;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (defconst s-ifunk 262144) (defconst s-ifmt 61440) (defconst s-ifsock 49152) (defconst s-iflnk 40960) (defconst s-ifreg 32768) (defconst s-ifblk 24576) (defconst s-ifdir 16384) (defconst s-ifchr 8192) (defconst s-ififo 4096) (defconst s-isuid 2048) (defconst s-isgid 1024) (defconst s-isvtx 512) (defconst s-irwxu 448) (defconst s-irusr 256) (defconst s-iwusr 128) (defconst s-ixusr 64) (defconst s-irwxg 56) (defconst s-irgrp 32) (defconst s-iwgrp 16) (defconst s-ixgrp 8) (defconst s-irwxo 7) (defconst s-iroth 4) (defconst s-iwoth 2) (defconst s-ixoth 1) #@54 A bit mask of the modes that can be set by chmod(1). (defconst UNUSED-*cpio-low-mode-bits* (logior s-irwxu s-irwxg s-irwxo s-isuid s-isgid s-isvtx) (#$ . 644)) (defalias 's-islnk #[(m) "\303 \"\nU\207" [m s-ifmt s-iflnk logand] 3]) (defalias 's-isreg #[(m) "\303 \"\nU\207" [m s-ifmt s-ifreg logand] 3]) (defalias 's-isdir #[(m) "\303 \"\nU\207" [m s-ifmt s-ifdir logand] 3]) (defalias 's-ischr #[(m) "\303 \"\nU\207" [m s-ifmt s-ifchr logand] 3]) (defalias 's-isblk #[(m) "\303 \"\nU\207" [m s-ifmt s-ifblk logand] 3]) (defalias 's-isfifo #[(m) "\303 \"\nU\207" [m s-ifmt s-ififo logand] 3]) (defalias 's-issock #[(m) "\303 \"\nU\207" [m s-ifmt s-ifsock logand] 3]) #@98 Return non-NIL if the mode in ATTRS is as special file: fmt, sock, link, block, character, fifo. (defalias 'cpio-special-file #[(attrs) "\306\307! \310 \"U\206J\f\310\f \"U\206J \310 \"U\206J \310 \"U\206J\n\310\n \"U\206J \310 \"U\206J\f\310\f \"U*\207" [attrs mode fname s-ifmt s-ifsock s-iflnk "cpio-special-file" cpio-mode-value logand s-ifblk s-ifdir s-ifchr s-ififo] 4 (#$ . 1324)]) #@67 Convert an integer mode value to the corresponding ls -l version. (defalias 'cpio-int-mode-to-mode-string #[(int-mode) "\306\307!\310!\311!\312!\f \n R-\207" [int-mode other-mode group-mode user-mode file-type fname "cpio-int-mode-to-mode-string" cpio-int-mode-to-file-type cpio-int-mode-to-user-permissions cpio-int-mode-to-group-permissions cpio-int-mode-to-other-permissions] 6 (#$ . 1740)]) (defvar *cpio-modes-link* "l") (byte-code "\301\302\207" [*cpio-modes-link* "l" nil] 1) (defvar *cpio-modes-reg* "-") (byte-code "\301\302\207" [*cpio-modes-reg* "-" nil] 1) (defvar *cpio-modes-dir* "d") (byte-code "\301\302\207" [*cpio-modes-dir* "d" nil] 1) (defvar *cpio-modes-char* "c") (byte-code "\301\302\207" [*cpio-modes-char* "c" nil] 1) (defvar *cpio-modes-block* "b") (byte-code "\301\302\207" [*cpio-modes-block* "b" nil] 1) (defvar *cpio-modes-fifo* "p") (byte-code "\301\302\207" [*cpio-modes-fifo* "p" nil] 1) (defvar *cpio-modes-sock* "s") (byte-code "\301\302\207" [*cpio-modes-sock* "s" nil] 1) (defvar *cpio-modes-unknown* "?") (byte-code "\301\302\207" [*cpio-modes-unknown* "?" nil] 1) #@312 Extract the one character string that expresses the file type from INT-MODE. CAUTION: Some file types are not present here: D -- Solaris door M -- Cray DMF migrated file n -- HP-UX network special file P -- Solaris port. If you have access to any of those operating systems, please let me know. (defalias 'cpio-int-mode-to-file-type #[(int-mode) "\306\307 !\203\f\n\202M\310 !\203 \202M\311 !\203 \f\202M\312 !\203* \202M\313 !\2035\202M\314 !\203@\202M\315 !\203K\202M)\207" [fname int-mode *cpio-modes-link* *cpio-modes-reg* *cpio-modes-dir* *cpio-modes-char* "cpio-int-mode-to-file-type" s-islnk s-isreg s-isdir s-ischr s-isblk s-isfifo s-issock *cpio-modes-block* *cpio-modes-fifo* *cpio-modes-sock* *cpio-modes-unknown*] 2 (#$ . 2867)]) #@79 Extract the 3-character string expressing the user permissions from INT-MODE. (defalias 'cpio-int-mode-to-user-permissions #[(int-mode) "\305\306!\307!