;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\300\303!\210\300\304!\210\300\305!\210\300\306!\210\300\307!\207" [require cl-lib cider-compat cider-popup clojure-mode derived pulse sesman] 2) (defconst cider-repl-history-buffer "*cider-repl-history*") (custom-declare-group 'cider-repl-history nil "A package for browsing and inserting the items in the CIDER command history." :prefix "cider-repl-history-" :group 'cider) (defvar cider-repl-history-display-styles '((separated . cider-repl-history-insert-as-separated) (one-line . cider-repl-history-insert-as-one-line))) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304\305\306\307\310\311& \210\300\312\313\314\304\315\306\307\310\316& \210\300\317\320\321\304\322\306\307\310\323& \210\300\324\325\326\304\327\306\307\310\330& \210\300\331\320\332\304\333\306\307\310\334& \210\300\335\320\336\304\333\306\307\310\337& \210\300\340\320\341\304\342\306\307\310\343& \210\300\344\345\346\304\347\306\307\310\350& \210\300\351\352\353\304\347\306\307\310\354& \210\300\355\356\357\304\347\306\307\310\360& \210\300\361\320\362\304\363\306\307\310\364& \210\300\365\366\367\304\333\306\307\310\370& \210\300\371\366\372\304\333\306\307\310\373& \210\300\374\320\375\304\333\306\307\310\376& \210\300\377\320\201@\304\201A\306\307\310\201B& \210\300\201C\320\201D\304\333\306\307\310\201E& \207" [custom-declare-variable cider-repl-history-display-style 'separated "How to display the CIDER command history items.\n\nIf `one-line', then replace newlines with \"\\n\" for display.\n\nIf `separated', then display `cider-repl-history-separator' between\nentries." :type (choice (const :tag "One line" one-line) (const :tag "Separated" separated)) :group cider-repl-history :package-version (cider . "0.15.0") cider-repl-history-quit-action 'quit-window "What action to take when `cider-repl-history-quit' is called.\n\nIf `bury-buffer', then simply bury the *cider-repl-history* buffer, but keep\nthe window.\n\nIf `bury-and-delete-window', then bury the buffer, and (if there is\nmore than one window) delete the window.\n\nIf `delete-and-restore', then restore the window configuration to what it was\nbefore `cider-repl-history' was called, and kill the *cider-repl-history*\nbuffer.\n\nIf `quit-window', then restore the window configuration to what\nit was before `cider-repl-history' was called, and bury *cider-repl-history*.\nThis is the default.\n\nIf `kill-and-delete-window', then kill the *cider-repl-history* buffer, and\ndelete the window on close.\n\nOtherwise, it should be a function to call." (choice (const :tag "Bury buffer" :value bury-buffer) (const :tag "Bury buffer and delete window" :value bury-and-delete-window) (const :tag "Delete window" :value delete-and-restore) (const :tag "Save and restore" :value quit-window) (const :tag "Kill buffer and delete window" :value kill-and-delete-window) function) (cider . "0.15.0") cider-repl-history-resize-window nil "Whether to resize the `cider-repl-history' window to fit its contents.\nValue is either t, meaning yes, or a cons pair of integers,\n (MAXIMUM . MINIMUM) for the size of the window. MAXIMUM defaults to\nthe window size chosen by `pop-to-buffer'; MINIMUM defaults to\n`window-min-height'." (choice (const :tag "No" nil) (const :tag "Yes" t) (cons (integer :tag "Maximum") (integer :tag "Minimum"))) (cider . "0.15.0") cider-repl-history-separator ";;;;;;;;;;" "The string separating entries in the `separated' style.