;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\303\304\305\306\307\310\311\312&\210\313\314\315\316\317DD\320\307\310\321\322\311\323& \210\313\324\315\316\325DD\326\321\327\307\310\311\330& \210\313\331\315\316\332DD\333\321\334\307\310\311\335& \210\313\336\315\316\337DD\340\321\341\307\310\311\342& \207" [require subr-x cl-lib custom-declare-face dap-result-overlay-face ((((class color) (background light)) :background "grey90" :box (:line-width -1 :color "yellow")) (((class color) (background dark)) :background "grey10" :box (:line-width -1 :color "black"))) "Face used to display evaluation results at the end of line.\nIf `dap-overlays-use-font-lock' is non-nil, this face is\napplied with lower priority than the syntax highlighting." :group dap :package-version (dap "0.9.1") custom-declare-variable dap-overlays-use-font-lock funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "If non-nil, results overlays are font-locked as code.\nIf nil, apply `dap-result-overlay-face' to the entire overlay instead of\nfont-locking it." :type boolean (dap . "0.10.0") dap-overlays-use-overlays #[0 "\300\207" [both] 1] "Whether to display evaluation results with overlays.\nIf t, use overlays. If nil, display on the echo area. If both, display on\nboth places.\n\nOnly applies to evaluation commands. To configure the debugger overlays,\nsee `dap-debug-use-overlays'." (choice (const :tag "End of line" t) (const :tag "Bottom of screen" nil) (const :tag "Both" both)) (dap . "0.10.0") dap-overlays-eval-result-prefix #[0 "\300\207" [#1="=> "] 1 #1#] "The prefix displayed in the minibuffer before a result value." string (dap . "0.5.0") dap-overlays-eval-result-duration #[0 "\300\207" [command] 1] "Duration, in seconds, of DAP's eval-result overlays.\nIf nil, overlays last indefinitely.\nIf the symbol `command', they're erased after the next command.\nAlso see `dap-overlays-use-overlays'." (choice (integer :tag "Duration in seconds") (const :tag "Until next command" command) (const :tag "Last indefinitely" nil)) (dap . "0.10.0")] 10) #@117 Safely delete overlay OV. Never throws errors, and can be used in an overlay's modification-hooks. (fn OV &rest _) (defalias 'dap-overlays--delete-overlay #[385 "\3001 \301!0\207\210\302\207" [(error) delete-overlay nil] 4 (#$ . 2117)]) #@307 Place an overlay between L and R and return it. TYPE is a symbol put on the overlay's category property. It is used to easily remove all overlays from a region with: (remove-overlays start end 'category TYPE) PROPS is a plist of properties and values to add to the overlay. (fn L R TYPE &rest PROPS) (defalias 'dap-overlays--make-overlay #[899 "\300\206p#\301\302#\210\301\303\304#\210\203,\301\211A\262\242\211A\262\242#\210\202\211\301\305\306\307\305\"B#\266\207" [make-overlay overlay-put category dap-temporary t modification-hooks dap-overlays--delete-overlay overlay-get] 13 (#$ . 2364)]) #@104 Remove result overlay from current buffer. This function also removes itself from `post-command-hook'. (defalias 'dap-overlays--remove-result-overlay #[0 "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\305\211\306\307$\207" [remove-hook post-command-hook dap-overlays--remove-result-overlay local remove-overlays nil category result] 5 (#$ . 2993)]) #@135 Add `dap-overlays--remove-result-overlay' locally to `post-command-hook'. This function also removes itself from `post-command-hook'. (defalias 'dap-overlays--remove-result-overlay-after-command #[0 "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\301\305\306\303$\207" [remove-hook post-command-hook dap-overlays--remove-result-overlay-after-command local add-hook dap-overlays--remove-result-overlay nil] 5 (#$ . 3329)]) #@1192 Place an overlay displaying VALUE at the end of line. VALUE is used as the overlay's after-string property, meaning it is displayed at the end of the overlay. The overlay itself is placed from beginning to end of current line. Return nil if the overlay was not placed or if it might not be visible, and return the overlay otherwise. Return the overlay if it was placed successfully, and nil if it failed. This function takes some optional keyword arguments: If WHERE is a number or a marker, apply the overlay over the entire line at that place (defaulting to `point'). If it is a cons cell, the car and cdr determine the start and end of the overlay. DURATION takes the same possible values as the `dap-overlays-eval-result-duration' variable. TYPE is passed to `dap-overlays--make-overlay' (defaults to `result'). FORMAT is a string passed to `format'. It should have exactly one %s construct (for VALUE). All arguments beyond these (PROPS) are properties to be used on the overlay. (fn VALUE &rest PROPS &key WHERE DURATION (TYPE \='result) (FORMAT (concat " " dap-overlays-eval-result-prefix "%s ")) (PREPEND-FACE \='dap-result-overlay-face) &allow-other-keys) (defalias 'dap-overlays--make-result-overlay #[385 "\304\305\"A@\304\306\"A@\304\307\"\206\310A@\304\311\"\206#\312\313\314QDA@\304\315\"\206-\316A@\317@!\203?AA\262\202/\320!\203K\321!\202Z\320\242!\203Y\321@!\202Zpr\211q\210\212\322!\203ib\210\323\312x\210:\203w@\202~\212\324\325!\210`):\203\212A\202\214\326 \327 \"\312\330\331 $\210 \203\242\332\202\243\333\334G\335 %\210\336\337\"\204\277\340!\341 iZV\203\304\342P\262\333\334\325\343\334%\210\340!\344\341 _V\203\345\334\344\341 _O\345\346!P\262\347\350 \351&\262\247\203\352 \312\353$\210\202\354=\203\n\203\355\356\357\312\360$\210\202\357 \210\361!\211\205C\362\363!`\364!#\205Ci\340!\\\341!W\204B ?\205C\262\266\204*\207" [dap-overlays-eval-result-prefix dap-overlays-use-font-lock this-command truncate-lines plist-member :where :duration :type (nil result) :format nil " " "%s " :prepend-face (nil dap-result-overlay-face) keywordp markerp marker-buffer number-or-marker-p " \n[:blank:]" backward-sexp 1 line-end-position format remove-overlays category font-lock-prepend-text-property put-text-property 0 face string-match "\n." string-width window-width " \n" cursor 3 substitute-command-keys "...\nResult truncated. Type `\\[dap-inspect-last-result]' to inspect it." apply dap-overlays--make-overlay after-string run-at-time dap-overlays--delete-overlay command add-hook post-command-hook dap-overlays--remove-result-overlay-after-command local get-buffer-window <= window-start window-end] 20 (#$ . 3738)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\207" [function-put dap-overlays--make-result-overlay lisp-indent-function 1] 4) #@428 Display the result VALUE of an interactive eval operation. VALUE is syntax-highlighted and displayed in the echo area. If POINT and `dap-use-overlays' are non-nil, it is also displayed in an overlay at the end of the line containing POINT. Note that, while POINT can be a number, it's preferable to be a marker, as that will better handle some corner cases where the original buffer is not focused. (fn VALUE &optional POINT) (defalias 'dap-overlays--display-interactive-eval-result #[513 "\205\205\303\304\305 %\306\307\310\311\312\n#\313\205\"\314=?#\"\207" [dap-overlays-use-overlays dap-overlays-eval-result-duration dap-overlays-eval-result-prefix dap-overlays--make-result-overlay :where :duration message "%s" propertize format "%s%s" invisible both] 11 (#$ . 6623)]) (provide 'dap-overlays)