\310! \n Q,\207" [int-mode execute-string write-string read-string fname "cpio-int-mode-to-user-permissions" cpio-int-mode-to-user-read-string cpio-int-mode-to-user-write-string cpio-int-mode-to-user-execute-string] 5 (#$ . 3655)]) #@84 Extract the 1-character string expressing the user read permissions from INT-MODE. (defalias 'cpio-int-mode-to-user-read-string #[(int-mode) "\303\304 \n\"\305U\204\306\202\307)\207" [fname int-mode s-irusr "cpio-int-mode-to-user-read-string" logand 0 "r" "-"] 3 (#$ . 4051)]) #@85 Extract the 1-character string expressing the user write permissions from INT-MODE. (defalias 'cpio-int-mode-to-user-write-string #[(int-mode) "\303\304 \n\"\305U\204\306\202\307)\207" [fname int-mode s-iwusr "cpio-int-mode-to-user-write-string" logand 0 "w" "-"] 3 (#$ . 4339)]) #@87 Extract the 1-character string expressing the user execute permissions from INT-MODE. (defalias 'cpio-int-mode-to-user-execute-string #[(int-mode) "\304\305 \n\"\306U\204\305 \"\306U\204\307\202*\310\202*\305 \"\306U\204)\311\202*\312)\207" [fname int-mode s-ixusr s-isuid "cpio-int-mode-to-user-execute-string" logand 0 "s" "x" "S" "-"] 3 (#$ . 4630)]) #@80 Extract the 3-character string expressing the group permissions from INT-MODE. (defalias 'cpio-int-mode-to-group-permissions #[(int-mode) "\305\306!\307!\310! \n Q,\207" [int-mode execute-string write-string read-string fname "cpio-int-mode-to-group-permissions" cpio-int-mode-to-group-read-string cpio-int-mode-to-group-write-string cpio-int-mode-to-group-execute-string] 5 (#$ . 5001)]) #@85 Extract the 1-character string expressing the group read permissions from INT-MODE. (defalias 'cpio-int-mode-to-group-read-string #[(int-mode) "\303\304 \n\"\305U\204\306\202\307)\207" [fname s-irgrp int-mode "cpio-int-mode-to-group-read-string" logand 0 "r" "-"] 3 (#$ . 5403)]) #@86 Extract the 1-character string expressing the group write permissions from INT-MODE. (defalias 'cpio-int-mode-to-group-write-string #[(int-mode) "\303\304 \n\"\305U\204\306\202\307)\207" [fname s-iwgrp int-mode "cpio-int-mode-to-group-write-string" logand 0 "w" "-"] 3 (#$ . 5694)]) #@88 Extract the 1-character string expressing the group execute permissions from INT-MODE. (defalias 'cpio-int-mode-to-group-execute-string #[(int-mode) "\304\305 \n\"\306U\204\305 \"\306U\204\307\202*\310\202*\305 \"\306U\204)\311\202*\312)\207" [fname int-mode s-ixgrp s-isgid "cpio-int-mode-to-group-execute-string" logand 0 "s" "x" "S" "-"] 3 (#$ . 5988)]) #@80 Extract the 3-character string expressing the other permissions from INT-MODE. (defalias 'cpio-int-mode-to-other-permissions #[(int-mode) "\305\306!\307!\310! \n Q,\207" [int-mode execute-string write-string read-string fname "cpio-int-mode-to-other-permissions" cpio-int-mode-to-other-read-string cpio-int-mode-to-other-write-string cpio-int-mode-to-other-execute-string] 5 (#$ . 6362)]) #@85 Extract the 1-character string expressing the other read permissions from INT-MODE. (defalias 'cpio-int-mode-to-other-read-string #[(int-mode) "\303\304 \n\"\305U\204\306\202\307)\207" [fname s-iroth int-mode "cpio-int-mode-to-other-read-string" logand 0 "r" "-"] 3 (#$ . 6764)]) #@86 Extract the 1-character string expressing the other write permissions from INT-MODE. (defalias 'cpio-int-mode-to-other-write-string #[(int-mode) "\303\304 \n\"\305U\204\306\202\307)\207" [fname s-iwoth int-mode "cpio-int-mode-to-other-write-string" logand 0 "w" "-"] 3 (#$ . 7055)]) #@88 Extract the 1-character string expressing the other execute permissions from INT-MODE. (defalias 'cpio-int-mode-to-other-execute-string #[(int-mode) "\304\305 \n\"\306U\204\305 \n\"\306U\204\307\202*\310\202*\305 \n\"\306U\204)\311\202*\312)\207" [fname s-ixoth int-mode s-isvtx "cpio-int-mode-to-other-execute-string" logand 0 "t" "x" "T" "-"] 3 (#$ . 