\nSee `cider-repl-history-display-style'." string (cider . "0.15.0") cider-repl-history-recenter "If non-nil, then always keep the current entry at the top of the window." boolean (cider . "0.15.0") cider-repl-history-highlight-current-entry "If non-nil, highlight the currently selected command history entry." (cider . "0.15.0") cider-repl-history-highlight-inserted-item "If non-nil, then temporarily highlight the inserted command history entry.\nThe value selected controls how the inserted item is highlighted,\npossible values are `solid' (highlight the inserted text for a\nfixed period of time), or `pulse' (fade out the highlighting gradually).\nSetting this variable to the value t will select the default\nhighlighting style, which currently `pulse'.\n\nThe variable `cider-repl-history-inserted-item-face' contains the\nface used for highlighting." (choice (const nil) (const t) (const solid) (const pulse)) (cider . "0.15.0") cider-repl-history-separator-face 'bold "The face in which to highlight the `cider-repl-history-separator'." face (cider . "0.15.0") cider-repl-history-current-entry-face 'highlight "The face in which to highlight the command history current entry." (cider . "0.15.0") cider-repl-history-inserted-item-face 'highlight "The face in which to highlight the inserted item." (cider . "0.15.0") cider-repl-history-maximum-display-length "Whether or not to limit the length of displayed items.\n\nIf this variable is an integer, the display of the command history will be\nlimited to that many characters.\nSetting this variable to nil means no limit." (choice (const :tag "None" nil) integer) (cider . "0.15.0") cider-repl-history-display-duplicates t "If non-nil, then display duplicate items in the command history." (cider . "0.15.0") cider-repl-history-display-duplicate-highest "When `cider-repl-history-display-duplicates' is nil, then display highest (most recent) duplicate items in the command history." (cider . "0.15.0") cider-repl-history-text-properties "If non-nil, maintain text properties of the command history items." (cider . "0.15.0") cider-repl-history-hook "A list of functions to call after `cider-repl-history'." hook (cider . "0.15.0") cider-repl-history-show-preview "If non-nil, show a preview of the inserted text in the REPL buffer.\n\nThe REPL buffer would show a preview of what the buffer would look like\nif the item under point were inserted." (cider . "0.15.0")] 10) #@169 The window in which chosen command history data will be inserted. It is probably not a good idea to set this variable directly; simply call `cider-repl-history' again. (defvar cider-repl-history-repl-window nil (#$ . 5956)) #@169 The buffer in which chosen command history data will be inserted. It is probably not a good idea to set this variable directly; simply call `cider-repl-history' again. (defvar cider-repl-history-repl-buffer nil (#$ . 6187)) #@84 The overlay used to preview what would happen if the user inserted the given text. (defvar cider-repl-history-preview-overlay nil (#$ . 6417)) #@54 Previous overlay within *cider-repl-history* buffer. (defvar cider-repl-history-previous-overlay nil (#$ . 6566)) #@52 Function to retrieve history from the REPL buffer. (defalias 'cider-repl-history-get-history #[nil "\203 \301\302\"\207\303\304!\207" [cider-repl-history-repl-buffer buffer-local-value cider-repl-input-history error "Variable `cider-repl-history-repl-buffer' not bound to a buffer"] 3 (#$ . 6686)]) #@100 If variable `cider-repl-history-resize-window' is non-nil, resize the *cider-repl-history* window. (defalias 'cider-repl-history-resize-window #[nil "\205\302\303\304 :\203@A\206 D\202\305 D#\207" [cider-repl-history-resize-window window-min-height apply fit-window-to-buffer selected-window nil] 5 (#$ . 