;;; easy-kill.el --- kill & mark things easily -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- ;; Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; Author: Leo Liu ;; Version: 0.9.4 ;; Package-Type: simple ;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24") (cl-lib "0.5")) ;; Keywords: killing, convenience ;; Created: 2013-08-12 ;; URL: https://github.com/leoliu/easy-kill ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . ;;; Commentary: ;; `easy-kill' aims to be a drop-in replacement for `kill-ring-save'. ;; ;; To use: (global-set-key [remap kill-ring-save] 'easy-kill) ;; `easy-mark' is similar to `easy-kill' but marks the region ;; immediately. It can be a handy replacement for `mark-sexp' allowing ;; `+'/`-' to do list-wise expanding/shrinking. ;; ;; To use: (global-set-key [remap mark-sexp] 'easy-mark) ;; Please send bug reports or feature requests to: ;; https://github.com/leoliu/easy-kill/issues ;;; Code: (require 'cl-lib) (require 'thingatpt) (eval-when-compile (require 'cl)) ;For `defsetf'. (eval-and-compile (cond ((fboundp 'set-transient-map) nil) ((fboundp 'set-temporary-overlay-map) ; new in 24.3 (defalias 'set-transient-map 'set-temporary-overlay-map)) (t (defun set-transient-map (map &optional keep-pred) (let* ((clearfunsym (make-symbol "clear-temporary-overlay-map")) (overlaysym (make-symbol "t")) (alist (list (cons overlaysym map))) (clearfun `(lambda () (unless ,(cond ((null keep-pred) nil) ((eq t keep-pred) `(eq this-command (lookup-key ',map (this-command-keys-vector)))) (t `(funcall ',keep-pred))) (set ',overlaysym nil) ;Just in case. (remove-hook 'pre-command-hook ',clearfunsym) (setq emulation-mode-map-alists (delq ',alist emulation-mode-map-alists)))))) (set overlaysym overlaysym) (fset clearfunsym clearfun) (add-hook 'pre-command-hook clearfunsym) (push alist emulation-mode-map-alists)))))) (defcustom easy-kill-alist '((?w word " ") (?s sexp "\n") (?l list "\n") (?f filename "\n") (?d defun "\n\n") (?e line "\n") (?b buffer-file-name)) "A list of (CHAR THING APPEND). CHAR is used immediately following `easy-kill' to select THING. APPEND is optional and if non-nil specifies the separator (a string) for appending current selection to previous kill. Note: each element can also be (CHAR . THING) but this is deprecated." :type '(repeat (list character symbol (choice string (const :tag "None" nil)))) :group 'killing) (defcustom easy-kill-unhighlight-key nil "Key sequence if non-nil to unhighlight the kill candidate." :type '(choice (const :tag "None" nil) key-sequence) :group 'killing) (defcustom easy-kill-try-things '(url email line) "A list of things for `easy-kill' to try." :type '(repeat symbol) :group 'killing) (defcustom easy-mark-try-things '(url email sexp) "A list of things for `easy-mark' to try." :type '(repeat symbol) :group 'killing) (defface easy-kill-selection '((t (:inherit secondary-selection))) "Faced used to highlight kill candidate." :group 'killing) (defface easy-kill-origin '((t (:inverse-video t :inherit error))) "Faced used to highlight the origin." :group 'killing) (defvar easy-kill-base-map (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map "-" 'easy-kill-shrink) (define-key map "+" 'easy-kill-expand) (define-key map "=" 'easy-kill-expand) (define-key map "@" 'easy-kill-append) ;; Note: didn't pick C-h because it is a very useful prefix key. (define-key map "?" 