;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\300\303!\207" [require cider-client nrepl-dict cider-util] 2) #@54 Return (nrepl-dict-get-in cider-repl-ns-cache KEYS). (defalias 'cider-resolve--get-in #[(&rest keys) "\303 \211\205rq\210\304 \n\"))\207" [conn cider-repl-ns-cache keys cider-current-repl nrepl-dict-get-in] 4 (#$ . 188)]) #@105 Return the namespace that ALIAS refers to in namespace NS. If it doesn't point anywhere, returns ALIAS. (defalias 'cider-resolve-alias #[(ns alias) "\302\303 #\206 \207" [ns alias cider-resolve--get-in "aliases"] 4 (#$ . 421)]) (defconst cider-resolve--prefix-regexp "\\`\\(?:#'\\)?\\([^/]+\\)/") #@129 Return a dict of the metadata of a clojure var VAR in namespace NS. VAR is a string. Return nil only if VAR cannot be resolved. (defalias 'cider-resolve-var #[(ns var) "\306 \"\205\307\n\310\311 \"\"\312\313 #\314 \206\n\315\f#\206C ?\205C\314\n\316\f#\211\2037\317\n \"\202B\n\320\232?\205B\317\320\f\")*\207" [cider-resolve--prefix-regexp var ns var-ns name referral string-match cider-resolve-alias match-string 1 replace-regexp-in-string "" cider-resolve--get-in "interns" "refers" cider-resolve-var "clojure.core"] 6 (#$ . 728)]) #@165 Return a dict of the core namespace for current connection. This will be clojure.core or cljs.core depending on the return value of the function `cider-repl-type'. (defalias 'cider-resolve-core-ns #[nil "\302 \211\205rq\210\303 \304=\203\305\202\306!))\207" [repl cider-repl-type cider-current-repl cider-resolve--get-in cljs "cljs.core" "clojure.core"] 4 (#$ . 1284)]) #@182 Return a plist of all valid symbols in NS. Each entry's value is the metadata of the var that the symbol refers to. NS can be the namespace name, or a dict of the namespace itself. (defalias 'cider-resolve-ns-symbols #[(ns) ";\203 \305!\202\f\211\205)\306 \307\"\306 \310\"\306 \311\"\312\fA\313\314\n\"\"+)\207" [ns dict aliases refers interns cider-resolve--get-in nrepl-dict-get "interns" "refers" "aliases" append nrepl-dict-flat-map #[(alias namespace) "\301\302\303\304\"\"\207" [namespace nrepl-dict-flat-map #[(sym meta) "\303 Q\nD\207" [alias sym meta "/"] 3] cider-resolve--get-in "interns"] 5]] 6 (#$ . 1669)]) (provide 'cider-resolve)