6995)]) #@105 Get a regular expression from the user, prompting with MSG; previous entry is default if USE-DEFAULT-P. (defalias 'cider-repl-history-read-regexp #[(msg use-default-p) "@\211\203\n\203\306\307 #\202\306\310 \"\311\f\312\211\211\300\n?\205$ &\211\313\232\2035\n\2056 \2026 +\207" [regexp-history default use-default-p msg prompt input format "%s for regexp (default `%s'): " "%s (regexp): " read-from-minibuffer nil ""] 8 (#$ . 7327)]) #@39 Clear the preview, if one is present. (defalias 'cider-repl-history-clear-preview #[nil "\205\301!\204\302\303!\210\304!\207" [cider-repl-history-preview-overlay overlayp cl--assertion-failed (overlayp cider-repl-history-preview-overlay) delete-overlay] 2 (#$ . 7784) nil]) #@288 Function called when the user is finished with `cider-repl-history'. This function performs any cleanup that is required when the user has finished interacting with the *cider-repl-history* buffer. For now the only cleanup performed is to remove the preview overlay, if it's turned on. (defalias 'cider-repl-history-cleanup-on-exit #[nil "\300 \207" [cider-repl-history-clear-preview] 1 (#$ . 8072)]) #@64 Take the action specified by `cider-repl-history-quit-action'. (defalias 'cider-repl-history-quit #[nil "\301 \210\302\267\202/\303\304 \305\"\207\306 \207\307p!\210\310 \311U?\2051\312 \207\313 \210\310 \311U?\2051\312 \207 \207" [cider-repl-history-quit-action cider-repl-history-cleanup-on-exit #s(hash-table size 4 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (delete-and-restore 9 quit-window 15 kill-and-delete-window 18 bury-and-delete-window 33)) quit-restore-window selected-window kill quit-window kill-buffer count-windows 1 delete-window bury-buffer] 3 (#$ . 8480) nil]) #@40 Setup the preview overlay in ORIG-BUF. (defalias 'cider-repl-history-preview-overlay-setup #[(orig-buf) "\2054r q\210\306 \211\203`\307 ^\202`\n\203#`\307 ]\202$`\310 \210\311 \f #\312 \313\314#,\207" [cider-repl-history-show-preview orig-buf will-replace start end cider-repl-history-preview-overlay region-active-p mark cider-repl-history-clear-preview make-overlay overlay-put invisible t] 5 (#$ . 9093)]) #@40 Insert the text between START and END. (defalias 'cider-repl-history-highlight-inserted #[(start end) "\306\267\202(\307\310\311 \f #*\207\312 \f\"\313\314 #\210\315\316!\210\317!)\207\320\207" [cider-repl-history-highlight-inserted-item pulse-iterations pulse-delay start end cider-repl-history-inserted-item-face #s(hash-table size 3 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (t 6 pulse 6 solid 17)) 0.05 10 pulse-momentary-highlight-region make-overlay overlay-put face sit-for 0.5 delete-overlay nil o] 4 (#$ . 9520)]) #@73 Helper function to insert STR at point, highlighting it if appropriate. (defalias 'cider-repl-history-insert-and-highlight #[(str) "`\303\304\n!\210)\305`\")\207" [before-insert deactivate-mark str nil insert-for-yank cider-repl-history-highlight-inserted] 3 (#$ . 10081)]) #@160 Return overlay at POSITION that has property `cider-repl-history-target'. If no such overlay, raise an error unless NO-ERROR is true, in which case retun nil. (defalias 'cider-repl-history-target-overlay-at #[(position &optional no-error) "\304`!\30520\306\211\203&\n@\307 \310\"\203\311\305 \"\210\nA\211\204* ?\205/\312\313!0)\207" [ovs ov --dolist-tail-- no-error overlays-at cider-repl-history-target-overlay-at nil overlay-get cider-repl-history-target throw error "No CIDER history item here"] 4 (#$ . 10365)]) #@108 Find the string to insert into the REPL by looking for the overlay at PT; might error unless NO-ERROR set. (defalias 'cider-repl-history-current-string #[(pt &optional no-error) "\303\304\"\211\203\305 \306\"\202\n?