\343#\210\302\344\345#\210\302\346\347#\210\302\350\351#\210\302\352\353#\210\302\354\355#\210\302\356\357#\210\302\360\361#\210\302\362\363#\210\302\364\365#\210\302\366\367#\210\302\370\371#\210\302\372\373#\210\302\374\375#\210\302\376\377#\210\302\201@\201A#\210\302\201B\201C#\210\302\201D\201E#\210\302\201F\201G#\210\302\201H\201I#\210\302\201J\201K#\210\302\201L\201K#\210\302\201M\201N#\210\302\201O\201P#\210\302\201Q\201R#\210\302\201S\201T#\210\302\201U\201V#\210\302\201W\201X#\210\302\201Y\201Z#\210\302\201[\201\\#\210\302\201]\201^#\210\201_\211\203\227\211@\201`\201a\201b\201c\"!\201dN\201eJ!$\210A\266\202\202m\210\207" [cider--has-many-mouse-buttons make-sparse-keymap define-key "" cider-doc-map [134217774] cider-find-var kbd "" "" xref-pop-marker-stack "" "" cider-find-dwim-at-mouse [3 67108910] cider-find-ns [3 67108922] cider-find-keyword [134217772] cider-pop-back [3 134217774] cider-find-resource [134217737] complete-symbol [134217752] cider-eval-defun-at-point "" "" cider-eval-last-sexp "" "" cider-pprint-eval-last-sexp "" cider-pprint-eval-defun-at-point "" cider-eval-commands-map "\n" cider-insert-commands-map [3 134217787] cider-eval-defun-to-comment [3 134217829] cider-eval-last-sexp-to-repl [3 134217840] cider-insert-last-sexp-in-repl [3 134217786] cider-read-and-eval "" cider-undef " " cider-macroexpand-1 [3 134217837] cider-macroexpand-all [3 134217838] cider-ns-map [3 134217833] cider-inspect [3 134217844 118] cider-toggle-trace-var [3 134217844 110] cider-toggle-trace-ns "" cider-switch-to-repl-buffer [3 134217850] cider-load-buffer-and-switch-to-repl-buffer "" cider-find-and-clear-repl-output " " cider-load-buffer "\f" cider-load-file [3 134217740] cider-load-all-files "" cider-interrupt "," cider-test-commands-map "" [3 134217843] cider-selector [3 134217828] cider-describe-connection [3 67108925] cider-profile-map [3 67108927 114] cider-xref-fn-refs [3 67108927 18] cider-xref-fn-refs-select [3 67108927 100] cider-xref-fn-deps [3 67108927 4] cider-xref-fn-deps-select "" cider-quit [3 134217842] cider-restart (cider-mode-interactions-menu cider-mode-eval-menu cider-mode-menu) easy-menu-do-define intern format "%s-open" variable-documentation cider--menu-add-help-strings] 9)) (byte-code "\300\301\302\"\210\303\304\305\306\307DD\310\311\312\313\314\315\316& \207" [eval-after-load clojure-mode #[0 "\301\302!\210\303\304\305\306$\207" [clojure-mode-map (lambda (def-tmp-var) (defvar cider-clojure-mode-menu-open def-tmp-var #1="Menu for Clojure mode.\n This is displayed in `clojure-mode' buffers, if `cider-mode' is not active.")) nil easy-menu-do-define cider-clojure-mode-menu-open #1# ("CIDER" :visible (not cider-mode) ["Start a Clojure REPL" cider-jack-in-clj :help "Starts an nREPL server and connects a Clojure REPL to it."] ["Connect to a Clojure REPL" cider-connect-clj :help "Connects to a REPL that's already running."] ["Start a ClojureScript REPL" cider-jack-in-cljs :help "Starts an nREPL server and connects a ClojureScript REPL to it."] ["Connect to a ClojureScript REPL" cider-connect-cljs :help "Connects to a ClojureScript REPL that's already running."] ["Start a Clojure REPL, and a ClojureScript REPL" cider-jack-in-clj&cljs :help "Starts an nREPL server, connects a Clojure REPL to it, and then a ClojureScript REPL."] "--" ["View manual online" cider-view-manual])] 5] custom-declare-variable cider-dynamic-indentation funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "Whether CIDER should aid Clojure(Script) indentation.\nIf non-nil, CIDER uses runtime information (such as the \":style/indent\"\nmetadata) to improve standard `clojure-mode' indentation.\nIf nil, CIDER won't interfere with `clojure-mode's indentation.