'easy-kill-help) (define-key map [remap set-mark-command] 'easy-kill-mark-region) (define-key map [remap kill-region] 'easy-kill-region) (define-key map [remap keyboard-quit] 'easy-kill-abort) (define-key map [remap exchange-point-and-mark] 'easy-kill-exchange-point-and-mark) (mapc (lambda (d) (define-key map (number-to-string d) 'easy-kill-digit-argument)) (number-sequence 0 9)) map)) (defvar easy-kill-inhibit-message nil) (defun easy-kill-echo (format-string &rest args) "Same as `message' except not writing to *Messages* buffer. Do nothing if `easy-kill-inhibit-message' is non-nil." (unless easy-kill-inhibit-message (let (message-log-max) (apply 'message format-string args)))) (defun easy-kill-trim (s &optional how) (let ((wchars "[ \t\n\r\f\v]*")) (pcase how (`left (and (string-match (concat "\\`" wchars) s) (substring s (match-end 0)))) (`right (substring s 0 (string-match-p (concat wchars "\\'") s))) (_ (easy-kill-trim (easy-kill-trim s 'left) 'right))))) (defun easy-kill-mode-sname (m) (cl-check-type m (and (or symbol string) (not boolean))) (cl-etypecase m (symbol (easy-kill-mode-sname (symbol-name m))) (string (substring m 0 (string-match-p "\\(?:-minor\\)?-mode\\'" m))))) (defun easy-kill-fboundp (name) "Like `fboundp' but NAME can be string or symbol. The value is the function's symbol if non-nil." (cl-etypecase name (string (easy-kill-fboundp (intern-soft name))) (symbol (and (fboundp name) name)))) (defun easy-kill-pair-to-list (pair) (pcase pair (`nil nil) (`(,beg . ,end) (list beg end)) (_ (signal 'wrong-type-argument (list pair "Not a dot pair"))))) (defun easy-kill-interprogram-cut (text) "Make non-empty TEXT available to other programs." (cl-check-type text string) (and interprogram-cut-function (not (equal text "")) (funcall interprogram-cut-function text))) (defun easy-kill-map () "Build the keymap according to `easy-kill-alist'." (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (set-keymap-parent map easy-kill-base-map) (when easy-kill-unhighlight-key (with-demoted-errors "easy-kill-unhighlight-key: %S" (define-key map easy-kill-unhighlight-key 'easy-kill-unhighlight))) (mapc (lambda (c) ;; (define-key map (vector meta-prefix-char c) 'easy-kill-select) (define-key map (char-to-string c) 'easy-kill-thing)) (mapcar 'car easy-kill-alist)) map)) (defun easy-kill--fmt (x y &optional z) (cl-etypecase x (character (easy-kill--fmt (single-key-description x) (symbol-name y) (and z (let ((print-escape-newlines t)) (prin1-to-string z))))) (string (with-output-to-string (princ x) (princ (make-string (- 16 (mod (length x) 16)) ?\s)) (princ y) (when z (princ (make-string (- 16 (mod (length y) 16)) ?\s)) (princ z)))))) (defun easy-kill-help () (interactive) (help-setup-xref '(easy-kill-help) (called-interactively-p 'any)) (with-help-window (help-buffer) (princ (concat (make-string 15 ?=) " ")) (princ "Easy Kill/Mark Key Bindings ") (princ (concat (make-string 15 ?=) "\n\n")) (princ (easy-kill--fmt "Key" "Thing" "Separator")) (princ "\n") (princ (easy-kill--fmt "---" "-----" "---------")) (princ "\n\n") (princ (mapconcat (lambda (x) (pcase x (`(,c ,thing ,sep) (easy-kill--fmt c thing sep)) ((or `(,c ,thing) `(,c . ,thing)) (easy-kill--fmt c thing)))) easy-kill-alist "\n")) (princ "\n\n") (princ (substitute-command-keys "\\{easy-kill-base-map}")))) (defvar easy-kill-candidate nil) (defun easy-kill--bounds () (cons (overlay-start easy-kill-candidate) (overlay-end easy-kill-candidate))) ;;; Note: gv-define-setter not available in 24.1 and 24.2 ;; (gv-define-setter easy-kill--bounds (val) ;; (macroexp-let2 macroexp-copyable-p v val ;; `(move-overlay easy-kill-candidate (car ,v) (cdr ,v)))) (defsetf easy-kill--bounds () (v) `(let ((tmp ,v)) (move-overlay easy-kill-candidate (car tmp) (cdr tmp)))) (defmacro easy-kill-get (prop) "Get the value of the kill candidate's property PROP. Use `setf' to change property value." (pcase prop (`start '(overlay-start easy-kill-candidate)) (`end '(overlay-end easy-kill-candidate)) (`bounds '(easy-kill--bounds)) (`buffer '(overlay-buffer easy-kill-candidate)) (`properties '(append (list 'start (easy-kill-get start)) (list 'end (easy-kill-get end)) (list 'buffer (easy-kill-get buffer)) (overlay-properties easy-kill-candidate))) (_ `(overlay-get easy-kill-candidate ',prop)))) (defun easy-kill-init-candidate (n &optional mark) ;; Manipulate `easy-kill-candidate' directly during initialisation; ;; should use `easy-kill-get' elsewhere. (let ((o (make-overlay (point) (point)))) (unless mark (overlay-put o 'face 'easy-kill-selection)) (overlay-put o 'origin (point)) (overlay-put o 'help-echo #'easy-kill-describe-candidate) ;; Use higher priority to avoid shadowing by, for example, ;; `hl-line-mode'. (overlay-put o 'priority 999) (when mark (overlay-put o 'mark 'start) (let ((i (make-overlay (point) (point)))) (overlay-put i 'priority (1+ (overlay-get o 'priority))) (overlay-put i 'face 'easy-kill-origin) (overlay-put i 'as (propertize " " 'face 'easy-kill-origin)) (overlay-put o 'origin-indicator i))) (setq easy-kill-candidate o) (save-restriction ;; Work around http://debbugs.gnu.org/15808; not needed in 24.4. (narrow-to-region (max (point-min) (- (point) 1000)) (min (point-max) (+ (point) 1000))) (let ((easy-kill-inhibit-message t)) (cl-dolist (thing easy-kill-try-things) (easy-kill-thing thing n) (or (string= (easy-kill-candidate) "") (cl-return))))) o)) (defun easy-kill-indicate-origin () (let ((i (easy-kill-get origin-indicator)) (origin (easy-kill-get origin))) (cond ((not (overlayp i)) nil) ((= origin (point)) (overlay-put i 'after-string nil)) ((memq (char-after origin) '(?\t ?\n)) (overlay-put i 'after-string (overlay-get i 'as))) (t (move-overlay i origin (1+ origin)) (overlay-put i 'after-string nil))))) (defun easy-kill-candidate () "Get the kill candidate as a string. If the overlay specified by variable `easy-kill-candidate' has non-zero length, it is the string covered by the overlay. Otherwise, it is the value of the overlay's candidate property." (with-current-buffer (easy-kill-get buffer) (or (pcase (easy-kill-get bounds) (`(,_x . ,_x) (easy-kill-get candidate)) (`(,beg . ,end) (filter-buffer-substring beg end))) ""))) (defun easy-kill-describe-candidate (&rest _) "Return a string that describes current kill candidate." (let* ((props (cl-loop for k in '(thing start end origin) with all = (easy-kill-get properties) ;; Allow describe-PROP to provide customised ;; description. for dk = (intern-soft (format "describe-%s" k)) for dv = (and dk (plist-get all dk)) for v = (or (if (functionp dv) (funcall dv) dv) (plist-get all k)) when v collect (format "%s:\t%s" k v))) (txt (mapconcat #'identity props "\n"))) (format "cmd:\t%s\n%s" (if (easy-kill-get mark) "easy-mark" "easy-kill") txt))) (defun easy-kill-adjust-candidate (thing &optional beg end) "Adjust kill candidate to THING, BEG, END. If BEG is a string, shrink the overlay to zero length and set its candidate property instead." (setf (easy-kill-get thing) thing) (cond ((stringp beg) (setf (easy-kill-get bounds) (cons (point) (point))) (setf (easy-kill-get candidate) beg) (let ((easy-kill-inhibit-message nil)) (easy-kill-echo "%s" beg))) (t (setf (easy-kill-get bounds) (cons (or beg (easy-kill-get start)) (or end (easy-kill-get end)))))) (cond ((easy-kill-get mark) (easy-kill-mark-region) (easy-kill-indicate-origin)) (t (easy-kill-interprogram-cut (easy-kill-candidate))))) (defun easy-kill-save-candidate () (unless (string= (easy-kill-candidate) "") ;; Don't modify the clipboard here since it is called in ;; `pre-command-hook' per `easy-kill-activate-keymap' and will ;; confuse `yank' if