\205\307\310!)\207" [pt o no-error cider-repl-history-target-overlay-at t overlay-get cider-repl-history-target error "No CIDER history item in this buffer"] 4 (#$ . 10902)]) #@99 Helper function to insert text from BUF at PT into the REPL buffer and kill *cider-repl-history*. (defalias 'cider-repl-history-do-insert #[(buf pt) "\306!\307 \210\310\n!r\311\216\312 @\313\"\210r\fq\210d\211`U\203&\314 !\202.\212 b\210\314 !).\207" [pt str cider-repl-history-repl-window save-selected-window--state cider-repl-history-repl-buffer max cider-repl-history-current-string cider-repl-history-quit internal--before-with-selected-window #[nil "\301!\207" [save-selected-window--state internal--after-with-selected-window] 2] select-window norecord cider-repl-history-insert-and-highlight] 4 (#$ . 11306)]) #@332 Insert the item into the REPL buffer, and close *cider-repl-history*. The text is always inserted at the very bottom of the REPL buffer. If your cursor is already at the bottom, it is advanced to the end of the inserted text. If your cursor is somewhere else, the cursor is not moved, but the text is still inserted at the end. (defalias 'cider-repl-history-insert-and-quit #[nil "\300p`\"\207" [cider-repl-history-do-insert] 3 (#$ . 11939) nil]) #@337 Insert the item at E into the REPL buffer, and close *cider-repl-history*. The text is always inserted at the very bottom of the REPL buffer. If your cursor is already at the bottom, it is advanced to the end of the inserted text. If your cursor is somewhere else, the cursor is not moved, but the text is still inserted at the end. (defalias 'cider-repl-history-mouse-insert #[(e) "\212\304!\210p`)B\211@ A\305\n \"+\207" [e data buf pt mouse-set-point cider-repl-history-do-insert] 4 (#$ . 12396) "e"]) #@47 Clear the highlighted entry, when one exists. (defalias 'cider-repl-history-clear-highlighted-entry #[nil "\205\301!\204\302\303\304\305\211$\210\306\307\305#\207" [cider-repl-history-previous-overlay overlayp cl--assertion-failed (overlayp cider-repl-history-previous-overlay) "not an overlay" nil overlay-put face] 5 (#$ . 12914)]) #@54 Update highlighted entry, when feature is turned on. (defalias 'cider-repl-history-update-highlighted-entry #[nil "\2053\304`\305\"\211\2030\n \232?\2052\306 \307\"\204#\310\311\312 C\312$\210\313 \210 \314 \315 #\2022\313 )\207" [cider-repl-history-highlight-current-entry current-overlay cider-repl-history-previous-overlay cider-repl-history-current-entry-face cider-repl-history-target-overlay-at t overlay-get cider-repl-history-target cl--assertion-failed (overlay-get current-overlay 'cider-repl-history-target) nil cider-repl-history-clear-highlighted-entry overlay-put face] 6 (#$ . 13261)]) #@46 Move forward by ARG command history entries. (defalias 'cider-repl-history-forward #[(&optional arg) "\303 \210\304U\204`\305`\306\"\304Y\2038S \203\"\307 !b\210\310 \204\\m\204\\\311`!b\210\305`\306\"\211\202#T \203F\312 !b\210\310 \204\\o\204\\\313`!b\210\305`\306\"\211\203J)\202\n\205g\314\315!\207" [arg o cider-repl-history-recenter beginning-of-line 0 cider-repl-history-target-overlay-at t overlay-end nil next-overlay-change overlay-start previous-overlay-change recenter 1] 4 (#$ . 13876) "p"]) #@47 Move backward by ARG command history entries. (defalias 'cider-repl-history-previous #[(&optional arg) "\301[!\207" [arg cider-repl-history-forward] 2 (#$ . 