;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\207" [require company cl-lib] 2) #@94 Function to format completion annotation. It has to accept one argument: the snippet's name. (defvar company-yasnippet-annotation-fn #[(name) "?\205\302 P\207" [company-tooltip-align-annotations name " -> "] 2] (#$ . 155)) (defalias 'company-yasnippet--key-prefixes #[nil "\212`\306\211 \203Y @=\204\fb\210 @\211;\203)\307 !\210 A\202E\310 !\203= \f!\311=\204E A\202E A\312\313 \"\210\314`\f\"\211\n@\232\204U \nB)\202 \n-\207" [yas-key-syntaxes method prefixes methods original prefix nil skip-syntax-backward functionp again yas--warning "Invalid element `%s' in `yas-key-syntaxes'" buffer-substring-no-properties] 5]) (defalias 'company-yasnippet--candidates #[(prefix) "\306 \307 \310\311\310 :\2034 @\211G GY\203)\312 \n#\211?\211\202*\311\2034 A\211\202 \f-\207" [tables #1=#:--cl-var-- key-prefix #2=#:--cl-flag-- #3=#:--cl-var-- prefix yas--get-snippet-tables company-yasnippet--key-prefixes nil t company-yasnippet--completions-for-prefix] 5]) (defalias 'company-yasnippet--completions-for-prefix #[(prefix key-prefix tables) "\301\302\"\207" [tables cl-mapcan #[(table) "\304! >\204\305\306\307D\"\210\310H\311\211\203\312\313 \"\210\n*\207" [table cl-struct-yas--table-tags res keyhash type-of signal wrong-type-argument yas--table 2 nil maphash #[(key value) ";\205\303 \"\205\304\305\n\"\207" [key key-prefix value string-prefix-p maphash #[(name template) "\306\307 \310\n\311 G\fGZ& B\211\207" [key name template key-prefix prefix res propertize yas-annotation yas-template yas-prefix-offset] 9]] 3]] 5]] 3]) (defalias 'company-yasnippet--doc #[(arg) "\306\307\310# \305 r\311 q\210\n\312\313!\210\31414\315\316\f!>\204+\317\320\321\fD\"\210\f\322H!0\210\202?\323\324\325!\")\210\326\327!\210\330\211 \331=\203W\332\211 \210\202Z \210)\3331f\334 0\210\202g\210*p,\207" [arg major-mode file-name mode template buffer-file-name get-text-property 0 yas-template company-doc-buffer yas-minor-mode 1 (error) yas-expand-snippet type-of signal wrong-type-argument yas--template 2 message "%s" error-message-string make-local-variable delay-mode-hooks t web-mode html-mode (error) font-lock-ensure cl-struct-yas--template-tags error inhibit-message] 6]) #@777 `company-mode' backend for `yasnippet'. This backend should be used with care, because as long as there are snippets defined for the current major mode, this backend will always shadow backends that come after it. Recommended usages: * In a buffer-local value of `company-backends', grouped with a backend or several that provide actual text completions. (add-hook \='js-mode-hook (lambda () (set (make-local-variable \='company-backends) \='((company-dabbrev-code company-yasnippet))))) * After keyword `:with', grouped with other backends. (push \='(company-semantic :with company-yasnippet) company-backends) * Not in `company-backends', just bound to a key. (global-set-key (kbd "C-c y") \='company-yasnippet)  (defalias 'company-yasnippet #[(command &optional arg &rest ignore) "\306\267\202f\307\310!\207\311\301!\205 \205g\312 \207\n\313\314\315 #!\207\316 !\207\317 !\207\320\207\313\314\321 #\313\314\322 #\323\324 !>\204F\325\326\327 D\"\210 \330H` GZ\fZ`\324 !>\204`\325\326\327 D\"\210 \331H$*\207\332\207" [command yas-minor-mode company-yasnippet-annotation-fn arg prefix-offset template #s(hash-table size 7 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (interactive 6 prefix 10 annotation 23 candidates 31 doc-buffer 35 no-cache 39 post-completion 41)) company-begin-backend company-yasnippet boundp company-grab-symbol get-text-property 0 yas-annotation company-yasnippet--candidates company-yasnippet--doc t yas-template yas-prefix-offset yas-expand-snippet type-of signal wrong-type-argument yas--template 2 5 nil cl-struct-yas--template-tags] 8 (#$ . 2406) (list 'interactive)]) (provide 'company-yasnippet)