\n\nToggling this variable only takes effect after a file is closed and\nre-visited." :type boolean :package-version (cider . "0.11.0") :group cider] 10) #@88 Return the indent metadata for SYMBOL-NAME in the current namespace. (fn SYMBOL-NAME) (defalias 'cider--get-symbol-indent #[257 "\302\303 )\304\"\211\205\305\306\"\206\305\307\"\211\2032\310\311\"\3121+\313\314!!0\207\315\316\"\210\317\207\320 \"\205^\321\322\323 \324\325\"\216\326\327\330\n\"\")\262\302\211\330%!\211\205\\\211\331N\262\207" [clojure-cache-ns cider-resolve--prefix-regexp t cider-current-ns cider-resolve-var nrepl-dict-get "style/indent" "indent" format ":indent metadata on ā€˜%sā€™ is unreadable! \nERROR: %%s" (debug error) cider--deep-vector-to-list read message "Error: %S" nil string-match intern-soft replace-match match-data make-closure #[0 "\301\300\302\"\207" [V0 set-match-data evaporate] 3] cider-resolve-alias match-string 1 clojure-indent-function] 12 (#$ . 20517)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\300\314\302\303\315DD\316\306\317\310\311\312\320& \210\321\322\323\324\310\311%\210\321\325\326\327\310\330\310\311\312\331& \210\321\332\333\334\310\311\312\335&\210\321\336\337\340\310\311\312\341&\207" [custom-declare-variable cider-font-lock-dynamically funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [(macro core deprecated)] 1] "Specifies how much dynamic font-locking CIDER should use.\nDynamic font-locking this refers to applying syntax highlighting to vars\ndefined in the currently active nREPL connection. This is done in addition\nto `clojure-mode's usual (static) font-lock, so even if you set this\nvariable to nil you'll still see basic syntax highlighting.\n\nThe value is a list of symbols, each one indicates a different type of var\nthat should be font-locked:\n `macro' (default): Any defined macro gets the `font-lock-keyword-face'.\n `function': Any defined function gets the `font-lock-function-face'.\n `var': Any non-local var gets the `font-lock-variable-name-face'.\n `deprecated' (default): Any deprecated var gets the `cider-deprecated-face'\n face.\n `core' (default): Any symbol from clojure.core (face depends on type).\n\nThe value can also be t, which means to font-lock as much as possible." :type (choice (set :tag "Fine-tune font-locking" (const :tag "Any defined macro" macro) (const :tag "Any defined function" function) (const :tag "Any defined var" var) (const :tag "Any defined deprecated" deprecated) (const :tag "Any symbol from clojure.core" core)) (const :tag "Font-lock as much as possible" t)) :group cider :package-version (cider . "0.10.0") cider-font-lock-reader-conditionals #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "Apply font-locking to unused reader conditional expressions depending on the buffer CIDER connection type." boolean (cider . "0.15.0") custom-declare-face cider-deprecated-face ((((background light)) :background "light goldenrod") (((background dark)) :background "#432")) "Face used on deprecated vars." cider-instrumented-face ((((type graphic)) :box (:color "#c00" :line-width -1)) (t :underline t :background "#800")) "Face used to mark code being debugged." cider-debug (cider . "0.10.0") cider-traced-face ((((type graphic)) :box (:color "cyan" :line-width -1)) (t :underline t :background "#066")) "Face used to mark code being traced." (cider . "0.11.0") cider-reader-conditional-face ((t (:inherit font-lock-comment-face))) "Face used to mark unused reader conditional expressions." (cider . "0.15.0")] 10) #@137 Regexp for matching reader conditionals with a non-capturing group. Starts from the reader macro characters to the opening parentheses. (defconst cider-reader-conditionals-regexp "\\(?:#\\?@?[[:space:]\n]*(\\)" (#$ . 23889)) #@75 Reusable list for `match-data` in reader conditionals font lock matchers. (defvar cider--reader-conditionals-match-data (byte-code "\300\211D\207" [nil] 2) (#$ . 