it is current command. Also ;; `easy-kill-adjust-candidate' already did that. (let ((interprogram-cut-function nil) (interprogram-paste-function nil)) (kill-new (if (and (easy-kill-get append) kill-ring) (cl-labels ((join (x sep y) (if sep (concat (easy-kill-trim x 'right) sep (easy-kill-trim y 'left)) (concat x y)))) (join (car kill-ring) (nth 2 (cl-rassoc (easy-kill-get thing) easy-kill-alist :key #'car)) (easy-kill-candidate))) (easy-kill-candidate)) (easy-kill-get append))) t)) (defun easy-kill-destroy-candidate () (let ((hook (make-symbol "easy-kill-destroy-candidate"))) (fset hook `(lambda () (let ((o ,easy-kill-candidate)) (when o (let ((i (overlay-get o 'origin-indicator))) (and (overlayp i) (delete-overlay i))) (delete-overlay o))) (remove-hook 'post-command-hook ',hook))) ;; Run in `post-command-hook' so that exit commands can still use ;; `easy-kill-candidate'. (add-hook 'post-command-hook hook))) (defun easy-kill-expand () (interactive) (easy-kill-thing nil '+)) (defun easy-kill-digit-argument (n) "Expand selection by N number of things. If N is 0 shrink the selection to the initial size before any expansion." (interactive (list (- (logand (if (integerp last-command-event) last-command-event (get last-command-event 'ascii-character)) ?\177) ?0))) (easy-kill-thing nil n)) (defun easy-kill-shrink () (interactive) (easy-kill-thing nil '-)) (defun easy-kill-thing-handler (base mode) "Get the handler for MODE or nil if none is defined. For example, if BASE is \"easy-kill-on-list\" and MODE is nxml-mode `nxml:easy-kill-on-list', `easy-kill-on-list:nxml' are checked in order. The former is never defined in this package and is safe for users to customise. If neither is defined continue checking on the parent mode. Finally `easy-kill-on-list' is checked." (or (and mode (or (easy-kill-fboundp (concat (easy-kill-mode-sname mode) ":" base)) (easy-kill-fboundp (concat base ":" (easy-kill-mode-sname mode))))) (let ((parent (get mode 'derived-mode-parent))) (and parent (easy-kill-thing-handler base parent))) (easy-kill-fboundp base))) (defun easy-kill-bounds-of-thing-at-point (thing) "Easy Kill wrapper for `bounds-of-thing-at-point'." (pcase (easy-kill-thing-handler (format "easy-kill-bounds-of-%s-at-point" thing) major-mode) ((and (pred functionp) fn) (funcall fn)) (_ (bounds-of-thing-at-point thing)))) (defun easy-kill-thing-forward-1 (thing &optional n) "Easy Kill wrapper for `forward-thing'." (pcase (easy-kill-thing-handler (format "easy-kill-thing-forward-%s" thing) major-mode) ((and (pred functionp) fn) (funcall fn n)) (_ (forward-thing thing n)))) ;; Helper for `easy-kill-thing'. (defun easy-kill-thing-forward (n) (when (and (easy-kill-get thing) (/= n 0)) (let* ((step (if (cl-minusp n) -1 +1)) (thing (easy-kill-get thing)) (bounds1 (or (easy-kill-pair-to-list (easy-kill-bounds-of-thing-at-point thing)) (list (point) (point)))) (start (easy-kill-get start)) (end (easy-kill-get end)) (front (or (car (cl-set-difference (list end start) bounds1)) (pcase step (`-1 start) (`1 end)))) (new-front (save-excursion (goto-char front) (with-demoted-errors (dotimes (_ (abs n)) (easy-kill-thing-forward-1 thing step))) (point)))) (pcase (and (/= front new-front) (sort (cons new-front bounds1) #'<)) (`(,start ,_ ,end) (easy-kill-adjust-candidate thing start end) t))))) (defun easy-kill-thing (&optional thing n inhibit-handler) ;; N can be -, + and digits (interactive (list (pcase (assq last-command-event easy-kill-alist) (`(,_ ,th . ,_) th) (`(,_ . ,th) th)) (prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg))) (let* ((thing (or thing (easy-kill-get thing))) (n (or n 1)) (handler (and (not