;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\303\304\305\306\307\301%\210\310\311\312\313\314\315%\207" [require company cl-lib custom-declare-group company-xcode nil "Completion backend for Xcode projects." :group custom-declare-variable company-xcode-xcodeindex-executable (executable-find "xcodeindex") "Location of xcodeindex executable." :type file] 6) (defvar company-xcode-tags nil) #@24 Reset the cached tags. (defalias 'company-xcode-reset #[nil "\301\211\207" [company-xcode-tags nil] 2 (#$ . 471) nil]) #@225 The types of symbols offered by `company-xcode'. No context-enabled completion is available. Types like methods will be offered regardless of whether the class supports them. The defaults should be valid in most contexts. (custom-declare-variable 'company-xcode-types ''("Class" "Constant" "Enum" "Macro" "Modeled Class" "Structure" "Type" "Union" "Function") '(#$ . 598) :set #[(variable value) " L\210\302 \207" [variable value company-xcode-reset] 2] :type '(set (const "Category") (const "Class") (const "Class Method") (const "Class Variable") (const "Constant") (const "Enum") (const "Field") (const "Instance Method") (const "Instance Variable") (const "Macro") (const "Modeled Class") (const "Modeled Method") (const "Modeled Property") (const "Property") (const "Protocol") (const "Structure") (const "Type") (const "Union") (const "Variable") (const "Function"))) (defvar company-xcode-project 'unknown nil) (make-variable-buffer-local 'company-xcode-project) (defalias 'company-xcode-fetch #[(project-bundle) "\306!\307\310\"\210\311\312\313\"r q\210\314\216\315!\316 \317p\317\320\321\322!\323&\210eb\210\324\325\f!\326Q\317\327\317\313#\203T\330\331!\211 \235\203K \202O B)\2023\307\332\"\210 .\207" [project-bundle #1=#:temp-buffer default-directory company-xcode-xcodeindex-executable company-xcode-types candidates directory-file-name message "Retrieving dump from %s..." generate-new-buffer " *temp*" t #[nil "\301!\205 \302!\207" [#1# buffer-name kill-buffer] 2] file-name-directory call-process nil "dump" "-project" file-name-nondirectory "-quiet" "^\\([^ \n]*\\) [^ \n]* " regexp-opt " [^ \n]* [^ \n]*" re-search-forward match-string 1 "Retrieving dump from %s...done" regexp #2=#:va] 10]) (defalias 'company-xcode-find-project #[nil "\203\n\305!\202 \306 !\307\211\n\204/\f \232\204/\310\f\311\312\311$@\f\305\313\f!!\202\n+\207" [buffer-file-name default-directory file prev-dir dir file-name-directory expand-file-name nil directory-files t ".xcodeproj\\'" directory-file-name] 5]) (defalias 'company-xcode-tags #[nil "\302=\203 \303 \205\304 \"\206\305!B B\211@A\207" [company-xcode-project company-xcode-tags unknown company-xcode-find-project assoc company-xcode-fetch] 3]) #@55 `company-mode' completion backend for Xcode projects. (defalias 'company-xcode #[(command &optional arg &rest ignored) "\304\267\202,\305\306!\207 \205-\307 \205-\310 ?\205-\311 \206\312\207\313\307 \210\314 \307 \")\207\313\207" [command company-xcode-xcodeindex-executable completion-ignore-case arg #s(hash-table size 3 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (interactive 6 prefix 10 candidates 32)) company-begin-backend company-xcode company-xcode-tags company-in-string-or-comment company-grab-symbol stop nil all-completions] 3 (#$ . 2861) (list 'interactive)]) (provide 'company-xcode)