24120)) #@91 Matcher for finding reader conditionals. Search is done with the given LIMIT. (fn LIMIT) (defalias 'cider--search-reader-conditionals #[257 "\205M\303 \205M\304 \305#\205M\306\224\307 \3108\204!\3118\203%\312!\207`X\205K\3131I\314\315\n\"\211\211\240\266\211A\211`\240\266\316!\210\305\2620\207\210\315\266\202\207" [cider-font-lock-reader-conditionals cider-reader-conditionals-regexp cider--reader-conditionals-match-data cider-connected-p search-forward-regexp t 0 syntax-ppss 3 4 cider--search-reader-conditionals (error) match-data nil set-match-data] 7 (#$ . 24296)]) #@215 Helper function for `cider--anchored-search-suppressed-forms`. REPL-TYPES is a list of strings repl-type strings. LIMIT is the same as the LIMIT in `cider--anchored-search-suppressed-forms` (fn REPL-TYPES LIMIT) (defalias 'cider--anchored-search-suppressed-forms-internal #[514 "G\301U\205W@\302p!\212\303 \210`)`X\205U\304 \210\305!\306P\230\204Q\3071M`X\2043\310\311!\210\312\313\"\211\211\240\266\211A\211`\240\266\314!\210\315\2620\207\266\313\207\316\"\266\203\207" [cider--reader-conditionals-match-data 1 read backward-sexp forward-sexp symbol-name ":" (error) cl--assertion-failed (<= (point) limit) match-data nil set-match-data t cider--anchored-search-suppressed-forms-internal] 9 (#$ . 24896)]) #@239 Matcher for finding unused reader conditional expressions. An unused reader conditional expression is an expression for a platform that does not match the CIDER connection for the buffer. Search is done with the given LIMIT. (fn LIMIT) (defalias 'cider--anchored-search-suppressed-forms #[257 "\300\301\302\303 \"!\304\211\304=\203j`X\203j\3051^\3061V\3071M\3101C\31118\312\"\211\26200000\210\2020000\304\211\266\203\202000\304\211\266\203\20200\304\211\266\203\2020\313\211\266\203\202\313\262\314\315\"\266\202\211\304=\203s\313\262\207" [seq-uniq seq-map #[257 "\300\301!!\207" [symbol-name cider-repl-type] 4 "\n\n(fn REPL)"] cider-repls retry (error) (end-of-file) (scan-error) (wrong-type-argument) (invalid-read-syntax) cider--anchored-search-suppressed-forms-internal nil message "Error during fontification while searching for forms: %S"] 7 (#$ . 25632)]) #@66 Font Lock keywords for unused reader conditionals in CIDER mode. (defconst cider--reader-conditionals-font-lock-keywords '((cider--search-reader-conditionals (cider--anchored-search-suppressed-forms (save-excursion (let* ((state (syntax-ppss)) (list-pt (nth 1 state))) (when list-pt (goto-char list-pt) (forward-list) (backward-char) (point)))) nil (0 'cider-reader-conditional-face t)))) (#$ . 26534)) #@65 Return VALUE, unless `match-string' is a local var. (fn VALUE) (defalias 'cider--unless-local-match #[257 "\300`\301\"\206\302\303!\300`\304\"\235?\205\211\207" [get-text-property cider-block-dynamic-font-lock match-string 0 cider-locals] 5 (#$ . 26943)]) #@114 Return a list of font-lock rules for the symbols in SYMBOLS-PLIST and CORE-PLIST. (fn SYMBOLS-PLIST CORE-PLIST) (defalias 'cider--compile-font-lock-keywords #[514 "\301=\203\n\302\202 \303C\303C\303C\303C\303C\303C\303C\304\305&\306>\203<\307\211\n!\210)\211 !\266\310\242\205T\311\312\242\313\"\314Q\315BC\242\205b\312\242\313\"\316BC\242\205p\312\242\313\"\317BC\n\242\205\312 \242\313\"\320BC\n\242\205\216\312 \242\313\"\321BC\242\205\235\312\242\313\"\322BC\242\205\254\312\242\313\"\323BC&)\207" [cider-font-lock-dynamically t (function var macro core deprecated) nil make-closure #[257 "\307>\310>\311>\312>\205\261\211A\262\242\211A\262\242\313\314\"\211\203A\211\315\267\210\202B\305\305\242B\240\266\202B\301\301\242B\240\210\210\316\317\"\203P\306\306\242B\240\210\203b\313\320\"\203b\300\300\242B\240\210\313\321\"\313\322\"\206q\313\323\"\203\204\203\204\302\302\242B\240\266\202\203\230\211\203\230\303\303\242B\240\266\202\203\254\211\204\254\204\254\304\304\242B\240\210\266\202\207" [V0 