inhibit-handler) (easy-kill-thing-handler (format "easy-kill-on-%s" thing) major-mode)))) (when (easy-kill-get mark) (goto-char (easy-kill-get origin))) (cond (handler (funcall handler n)) ((or (memq n '(+ -)) (and (eq thing (easy-kill-get thing)) (not (zerop n)))) (easy-kill-thing-forward (pcase n (`+ 1) (`- -1) (_ n)))) (t (pcase (easy-kill-bounds-of-thing-at-point thing) (`nil (easy-kill-echo "No `%s'" thing)) (`(,start . ,end) (easy-kill-adjust-candidate thing start end) (unless (zerop n) (easy-kill-thing-forward (1- n))))))) (when (easy-kill-get mark) (easy-kill-adjust-candidate (easy-kill-get thing))))) (put 'easy-kill-abort 'easy-kill-exit t) (defun easy-kill-abort () (interactive) (when (easy-kill-get mark) ;; The after-string may interfere with `goto-char'. (overlay-put (easy-kill-get origin-indicator) 'after-string nil) (goto-char (easy-kill-get origin)) (setq deactivate-mark t)) (ding)) (put 'easy-kill-region 'easy-kill-exit t) (defun easy-kill-region () "Kill current selection and exit." (interactive "*") (pcase (easy-kill-get bounds) (`(,_x . ,_x) (easy-kill-echo "Empty region")) (`(,beg . ,end) (kill-region beg end)))) (put 'easy-kill-mark-region 'easy-kill-exit t) (defun easy-kill-mark-region () (interactive) (pcase (easy-kill-get bounds) (`(,_x . ,_x) (easy-kill-echo "Empty region")) (`(,beg . ,end) (pcase (if (eq (easy-kill-get mark) 'end) (list end beg) (list beg end)) (`(,m ,pt) (set-mark m) (goto-char pt))) (activate-mark)))) (defun easy-kill-exchange-point-and-mark () (interactive) (exchange-point-and-mark) (setf (easy-kill-get mark) (if (eq (point) (easy-kill-get start)) 'end 'start))) (put 'easy-kill-append 'easy-kill-exit t) (defun easy-kill-append () (interactive) (setf (easy-kill-get append) t) (when (easy-kill-save-candidate) (easy-kill-interprogram-cut (car kill-ring)) (setq deactivate-mark t) (easy-kill-echo "Appended"))) (put 'easy-kill-unhighlight 'easy-kill-exit t) (defun easy-kill-unhighlight () (interactive) (easy-kill-echo "`%s' copied" (easy-kill-get thing))) (defun easy-kill-exit-p (cmd) (and (symbolp cmd) (get cmd 'easy-kill-exit))) (defun easy-kill-activate-keymap () (let ((map (easy-kill-map))) (set-transient-map map (lambda () ;; Prevent any error from activating the keymap forever. (condition-case err (or (and (not (easy-kill-exit-p this-command)) (or (eq this-command (lookup-key map (this-single-command-keys))) (let ((cmd (key-binding (this-single-command-keys) nil t))) (command-remapping cmd nil (list map))))) (ignore (easy-kill-destroy-candidate) (unless (or (easy-kill-get mark) (easy-kill-exit-p this-command)) (easy-kill-save-candidate)))) (error (message "%s:%s" this-command (error-message-string err)) nil)))))) ;;;###autoload (defun easy-kill (&optional n) "Kill thing at point in the order of region, url, email and line. Temporally activate additional key bindings as follows: letters => select or expand selection according to `easy-kill-alist'; 1..9 => expand selection by that number; 0 => shrink to the initial selection; +,=/- => expand or shrink selection; @ => append selection to previous kill; ? => help; C-w => kill selection; C-SPC => turn selection into an active region; C-g => abort; others => save selection and exit." (interactive "p") (if (use-region-p) (if (fboundp 'rectangle-mark-mode) ; New in 24.4 (with-no-warnings (kill-ring-save (region-beginning) (region-end) t)) (kill-ring-save (region-beginning) (region-end))) (easy-kill-init-candidate n) (setf (easy-kill-get append) (eq last-command 'kill-region)) (when (zerop (buffer-size)) (easy-kill-echo "Warn: `easy-kill' activated in empty buffer")) (easy-kill-activate-keymap))) ;;;###autoload (defalias 'easy-mark-sexp 