14411) "p"]) #@143 Move to the next command history entry matching REGEXP from point. If optional arg BACKWARDS is non-nil, move to the previous matching entry. (defalias 'cider-repl-history-search-forward #[(regexp &optional backwards) "`\304 \203 \305\202\f\306!\210\307`\310\"\211\203B \203o\202 m\204B\311 \312\n\313\"\"\204B\304 \2036\305\2027\306!\210\307`\310\"\211\204\n\205M\311 \312\n\313\"\"?\205Xb\210\314\315 \"*\207" [orig backwards over regexp cider-repl-history-forward -1 1 cider-repl-history-target-overlay-at t string-match overlay-get cider-repl-history-target message "No more command history entries matching %s"] 6 (#$ . 14589) (list (cider-repl-history-read-regexp "Search forward" t) current-prefix-arg)]) #@72 Move to the previous command history entry matching REGEXP from point. (defalias 'cider-repl-history-search-backward #[(regexp) "\301\302\"\207" [regexp cider-repl-history-search-forward t] 3 (#$ . 15325) (list (cider-repl-history-read-regexp "Search backward" t))]) #@85 If STR is too long, abbreviate it with an ellipsis; otherwise, return it unchanged. (defalias 'cider-repl-history-elide #[(str) "\203 GV\203 \302\303ZO\304\305\306\307#P\207 \207" [cider-repl-history-maximum-display-length str 0 3 propertize "..." cider-repl-history-extra t] 5 (#$ . 15599)]) #@42 Add overlays for ITEM, and execute BODY. (defalias 'cider-repl-history-add-overlays-for '(macro . #[(item &rest body) "\304\305!\304\305!\306 \307B\310\311\n\312\"BDD\306\313\314 EDC\315\313\316 F\317BBBE*\207" [end beg body item cl-gensym "cider-repl-history-add-overlays-" let ((point)) progn append ((point)) o make-overlay overlay-put 'cider-repl-history-target ((overlay-put o 'mouse-face 'highlight))] 8 (#$ . 15905)])) #@70 Insert ITEMS into the current buffer, with separators between items. (defalias 'cider-repl-history-insert-as-separated #[(items) "\205K@\306 !\211G`\nc\210`\307 \f\"\310\311 #\210\310\312\313#\210+\314\315c\210A\203B\316\317\314\320\314%c\210\315c\210,A\211\204\321\207" [items origitem item len #1=#:cider-repl-history-add-overlays-1 #2=#:cider-repl-history-add-overlays-0 cider-repl-history-elide make-overlay overlay-put cider-repl-history-target mouse-face highlight t "\n" propertize cider-repl-history-extra cider-repl-history-separator nil o inhibit-read-only] 7 (#$ . 16341)]) #@218 Insert ITEMS into the current buffer, formatting each item as a single line. An explicit newline character will replace newlines so that the text retains its spacing when it's actually inserted into the REPL buffer. (defalias 'cider-repl-history-insert-as-one-line #[(items) "\306\211\205g\n@`\307 !\211G\310\311\312\313\314#\f W\2039\315\316 \f#\2039 \f\310\224O \261\210\310\225\211\202 \f Oc\210,`\317\"\320\321 #\210\320\322\323#\210+\316c\210\nA\211\204\306*\207" [items item --dolist-tail-- len start newl nil cider-repl-history-elide 0 propertize "\\n" cider-repl-history-extra t string-match "\n" make-overlay overlay-put cider-repl-history-target mouse-face highlight #1=#:cider-repl-history-add-overlays-3 #2=#:cider-repl-history-add-overlays-2 o] 6 (#$ . 16957)]) #@69 Update `cider-repl-history-preview-overlay' to show `PREVIEW-TEXT`. (defalias 'cider-repl-history-preview-update-text #[(preview-text) "\303!\204\n\304\305!\210 \205\306 \307\310#\311\312\n#)\207" [cider-repl-history-preview-overlay preview-text replacement overlayp cl--assertion-failed (overlayp cider-repl-history-preview-overlay) propertize face highlight overlay-put before-string] 4 (#$ . 17771)]) #@298 Update `cider-repl-history-preview-overlay' to match item at PT. This function is called whenever the selection in the *cider-repl-history* buffer is adjusted, the `cider-repl-history-preview-overlay' is updated to preview the text of the selection at PT (or the current point if not specified). (defalias 'cider-repl-history-preview-update-by-position #[(&optional pt) "\302\206`\303\"\304 !)