V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 function var macro deprecated nrepl-dict-get "cider/instrumented" #s(hash-table size 2 test equal rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data ("\"breakpoint-if-interesting\"" 47 "\"light-form\"" 58)) seq-find #[257 "\211;\205 \300\301\"\207" [string-match "clojure\\.tools\\.trace/traced\\'"] 4 "\n\n(fn K)"] "deprecated" "macro" "fn" "arglists" cider-font-lock-dynamically] 12 "\n\n(fn PLIST)"] core (function var macro core deprecated) append "\\(?:#'\\|(\\)\\(" regexp-opt symbols "\\)" (1 (cider--unless-local-match font-lock-keyword-face)) (0 (cider--unless-local-match font-lock-function-name-face)) (0 (cider--unless-local-match font-lock-variable-name-face)) (0 (cider--unless-local-match 'cider-deprecated-face) append) (0 (cider--unless-local-match 'cider-enlightened-face) append) (0 (cider--unless-local-match 'cider-instrumented-face) append) (0 (cider--unless-local-match 'cider-traced-face) append)] 20 (#$ . 27211)]) #@49 Default expressions to highlight in CIDER mode. (defconst cider--static-font-lock-keywords '(("\\_<\\(#\\(?:break\\|dbg\\|light\\)\\)\\_>" 0 font-lock-warning-face)) (#$ . 29304)) (defvar cider--dynamic-font-lock-keywords nil nil) (make-variable-buffer-local 'cider--dynamic-font-lock-keywords) #@177 Ensure that the current buffer has up-to-date font-lock rules. NS defaults to `cider-current-ns', and it can also be a dict describing the namespace itself. (fn &optional NS) (defalias 'cider-refresh-dynamic-font-lock #[256 "\2054 \2054\303\304\n\"\210\211\206\305 \211\205\306!\211\2030\307\302!\210\310\306\311 !\"\312\304\n\313#\210\266\314 \207" [cider-font-lock-dynamically font-lock-mode cider--dynamic-font-lock-keywords font-lock-remove-keywords nil cider-current-ns cider-resolve-ns-symbols make-local-variable cider--compile-font-lock-keywords cider-resolve-core-ns font-lock-add-keywords end cider--font-lock-flush] 7 (#$ . 29606) nil]) #@59 Return a list of all locals inside the next logical sexp. (defalias 'cider--read-locals-from-next-sexp #[0 "\212\3001(\301\302!\210\303`\304\305!\210\306\307\310#\203!\311\312!B\262\202\266\2020\202*\210\303)\207" [(error) clojure-forward-logical-sexp 1 nil forward-sexp -1 search-forward-regexp "\\_<[^:&]\\(\\sw\\|\\s_\\)*\\_>" noerror match-string-no-properties 0] 6 (#$ . 30273)]) #@62 Return a list of all locals inside the next bindings vector. (defalias 'cider--read-locals-from-bindings-vector #[0 "\212\3001H\301 \210\302f\303=\205D\304u\210\302\305\306 \302\"\262\30710\310\311!\210m?\205,\312\313!\210\3140\2024\210\202A\203A\305\306 \"\262\202\211\2620\202J\210\302)\207" [(error) cider-start-of-next-sexp nil 91 1 append cider--read-locals-from-next-sexp (error) clojure-forward-logical-sexp 3 forward-sexp -1 t] 4 (#$ . 30673)]) #@59 Return a list of all locals in current form's arglist(s). (defalias 'cider--read-locals-from-arglist #[0 "\301\212\3021n\303 \210\304\305\306!)\262\203\303\307!\210\301f\310=\203$\303\307!\210\301f\311=\203/\303\307!\210\301f\211\312\267\202f\313 \211\262\202g\3141a\301f\315=\205]\212\307u\210\316\313 \"\262)\303\307!\210\202C0\202g\210\301\202g\301\2620\210\202s\210\202s\210)\207" [inhibit-changing-match-data nil (error) cider-start-of-next-sexp "\\s_\\|\\sw" t looking-at 1 34 123 #s(hash-table size 2 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (91 55 40 63)) cider--read-locals-from-next-sexp (error) 40 append] 5 (#$ . 31146)]) #@280 Figure out local variables between point and END. A list of these variables is set as the `cider-locals' text property over the code where they are in scope. Optional argument OUTER-LOCALS is used to specify local variables defined before point. (fn END &optional OUTER-LOCALS) (defalias 'cider--parse-and-apply-locals #[513 "\300\301\302#\205e\303\224b\210\304\305!