'easy-mark "Use `easy-mark' instead. The alias may be removed in future.") ;;;###autoload (defun easy-mark (&optional n) "Similar to `easy-kill' (which see) but for marking." (interactive "p") (let ((easy-kill-try-things easy-mark-try-things)) (easy-kill-init-candidate n 'mark) (easy-kill-activate-keymap) (unless (easy-kill-get thing) (setf (easy-kill-get thing) 'sexp) (easy-kill-thing 'sexp n)))) ;;;; Extended things ;;; Handler for `buffer-file-name'. (defun easy-kill-on-buffer-file-name (n) "Get `buffer-file-name' or `default-directory'. If N is zero, remove the directory part; -, remove the file name part; +, full path." (if (easy-kill-get mark) (easy-kill-echo "Not supported in `easy-mark'") (pcase (or buffer-file-name default-directory) (`nil (easy-kill-echo "No `buffer-file-name'")) (file (let* ((file (directory-file-name file)) (text (pcase n (`- (file-name-directory file)) (`0 (file-name-nondirectory file)) (_ file)))) (easy-kill-adjust-candidate 'buffer-file-name text)))))) ;;; Handler for `defun-name'. (defun easy-kill-on-defun-name (_n) "Get current defun name." (if (easy-kill-get mark) (easy-kill-echo "Not supported in `easy-mark'") (pcase (add-log-current-defun) (`nil (easy-kill-echo "No `defun-name' at point")) (name (easy-kill-adjust-candidate 'defun-name name))))) ;;; Handler for `url'. (defun easy-kill-on-url (&optional _n) "Get url at point or from char properties. Char properties `help-echo', `shr-url' and `w3m-href-anchor' are inspected." (if (or (easy-kill-get mark) (easy-kill-bounds-of-thing-at-point 'url)) (easy-kill-thing 'url nil t) (cl-labels ((get-url (text) (when (stringp text) (with-temp-buffer (insert text) (pcase (easy-kill-bounds-of-thing-at-point 'url) (`(,beg . ,end) (buffer-substring beg end))))))) (cl-dolist (p '(help-echo shr-url w3m-href-anchor)) (pcase (get-char-property-and-overlay (point) p) (`(,text . ,ov) (pcase (or (get-url text) (get-url (and ov (overlay-get ov p)))) ((and url (guard url)) (easy-kill-adjust-candidate 'url url) (cl-return url))))))))) ;;; `defun' ;; Work around http://debbugs.gnu.org/17247 (defun easy-kill-thing-forward-defun (&optional n) (pcase (or n 1) ((pred cl-minusp) (beginning-of-defun (- n))) (n (end-of-defun n)))) ;;; Handler for `sexp' and `list'. (defun easy-kill-bounds-of-list-at-point () (let ((bos (and (nth 3 (syntax-ppss)) ;bounds of string (save-excursion (easy-kill-backward-up) (easy-kill-bounds-of-thing-at-point 'sexp)))) (b (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'list)) (b1-in-b2 (lambda (b1 b2) (and (> (car b1) (car b2)) (< (cdr b1) (cdr b2)))))) (cond ((not b) bos) ((not bos) b) ((= (car b) (point)) bos) ((funcall b1-in-b2 b bos) b) (t bos)))) (defvar up-list-fn) ; Dynamically bound (defun easy-kill-backward-up () (let ((ppss (syntax-ppss))) (condition-case nil (progn (funcall (or (bound-and-true-p up-list-fn) #'up-list) -1) ;; `up-list' may jump to another string. (when (and (nth 3 ppss) (< (point) (nth 8 ppss))) (goto-char (nth 8 ppss)))) (scan-error (and (nth 3 ppss) (goto-char (nth 8 ppss))))))) (defun easy-kill-forward-down (point &optional bound) (condition-case nil (progn (easy-kill-backward-up) (backward-prefix-chars) (if (and (or (not bound) (> (point) bound)) (/= point (point))) (easy-kill-forward-down (point) bound) (goto-char point))) (scan-error (goto-char point)))) (defun easy-kill-bounds-of-list (n) (save-excursion (pcase n (`+ (goto-char (easy-kill-get start)) (easy-kill-backward-up)) (`- (easy-kill-forward-down (point) (easy-kill-get start))) (_ (error "Unsupported argument `%s'" n))) (easy-kill-bounds-of-thing-at-point 'sexp))) (defun easy-kill-on-list (n) (pcase n ((or `+ `-) (pcase (easy-kill-bounds-of-list n) (`(,beg . ,end) (easy-kill-adjust-candidate 'list beg end)))) (_ (easy-kill-thing 'list n t)))) (defun easy-kill-on-sexp (n) (pcase n ((or `+ `-) (unwind-protect (easy-kill-thing 'list n) (setf (easy-kill-get thing) 'sexp))) (_ (easy-kill-thing 'sexp n t)))) ;;; nxml support for list-wise +/- (defvar nxml-sexp-element-flag) (defun easy-kill-on-list:nxml (n) (let ((nxml-sexp-element-flag t) (up-list-fn 'nxml-up-element)) (cond ((memq n '(+ -)) (pcase (easy-kill-bounds-of-list n) (`(,beg . ,end) (easy-kill-adjust-candidate 'list beg end)))) ((and (eq 'list (easy-kill-get thing)) (not (zerop n))) (let ((new-end (save-excursion (goto-char (easy-kill-get end)) (forward-sexp n) (point)))) (when (and new-end (/= new-end (easy-kill-get end))) (easy-kill-adjust-candidate 'list nil new-end)))) (t (save-excursion (ignore-errors (easy-kill-backward-up)) (easy-kill-thing 'sexp n t) (setf (easy-kill-get thing) 'list)))))) ;;; org support for list-wise +/- (defun easy-kill-bounds-of-list-at-point:org () (eval-and-compile (require 'org-element)) (let ((x (org-element-at-point))) (cons (org-element-property :begin x) (org-element-property :end x)))) (defun easy-kill-bounds-of-sexp-at-point:org () (pcase (list (point) (easy-kill-bounds-of-list-at-point:org)) (`(,beg (,beg . ,end)) (cons beg end)) (_ (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'sexp)))) (defun easy-kill-thing-forward-list:org (&optional n) (pcase (or n 1) (`0 nil) (n (dotimes (_ (abs n)) (condition-case nil (if (cl-minusp n) (org-backward-element) (org-forward-element)) (error (pcase (easy-kill-bounds-of-thing-at-point 'list) (`(,beg . ,end) (goto-char (if (cl-minusp n) beg end)))))))))) (defun easy-kill-org-up-element (&optional n) ;; Make `org-up-element' more like `up-list'. (pcase (or n 1) (`0 nil) (n (ignore-errors (dotimes (_ (abs n)) (pcase (list (point) (easy-kill-bounds-of-thing-at-point 'list)) (`(,_beg (,_beg . ,_)) (org-up-element)) (`(,_ (,beg . ,_)) (goto-char beg))))) (when (cl-plusp n) (goto-char (cdr (easy-kill-bounds-of-thing-at-point 'list))))))) (defun easy-kill-on-list:org (n) (pcase n ((or `+ `-) (pcase (let ((up-list-fn #'easy-kill-org-up-element)) (easy-kill-bounds-of-list n)) (`(,beg . ,end) (easy-kill-adjust-candidate 'list beg end)))) (_ (easy-kill-thing 'list n t))) (pcase (save-excursion (goto-char (easy-kill-get start)) (org-element-type (org-element-at-point))) (`nil nil) (type (setf (easy-kill-get describe-thing) (lambda () (format "%s (%s)" (easy-kill-get thing) type))) (easy-kill-echo "%s" type)))) ;;; js2 support for list-wise +/- (defun easy-kill-find-js2-node (beg end &optional inner) (eval-and-compile (require 'js2-mode nil t)) (let* ((node (js2-node-at-point)) (last-node node)) (while (progn (if (or (js2-ast-root-p node) (and (<= (js2-node-abs-pos node) beg) (>= (js2-node-abs-end node) end) (or inner (not (and (= (js2-node-abs-pos node) beg) (= (js2-node-abs-end node) end)))))) nil (setq last-node node node (js2-node-parent node)) t))) (if inner last-node node))) (defun easy-kill-on-list:js2 (n) (let ((node (pcase n ((or `+ `-) (easy-kill-find-js2-node (easy-kill-get start) (easy-kill-get end) (eq n '-))) ((guard (and (eq 'list (easy-kill-get thing)) (not (zerop n)))) (error "List forward not supported in js2-mode")) (_ (js2-node-at-point))))) (easy-kill-adjust-candidate 'list (js2-node-abs-pos node) (js2-node-abs-end node)) (setf (easy-kill-get describe-thing) ;; Also used by `sexp' so delay computation until needed. (lambda () (format "%s (%s)" (easy-kill-get thing) (js2-node-short-name node)))) (easy-kill-echo "%s" (js2-node-short-name node)))) (provide 'easy-kill) ;;; easy-kill.el ends here