\207" [pt new-text cider-repl-history-current-string t cider-repl-history-preview-update-text] 3 (#$ . 18188)]) #@171 Undo the most recent change in the other window's buffer. You most likely want to use this command for undoing an insertion of text from the *cider-repl-history* buffer. (defalias 'cider-repl-history-undo-other-window #[nil "rq\210\301 )\207" [cider-repl-history-repl-buffer undo] 1 (#$ . 18705) nil]) #@125 Setup: REPL-WIN and REPL-BUF are where to insert commands, HISTORY-BUF is the history, and optional arg REGEXP is a filter. (defalias 'cider-repl-history-setup #[(repl-win repl-buf history-buf &optional regexp) "\306!\210r q\210\307\216\310 \210\311 \312=\203\313\313\314 \210)2345\20345\315X\2034\316\202655\317 6\3207\203F\321\202G\3226\"89\204[\3238\324\325\326:%\210;;\203k\327\311\320\3308\"\"8 <\236A\206w\331\332 \"8!\210=\203\222\333e!\210\334\335\333\311\313$\210\334\336\337\311\313$\210>\203\236\334\335\340\311\313$\210\3416G\342U\203\253\343\202\254\344?;\204\3039\203\303\345\3466G?#\202\316\345\3478G6G?$\350\351!P)!\210\352\311!\210eb\210\353\354!\210;\203\355\355;\356Q\202\356\357@\360\361!-\207" [repl-buf history-buf buffer-read-only cider-repl-history-display-style truncate-lines inhibit-read-only cider-repl-history-preview-overlay-setup #[nil "\301\211\207" [buffer-read-only t] 2] cider-repl-history-mode nil one-line t erase-buffer 3 4 cider-repl-history-get-history mapcar copy-sequence substring-no-properties cl-delete-duplicates :test equal :from-end delq #[(item) "\302 \"\205 \207" [regexp item string-match] 3] error "Invalid `cider-repl-history-display-style': %s" cider-repl-history-preview-update-by-position add-hook post-command-hook kill-buffer-hook cider-repl-history-cleanup-on-exit cider-repl-history-update-highlighted-entry message 1 "entry" "entries" format "%s %s in the command history." "%s (of %s) %s in the command history shown." substitute-command-keys " Type \\[cider-repl-history-quit] to quit. \\[describe-mode] for help." set-buffer-modified-p cider-repl-history-forward 0 "History [" "]" "History" run-hooks cider-repl-history-hook cider-repl-history-repl-buffer repl-win cider-repl-history-repl-window cider-repl-history-maximum-display-length cider-command-history cider-repl-history-text-properties items cider-repl-history-display-duplicates cider-repl-history-display-duplicate-highest regexp cider-repl-history-display-styles cider-repl-history-show-preview cider-repl-history-highlight-current-entry entry mode-name] 6 (#$ . 19015)]) #@79 Update the history buffer to reflect the latest state of the command history. (defalias 'cider-repl-history-update #[nil "\303=\204\n\304\305!\210\306 \np#\210\307 \207" [major-mode cider-repl-history-repl-window cider-repl-history-repl-buffer cider-repl-history-mode cl--assertion-failed (eq major-mode 'cider-repl-history-mode) cider-repl-history-setup cider-repl-history-resize-window] 4 (#$ . 21182) nil]) #@54 Display all command history entries matching REGEXP. (defalias 'cider-repl-history-occur #[(regexp) "\304=\204\n\305\306!\210\307 \np $\210\310 \207" [major-mode cider-repl-history-repl-window cider-repl-history-repl-buffer regexp cider-repl-history-mode cl--assertion-failed (eq major-mode 'cider-repl-history-mode) cider-repl-history-setup cider-repl-history-resize-window] 5 (#$ . 