\212\3061\307\305!\210`0\202!\210\202$\206%)\310\232\2035\311`\312#\210\202^\305u\210\307\305!\210\313\314\235\203I\315 \202K\316 \"\311`\317D#\210\320\305!\210\321\"\266\211b\266\202\207" [search-forward-regexp "(\\(ns\\_>\\|def\\|fn\\|for\\b\\|loop\\b\\|with-\\|do[a-z]+\\|\\([a-z]+-\\)?let\\b\\)" noerror 0 match-string 1 (error) forward-sexp "ns" add-text-properties (cider-block-dynamic-font-lock t) append ("" "def" "fn") cider--read-locals-from-arglist cider--read-locals-from-bindings-vector cider-locals clojure-forward-logical-sexp cider--parse-and-apply-locals] 10 (#$ . 31831)]) #@83 Update the `cider-locals' text property for region from BEG to END. (fn BEG END) (defalias 'cider--update-locals-for-region #[514 "\212b\210o\204\300`S\301\"\203\3021\303 0\210\202\210\212\211b\210`V\204-\304f\305=\204>\30619\307 \210\3100\202;\210\304\204 `^\262eV\205N\300S\311\"\3121Z\313\314!0\210\202^\210b\210\315`\311D#\210`]\262b\210\3161z\317\"0\202|\210\304\262*\207" [get-text-property cider-block-dynamic-font-lock (error) beginning-of-defun nil 40 (scan-error) backward-up-list t cider-locals (error) clojure-forward-logical-sexp 1 add-text-properties (error) cider--parse-and-apply-locals] 8 (#$ . 32819)]) #@135 Return a string of what would be displayed by `cider-docview-render'. SYM and INFO is passed to `cider-docview-render' (fn SYM INFO) (defalias 'cider--docview-as-string #[514 "\300\301\302\"r\211q\210\303\304\"\216\305p#\210db\210\306y\210\307\310\311\312e`S\"#*\207" [generate-new-buffer " *temp*" t make-closure #[0 "\301\300!\205 \302\300!\207" [V0 buffer-name kill-buffer] 2] cider-docview-render -1 replace-regexp-in-string "[`']" "\\\\=\\&" buffer-substring-no-properties] 9 (#$ . 33481)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311\312\313& \207" [custom-declare-variable cider-use-tooltips funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "If non-nil, CIDER displays mouse-over tooltips, as well as the `help-echo' mechanism." :group cider :type boolean :package-version (cider "0.12.0")] 10) #@101 Return the help-echo string for OBJ at POS. See (info "(elisp) Special Properties") (fn _ OBJ POS) (defalias 'cider--help-echo #[771 "\3061\260\307\3102\255\310\307\311 \206\217\312!\205\217\313 \205\217\n\205\217 ?\205\217rq\210\3141\214\212b\210\315 \211\205\205\211\316`\317\"\235\203^\320\321\"\f\205Z\322 \323\"\324\"A@\320\325\"\266\202P\202\205\326!\322\327\"\211\203\330\331\332\333\"\334\335\336\337\"\334Q#P\266\202\202\205\340\"\266\202\262)0\202\216\210\307)\262$ =\203\237\307$\341\202\251$\203\250\307\202\251\211)\266\2020)0\207\210\341$\342\343!\207" [inhibit-quit throw-on-input cider-use-tooltips help-at-pt-display-when-idle cider--debug-mode cider--debug-mode-response (quit) nil #1=#:input input-pending-p bufferp cider-connected-p (error) cider-symbol-at-point get-text-property cider-locals format "`%s' is a local" nrepl-dict-get "locals" assoc " with value:\n%s" cider-sync-request:info "candidates" "There were ambiguities resolving this symbol:\n\n" mapconcat make-closure #[257 "\301\300\"\207" [V0 cider--docview-as-string] 4 "\n\n(fn X)"] "\n\n" make-string 60 45 cider--docview-as-string t eval (ignore nil) quit-flag] 16 (#$ . 34296)]) #@162 Return a function that will call FUNC after parsing local variables. The local variables are stored in a list under the `cider-locals' text property. (fn FUNC) (defalias 'cider--wrap-fontify-locals #[257 "\300\301\"\207" [make-closure #[642 "\306 \307\211\307\310\311\"\216\312\313#\210\f\203\314\315#\210 \203&\316\"\210,\210\317\300$\207" [V0 buffer-undo-list inhibit-read-only inhibit-modification-hooks cider-use-tooltips cider-font-lock-dynamically buffer-modified-p t make-closure #[0 "\300?