7349)]) #@66 Convert an ls -l style mode string to its corresponding integer. (defalias 'cpio-mode-string-to-int-mode #[(mode-string) "\306\307\310\311\312\n\313\314#\"\315 \307\316#@\315 \316\317#\315 \317\320#\315 \320\321#\322 \323\f!\324 !\325!\326!%\211.\207" [fname bits mode-string chars type-char owner-chars "cpio-mode-string-to-int-mode" 0 mapcar string-to-char split-string "" t cl-subseq 1 4 7 10 logior cpio-type-char-to-bits cpio-owner-chars-to-bits cpio-group-chars-to-bits cpio-other-chars-to-bits group-chars other-chars] 8 (#$ . 7725)]) #@54 Return the mode bits implied by the given type CHAR. (defalias 'cpio-type-char-to-bits #[(char) "\306\307 !\203L \310\n!U\204Q \310 !U\204Q \310\f!U\204Q \310 !U\204Q \310 !U\204Q \310!U\204Q \310!U\204Q \310!U\204Q\311\312 \"\210 \310\n!U\203^\202\263 \310 !U\203k\202\263 \310\f!U\203x\202\263 \310 !U\203\205\202\263 \310 !U\203\223\202\263 \310!U\203\241\202\263 \310!U\203\257\202\263\313\314\")\207" [fname char *cpio-modes-link* *cpio-modes-reg* *cpio-modes-dir* *cpio-modes-char* "cpio-type-char-to-bits" characterp string-to-char signal wrong-type-argument error "%s(): Uknown file type is not yet supported." *cpio-modes-block* *cpio-modes-fifo* *cpio-modes-sock* *cpio-modes-unknown* s-iflnk s-ifreg s-ifdir s-ifchr s-ifblk s-ififo s-ifsock] 3 (#$ . 8288)]) #@68 Interpret the given CHARS as bits relevant to the owner of a file. (defalias 'cpio-owner-chars-to-bits #[(chars) "\306\307\211\211\310 <\2033 G\311U\2033 @\211\312>\2033 A@\211\313>\2033\314 8\211\315>\2048\316\317 \"\210 \320U\204J \321U\203J\322\"\n\320U\204\\\n\323U\203\\\322\" \320U\204\216 \324U\203q\322\"\202\216 \325U\203\202\322#\202\216 \326U\203\216\322\"-\207" [bits exec-char write-char read-char fname chars "cpio-owner-chars-to-bits" nil 0 3 (45 114) (45 119) 2 (45 120 115 83) signal wrong-type-argument 45 114 logior 119 120 115 83 s-irusr s-iwusr s-ixusr s-isuid] 5 (#$ . 9114)]) #@37 Interpret CHARS as group mode bits. (defalias 'cpio-group-chars-to-bits #[(chars) "\306\307\211\211\310 <\2033 G\311U\2033 @\211\312>\2033 A@\211\313>\2033\314 8\211\315>\2048\316\317 \"\210 \320U\204J \321U\203J\322\"\n\320U\204\\\n\323U\203\\\322\" \320U\204\216 \324U\203q\322\"\202\216 \325U\203\202\322#\202\216 \326U\203\216\322\"-\207" [bits exec-char write-char read-char fname chars "cpio-group-chars-to-bits" nil 0 3 (45 114) (45 119) 2 (45 120 115 83) signal wrong-type-argument 45 114 logior 119 120 115 83 s-irgrp s-iwgrp s-ixgrp s-isgid] 5 (#$ . 9765)]) #@37 Interpret CHARS as other mode bits. (defalias 'cpio-other-chars-to-bits #[(chars) "\306\307\211\211\310 <\2033 G\311U\2033 @\211\312>\2033 A@\211\313>\2033\314 8\211\315>\2048\316\317 \"\210 \320U\204J \321U\203J\322\"\n\320U\204\\\n\323U\203\\\322\" \320U\204\216 \324U\203q\322\"\202\216 \325U\203\202\322#\202\216 \326U\203\216\322\"-\207" [bits exec-char write-char read-char fname chars "cpio-other-chars-to-bits" nil 0 3 (45 114) (45 119) 2 (45 120 116 84) signal wrong-type-argument 45 114 logior 119 120 116 84 s-iroth s-iwoth s-ixoth s-isvtx] 5 (#$ . 10385)]) #@134 Return non-NIL if MODE represents an entry that can be extracted by cpio-mode. That is, a regular file, symbolic link or directory.  (defalias 'cpio-mode-extractable-p #[(mode) "\302\303 !\206\304 !\206\305 !)\207" [fname mode "cpio-mode-not-extractable-p" s-islnk s-isreg s-isdir] 2 (#$ . 11007)]) #@71 Return non-NIL if the PROPOSED-MODE-NUM is a valid numeric file mode. (defalias 'cpio-valid-numeric-mode #[(proposed-mode-num) "\306\307 \310\n \f \n \f &\"\311U)?\207" [fname proposed-mode-num s-ifmt s-ifsock s-iflnk s-ifreg "cpio-valid-numeric-mode" logxor logand 0 s-ifblk s-ifdir s-ifchr s-ififo s-isuid s-isgid s-isvtx s-irwxu s-irwxg s-irwxo] 17 (#$ . 11317)]) (provide 'cpio-modes)