21600) (list (cider-repl-history-read-regexp "Display command history entries matching" nil))]) (put 'cider-repl-history-mode 'mode-class 'special) (defvar cider-repl-history-mode-hook nil) (byte-code "\300\301N\204\f\302\300\301\303#\210\304\305!\204\302\305\306\307#\210\300\207" [cider-repl-history-mode-hook variable-documentation put "Hook run after entering History mode.\nNo problems result if this variable is not bound.\n`add-hook' automatically binds it. (This is true for all hook variables.)" boundp cider-repl-history-mode-map definition-name cider-repl-history-mode] 4) (defvar cider-repl-history-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap)) (byte-code "\301\302N\204\303\301\302\304\305!#\210\306\307!\204\303\307\310\311#\210\312\313 !\210\307\302N\204-\303\307\302\304\314!#\210\306\300!\204B\303\300\310\311#\210\315\316\300\317\"\210!\210\300\302N\204P\303\300\302\304\320!#\210\303\311\321\322#\207" [cider-repl-history-mode-abbrev-table cider-repl-history-mode-map variable-documentation put purecopy "Keymap for `cider-repl-history-mode'." boundp cider-repl-history-mode-syntax-table definition-name cider-repl-history-mode (lambda (def-tmp-var) (defvar cider-repl-history-mode-syntax-table def-tmp-var)) make-syntax-table "Syntax table for `cider-repl-history-mode'." (lambda (def-tmp-var) (defvar cider-repl-history-mode-abbrev-table def-tmp-var)) define-abbrev-table nil "Abbrev table for `cider-repl-history-mode'." derived-mode-parent clojure-mode] 5) #@284 Major mode for browsing the entries in the command input history. \{cider-repl-history-mode-map} In addition to any hooks its parent mode `clojure-mode' might have run, this mode runs the hook `cider-repl-history-mode-hook', as the final or penultimate step during initialization. (defalias 'cider-repl-history-mode #[nil "\306\300!\210\307\310 \210\311\312\310\313N\203\314\311\313\310\313N#\210\315 !\204'\316 \317 \"\210\320\f!\211\2036 \321 =\203<\322\f\323 \"\210)\3246\325\"\204V67=\204V\3266\3257C#\210\327 !\210\330\f!\21067\306\331!\210\332\333 \334\335#\210\333 \336\337#\210\333 \340\341#\210\333 \342\341#\210\333 \343\344#\210\333 \345\346#\210\333 \347\350#\210\333 \351\352#\210\333 \353\354#\210\333 \355\356#\210\333 \357\360#\210\333 \361\362#\210\333 \363\362#\210)\364\365!\207" [delay-mode-hooks major-mode mode-name cider-repl-history-mode-map cider-repl-history-mode-syntax-table parent make-local-variable t clojure-mode cider-repl-history-mode "History" mode-class put keymap-parent set-keymap-parent current-local-map char-table-parent standard-syntax-table set-char-table-parent syntax-table abbrev-table-get :parents abbrev-table-put use-local-map set-syntax-table sesman-system CIDER define-key "n" cider-repl-history-forward "p" cider-repl-history-previous " " cider-repl-history-insert-and-quit " " [(mouse-2)] cider-repl-history-mouse-insert "l" cider-repl-history-occur "s" cider-repl-history-search-forward "r" cider-repl-history-search-backward "g" cider-repl-history-update "q" cider-repl-history-quit "U" cider-repl-history-undo-other-window "?" describe-mode "h" run-mode-hooks cider-repl-history-mode-hook cider-repl-history-mode-abbrev-table local-abbrev-table] 6 (#$ . 23470) nil]) #@63 Display items in the CIDER command history in another buffer. (defalias 'cider-repl-history #[nil "\305=\203\n\306\307!\210\310 \311 !\312 !\313 \n\f#\210\314\f!\210\315 +\207" [major-mode repl-win repl-buf cider-repl-history-buffer buf cider-repl-history-mode user-error "Already viewing the CIDER command history" selected-window window-buffer get-buffer-create cider-repl-history-setup pop-to-buffer cider-repl-history-resize-window] 4 (#$ . 25221) nil]) (provide 'cider-repl-history)