\205\301\302!\207" [V0 restore-buffer-modified-p nil] 2] remove-text-properties (cider-locals nil cider-block-dynamic-font-lock nil) add-text-properties (help-echo cider--help-echo) cider--update-locals-for-region apply] 9 "\n\n(fn BEG END &rest REST)"]] 4 (#$ . 35516)]) #@89 Non-nil if Cider mode is enabled. Use the command `cider-mode' to change this variable. (defvar cider-mode nil (#$ . 36311)) (make-variable-buffer-local 'cider-mode) #@619 Minor mode for REPL interaction from a Clojure buffer. This is a minor mode. If called interactively, toggle the `Cider mode' mode. If the prefix argument is positive, enable the mode, and if it is zero or negative, disable the mode. If called from Lisp, toggle the mode if ARG is `toggle'. Enable the mode if ARG is nil, omitted, or is a positive number. Disable the mode if ARG is a negative number. To check whether the minor mode is enabled in the current buffer, evaluate `cider-mode'. The mode's hook is called both when the mode is enabled and when it is disabled. \{cider-mode-map} (fn &optional ARG) (defalias 'cider-mode #[256 "\306 \307=\203 ?\202\247\203\310W\203\311\202\312\313\301!\2031\314\300 \"\2031\300 B\203\210\315\302!\210\316\317 \210\320\321\322\311\312$\210\323\311 \"\210\324 \210\323\311\f\"\210\320\325\324\311\326$\210\315\305!\210\327 !\315\330!\210\311\331\332\311\333\334$\2104\203{\315\335!\210\336\315\337!\210\340\3415\202\254\342\343\344\"\210\345\325\324\326#\210\323\311\f\"\210\346\3116\"\210\346\311 \"\210\347 \210\345\321\322\312#\210\350\351\203\266\352\202\267\353\"\210\354\355!\203\331\306 \203\313\211\306 \232\203\331\356\357\203\325\360\202\326\361\362#\210\210\363 \210\207" [cider-mode local-minor-modes sesman-system cider--static-font-lock-keywords cider--reader-conditionals-font-lock-keywords font-lock-fontify-region-function current-message toggle 1 nil t boundp delq make-local-variable CIDER cider-eldoc-setup add-hook completion-at-point-functions cider-complete-at-point font-lock-add-keywords cider-refresh-dynamic-font-lock font-lock-mode-hook local cider--wrap-fontify-locals x-gtk-use-system-tooltips set-face-attribute tooltip :inherit unspecified clojure-get-indent-function cider--get-symbol-indent clojure-expected-ns-function cider-expected-ns cider-jump-to-compilation-error mapc kill-local-variable (completion-at-point-functions next-error-function x-gtk-use-system-tooltips font-lock-fontify-region-function clojure-get-indent-function) remove-hook font-lock-remove-keywords cider--font-lock-flush run-hooks cider-mode-hook cider-mode-on-hook cider-mode-off-hook called-interactively-p any message "Cider mode %sabled%s" "en" "dis" " in current buffer" force-mode-line-update cider-dynamic-indentation next-error-function cider--dynamic-font-lock-keywords] 7 (#$ . 36484) (byte-code "\203\n\301!\202 \302C\207" [current-prefix-arg prefix-numeric-value toggle] 2)]) (defvar cider-mode-hook nil) (byte-code "\301\302N\204\f\303\301\302\304#\210\303\301\305\306#\210\303\301\307\310C#\210\311\312\313\310\211%\207" [cider-mode-map cider-mode-hook variable-documentation put "Hook run after entering or leaving `cider-mode'.\nNo problems result if this variable is not bound.\n`add-hook' automatically binds it. (This is true for all hook variables.)" custom-type hook standard-value nil add-minor-mode cider-mode cider-mode-line] 6) #@70 Set this buffer's namespace to NS and refresh font-locking. (fn NS) (defalias 'cider-set-buffer-ns #[257 "\302\300!\210\211 \204\303\304!\205\305!\207" [cider-buffer-ns cider-mode make-local-variable derived-mode-p cider-repl-mode cider-refresh-dynamic-font-lock] 3 (#$ . 39454)]) (provide 'cider-mode)